As the ship was approaching the berth where it would be repaired, Qaedal activated the intercom on his station and selected ship wide. "Attention all personnel. I want to thank you all for a job well done. The Yome is going to in repair for probably 2-3 weeks. While he is being repaired, the WAP has seen fit to perform a few upgrades.
So, all personnel are granted leave for three weeks. I encourage you to take advantage of what Âmuar, and Tioasme have to offer. While Tioasme has a public transportation, I have arranged for a group of Saâdor Ikâ to be available for your use. Make sure to pack anything that you will need, because once we leave the ship, you will not be allowed back onboard until the sky harbor staff release her.
Wapoin Ruosa
Jaqsi walked over to La'tâ and Memi. She looked at both of them and then fixed her gaze at Memi. "Memi Sotar. You are embassassing your self, your punla and your Ruoka. Settle down." She turned to La'tâ, "I am uncertain if more drugs was the prudent course of action. If it were me, I would have tried something more direct. Like a good back hand to try and knock some sense back into him. Sometimes pain can help jolt the mind back to itself."