Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 2.0] Spirits in the dark

Deck 1

Syaboa looked at Hewid "I don't like it either, it seems so wrong could it be fake, either one or the other isn't what they seem to be, either this ship or the Goa'te Soujo are fake, by what has happened I believe it was the Goa'te Soujo." She watched at armour go down "I think the armour was stolen and the saying that was spoken was what the original owners said when they where taken, that is my theory sir" she looked at Hewid again.
Deck 1

Hewid looked at Syaboa, "What happened aboard the Âmuso Ibâka is definitely real. Whoever this person was with." He said pointing to the armor resting on the floor. "They did not want anyone to know what this crew discovered. That they were willing to kill fellow clan members speaks volumes. That armor is alien technology, similar to that used by the Poku Loa Norjopa, but modified to fit a Qaktoro. That they rigged it to be a Goa'te Soujo says that they are devoted to whatever cause to the point of death."

Brain Room

The locking mechanisms for the door cycled and the blast shutter moved away and the inner door opened. The lights came on in the room and a female voice chimed. "Welcome Memi Sotar, I have been waiting for you." The workstation display switched on and an image of a Tula with white fur appeared.
Deck 2 Corridor

La'tâ followed after Murr, deciding to stay behind her so she can see how she was behaving, and notice if anything happened to her more easily. She was of course concerned that her condition might suddenly deteriorate from damage she might not have caught. As they walked she gave Murr directions to where the ship should be, since she was familiar with the standard layout for this class of ship.
Deck 2 Corridor

It was obvious that Murr was favoring the side that gotten injured as she moved carefully. The helmet visor was open to hear La'ta's direction so she wouldn't get lost. She was slowing down, or walking more carefully as the pain suppressant was wearing off.

Her ears would flatten then perk up, only to flatten again a few moments later. She gritted her teeth at the pain, giving soft panting breaths. She'd rather be facing a horde of Defiler Rippers than being in this much pain.

What seamed like to her an eternity, Murr was grateful to see the door that lead into the Shuttle Bay. She was looking forward to the ride back to the Yome Ismaopate.
Flitter Bay

Hewid climbed down to the deck and removed the cables from the hostile equipment. He grabbeed the armor and moved to behind the flitter. He couldn't load it until the folks who were flying in the flitter boarded. He then walked over and checked the hatch controls. As an extra precaution he activated the atmosphereic containment shields. He looked at Syaboa, "I hate leaving this ship like this, but that is just because I hate leaving something unfinished."
Brain Room

Miali waited outside dutifully as Memi interfaced with the computer, glancing inside now and then as she heard the pleasant Tula voice emanating from the console. It reminded her a little bit of her Tula foster mother, and she wondered how the Syavis clansmen were getting on with her out in space. She already had quite the story to bring back to them at least, though some of the things the fresh recruit had seen today were still a bit unsettling. It was a little like that same feeling when Miali got another inkling of her own parent's whereabouts... but there was likely not any information of that type here. Though, seeing these types of shadowy assassins did get her mind to thinking of the people who may have seemingly removed her father from the public eye. Despite the veneer of unity, all was not always well within the houses of the Poku... and competition could be fierce.

The Tuoro shook her furred ears a little as she brought her mind back into focus, and her eyes drifted to the door to engineering and ultimately the Flitter Bay where their escape was waiting. And that pilot's seat was seductively calling her name. "I have to start prepping the Âdortin'sa Vona'oâ for takeoff soon, otherwise everyone will be waiting," reminded his ally, "So don't sweet talk the Jodau Sumanâjo too long."
Deck 1

Toidorno followed in the wake of Soga and Tota. He had to admire the resilience of the young ones. But then life in the clan was always frought with hazards. Baqlii learned quickly that death was a part of life. He was sure; however that once they had a chance to relax that there would be tears and the counselors would work with them.

When they stopped at a door, he motioned for them to stand to the side. He opened it and stepped in. He activated the room light controls. The scene was one that had been too familiar on this ship. Whomever had boarded systematically ransacked all the rooms where people lived. There awas a sense of personal vengefulness to it. Though what what this small ship could have done to raise such ire eluded him. He could only hope that the data Memi was acquiring would shed some light on it.

He turned to the door, "Okay, you may search for some items to take." He said via the Dahome's speakers.

Tota and Sogi started searching through the detrius. Even the artwork of a baqli had not gone unscathed. He picked up a piece of a drawing, of a landscape with two suns.

A few minutes later the two baqlii had retreived a few items some intact, some mostly intact. Even Sogi had managed to fine a few more from her cabin.

"Okay, its time we get you two safely aboard the Flitter." he motioned form them to exit the room, and followed behind them. The drawing still held in his hand, somehow he felt it might be a clue.
Deck 1
Brain room

"thank you, It took a bit longer getting here then I first expected." Memi tiredly grinned as he moved forward and sat down at the work station. "Let's get started shall we? Please open an encrypted link with the Yome Ismapate. Then start transferring all logs and data." he punched in her personal code that would allow access to this data and give him the clearance to make such requests.

"While that is going can you please bring up the last five shifts of the chronicler's logs for me to go through?"
Brain Room.

The brain responded immediately; its voice coming from the room speakers. "One moment, establishing secure link. Data connection established.... encryption algorithms active. Packaging requested data; sensor records accomplished, system logs accomplished. Accessing crew logs... log records incomplete. Corruption in main log archive. Accessing redundant archive, Archive unlocked and being added to the package.

Accessing Chronicler logs and personal records. Access granted to last five shifts for your perusal."

While the brain waited for Memi for instructionsor requests the display showed. "Initiating data transfer to Yome Ismaopate" beneath it was a status indicator showing the percentage complete.
Flitter Bay

La'tâ was thankful to see the doors to the flitter bay, she could tell Murr's medication was wearing off. She opened the doors and stepped inside supporting Murr so that she could walk a little more easily. "Sâvyjo'sa Qoji and Sâvyjo'sa Whisk reporting. Sar Whisk is injured and will be riding back on the Flitter, do you mind if I lay her down?" She asked Hewid and Syaboa who were already present and attending to the shuttle.
Flitter bay

Hewid watched Murr and La'ta approached. "Certainly, just help her into a chair strap her in and she can recline as much as is comfortable." He opened a cabinet in the bay; sorting through he pulled out a restraining mesh that he could use to secure the hostile armor for the flight.

Toidorno appeared at the doorway to the Flitter bay. "Sar La'tâ see to Sogi and Tota, I will be back shortly." he said and then turned and left. He made his way back to the the storage container with the explosives. He grabbed hold of the container and hefted it up. He turned and made his way back to the flitter bay.
Flitter Bay

Murr nodded as La'ta reported to Hewid. She gave a predatory smile at seeing the captured Enemy armor. She gave them both Hewid and Syaboa a respectful nod and the thumbs up for the capture. Making her way over to the shuttle and entering.

In the pit of her abdomen was a big ball of fiery pain. She just wanted to sit and or lay down to ease the pressure and pain. With help, she finally was able to sit, taking the best seat that was offered, being selfish. Then she carefully strapped in and reclined back the seat as far as it would go.

Semi-passing out from the exertion and pain, letting things flow and ebb around her. She was bone weary tired from what was probably an easy five to ten minute walk seamed like an endurance march in basic.
Flitter Bay

La'tâ helped Murr into the shuttle and into her chair. "We'll be back soon, so you can relax Murr." She looked up though at hearing Toidorno speak up and then looked to the baqli with a smile, stepping out of the shuttle and taking their hands and guided them into the shuttle, making sure to place them in seats right beside each other and fasten them in.

"I'm proud of you two, you did really well today and didn't panic."
Kynlumu'a Entries

Before Entering System Oda

The Âmuso Ibâka had been tasked to survey the unnamed star system to the west of Vonaâsiâi.

While there was no record of the NMX landing on the planet, the Âmuso Ibâka has been sent to verify the planet’s status. The crew is preparing to follow standard protocol checking the environment, signs of others having been on the planet. Our orders are to gather the data need to determine its viability for colonization. The crew is looking forward to spending some time dirt side on a new world. This means the opportunity to expand our food supplies with possible new tasty items. Morale is high, even the baqlii, Sogi, Tota, Lili, and Toma are looking forward to helping on the planet.

After entering system Oda

Sensors show that there has been significant FTL traffic into and out of the system. Thus far we have not been able to identify the source. We are approaching the inner most planet in the system which is habitable. The Tin-Ta’a has ordered the ship to approach in stealth mode. Orbital scan shows no vessels in orbit. Tin-Ta’a has decided to take the ship into the atmosphere and deposit one team with an Âdortin'sa. First team deployed and safely on the ground.

Thirty tui'sa after the first team was down we picked up a signal. The ship’s brain confirmed that the signal was definitely Pokuvonai. We are landing before reaching visual and will send a team on the ground.

Recon data

The Tin-To’a and his team have located the settlement. They have spotted a significant number of Qaktoro in the settlement. Structures are not temporary. Clearly this is an illegal installation, though we do not know the purpose yet. Communications with team one is intermittent our engineer is investigating the problem.


Team was attacked by the Qaktoro living on this world. Shortly after the team returned a fighting ship fired upon us. The Tin-Ta’a was able to get away safely. Have re-established communications with the other team. We will be hot docking with them as we prepare to leave.

Âdortin'sa was able to land but seriously damaged. We have been fire upon but no serious damage thus far. We have been charging our tunnel drive and will engage it as soon as we are clear of the gravity field. There have been a number of minor malfunctions but our technicians are working to correct them.

I have archived all of the sensor data from the ship, and the recordings made by the Tin-To’a’s team. For a clan vessel to fire upon another one unprovoked means this must have been some sort of criminal operation. The encrypted file is locked by standard chronicler algorithm and my identify code.


We were pursued through two tunneling. There have been casualties; the ship’s systems are down and the brain is non-responsive. One of the attacking ships is approaching and appears to be preparing to dock. The Tin-To’a and our security personnel will attempt to prevent boarding. The Tin-Ta’a has ordered the baqlii and the expecting females to take shelter in the medical lab.

Sogi looked at La'tâ, "No need to panic now. Not with members of the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku to protect us. We panicked plenty when the others boarded the ship. That's how Tota and I got separated." she said her voice carrying her trust of the defense force members.

Murr's ears were perked, listening to the others talk about not panicking. She semi-reclined in her chosen seat, not moving. Letting the past event flow through her mind . Occasionally she would type in a flurry, her fingers moving from muscle memory of where the letters were on the keyboard. The initial input of data was in a crude manner and bounced about in the wrong chronicle order. A total nightmare if someone else was to read this. She would have to redo the initial stuff she duly recorded into a more coherent report, instead of jumble facts from her perspective through the fog of pain.

She kept the doctor's bag close by her as it contained the samples for the labs to analyze, her Dahome's HD with it information gathered and of internal data of the Dahome itself. At least she would have something for her debrief to refer to and to finalize her report she was working on.

It was rare to be relaxing as others of the team was busy with their projects and was making her antsy with a trace of guilt of shirking out from pulling her weight in finalizing stuff that needed to be done for the return to the Yome Ismapate. She was mentally bracing herself the serious tail chewing from Toidorno or actually pushing the Dahome past it specs. She hoped that when the time came, she had the information all ready to be presented.

She gave a sharp hiss of expelled breath as she reclined. At least it wouldn't be as bad when she set the ready-to-be-harvested wheat field on fire as a kitten enthralled with pyro-techniques she had saved from one of the more grand festivities.
Kynlumu'a Entries

Before Entering System Oda

The Âmuso Ibâka had been tasked to survey the unnamed star system to the west of Vonaâsiâi.

While there was no record of the NMX landing on the planet, the Âmuso Ibâka has been sent to verify the planet’s status. The crew is preparing to follow standard protocol checking the environment, signs of others having been on the planet. Our orders are to gather the data need to determine its viability for colonization. The crew is looking forward to spending some time dirt side on a new world. This means the opportunity to expand our food supplies with possible new tasty items. Morale is high, even the baqlii, Sogi, Tota, Lili, and Toma are looking forward to helping on the planet.

After entering system Oda

Sensors show that there has been significant FTL traffic into and out of the system. Thus far we have not been able to identify the source. We are approaching the inner most planet in the system which is habitable. The Tin-Ta’a has ordered the ship to approach in stealth mode. Orbital scan shows no vessels in orbit. Tin-Ta’a has decided to take the ship into the atmosphere and deposit one team with an Âdortin'sa. First team deployed and safely on the ground.

Thirty tui'sa after the first team was down we picked up a signal. The ship’s brain confirmed that the signal was definitely Pokuvonai. We are landing before reaching visual and will send a team on the ground.

Recon data

The Tin-To’a and his team have located the settlement. They have spotted a significant number of Qaktoro in the settlement. Structures are not temporary. Clearly this is an illegal installation, though we do not know the purpose yet. Communications with team one is intermittent our engineer is investigating the problem.


Team was attacked by the Qaktoro living on this world. Shortly after the team returned a fighting ship fired upon us. The Tin-Ta’a was able to get away safely. Have re-established communications with the other team. We will be hot docking with them as we prepare to leave.

Âdortin'sa was able to land but seriously damaged. We have been fire upon but no serious damage thus far. We have been charging our tunnel drive and will engage it as soon as we are clear of the gravity field. There have been a number of minor malfunctions but our technicians are working to correct them.

I have archived all of the sensor data from the ship, and the recordings made by the Tin-To’a’s team. For a clan vessel to fire upon another one unprovoked means this must have been some sort of criminal operation. The encrypted file is locked by standard chronicler algorithm and my identify code.


We were pursued through two tunneling. There have been casualties; the ship’s systems are down and the brain is non-responsive. One of the attacking ships is approaching and appears to be preparing to dock. The Tin-To’a and our security personnel will attempt to prevent boarding. The Tin-Ta’a has ordered the baqlii and the expecting females to take shelter in the medical lab.

Deck 1
Brain room

Once his eyes reached the final words of the logs, Memi feel back in to the chair and looked up at the ceiling. The horror he had just read, Pokuvonai on Pokuvonai violence... This could be signs of a civil war brewing. Or worse. "How much longer on the transfer?" he was anxious to get this information back to the Yome Ismaopate. The fact that another Pokuvonai had attacked them not ten minutes ago, and now the fact he had read that the ship was void of life because of the same people. The stakes of this mission just kept climbing. This information had to get back to the World Station.
Flitter Bay

Toidorno brought the container into the bay. He then brought the winch up and secured the container with it. He then dropped to the floor using the armor's system to land gently. He then started lowering the container. He looked at Hewid, "We need to transfer the demolitions from the container to the storage area of the flitter. We aren't leaving it behind."

Hewid nodded, "I'll get started on it once I finish securing the hostile's armor."
Flitter Bay

Seeing that the baqli were secure La'tâ got on the com systems and spoke up softly. "Everyone, when you get to the Flitter bay please come see me for a quick check up. I want to make sure your suits are still air tight, and that you are in a condition to enter vacuum if your are heading back using your suit's power." She spoke softly, not wanting to startle anyone, but she felt it important to make a last check before they departed, the last thing anyone wanted was equipment failure in space, or vertigo.
Flitter Bay

Hewid looked at La'tâ, "Well that's going to have to wait until I secure the demolitions." he said with a chuckle. As he finished securing the enemy armor and went out to start bringing the explosives on board.

Brain Room.

"Transfer to Yome Ismâopate is 98% done. Estimated five minutes to complete task. Is there any other information you require Kynlumu'a? Do you know what is to become of the Âmuso Ibâka? Or more important to me?" the brain replied.
Deck 1

Syaboa sighed and shook her head "If you don't mind I am going to take another look around the ship, see if there is anything we missed, that may tell us more about what happened here."