Star Army

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RP: YSS Ryūjō Mission 2 - Ambush at Home

Errowyn moved on through the ward, avoiding medical personnel as she continued her hunt for Nocnimura, hoping she was okay. At least been recovered. Her first command disaster that she had to deal with and it sat heavily on her shoulders. Only thing she was glad about was the rescue of the two newcomers.
Ryujo, Hangar Bay

Errowyn came across Nocnimura not in the medical bay, but in the hangar bay, finding her entirely unharmed and in a surprisingly good mood considering that she'd been left out of half the battle. Perhaps this was in part because, despite the condition her fighter was in, she'd been assigned a heavily-armed Nodachi assault fighter in its place, which was at the moment in the process of being adjusted for her comfort under a bubble canopy just outside the open bay. As Errowyn entered the bay, Nocnimura gave her a toothy grin from where she stood 'supervising' the technicians.
Medical Bay

Meanwhile, Fyodor, in the course of his investigations, likewise discovers that Nocnimura is not present in the medical bay. Apparently, she was, and no less than three of the medical staff express surprise and wonder where she went. Others seem chagrined by the suggestion they're meant to be keeping track. Fyodor doesn't manage to locate the chief medical officer, Lucas Zion, either, and anyone he asks for information only asks him for more of the same.

Some of the other pilots that haven't been examined are starting to see to the task of letting themselves out, albeit without the same stealth Nocnimura used. A number of other staff are missing, at least some of which are apparently out looking for their Shoi.
Hanger Bay

Sebastian was probably one of the few technicians that worked on the ships in the hangar to repair what damage had taken place during the battle. She worked alone, for the most part, for she rarely needed help from any of the others. Also, for some odd reason, not many wanted to work on Nocnimura's ship. Sebastian didn't care one way or the other, for repairs were repairs to her. Anything on this ship needing repairing, she would do it.
Medical Bay

Why do people always disappear when you need them? Fyodor thought, shaking his head in annoyance. “Keep track of the crew better,” he said to the medical staff, using his height and gritted teeth to further cement his point.

Turning to Errowyn, the Kodian said, “She was here and must have slipped off to somewhere. Maybe the hangar?” The Nightmare is still a concern, regardless of how her superior trusts her. It’s my job to worry about that kind of stuff.
Medical Bay

Errowyn scowled, but held her council. "I would've known. She's probably went to her quarters for some quiet time." She spoke to Fyodor. She had also noticed the disappearance of the Medical staff. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she turned towards the exit. It seamed that a lot of the crew had disappeared after the battle. "You can either tag along or see the ship's quartermaster for quarters till called for. I've ships to look after."

Errowyn gave those nearby a nod as she spun away towards the exit. Her business was done here as she made her way to the exit. She passed the other that had been rescued. "Welcome to the Ryujo." She left the Medical Section and made her way through the ship.

Hearing the scuttlebutt floating around the ship as she got closer the hangers of the new Nodachi fighter craft. It peeked her interest as a pilot. Upon entering the hanger bay that held the Nodachi Fighter craft. She looked them over, seeing one already being 'claimed' by Nocnimura. She returned the wave as her expression softened a bit.

Approaching Nocnimura, she spoke. "I see you've been released. Return to full duty and flight status?" Coming to a stop close enough to be polite and hold a conversation, yet with room to maneuver.
Shuttle Bay #2

"Absolutely," Nocnimura replied after a moment's thought, though it was only half-true. She waved toward the outside of the ship. "We've both been assigned one of these Nodachis. They don't fit inside, but yours should be docked, ready and waiting. We have a shuttle to take back, after all."

Almost all the damage to the fighter Sebastien could find seemed to be from an electrical surge. Whatever weapons had been used, they hadn't caused any physical damage, though there were still a few mechanical faults from the controls to the engines, likely the result of attempting to pilot an unresponsive craft. The work of repairing it was mostly replacing blown fuses by the dozen, and checking to see that everything still cooperated, and wouldn't blow out again as soon as it was turned back on.

Medical Bay

Though the remaining staff were certainly shamed by Fyodor's admonition and at least gave the appearance of working harder, the minutes still ticked by with no sign of Lucas Zion. No more of the staff could be spared from the bay. Fyodor overheard that the infantry teams were searching for him, now, though the one he'd already met didn't seem to be among them. She gave Errowyn something like a supine equivalent of a salute from where she was propped halfway up on the medical bed, and continued to wait for her checkup. No further announcements had come from the bridge.
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Nocnimura's Hanger Bay

Errowyn nodded to the response from Nocnimura. Turning to the Nodachi fighters when mentioned. It was a sleek craft and would take some getting used to. It was a bigger craft that the Kawarime the way it was docked to the exterior of the ship. She gave Nocnimura another glance. "Carry on. It seams that I need to get caught up on getting to know the newest fighter."

She left Nocnimura, moving to the access way to the her assigned Nodachi. She didn't like having her fighter craft larger than hanger bays. It made it hard for the Techs to work on them in getting them repaired, re-armed if necessary. She changed direction to get her flight suit from the her Kawarime bay's locker. Giving herself a bit more times to deal with reviewing the battle that stole Yamataian Military shuttle.
Medical Bay/Hangar Bay

Satisfied at the very least of venting his annoyance, Fyodor shrugged and followed Errowyn, still thinking that Nocnimura would be in the hangar, which he was justified in when the thankfully clothed Nightmare came into view.

The SAINT agent stayed in the background as the two pilots talked, then approached the remaining crew member. “Nocnimura-hei?” he asked, before nodding his head. “Fyodor Zima-hei, the new SAINT agent for the ship. I was just wanting to meet you, since I’ve heard quite a bit about you.” Read her life story too, but no need to bring that up, he thought.
Shuttle Bay #2

Nocnimura turned back away from the open bay doors, and regarded Fyodor with as much caution as Errowyn had shown her just a moment before. "It's good to meet you, then, Zima-hei... What do you do, here?" A Nightmare body had so many ways to give emotions away, and this one could not keep track of all of them at the moment. Nocnimura was tense, a bit afraid, and also somewhat suspicious of Fyodor.
Shuttle Bay #2

Sebastian took no time at all in getting the electrical systems fixed and ensured that they wouldn't fry up again. That was the easy part. She had done similar things to that before. When she was done with that, she turned on the systems to start running their own diagnostics, her fingers flying over the keyboards as she worked. Not one to make small talk with anyone much, she finished with that and then nodded to those waiting before heading off towards other ships needing repairs of other kinds.
Deck 6, Corridor

As Errowyn crosses the ship to where her own damaged and newly-assigned fighter are being kept, her sensitive ears pick up a familiar sound... but out of place. It sounded like an NSP stun shot discharging in the laundry room. Come to think of it, there seem to be more infantry patrols out than usual.

Shuttle Bay #2

"I've seen the 'caught in the headlights' look before, but never from a Kodian." Nocnimura metaphorically prodded Fyodor, from the usual safe distance.
Shuttle Bay #2

Why in the world were you created? Fyodor thought, looking at the Nightmare. If anything, you should be in a lab somewhere, so that we can figure out more ways to kill you and your sisters. Tortured to the last so that less people will die at the hands of the Squids.

It was then that the Kodian realized that he was being talked to and was glaring at Nocimura. “Sorry,” he replied, shaking his head, “My job on board is to keep an eye on everyone. Sorry to say it, but your, umm, condition makes it necessary for me to pay special attention to you.” He shrugged and continued, “Just so you understand why I might look at you funny.” Almost like I’m ready to shoot your pretty face off at the drop of a hat.
Shuttle Bay #2

Nocnimura regarded Fyodor coolly, with her eyes half-closed. Her previous good mood after finding out she'd been assigned the assault fighter was becoming only a memory. "It's not for me to judge what to do with your skills, Fyodor Zima-hei... but there's nothing to see here." Although she gave him a dismissive swish, she continued to watch him, reluctant to turn back to supervising the work on the Nodachi, which was, in truth, a largely superfluous effort, in any case.

Restoring every fuse and circuit was a bit tedious--more destructive weapons made putting things back in order much more interesting for the repair technicians--but Sebastian worked quickly and efficiently. So much so, that she soon discovered a physical problem in the Kawarime's engines that couldn't be dealt with remotely, and went around the back to investigate.
Sebastian found a prybar wedged into the nacelle, and a pair of magnetic clamps stuck to the sides of both engines. Unable to identify the manufacturer, and see no simple way to operate them, she removed the prybar, realigned the nacelle, and then used the device to pry off the first of the clamps, only to find that it had apparently been tamper-proofed, exploding into liquid metal and flame.
The explosion was not large, so while the pry bar was a loss, and Sebastian had to remove her gloves quickly to avoid serious burns from the liquid metal, she wasn't much worse than singed overall. The engines easily withstood the heat of the self-destructing clamps, and only had to be cleaned.
From where the others were standing, they were only aware of what seemed like a small engine fire, Sebastian throwing off her gloves--which shed yellow-hot droplets of metal--and the one other technician who had been supporting the work outside from the bay quickly grabbing a fire extinguisher, rushing to the rescue, and spraying foam on Sebastian and the engine.
Shuttle Bay #2

Sebastian, having quickly pulled back from the explosion, grunted a bit. Only one of her hands would have been harmed, since the other was no longer flesh and bone. She sputtered a bit at the tech with the fire extinguisher and arched a brow at him, "I'm good. Thanks. It looks to be nothing more than something keeping us from tampering without at least gaining 'permission' of some sort." She sighed a bit and looked back towards the others. "Who's is this?"
Shuttle Bay #2

Yep, it’s not your place to judge, Fyodor thought, folding his arms. Someone’s got to be the killjoy paranoid around here.

Nothing that happened next made the black-furred Kodian feel any better about the ship’s situation. He didn’t move to help, as the other engineering had everything in hand, but he was concerned about something being tamper-resistant on their own fighters.

“Fyodor Zima-hei,” the SAINT agent said, stepping around Nocnimura until he was closer to Sebastian. “Just asking for clarification, but you’re saying that something on the fighter was stopping you and other engineers from fixing it?” Hmm, paranoia is fun.
Hanger Bay (Nodachi/ '5' Kawarime)

Errowyn came instantly alert. She looked around for the source of the popping sound, while being carefull not expose to much of herself incase there was an intruder or some unwanted visiter. Her hand rested easily on her service weapon that she carried with her when in uniform. Taking notice of the more aggressive patrols of the ship's infantry, she kept out of their way.

Catching the attention of one of the patrol leaders, ~~what's going on?~~ She 'thought' to the leader of the patrol as she let the rest of the team pass by.
Deck 6, Corridor

Errowyn crossed to the other main corridor down the ship's center, to look for the source. There was the sound of a scuffle, followed by a 'thump' from the laundry room, followed by a door opening, another 'thump', and oddly enough, no one coming through the door. A Neko and a Minkan came rushing in from behind the room, while at the same time, Ittô Hei Sandr Søren, the ship's Tröll, came rocketing past from the hall behind Errowyn, moving toward the scene at a full run.

Telepathy wasn't much good on a Tröll, and Errowyn didn't see anyone outranking her in that area, so she looked the other way. A Geshrin heisho was approaching at a brisk walk, with his hand on his NSP. He seemed to receive the message, fortunately. The black-haired, clean-faced man dropped his tense posture and scowl for a moment to say calmingly, "Don't panic. There might be intruders on deck--"

The conversation was interrupted as Sandr, whose arms were windmilling by this time, met the other two crewmembers who were sweeping the corridor from the other end. They slowed to a stop in confusion, and paused for a moment, before something unseen and immaterial struck the Minkan in the face, who dropped his pistol and fell to her hands and knees with a pained yell, shutting her eyes.

The Neko immediately fired a burst of three bolts at the empty air over Sandr's shoulder, striking the wall and ceiling, while the Tröll became enraged and swung her right arm in a powerful backhand through the space where the shots had been targeted. Errowyn saw her wrist glance away from something she couldn't see, awkwardly, followed by a brief ripple and distortion of light, moving down the corridor toward the corner where she stood and the entrance to Shuttle Bay #5. The Tröll was turning around for another go, but from Errowyn's perspective, it was clear whatever it was would be out of reach before she could swing again, and the Geshrin was still hesitating. Whatever it was, it was about ten meters away.
Shuttle Bay #2

Sebastian shrugged a bit as she tilted her head at the Kodian. Her stark green eyes standing out from her rather dark complexion. "Sebastian Wells...err...crap, I just got promoted too... Eh, whatever, rank isn't as important to me other than knowing who is in charge of what and where. Anyway, yes. There are some sort of clamps on this shuttle. Not ones that I've seen before, either in training or...well. Yeah. From what I can see, or at least determine, once broken they don't seem to do much more than melt metal. Lucky for me, I was able to get my arm away from it...but I can't risk that happening again!"
Shuttle Bay #2

“So,” Fyodor asked, glancing at the effected fighter, “Is this the only fighter with these clamps or are there more of them on other spacecraft?”

As he waited for the engineer to answer, the SAINT agent started to get a few reports from Deck 6. What do they mean, invisible intruders? Something fishy is going on and I don’t trust a fish I can’t see.

Pulling out a replacement datapad, he messaged the ship. “MEGAMI. What’s going on in Deck 6?”