Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Ryūjō Mission 2 - Ambush at Home

:: Space Battle ::

Errowyn growled on frustration as her kawarime took hit after hit to the point where the craft was useless and floating off into space, tumbling. Her payload of missiles exhausted and Aether cannons auto-shut down due the condition they were in from the constant usage of energy discharges.

She wondered what was in store for her as she drifted in space, with just enough power to keep life support going. If she survived this and wasn't captured. She was seriously thinking of a transfer back to a carrier based ship assignment. Definitely someone was going to pay for this fiasco.
Space Battle

Three of the ships that were struck by the chance fire from the Kodian were clearly disabled...clearly, that is, until they self-destructed, and all that remained was miniscule bits of debris. The same held true for the half dozen hit by Errowyn's efforts.

There wouldn't be time to assess that reality, however. The Illustrious exited FTL travel right on the edge of the battle. Immediately, the bay doors opened up and five full squadrons of Hayabusas and Nodachis began launching from the carrier.

The enemy ships were quick to react to the new threat. Ignoring what losses they'd sustained, two squadrons quickly surrounded the original Raccoon shuttle and began taking it back to one of their larger ships. The full compliment of remaining enemy ships focused on the defense of those surrounding the shuttle. They were obviously not interested in a fair fight.

With the element of surprise on their side, the fighters from the Illustrious managed to destroy several of the smaller ships. However, the defensive ring around the Raccoon was too great. A few quick blasts from the weapons systems on board the larger ships forced the Yamatain fighters to back away from the unmanned Raccoon shuttle, and they took the shuttle captive. Without missing a beat, the still unknown opposition began to maneuver away from the battle scene and re-engaged their cloaking fields. All too soon, there was no trace of them, and the Ryujo and Illustrious were left to gather the pieces.

Open Comm.

="Illustrious to Ryujo. Let's start getting you put back together and then we can debrief."=

There wasn't a whole lot Nocnimura could do. She monitored the progress of the rest of the battle, or at least what she was able to see and hear from her position. When the Illustrious showed up with their reinforcements, she let out a cheer of support. When she could see them, the Nodachis and Hayabusas performed their tasks flawlessly. A huge, frightening grin appeared on her face when the strange opposing crafts turned tail and fled.

"Those maneuvers were perfect." She mentally sent her team. "Who commands those fighters?"
Space Battle

Fyodor opened his eyes for long enough to see the enemy make off with the shuttle. Hey, my stuff’s still on that! Grumbling unintelligibly in his suit, he flicked the emergency transponder on, hoping someone would come pick him and Kyo up. Hopefully the Elysian is somewhere around here too, he thought, still suffering from the dizzying spin he had put himself in. I’m sending a message back to HQ about this, to update their training program. This is way worse than the centrifuge and probably cheaper.

It was unclear what condition the crew's latest infantry hire was in, or indeed, what effect the unidentified fighters' barrage had on an unarmoured soldier, though it appeared nothing had been super-heated, nor vaporized. There was no signal, all her electronic systems were shut down, but the antimatter containment in the PBL weapons case--still within range--seemed to be holding... at least for now.

The crew of the YSS Illustrious got immediately to work with cleaning up the mess left behind by the unknown attackers. Those who had sustained injuries were immediately taken to the medical bay. Ships and their parts were collected and brought to the Ryujo's shuttle bays to begin repair work. Each captain received a casualty report which they posted to their crew.

  • Mild injuries: 17
  • Serious injuries: 3
  • Missing: 0
  • Deceased: 0
  • Starships damaged: 1
  • Shuttles damaged: 2
  • Fighters damaged: 32
  • Craft losses: 1 shuttle, 1 fighter
  • Full contents of 1 T-7 Raccoon shuttle
Each of the sections had the names of the personnel and vehicles injured or damaged. The Equipment section, however, did no such thing. It ended there, with no additional information.

Ryujo Bridge

Sibyl arrived back on the bridge after a briefing with the captain of the Illustrious. She immediately got on the comm system.
="Captain Gorganis to medical bay. Inform our fighter pilots that the Illustrious will be assigning two of their Nodachi class fighters to our ship. One is to be assigned to Santo Hei Nocnimura, the other will be at the disposal of Nito Heisho Errowyn to use as she sees fit."=

The captain immediately switched to the ship-wide comm system.

="Attention all personnel. We are changing orders. When the Illustrious leaves, we will be going after our transport shuttle. Maintain readiness. "=
Ryujo Armory

Sebastian had gotten her orders from her chain of command. She was to work on the damaged ships. Not the ones that had minor damage, no. She was to work, virtually alone at first, on those that needed more extensive care. Why? Because she was the one of a few that knew the ships better than most of the new armorers and other engineers. And also because she was one of a few that could work without the aid of cranes or other such equipment that the others would need for when they did repairs.

Sebastian didn't mind this at all. Thanks to the ship's medical doctor, she had better control over her arm and so, because of that, she was in less pain. Or, if there was pain, she could turn it off for a bit to give herself time to relax. She was careful never to turn it off when working, though, for she had to know if what she was doing was too much for it or not.
Ryūjō Medical Bay

The headache was not lifting easily. Navian had curled her wings to shield her eyes before she had felt them move. She remembered the battle, so it was quite likely she had somehow not died.

That still left many unanswered questions, however. How safe was it to ask them, though, in an unfamiliar room on an unknown vessel? She relaxed upon seeing the Star Army uniforms, and tried the first of them. "What happened?"
Ryujo : Medical

After being returned to Ryujo, being towed was not the way Hellcat was suppose to return to the mothership. In the past she had always flew under own ship power. She was not pleased and was going through every thing from departure from the Ryujo, orders given and analyzed. She had made a major mistake that had cost a fighter and possibly a fighter pilot's life which she would have to live with.

Errowyn sat there on the examining table wearing a simple examining gown waiting her turn and glaring at the walls. Her mind raced over everything, being her own worse enemy as punishment for loss of two crafts even though she was outgunned and out numbered by a superior force that could afford the attrition of losses.

She quietly suffered through the medical examine and gave all the proper responses to get the examination over with. So she could go and hide while she came to terms of the fiasco that she survived. She gave a sigh of relief that the pilot of the doomed craft survived.

We better be going to go get the shuttle, Fyodor thought, grumbling as he restlessly walked the Ryujo’s halls. Being a Kodian of course made it more difficult for others to more down the same hallways, but it took a 20 person pileup going to lunch before he agreed to take his wanderings to less traveled areas.

As such, the SAINT was going to end up in the medical area, which he had mostly avoided after he was treated for nausea. Huh, are those fighter pilots still in there? Walking into the medbay, he looked around to get the lay of the land. Oh, the Elysian is here too. Fun, he thought, nodding in her direction before he turned to the Neko who looked like she was about to leave.

“You Errowyn-heisho?” the Kodian asked, trying and failing to keep his voice down.

Errowyn looked towards the source that called her name. Seeing it was a Kodian who was addressing her. With a quick glance over his uniform, or what he was wearing. It was obvious he wasn't the doctor or any medical personnel. "Yes that would be me." She stood up, yet the Kodian still towered over her. She moved with easy grace to where her uniform was hanging neatly, awaiting to be put on.

She slipped off the examination gown, letting it fall to the floor. She reached out to the uniform and slipped the skirt from the clips that held it to the hanger with the rest of her uniform. "What is it you need, Kodian?" She glanced at Fyodor as she continued to get dressed in her uniform.

Pushing any lewd thoughts out of his head, Fyodor performed a half bow to Errowyn. “Just wanted to thank you for keeping us from getting captured,” he said, straightening and shrugging. “Turns out power armor isn’t the best thing to be in when enemy fighters are flying around you.”
Errowyn could give the stock answer of 'just doing my duty'. But she remember everything going to crap at her bad judgement call of separating the flight wing against a superior foe. "You're welcome Kodian." As she finished the last minute straightening out of her uniform. Then put on her service holster with weapon and getting that into place. "You have me at a disadvantage. You know my name, yet I still don't know yours."

She turned her full attention upon him once she was looking sharp. She let her hair hang loose, framing her face and tucked behind her cat-like ears to keep it somewhat controlled and out of her face. Her emerald green eyes glittered in the ambient light.

“Zima-hei, Heisho,” the Kodian said, nodding in respect. “Usually go by Fyodor, though.”

“So,” the SAINT started, scratching his head as he took a moment to gather his thoughts. This is why I don’t talk to people, he thought. “If you ever needed anything,” he finally said, “Just let me know. Wouldn’t exactly make up for the trouble you went through, but it’s the least I can do.”
"I'll be downloading the battle data and vids soon. Care for an unedited copy?" Errowyn folded the gown she had used and put it on the bed to be disposed of by the medical crew. She motioned Fyodor to tag along if he wanted to. She had to check up on her pilots health status.

Fyodor shrugged, then fell in line behind Errowyn. "I'll take a look at it," he said, "Not much more to do until, well, later."

Looking at the line of people still in their beds and nodding again to acknowledge the Elysian, the Kodian asked, "Any idea on how Nocnimura-hei is doing?" Like if she's not going to go full Nightmare and turn on us?
The fate of the shuttle, its crew, its cargo, her gear, and even the outcome of the battle itself were unknown to Navian, though at least she could gather she'd been recovered fairly quickly (had it been minutes? Hours?) and apparently avoided capture, which suggested the battle had either left the area or the foe had been driven off. It was also a fair assumption that she was on her assigned ship, though it seemed they had skipped the formalities. A debriefing seemed to be in order. She laid back and waited.
Errowyn paused and looked back at the big Kodian following her. "I will give her the benefit of the doubt for now and keep a close eye on her."

She resumed to move through the infirmary, peeking behind curtains to find Nocnimura, her Nightmare Pilot. Her hand strayed near her service weapon as it went against her grain to feel anything towards a Missh-Nightmare even though she knew the background of her.

She nodded to Navian when she peeked past the privacy curtain at seeing her. "Your co-rider?," Pulling back to let the curtain fall back into place as she indicated to Fyodor to take a peek past the curtain.

Freaking NCOs and their mind reading, the SAINT thought as he bowed his head. "I'll respect your judgement, Errowyn-heisho," he said aloud.

Straightening, Fyodor nodded at the question and turned to give Navian a small wave. Given her enough nods today. "She is indeed," he replied. "Had some interesting conversations to pass the time before we had to jump ship."
Navian gave Fyodor the faintest stink eye, despite herself. She raised her hand briefly, without an actual wave. Was she a part of this crew, now, or just an exotic specimen? Given the way she'd arrived and been welcomed, it seemed more of the latter; something of a disappointment given the Ryūjō's reputation.