Star Army

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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Cargo Bay

"Aye, would like to have something bigger than an NSP but, I doubt that the Shosho would allow that."

Adjusting his pistol belt Bors lead the way towards the exit. He stopped or a brief moment, turning his head towards Chieko.

"Planning on going out? We could use a medic, some of us have the habit of needing some medical attention on missions. Well that is if the other two don't mind."

Bors waited to see what Mitsuko and Misato had to say about the potential late addition to the party.
At that moment the pulsing sound of a ship engine could be heard. A moment later an alien ship was visible and proceeded to land a short distance from the Eucharis.


It was a mostly rectangular shape, and the hull had a greenish hue. Just prior to touching down four landing gear extended. The pulsing from the ship's engine faded away, and a hatch on the lower port side of the craft opened. As a ramp descended a mist flowed across the opening but did not go beyond it.

A moment later a feline creature stepped through the mist and looked around. It had light brown fur with black stripes that was visible where the clothing exposed it. It descended the ramp and took out a hand held device which it adjusted a few times as it moved it around.

At this point in time two other creatures exited the craft. The first had white fur and the last one had black fur with tawny spots. They looked around and when the spotted the Eucharis the white furred one pointed a the ship and then spoke to the others.

All three of them were wearing a black kilt like garment with yellow trim, and an open tunic that was red with silver trimming. There was a brief discussion and they then started walking in the direction of the Eucharis.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko eyed the pack her roommate was carrying. "It's nice to see you planning ahead, Suzume-chan." She wasn't sure why she hadn't prepared something herself. Maybe she felt it wouldn't really matter?

Stopped near the ramp with the other two, she had a fairly clear view of the new ship's approach. "Oh...I suppose this planet has more new visitors, today." Mitsuko's eyes widened as they seemed to be pointing right at her. She found herself sliding behind Misato, standing on tiptoes to peek over her shoulder. " seem really interested in us." She couldn't look away, as they steadily approached. "Shosho!?" It came out as a squeak.
With a nod to Bors on his idea of the fourth, Misato looked over at the indiviguals that Mitsuko jumped from. "Ah They are sooo cute!!! I'm sure they are friendly and are here to invite us to dinner." She hope she was comforting her roomie, but it wasn't working on herself. Every new being she had met as of late had been trying to kill her.
Cargo Bay

Chieko grinned at Bors' mistake, however decided to play with it. She ran her finger down the green on her front, an inch out, but following the curve of her chest. "As a professional, I only tie boys up when I'm off duty," she replied with a wink, "How-"

The scientist was interrupted, though, when the alien shuttle arrived and landed. Being unable to locate the insignia, the academic was not quite sure who they were; however once the first fuzzy being appeared out of the fog, she was sure.

"Shosho, looks like the Poku Degonjo Saeruo are looking to be good neighbours too," Chieko called out, the brown one with black stripes occupying more of her attention. She was getting the feeling that it was a scientist as well; but unfortunately she didn't know enough Takavonai to find out, never mind have a rewarding conversation. The young academic noted that if they were going to be around the area long enough, she may want to learn.
Passage Way - Outside Cabin 3

There was a slight chime as the doors locking mechanism disengaged. "Cabin 3 Door, unlocked," came Charisma's response to Izokia's request, although it wasn't really needed, being a medical emergency and Sune's orders meant that the door would be unlocked regardless.

Takeyu's alarm was still going off, playing the Star Army Anthem, then stopping for ten seconds, before it would repeat again.

Ayumi had been unable to answer Izokia properly, tense and unsure exactly how she was supposed to answer the other Neko's question. She has simply answered a soft "Nothing". It wasn't clear, by her tone or inability to clarify what she meant by nothing.

Izokia was quite right, it was not okay to leave the Eucharis without a medically trained crew person. Quietly rising and then going about clearing her plate, Ayumi exited the wardroom and returned to her previous day's post- The Medbay.


After setting up the bay to be ready for any patient, Ayumi took up post in her decidedly favourite spot, on the doctor's rolling chair. She waited, quietly, hoping that she wouldn't come across any actual emergencies today.
Cargo Bay

Deziarra listened to Bors and Chieko and laughed at Chieko's comment about tying boys up.

With wonder and amazement, she watched the descending ship. They had a clearly recognizable technology which meant they did not work entirely in dreams. She wanted to see inside the ship but hearing their conversation reminded her those creatures might be deceiving them, especially after the dreams they had the night before. Being her first actual encounter with them, she watched them closely as they approached.

"Here they come," she managed to say before taking a deep, nervous breath.
Cargo Bay

"I was wondering who's restraints were in the cargo bay." Bors quipped back at Chieko "I take it the little pink nurse outfit is yours too."

Noticing the new ship that was landing in front of them, Bors gave it a quizzical look.

"Seems like we got a few new friends." He said crossing his arms to see how this interaction would play.

Sepop looked at the surreal world. That was the only way she could think of it. A planet with many species the clan had never heard of. The fact that the world materialized into this region of space was also a reason.

When the Ta'a for the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku had contacted her she was dubious. What kind of people created such a place. Then when the Matu Giajodjo approached a voice called to them entreating them to land. The Seeker in her could not resist.

She was surprised by the presence of a Yamatai warship, Plumeria-Class like the one that had rescued their now ambassador to Yamatai. The ship class associated with Ise Katae and the Aeon and this new Alliance.

"Ta'a Sepop, do you think that could be the Aeon?" Miobo inquired a hint of hopefulness in her voice, gesturing at the alien ship.

"No, Sar Miobo the Aeon has wings the color of leaves. This one has red wings. But this ship by its registration was built just before the Aeon." she replied. Can not blame her for hoping. So many have hoped to meet the Aeon and its crew. I guess it has been a very long time since we had such an event. By visiting the ship and crew, they hope to take some of that into their lineage.

"Make sure you have your translators active when dealing with our Allies. Just to ensure there are no misunderstandings." she advised her crew. She carried her translator on her belt, but did not need it. Ta'a had been required to study the new languages, and she had done so using her neural link. It was not easy to say some of the words, but she could understand it well enough when she heard it.
Cabin 3

Izokia stepped into the room it was disconcerting for her to say the least. The Star Army anthem was blaring in her ears as she moved toward Takeyu. When the alarm hit a break she reached out a hand to try to wake him. He didn't appear to be in any form of medical distress just caught in some kind of intense nightmare. Hopefully she would be able to wake him with some light physical pressure.
Sienna descended the ramp of the shuttle, behind the group at a bit of a distance, out into an enviornment that all at once comforted and disquieted her. The otherwordly serenity left her feeling odd and out of place in a way she had no way of describing in words.

She shielded her eyes from the light in the sky with one of her hands as the other ship landed nearby, craning her neck to watch its descent, and once she spotted the catlike aliens exiting the craft and heading towards them, a look of cautious bewilderment crossed her face. "Friends of y'alls?" she muttered to anyone who might be listening.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko remained behind her roommate, not seeming to be in any hurry to exit the ship now. Maybe this was just the planet's 'parking lot' and they were curious about who they'd landed next to. Hopefully it was something that innocent. She was surprised to see Sienna leading the way off the Eucharis.
Cargo Ramp

Sune walked onto the ramp, a bit surprised to see Sienna being embolden. His scanner was still at work, but so far nothing unusual was showing up. But then it was possible that the emissions only occurred at night. If they stayed a second night he would get with the new science crew member about setting up sensors external to the ship.

He looked at the ship and then to Sienna.
"Those are members of the Poku Degonjo Saeruo as Koizumi-Hei mentioned. That translates to Clan of the Hidden Sun. They are a species that earlier this year made contact with the Empire. We have an alliance with them, but this is the first that I have seen in person. That is one of their scout or science vessels."

He turned to Hanako, "Shôshô, I would recommend that you handle initial discussion. I recall that the original meeting with the Premier almost never happened because she had not spoken to their Emissary."

"I agree that we should meet with them," Hanako replied to Sune. "In the meantime we need to decide on our name for this planetoid and start recording data about it and its inhabitants. The other crew are free to go to the market in the teal city."

Hanako then stepped forward into the hardened tacky yet shiny non-skid surface of the black ooze that had formed paths to the starships on the floating landing pads. She was bathed in purple light from the lake below. As she walked towards the Hidden Sun Clan explorers, the black path extended itself in front of her until the two paths met.

"Hello," Hanako said to the furred people as they became more clear in the fog still hanging over the area. "We have just begun exploring this planet. Are you new to this place, too?"

Just then the staff-wielding, spindly six-meter tall figure gracefully emerged from the fog, observing them with its giant eye and dozens of smaller eyes all over its body and raising a large seven-fingered hand and its massive bladed-tusk wrist-horn into the air for a moment before its long trunk-like appendage began blazing like an obscenely loud nest of bees.

BBZZzzzzzzZZzzzMMRRRRRRR... "This is the dreamworld. All peaceful persons are welcome on the surface. The dreamworld has expected you. This habitat will suit your needs. I am envoy Bruvurmamurmmamurr-Samurrvurmurr Drrr. On behalf of my people, the Essai Web, I extend greetings to the Poku Degonjo Saeruo."

Sepop watched as a member of the Yamataian crew approached. She wondered if the coloration of its hair was natural. She was surprised when the path merged. By the divine, this place is strange. How can one know what to trust when the surface moves of its...

Her thoughts were lost in the cacophony of sound from the alien. She flattened her ears against the audio assault. Once the sound ended she turned to the alien.

"I am Master Sepop Qoety, Commander of the Learned Bear. On behalf of my people, I accept your welcome." she said in Trade to the remarkable creature.

She looked back at Hanako. From what she could see this was a Nekovalkyrja, with rank on its sleeve. hmm. Officer rank... she consulted her datapad to pull up the Star Army rank heraldry. Shôshô, commander of a fleet.

She took a moment to think of what she was going to say, then in Trade she said.

"I am honored to meet a Shôshô of the Star Army. I am Master Sepop Qoety, First Searcher of the Clan Fleet. I command the Learned Bear. We were diverted from the New Worlds to come to investigate this unusual planet." She then leaned slightly forward held her hands out to the side and bared her teeth.

"I stand with teeth bared and arms wide. So that you may know my words are truth."
Cabin 3

The slight nudge did nothing to wake up Takeyu, who continued to sleep rather deeply and would moan every so often in his sleep. He spoke a few words, including saying 'Layvin' and 'Sakura', the names of his two youngest sisters back on Yamatai.
Cargo Bay

Chieko watched Sienna run off and shook her head, One of these days, I need to find out what keeps her from the unknown and what drives her to it. She then nodded at the XO's statement, "They're the good guys, but you might want to let Ketsurui-Shosho start things off."

The young Minkan then watched as Hanako walked out onto the black glistening path and how it allowed her passage to the other vessel. Her cheeks soon reddened as she watched the ooze move, then pulled her lips in and bit down on them some as last night's experiences flooded her mind. The loud call of Bruvurmamurmmamurr-Samurrvurmurr Drrr thankfully (or was it annoyingly) shocked the scientist out of those thoughts and her attention returned to the situation at hand.

She managed to start actively recording around part way into the greeter's introduction and continued as she made her way down the ramp. Chieko gingerly took a first few steps on the ooze and seemed to whisper a quiet apology to it before making her way to a respectful distance behind Hanako. The academic soon started looking up the coloration of the three to see if she could recall which species stood before them.
Natsumi looked about in amazement as she walked along with the others. She had seen the feed from the ships external cameras, but seeing this strange world in person was something else.

"This is amazing" she whispered and looked down at the sticky yet shiny black floor. "I've never seen anything like this before" she went on and fell in to step next to Sienna. "How about you?" she asked.

As they moved along her big red eyes, wide, swept across the vista, trying to take everything in.
Watching the new arrives Misato could sense another set of warriors, and if they were allies then they were someone she wanted to meet. With a wave to her little party. "Lets go, while the getting is good." she smiled at the new medic that Bors had asked to join. "I hope you are ready for an adventure."

With that she grabbed Mitsuko's hand and dragged it down the loading ramp towards the city.
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