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RP: UCS Zenpyou [Mission 2] Containment

There seemed to be no trace of their Commander. The tools he was working with were there except his plasma cutter, which Chikai had seen before. But other than that nothing- no body, no blood, just nothing.

"We should move on," said Alice. "The bridge is one deck above us and we are on the same deck as engineering, I think those are the only two places of interest." She then looked at Rokken. "Rokken, we all are just fresh from boot camp and you have been on the ship for some time. That makes you the Peacekeeper with the most experience and the longest service record and that also makes you the one making the decisions," she stated, her voice completely serious.
Roken to a deep breath as Alice said this, “Alright then....first stop bridge, from there we will see what we can do before heading to secure engineering, depend on both your sensors and your eyes as we make are way up.” Roken took the lead as he double check to make sure his weapon was ready turning on his head lamp more for the others to see what he see's than for himself since his augments helped him see in the dark better, “watch each others backs, until we know whats going on were not taking any chances.....” He looked at them all before moving towards the bridge, “lets move out!”

Roken hoped that heading to the bridge first was the correct choice, if everything was running then they could get a better idea of the situation on the station before he would order then to pull the Zen out of docking. leaving the ship here exposed like this wont help and if they were overtaken by hostiles they could fire the weapons aboard on the station and cause serious internal damage.....and I'm not letting that happen.
There wasn't enough power for elevators to be running so the group of peacekeepers had to use maintenance ducts and climb up. Luckily the way was free but everybody had bad feeling about this.

PAs lamps were running around the ship showing only empty halls. It rather scary as if everyone was spirited away. Doors to bridge were wide opened but to no surprise there were nothing on the bridge. Beacause Zenpyou was running on reserve power most consoles were powered down and not running. About only one still capable of anything was commnunication console. Which was of course to no use becuase of heavy jamming throughout whole Zenpyou.
Chikai looked around at the bridge, concerned more by the state of the bridge than anything else. "It would appear that all the primary systems are offline. So much for hoping to get an idea of what happened from the ship systems without power the MIKO is useless to us. The bridge being left unsecured is a bad sign as well. No sign of a struggle, there are no signs of battle, it just looks like they ran out and left the bridge as is. We should probably check the CO's cabin before heading to the Engineering section. It should be behind the bridge unless the Zenpyou layout is non-standard."
Commanding officers cabin was empty. And locked. Which was no problem to PA strength. Room was empty. Just a look through room and it was cleat it was left in no hurry. Bed was made up and computer of. Room was clean and tidied up.
Adrian had a quick peek of the CO's room, and nothing seem ou of place. "Okay looks like we are moving to engineering next, should give us a little idea of what is going on and also we can attempt to restore power and primary systems"
Roken was a little surprised but shrugged it off after they checked the commanders quarters, “Yeah next stop is engineering and getting systems restored to the ship and hopefully we can get a better idea of where and what happened to the crew and repair teams working on the ship.” Roken quickly made his way towards engineering alert to anything that may be out of place or any movement that was not picked up by there life signs scanner.
Chikai followed the rest of the party, his mind trying to make sense out of the events. This does not make sense. What kind of threat would make the crew of starship run away instead of just sealing the ship. Some kind of chemical attack? Something that caused the crew to hallucinate or incapacitated them? But if so where did they go? It always comes back to that question. he thought.

"Might I suggest that when we get a chance either in Engineering or Medical we perform an atmospheric analysis. The lack of bodies and any sign of conflict would seem to indicate that the crew might have been incapacitated and then removed. Cmdr Fleming did not strike me as the kind of person to go down without a fight." he offered.
"Getting to medical is not hard from here. We could be ther in few minutes and it on the way to middle deck of engineering." said Alice and looked at others.
Roken was still leading and gave a nod as he checked the ship layout, “yeah lets stop by the medical area, its better equipped to analyze anything foreign in the air that might have effect the crew and repair teams that were tending to the ship.” Roken continued forward, eyes sharp as he marked the medical facility on his suits N.A.V system, weapon at the ready as he waved his hand forward for the others to see, “lets hurry and get our objectives done so we can find what what is going on before things get worst.”
Chikai followed Roken, "Our commander is missing, the ship is for all intents and purposes offline, the station systems are fubar. I would say we are pretty close to being at worst, with the exception we're not dead." Chikai said with a chuckle in an attempt to ease some of the tension.
Getting to medbay wasn!t hard. Just another climbing to get few decks down and little group of peacekeepers was in the hall leading to medbay. Another minute and doors of medbay opened in fron of them. Power was stil somewhat down, but as one of emergency places medbay took power from reserves. At least half of consoles were powered up. Of course nobody was there. But it could be seen that few beds where sick people were were not made. It looked more like somebody would drag those sick people away.
More of the same, people where here, but now gone. But gone where. he thought. He crossed over to one of the illuminated stations, and started entering commands to pull up the medical environmental systems. Once he had them on the screen he focused on just the atmospheric system. He sent a command to pull up the data from them on the periodic scans, specifically looking for any abnormal chemical indications. He turned to his crewmates, "Hopefully this will only take a minute or two to yield some results. Then we can continue to Engineering. Were there still casualties in medical to your knowledge? Or is this clutter leftover from some other event?" he asked.
Alice looked at Chikai and said. "Well as a medic I am helping out here quiet often. And last time I was here there were still one or two guys. Nothing serious they were almost healthy, but they still needed to lie down."

Meanwhile the medical station came to life and in few shorts moments started doing its magic. Peacekeeper didn't have to wait long to see what was in the air. What the breathed for while before they got into they PA. Air was full of a combination of CALM drug with sedatives. Both mixed into nice cocktail of aerosol and put into air. If the crew didn't know about this, they couldn't do much. CALM would calm them down and sedative would put them to sleep before they could do anything.
Chikai watched as the analysis came up on the screen. "Shit.. This is definitely not good. I have a feeling that we aren't going to find anyone on the ship. Not unless someone started feeling strange or was in an area where the airflow wasn't that good. Someone has most likely taken them prisoner." he said.

Chikai turned to Roken. "We best get down to Engineering and confirm that none of the crew is there. After that I guess we try to figure out who took them and how." He moved away from the console. How do you get a group of unconscious people out of a ship and a bay with no one seeing you. We came down the corridor, we didn't see anyone leave so if they took them out they had to be quick. he thought.
Roken skimmed through the results of the scan before nodding to Chikai “yeah lets head to engineering, maybe we will find someone there....and also once there we need to find a way to disable whatever is jamming our com's....wait....this has happened on our last assignment, we should have found a way around this.” Roken thought for a moment as he walked out of the medical room, “OK...lets head to engineering and see if anyone that had a chance to analyze the berras jamming system left data in the computer...we could use that to help counter the jam, if not we need to get this ship on lock-down and head back into the station and meet up with the security team. Roken hopped they still had some of the weapons and equipment they had confiscated from the family still aboard or they were gonna have to think of something else.
Chikai started heading towards Engineering. So far the investigation of the Zenpyou was yielding more questions than answers. The atmosphere was gassed with a sedative. The who, why and how were still unknown. The crew had obviously been taken, again by whom, why, and where were left unknown.

Hell of a first day on the ship. In less than an hour after I report, the skipper and the rest of the crew go MIA. he thought.
Peacekeeper got to the engineering in no time. All doors were opened, but enginnering itself was dark and quiet. It gave out bad vibes and made keepers feel uneasy.

"I will keep an eye on the door," said Alice. "You go on." With that said, she stopped in hall jsut before entering engineering. Soldier walked in on middle floor of engineering with Link Siphon systems and Compressed Helium Containers helium around. Main engeinnering was one floor up. Of course no lift woudl work, but luckily there were ladders.
Roken looked back at Alice as she stopped, “alright this should not take us long.” Roken made his way into engineering, eying his surroundings and even though it looked empty it still gave him the same feeling he had when they first set foot back on the ship.

“We're gonna have to make a quick climb up to the main engineering area so we can get the system running again.....a bit odd though, the elevators should be working...” Roken took a moment longer to look at the elevators before moving towards the maintenance ladder. “No repair team, no crew, no working elevators and now I have to climb ladders....feels like someone is making our job more difficult....or just annoying us to no end.” He pulled himself up the ladder slowly at first, quickly picking up the pace as a sense of urgency tugged at the back of his mind.
Chikai upon entering the Engineering section took in the situation. Damn, no one here either. That means they are most likely captured. Who or what is this good. Seeing that the system were shut down he ascended one of the ladders to join Roken up at the control level.

"Techard-San, since it appears no one is here, I see two options for us currently. First, we could bring up the Zenpyou's power and primary systems, which would let us make sure no one is onboard, and then secure the ship while we go else where. Or our Second option would be to disable Zenpyou's primary power systems so that this unseen enemy can not try to start her and use her. What are your thoughts?" he offered.
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