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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Chieko's mind went over the various drugs that could have caused her own at Sienna's reply. "I suppose you are right," she offered back, "though most of the substances I can think of to explain mine are illegal; and I have never tried anything stronger than alcohol." The scientist then paused and recalled being put under for her backup, "Let me amend that; I did have Orshira-Hei anesthetize me for my backup yesterday."
Kale sat in one of the unoccupied seats. While he might look tired he had not dreamed during that period that couldn't really count as rest last night.

Looking around he could see that some of the other members of the crew looked disturbed. Nightmares then? It was unusual to have such a phenomenon so universally spread throughout the crew. Then again it might just be a reaction to the discussion about dreams and their ability to be extracted just before the rest period.

He realised that though he had sat down he had forgotten to actually get breakfast. Shaking off his embarrassment at this he quickly got up and made his way to the back of the forming queue for the food.

Having corrected his error he re-took his seat, where stifling a yawn he got to filling his stomach.

Bors set down his coffee mug as the blue neko addressed him, reaching toward his back pocket and pulled out an imaginary planner.

"Let me check my schedule for today,"

Flipping though his invisible book and making a few faces of complication, he finally put the imaginary planning down.

"Yeah I think I can plan you in today. Though I think the Grand Czar of Penguin land might be a bit miffed that I skipped out on bowling with him."

Bors chuckled at his own joke before standing up and downing the rest of his coffee, placing the empty mug on his plate so he could easily take it back to get washed.

"I'll meet you down in the cargo bay, maybe one of these green crewmembers would like to go along as well."

"Well crap, and the Penguin Czar is really cool, did he treat you to those small cucumber sandwiches yet?" She chuckled a bit. "Well let me grab some food and maybe see about wearing street cloths out and I'll meet you there. Bring a small friend with you too. Would want to get lonely out there." She smiled then wondered over grabbing a huge plate of sausage and what not, along with 2 large omelets and a mug of coffee. then she sat down next to Mistuko and started eating.
Natsumi settled in to the seat across the booth from Sienna and worked at her own breakfast in silence for a little before thinking of striking up any sort of conversation.

"So you had strange dreams too" she said, a statement, not a question. "I did too. Very unpleasant and disturbing." She frowned a little as she sipped at her coffee and glanced at Sienna over her mug

Izokia wasn't able to look any of the crew in the eyes when she got her meal. She spent most of the time picking at her food her appetite wasn't exactly with her for the time. Not lifting her head she asked, " Could be just jitter about the first contact that we had. It makes sense that we wouldn't exactly be calm about finding a new planet with some... Less then normal inhabitants." She shrugged with that off her chest she began eating like normal.

Sienna didn't look up, she merely nodded and continued to busily eat with her eyes fixed on her plate, shoveling forkloads of veggie-stuffed eggs into her mouth as she chewed. "Yeah," she said, her mouth still half full. She swept her eyes around the room once as if indicating those seated within, before turning back to the plate. "Seems like nobody got much rest, from the bunch here. Guess this place gives everybody the heebie-jeebies."

She intentionally avoided looking at Natsumi. She wasn't sure how much Nekos could tell by looking into a human's eyes, but hers had to be dead giveaways that she couldn't get that twisted, unprecedented dream out of her head. She focused harder on gobbling up her breakfast, trying to keep her attention on how satisfyingly delicious it was, but it wasn't much use.

Natsumi noticed the tone in Sienna's voice, the great effort she went to in avoiding looking at Natsumi's eyes. It must have been bad, bad as her own at least, probably worse. Had to be worse. She could tell. That thought sent a cold shudder down the Neko's spine.

Natsumi set her coffee mug down, taking a long deep breath. She leaned closer to Sienna, dropping her voice low so to keep the conversation private and just between them.

"I had a nightmare" she whispered. "I dreamed we were back on Urtullan...that last fight with Gravedigger" she paused, her red eyes directly looking at Sienna, even if she wasn't going to look back. "I dreamed he killed us...Bors, then me, then I think everyone else... It was like everything was wrong and no matter what I could do nothing to stop it" she looked down at her plate sullenly, shuddering at the thought of mortality that brought to her mind. She knew if she died she could be brought back. What she didn't know is if the Natsumi that came back in the tube was actually the same Natsumi that died, or a copy with up to date copies of the original's memories. That scared her.

Sienna finally glanced up at Natsumi from beneath her brow, continuing to eat and chew. She was well aware what her companion was trying to coax out of her. Holding her eyes on Natsumi's red ones, she crammed another mouthful of her omelette in and picked up her coffee cup, taking another long drink to wash it down. She then set the mug down and stared back across the table blankly for a brief second.

"Didn't think dying would scare y'all," she replied nonchalantly, turning her attention back to her now half-emptied plate. "Don't you Nekos just download to a new body if you get ghosted?"
"I don't know," the academic commented in reply to Izokia, "I had a little too good of an ending for it to be nerves; but that may just be me as well." Chieko's cheeks then reddened again at the thought wondering if she had been spoiled too much before hugging her arms around herself and touching her hair.

Izokia managed to look up at Chieko with a confused look she asked, " You didn't have a bad dream. How'd you manage that." She wished desperately that she had her note pad "What was your dream like?"

"I dreamed I was building a castle out of large wooden blocks," Deziarra cut in. "For some reason I had to stay inside the castle and I could not complete the castle while I was still inside it. I guess it's one of those nightmares only technicians have."

She knew her nightmare was mild compared to some of the others, but her nightmare was just as well and it added another piece to their overall knowledge.

"We had far too many nightmares for it to be mere chance," she declared.

On her breakfast place was an omelet, like most of the others, and some sausage, but instead of coffee she had gotten fruit juice. Even with the nightmares going around, she did not want to drink something that would keep her awake. For all she knew, coffee might only add to the nightmare and the others would have to depend on her for protection. If not, she might have to depend of them. It was just more paranoia.

Mitsuko sat down with Misato and began to dig in. Her appetite had apparently returned after a good night's sleep. There was no reason not to enjoy the meal and the relative quiet while she could. Things would only be going downhill from here, really. The Neko shook her head as she had that thought. She was only two years old, she shouldn't be so jaded and cynical already.

Sune noticed that the crew was doing a lot more talking than eating. He took a plate and put two croissant sandwiches on it and grabbed a glass of juice. He then made his way over to the table he listened casually to the discussion.

While he could not make out everything being said, the word dream seemed to creep up in each discussion.
Hanako said the planet's inhabitants use dreams as a currency. Perhaps there is some sort of energy field that induces vivid dreaming? But then I would expect that the ship's psionic signal controller field have shielded them. Need to see about running an emission scan and see if there is any unusual signals. he thought, then picked up one of the sandwiches and took a bite out of it.

Chieko opened her mouth for a moment, yet nothing came out in response to Izokia. She then let Deziarra talk about her dream while hugging herself tighter as her face got redder. Once the technician was done, the scientist's face cleared up, her confidence returning again in what she was about to say.

"I'm sorry, but a girl really shouldn't kiss and tell," the academic replied with a wicked smile, "I'll only say that as completely strange as it was, it felt good and was exactly what I needed."

She then went back to her food with full vigour before her face managed to redden again.

Misato was busy shoveling the food down, she was quite hungry after not eating much the day before. As she ate she leaned over and playfully nudged Misuko with her shoulder. She looked over with a grin on her lips and a bit of egg on her chin. "I think you should join Bors and me, we are going to go science at this planet." She giggled a little and went back to shoveling the food down her food hole.

Kale hated feeling helpless, though he could do little to help the ailing crew members. He sighed he couldn't go on without sleep for more then perhaps one more day.

Finishing off his breakfast he rose from his seat. The murmurings and general talk more subdued then he thought it should have normally been.

'A quick check of my equipment and i'll go report for the away mission.'

With nary a glance backwards he left the mess hall.

Ayumi was somehow one of the last to slink into the wardroom. Generally she was an early and well prepared riser, but not this time. Having wandered off to bed the night before uncertain and uninformed about what had happened with the shore party, she was relieved to see that most of the crew seemed in one piece- If not as bothered as she felt.

Silently she gathered up her breakfast and settled down in an empty spot, poking at food she knew she needed, but didn't want. Mutterings of how people had slept the night before were floating around the room, but Ayumi didn't want to talk about dreams.

At first she'd dreamt of being unable to reach patients, but she had simply written that off to how she'd felt the day before with the onshore party. It was the second part of her dream which scared her the most, she'd dreamt of nothing. No, it wasn't that she hadn't dreamt of anything, she'd literally dreamt of what her mind perceived of nothingness, black, empty, yet tight and hard to breathe.

She'd awoken with a start, realising that she'd somehow slept her whole night in that terrible place. Her usually professionally blank face was pulled tight with stress and discontent.

As she tentatively took her first bite, she decided she would just forget her dream the night before. Dreams were just dreams.

"As for me," Hanako quietly told Sune, "I dreamed about retirement. It was pleasant until Lorath agents tried to kill me. Now I rather think I should stay in the Star Army, even if I cannot stay on the Eucharis forever."

After finishing her omelet, Hanako excused herself to go get dressed. "I will meet you on the cargo ramp," she told the others. "We will see if we can stand a day out there in dream-land."

Izokia nodded at Chieko's response, she knew the scientist would open up at some point. Deziarra's dream was interesting, there was no way it was anxiety. Maybe she would know more if she asked Ayumi then again she wouldn't give more information then she deemed necessary.

The dreams didn't have any relation at least her and Deziarra didn't share anything maybe someone else would share a common a theme. She turned to the other two sitting at her table, " We should look into the dreams, they have to do with this planet in some way or another. We need to be out there looking into their technology it may not be my area of expertise but you two could really do something. Meanwhile I could be with you working out how it ties into the biological element." She began to gain momentum this could be the break she needed. "We need to be out trust me."

Her sudden rise in excitement was partly just curiosity getting the better of her, the other part stemmed from her desperately trying to distract herself the images of her fellow crew bleeding and flickering in and out of existence.
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