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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Cabin 6

"Chieko," the academic replied accepting the handshake, her less calloused grip equal in firmness, figuring that her given name would be more appropriate for the Nepleslian seeming greeting. "I suppose I am what you would call an agg hedd," she smiled, her accent showing slightly, "but I grew up playing in the jungle, so if you need help don't hesitate to ask. Knowledge or backup, it's fair game."

Chieko looked at the bare top bunk again, then checked the time in her head, "We should probably get going; it's not good to keep a captain waiting, never mind royalty."
Corridor. En-route to Cargo Bay

Kale flicked his hair to the side slightly. 'Gah I need to trim this. Its no good if my vision gets impaired at a critical moment out here. After all you can never be too careful, right?'

The final door separating him from the cargo bay opened and Kale went to stand beside those reporting for the away team. A surprisingly large number seeing the expressions on their faces not to much time ago.

"Namach-hei reporting for the away mission" he stated bracing towards his superior officers.

Izokia turned towards Ayumi surprise crept onto her face, she didn't expect Ayumi to even acknowledge her during breakfast. "Yes it was... I guess you had a similar experience." the fact that Ayumi and Deziarra both had nightmares neither of them went to the planet surface was beginning to actually concern her and kill her excitement. "It would be nice if we could both join the away teams but if its necessary for at least on of us to stay on board I will take that responsibility. Now about this dream you had... would you mind telling me about it?"
Cabin 6

"Heh, yeah," Sienna replied with a nod, "probably right. After you, then." She nodded toward the door, indicating she'd follow her.

Straightening her hair and rubbing some stubborn bits of sleep from her eyes, she took another look around the room on the way out, and tugged at her shirt tail once more before letting the door close behind her.

Cargo Bay

Sienna followed just behind Chieko silently as they entered the cargo bay, wondering just what they'd find outside the ship. Hanako was already there waiting on them, as was Natsumi and Kale, the new one she'd met last night during their attempted all-nighter. Apparently they were early, from the looks on everyone's faces as they waited casually around. The prevailing expression abounding also seemed to be one of wary curiosity; everyone seemed just as eager to find out why they'd had such outlandish dreams at the same time as she was.

Cherry let out a yawn as she glanced at her consoles time clock Where is the Taii? she asked herself, glancing toward the door to see if Takeyu would enter but still nothing. It'd been thirty minutes since his shift was supposed to have begun, and normally Takeyu arrives an hour early.

She had tried three times to contact the officer, but got no response, a query with Charisma told her that Takeyu was in fact still in his cabin. Rubbing her chin out of worry, she turned in her chair as she set up the system to perform a diagnostic.

"Chusa? Cherry here from Engineering, I've been trying to get a hold of Taii Nayacesen for the past thirty minutes but he is not responding to my messages. He is usually here in Engineering one our before his shift but .. well.. he hasn't arrived."

Posted for Kyle
Cargo Bay

Chieko lead the way down to the gathering adventurers and also noticed how few were there yet. "Koizumi-Hei reporting in!" she called out almost too cheerfully for her own liking, but if others let it slide, she would. The academics eyes slowly drew towards Kale, resting for less than a second before she put him into the periphery to be observed more covertly.
Cargo Bay

As people began to drift into the cargo bay in ones and twos to report for the away mission Kale began to feel distinctly less tense then he had been all morning. That's not to say the emotion disappeared, but it had died down from a metaphorical hand clenching around his stomach to a slight nervous unease. 'Safety in numbers and all that'. The thought was comforting in this place.

Those that had already arrived, Kale noticed, were those he had spoken to the night before. He waved.

"Hey there you three. I would ask how you are, but by the looks on your faces you aren't particularly well rested." Kale sighed "We have no idea what we're facing out there huh? Is it always so tense before an away mission?"

The youthful Minkan shivered slightly.

'This is ridiculous, I've been here a day and already my nerves are getting to me.'

Before Sune left the wardroom he was approached by Misato. "...Sir, I was wonder if Me and the two others that are going out today could ware civy cloths, might help us blend in and the folks here feel more comfortable with us."

"We are representatives of the Empire and of the Star Army. I suspect that the Shôshô will want us to show the colors. Besides members of the military going out and attempting to blend in, could be construed as possible espionage.

But I will contact the Shôshô to see what she wants for Uniform of the Day." He replied.

Passage Way
Sune sent a message to Hanako.
Some crew members have expressed an interest in wearing civilian clothes. Are you wanting all members to wear Type 37 Uniforms?

He no sooner had sent that when he received a message from Cherry. He stopped at the nearest intercom station, picked up the handset and dialed ship wide.

"Medical personnel this is the XO. We have a possible medical situation. Send a person to Nayacesen-Taii's quarters. He has not reported for duty and is not responding."
he said.

Cargo Hold

Sune entered the hold and surveyed the area. "I would not say that we have no idea what to expect. we already had one group out briefly last night. The environment is apparently safe for us, at least in this area. From the emissary who met our folks, it is apparent that some of the other structures provide environments for other life forms.

We also know that there are quite a few species here that we have never met. So it is an opportunity to meet and learn about them. Plus these people seem to have access to technology that is on par if not possibly beyond the Empires."
Cargo Bay

Bors walked into the cargo bay, he had made a breif stop by his room to grab a few extra things he may need for this mission, mainly his butterfly knife that was tucked into his boot. Granted it was supposed to be a peacfull mission, but judging on how the last one turned out he wasn't taking any chances.

Joining the crowd that was milling about he searched for his compatriots that he was supposed to go with.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko, still in her Working Uniform, followed Bors and Misato (and Sune) into the Cargo Bay, waiting for an answer to her roommate's question. She had dressed and prepared for the mission already, and she wasn't sure if she really had anything else appropriate to wear on an alien planet, but she'd follow Suzume's lead.
Cargo Bay

When Hanako’s feet were back on the ground, she bowed back to Natsumi.

Having received Sune’s inquiry, she sent back that she preferred the crew to remain in uniform because they were here on official business and because being humans already made them obvious newcomers from the Eucharis.

As the door opened they could see the transport shuttle from Logistics taking off and zooming into the colorful sky. There were a lot of soldiers being shuffled around to new assignments and the moment. Leaving the Eucharis today were Valencia Ramiro, Armundo Soichiro, Conrad Hightower, and Kanashii Karei.
Cargo Bay

Deziarra arrived in time to see the transport shuttle depart. It had not been that long ago that she had been on a transport shuttle herself. Looking around at the others, she could see they were not quite at peak efficiency probably due to their nightmares the night before. She knew nightmares would be no excuse for neglecting duties for any of them.

Another thought occurred to her. If dreams were used as currency could their dreams somehow be stolen. For the time being, she kept such thoughts to herself.
Cargo Bay

Sienna nodded casually to Kale's greeting as she yawned again, still not bothering to cover her mouth. She grinned slightly at his comment on his nerves; it seemed like he was the freshest recruit aboard the ship, yet from what little Sienna had observed about him, he had one of the more sensible minds, at least for this motley crew. A sizable portion of the group seemed far too giddy and eager to go poking and prodding around in this strange new world, utterly ignorant of the potential dangers or agendas these aliens might have. At least Kale acknowledged that there was a reason for caution.

Sune's shipwide announcement made her look up towards the ceiling as the amplified voice echoed through the cavernous shuttle bay. She raised an eyebrow and looked around for others' reactions; she wasn't positive, but she figured he was referring to Takeyu. She dispassionately wondered if this might be the first casualty of the shipwide dreams.

Noticing Hanako doing her weird levitation trick, floating lightly down to the deck in an overly grandiose entrance, she watched and waited to see what the captain had to say about all this.
Med Lab

Izokia was about to sit down in the Med Lab almost content to not be on that planet again today she would have an easy day to herself. The XO's message hit the intercom and nearly caused her to fall out of her seat, it looked like today wont be as boring as she thought.

Passage Way

She had collected her scanner and began to move quickly towards the cabins trying to remember which cabin Takeyu had been sleeping in. She suppressed a wave of panic as she made an inquiry with the ships Megami "Ummm charisma would you be able to open the door to Nayacesen-Taii's?" She would normally have knocked on the doors but she was afraid time may be of essence in this situation.
Cargo Hold

As the door opened Sune pulled out his Science scanner and started running an emission scan. Since the Eucharis was sealed up for the night, it was unlikely that the dreams the crew complained about were due to biological influences. That left energy. Something that would slip past the PSC which meant something that would stimulate the brain and produce stronger REM states.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko patted her utility belt - and NSP holster - reassuringly. Sune had his science scanner out already, and seemed engrossed in it. She didn't think he'd be answering Misato's question anytime soon. Which was an answer in itself.

"I guess it's time to head out, Suzume-chan." She held back a sigh, managing a smile for her roommate instead. Murakami was ready to follow her and Bors out onto the alien planet, although she wasn't excited about it. "...what's the plan, anyway? We have our science scanners, but that's about it."
Cargo Hold

Natsumi glanced through the opening cargo hold doors, seeing the shuttle lifting off, then shrink into the distance as it rocketed towards space and off for the core worlds of the Empire.

"Good bye, Ramiro-san" she said and sighed, she had not gotten the chance to say bye to her senior operator before he left. She was a bit bummed about that.
Cargo Bay

The anouncement to have medical personel check on the chief engineer was a slight worry for Chieko, knowing full well that an experienced engineering lead is part of why a ship can even move. Watching the shuttle leave however, was not as much of a poignant moment for the young Minkan, as she had not known any of those leaving for much time. A thought, then ran through her mind wondering if perhaps she might be needed if the checkup on the Taii ended up becoming more of a problem than modern medical knowledge could deal with.

Resolving to go on the away team however, the scientist started to work on her scanner to ensure she still had it set correctly. As she ran her checks, she also sent Izokia a text from her head through the ship.

Let me know if you end up needing someone to bounce things off of.
Kale stared after the shuttle that was fast disappearing into the sky. It was weird. The science officer who had come in the same shuttle as him had been called away almost instantly. He shrugged slightly. Oh well. Hopefully the crew didn't always change so rapidly. It would be hard to form meaningful relationships with people if they kept switching out every few hours.

With a slight sigh he went over his computer equipment one more. He had the both his computer pad and data pad with him. Just in case something interesting happened.

Kale checked the scanner and its modules were working properly.

'All set.' he thought, he connected neurally to his data-pad 'Activate thought dictation program.'

A little text window opened on his datapads screen.

'Transmission test, oscar mike one two foxtrot golf'

Seeing the correct text appear he clipped the device to his belt. Looking out the cargo bay doors he couldn't help but think.

'That warm sunlight makes this world seem entirely too idyllic for my tastes.'
Slightly saddened that she couldn't ware her civies, Misato swung her pack onto her back with her AMIES in it, along with a few field rations, a survive kit. She wasn't going to be screw on this little jaunt. As she followed Mitsuko into the cargo bay she saw Bors. With a Wave she motioned to him to come over with here and her roommate.

"You two ready for this?"
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