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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 2.2] Return and recover.

Wapoin Ruosa

La'tâ was rather surprised that Jaqsi did in fact slap Memi across the face, a gasp escaping her mouth. She wasn't going to question her superior though Jaqsi had much more experience than she did after all, instead she simply spoke up, hoping Memi regained his senses. "Sar-Sotar, are you alright?"
Murr & Yanga's Den

Alpin stepped out of the way when he felt Murr's pat on his arm, giving her space. He flicked his ears in acknowledgement of Miali's apology, accepting it without a word. Any reply he might have given was cut off when Murr pushed at him, showing quite a bit of agitation. He thought of staying put but then decided Yanga would probably give him a yank on the tail for hanging around when he wasn't wanted so he shepherded Miali out of the room before him, giving Murr the space she wanted. "My apologies." He told her simply before squeezing through the hallway and the short distance down the hall to his room.
Murr & Yanga's Den

Murr gave Alpin a quick bow of the head to acknowledge and accept his apology with a soft smile. Not to be rude or anything. She needed to get dressed and packed for shore leave. She nodded to the others as she closed the door to provide privacy to change into more appropriate clothing.
"What the kefqâ!" Memi Exclaimed looking between La'tâ and Jaqsi. Slowly he looked down at his nude form, only covered with a towel, and shook his head, as if he was trying to rattle things back in to place... This took a few moments before he groaned and fought against the straps to rub his head. "What the kefqâ happened?"
Wapoin Ruosa

Jaqsi looked at La'tâ and gave a smile. "Nothing to worry too much about Sar-Sotar. It seems that you were in the showers when the Âmuso Ibâka exploded. You were found unconscious with a blow to the head. It left you a bit confused when you woke up. Sar-La'tâ took good care of you." she turned to La'tâ. "You can remove the restraints."

"The good news Memi is that we are landing on Âmuar to have the ship repaired and upgraded. The Tin-Ta'a has granted all of the crew leave for the duration of the work. Since you have gotten unconfused, you get to have leave rather than a long stay in a medical facility."

Miali didn't protest further as the part-time dancer gracefully slipped into the hallway outside the cabins with a swish of her hips, her and Alpin now giving Murr her rightful privacy.

She tilted her head a bit to the side, violet eyes looking towards the Detis Goa'a, remembering something in the rush of activity. "You've sure got your hands full with that, Sar Keyul. Maybe I'll take you up on that offer to talk sometime though... I've got a couple questions rolling around that need answers, but I think some loosening up before diving into the serious stuff is probably for the best."

With that she gave him a respectful bow, then caught up with Alpin at the entrance to the room they were sharing. The silver-furred Tuoro wrinkled her whiskers a moment at the taller Qaktoro, "I know we got off on the wrong paw, but you don't seem like a bad guy. I'm still cool with sharing a cabin together when we get back off shore leave... unless you want to hang with your brother instead, and I'll chill with Sar Whisk, and we avoid the co-ed blues." She then opened the door for him this time, as the bags were waiting, "You'll have lots of time to think about it at least, eh?"
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Wapoin Ruosa

La'tâ undid the restraints on Memi and then moved to hand him a medical gown. "Sar-Memi, it would be best if you would put this on." She kept her demeanor as professional as possible but she was not sure if she could maintain that should Memi's towel fall while he was standing up.
Wapoin Ruosa

Slid off the bed and, indeed his towel slipped off him. but instead of acting embarrassed or anything he took the medical gown and put it on as if none of them were there. Even if he was not a real military person, and acted with emotion during combat, he realized his body was just a fleshy furry thing, and nothing more. And with that scientific view of himself he refused to put any stock in fearing being nude.

"Thank you." he responded still a bit foggy wise. "Um... I still need to finish my shower.. Um... Would someone be able to escort me there?" He paused trying to remember if he had cloths there or not.
Wapoin Ruosa

The young Tula turned her head to look away when Memi removed the towel and dressed himself, scientific view or not, seeing males naked was not something she was accustomed to. She turned back once she felt he was finished and spoke up in reply. "I can escort you to the showers, make sure you tell me with you're feeling any thing strange."
Wapoin Rousa

"Thanks." He replied a bit off balanced still. He started out the door and towards the showers. "I guess I have to thank you for making sure I didn't loose my brain meats. I would have been greatly upset if they would have ran off..." He spoke even as he ran a hand along the wall to keep himself upright and moving forward.
Wapoin Ruosa

La'tâ thought for a moment, wondering if she should help Memi or not, quickly coming to the conclusion that even though he was a Qaktoro he likely wouldn't hurt himself over pride. So she moved forward to stand beside him. "You can lean on me Sar-Memi. We don't want your 'brain meats' trying to escape again."
Between Wapoin Ruosa and the Showers

Looking up from his feet as they walked he looked over at her. "Are you sure.. I know I have been a large bother so far..." He asked even as he moved to lean on her. She seemed a bit more stable the wall in any case.
Wapoin Ruosa -> Showers

Fortunately Memi was not that tall for a Qaktoro so La'tâ could still manage to support him and take him to the showers. "There is nothing to apologize for, it is not like you hurt yourself on purpose. Just try to be a little more careful is all."

Still leaning on La'ta, Memi frowned, "I think I made a mistake picking this course of a carrier." He stood at the door to the showers thinking for a moment. "I guess I should have stayed in my archives and been an archivist for my days.

La'tâ gave Memi a pat on the back at his words "Granted that would have been safer, but there is so much that you would never see, and so many things you could not discover. A fulfilling life is one lived safely, but without fear of taking risk."

With a shrug Memi smiled weakly and thanked Lata. "I really do appreciate the help." he laughed lightly, "But unless you're worried about me slipping again in the shower... " he smiled and motioned to the door before he turned and slipped into the stall he had been using a while back.
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