Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 2.0] Spirits in the dark


Murr nodded in acknowledgement as Family/Clan had priority over outsiders. She type at her usual fast pace another message :: I'll inform my parents of your situation of being part of the Ruoka Bultor. They can arrange a meeting. I'll also send word to Bultor Elder of both of your survival when we get to the Yome Ismaopate. :: Then showed the message to Sogi.

Even if the Amuso Ibaka wasn't space worthy, it'd still be an asset to Ikatue for the materials that the ship was made out of. For those on Ikatue seriously believed in recycling everything that could be recycled or put to use elsewhere. Only stuff that was disposed of was toxic waste and bio-hazardous organics and related materials.

Miali had by now gotten quite comfortable in the pilot's seat, tapping her foot on the deck to a little beat that was playing in her head as she made the last of her pre-flight checks. After the tense atmosphere in the derelict ship, she really couldn't wait to hit the black for at least a little cruise... of course, with injured and children aboard she would have to be on her best behavior with flying the salvaged shuttle carefully back to the Yome Ismâopate's waiting bay.

"Roger that," she replied to Toidorno, as the previously abandoned shuttlecraft's engines hummed with life, a sleeping beast awakened from its slumber and ready to carry the remnants of its crew to safety. The boarding door remained open awhile longer for Sar Syaboa hopefully to enter soon, and the others could magnetically grip onto the outer hull when they were ready.

The Tuoro then leaned over and smiled a bit at the baqli in the back chatting with Murr. "Don't you worry, kittens, we've got your back. I was an orphan myself, too, so I know how you feel right now."
Flitter Bay

La'tâ had decided there wouldn't be much need to check on Miali before returning, she was going to pilot the flitter and she had not made mention of any pain or irritation. The Wapoin'a figured that she did not have any injuries that needed immediate attention in such a case. She switched on her comm system and called both Memi and Syaboa to see how they were doing.

"Sar Memi, Sar Syaboa, come in. This is La'tâ, can I get a verbal update on your condition?"

Sogi smiled at Murr. "I am honored that you would do so much. Both Tota and I lost most of our Punlai. So offering to make us part of yours is very generous." The baqli then closed their eyes.

Flitter bay

Toidorno turned to Hewid, "Activate the atmospheric containment shield and open the doors."

"Right away Sar." Hewid said and quickly crossed over to the flittler bay controls. He activated the containment shield and checked the status. The system showed that it was stable and holding. He then activated the door controls and watched as the doors parted and withdrew. An automated warning came from the speakers. "Warning, outer doors are open. Caution should be used near the outer doors."

Once the doors were fully open he returned to stand near the shuttle.
Deck 1

"So do I, on both subjects." Memi sighed thinking of some solution that would allow him to save the integrated brain and bring it back with him. then it hit him just as the comm traffic popped up with his name.

"Give me a few minutes I have to finish up here and then I'll be directly to you. I'll need to have a spot on shuttle for a meter square area on the flitter..."

With a grin Memi then turned back to the integrated brain. "Well you're coming with me, we might even get you set up in my cabin until we get home." He went to work disconnecting the module and wishing the brain a good sleep. It was a delicate procedure but with his training as a Kynlumu'a he had the skills to do it, far more then he had the skills to fight.

Once it was fully disconnected, he lifted the device out of it's home and pulled it free of it's mountings. Then with the brain and his satchel pack he started back to the flitter

Murr could do nothing now but wait. Forcing herself to be still, less she disturb Sogi. She glared at La'ta and Miali to resume her tough Daho'a demeanor. Then it was ruined by a stabbing pain that exploded from the freshly healed area. Whether it was the pain suppressant finally died off, or something was seriously wrong. She involuntary gasped for air with a sharp intake of air and a hissing exhale through clenched teeth. The HS-PE4-1a Mako'sa Kyn (Data Pad) fell to her lap forgotten as her hands went to the wounded area. Eyes tightly squeezed shut s she rode out the wave of pain.

Sogi leaped out of the seat and spun to look at Murr. For a moment she thought she had done something to hurt her, but the look of pain was plain to see. She looked to the rear of the Flitter and yelled. "Sar La'tâ, something is wrong with Murr."

Flitter Bay

The interior lighting in the flitter bay switched to half power. Gravity also dropped by fifty percent. Hewid looked around, "Kefqâ!! Something is wrong with the ship's systems." he called out to the Tin-To'a. He quickly darted out of the bay and into the engineering space. He ran over to engineers station. He entered several commands an stared in disbelief at the response. He quickly punched in a set of commands to bring the ship to a full halt. He went back to the door, "Tin-To'a, I need a few minutes to make some adjustments. Sar Memi removal of the brain has put the ship into crisis mode. I am programming the systems to compensate.

Miali heard the commands Toidorno was giving and tensed a bit in anticipation that takeoff would be soon, the doors making their familiar noise and the containment shield activating. The Flitter was as ready as it could be to depart. However, a different sort of situation ensued afterwards.

From her vantage point in the pilot's chair, she squinted at Hewid frantically trying to type in commands as the lighting dimmed significantly, and her onboard sensors showed the gravity disturbance as well. The communications came in from Memi about needs an area on the already cramped flitter reserved for something, and then there was something else said about removing the ship's brain. The Touro sighed in disbelief, "Sar Memi is a good guy, and I know that bleeding heart wants to save that AI, but really... isn't there another way to do it that doesn't put us all in danger?"

She also heard the commotion in the back, as something had happened to the wounded Murr. Her condition was obviously not as stable as she wanted to project to everyone, and it added a sense of urgency now. Miali gripped the flight controls and began compensating for changes in takeoff gravity if Hewid couldn't stabilize the environmental systems and she needed to get out in a hurry. "Sar Whisk needs a real medbay to chill out in... and this place is falling apart. We need to book it, soon."
Deck 1/Flitter

Syaboa looked at the images then took them she wanted off the ship right now, she made her way to Flitter bay and saw the Flitter "Oh.... I am sorry I was thinking" she looked frightened and like she would cry, she made her way onto the Flitter quickly and ignored everyone else and sat down looking at the prints that she had, she stopped at the ultrasound and growled slightly she also gripped her dagger "Why did this happen.....?"

Seeing Syaboa make her way into the room, La'tâ almost called out to her, but noticed the expression on her face and chose not to say anything for now. She let her walk by and settle herself before the medic moved over to her. "I'll need to check you over just real quick." As she spoke she checked the armor over for any leaks. "Do you have any pain anyway Syaboa?"

Syaboa gulped not wanting to reveal the source of her pain she leaned close to the medical and whispered "Just an old wound, it has been hurting all day, it is probably just because of the nature of this place and how I got the wound that is all." She looked at the Medic "Thank you for asking, but I am fine, just found some prints, this one disturbed me" She showed the Medic the print of the twins "This affects me a lot as I am a twin..... this is only a few days old so either someone has lost a wife and children or a family has lost a father."

Sogi looked over at La'tâ. "Sar-La'tâ, something is wrong with Sar-Murr. She does not seem to be doing well." She twined her tail around Murr's. "Don't die Sar... please don't."


As Memi continued down the passage way, the main lighting switched off and the amber emergency lighting kicked on from the hand rails.


Hewid attached his pad to the ship's network. He then started sending commands to the Jodau Fiqorka (Module Brain) scattered through out the ship in the various systems. He sent a series of commands to have each initiate a safe shutdown. He noted that the commands he sent to the thrusters had completed and that the ship was now currently at 0 relative.

La'tâ gave a nod to Syaboa and patted her on the back. "Just take it easy, we'll be back soon." She was about to walk out when Sogi caught her attention and she turned to look Murr's way. Seeing her pained expression she moved over quickly and pulled out her scanner to see what was wrong. The medication she gave her shouldn't have worn off yet, and it would be eight hours before it metabolized and was safe to give her another dose.

"Murr, I need you to tell me what you're experiencing..." She spoke as she pent down to grab the datapad and put it back into her lap. She did not want to make her put in effort when she was clearly pained, but to figure out what was wrong she would need Murr's responses.

Murr typed quickly as she panted softly in short breaths to ease the pressure on the abdomen and typed. :: Felt something give away inside and the urge to respond to the calling of nature :: Showed La'ta the message. Ears wilted as she looked hopefully up at La'ta, releasing a few drops of moisture from her eyes. With the datapad on her lap, she made a tearing motion with her hands as she wiggled in a manner when the urge is upon the person.

She felt the warmth of Sogi's concern for her, blossom inside her. And below her message to La'ta, she typed :: Sogi, Siama Ryu whont take me. I would upset the balance of harmony in Siama Ryu Hunting Preserve. :: Couldn't show weakness to the Baqli, even though it was obvious she was suffering. Dang Pride in one self would make a person go through hell and back. She lived this long and a mere wound wasn't going to stop her from living and enjoying life. Just another trial to face and she whont be found slacking off, fighting every inch of the way to continue on with fang, claw and wits.

"Your organs should be fine if you don't strain them." La'tâ spoke softly and patted Murr on the shoulder. The second part of what Murr typed was a bit more troubling, she did not know where the restrooms were and asking one of the other soldiers would have been a bit embarrassing. Thankfully Sogi was right there so La'tâ turned her attention towards her.

"Sogi, do you know where the restrooms are?" The medic spoke softly once again, not wanting to have everyone listen in.

Sogi was watching the exchange between La'tâ and Murr. When the topic of communal bath came up she thought briefly. "Sar La'tâ, the main communal bath's are on the upper deck all by the mess hall. There are some on this level but they too are in the forward section of the ship. The Tin-Ta'a and Tin-To'a quarters are up on deck one, they have baths that would be closer, but I do not know if the rooms are locked. But is it wise for her to go walking around when something is wrong? She is in a vacuum suit. Even if she is not fully connected to it. Wouldn't it be safer to just... you know... use the suit..." she replied.
Ears shot fully up and open. Eyes widen at the mere suggestion of using the suit. Why the last time she leaked like that when she was a kitten in diapers. Oh by the Sweet Siami Ryu!

She turned her stare on Sogi for the suggestion. Her claws extended, gleaming sharp in the ambient light of the Flitter. Then they retracted just as quickly as she began to shake and gave panting hitching sounds, smiling, yet the pain still was there.

The hardcore Dah'oa sallies forth out into the unknown to face incredible odds. Victorious, yet wounded with honors of battle. Bravely saving lives entrusted into her care. Only to come back with a suit wet on the inside. Never! She would die the most humblest of deaths first!

Being hit with the mirth didn't help much as her eyes squeezed shut tightly with tears leaking out from closed eyelids. She shook her head viciously to regain control of her self. But she could feel it escape into the suit in a burst.

Ears wilted quickly as one problem was solved by accident. Eyes narrowed at Sogi, wishing all sorts of thing. Specially being not at her current location. It did relieve the pain a bit, making it more manageable again.
Flitter bay.

Hewid returned to the bay his tasks complete. "Ship systems are returning to nominal, Sar." He said to the Tin-To'a.

"Thank you get ready to leave." Toidorno replied.. He then activated his comm, "Memi Sotar, get your uan down to the bay now or your going to be a semi permanent resident of the Âmuso Ibâka." He said with a hint of a growl in his voice.

After seeing Murr's expression, La'tâ could understand what just happened. She chose not to say anything however, as she had no words to console her, so she tried to stick to the medical work. "Is the pain still there? And where is it coming from?" She looked at her scanner to see if it had nay results.
Murr just pointed to the area freshly fixed ad made a sweeping motion across her abdomen. Very much humbled manner. She made the tearing motion again with her paws, whether it was momentary loss of gravity or the strain on her body. Something gave that wasn't supposed to. She had felt her organs drop with in her and knew she had a hernia. She was one messed up kitten, but fortune had smiled on her as none of the vitals were damaged or gotten to quickly by La'ta's on the spot medical attention.

She was more worried about her 'accident' than being wounded, even though it was very distracting and painful with the majority still blocked by the pain suppressant meds. She hated to be the one who was wounded as she looked envious upon the other more mobile than she was.

At least she had majority of her report done and data protected to turn in. She let La'ta do her scans as she relaxed back against the seat.