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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Cargo Hold

Sune listened to the conversation and kept himself from chuckling. He looked over at Mitsuko.

"Close the cargo doors Murakami-Hei. We are not leaving, we are just securing the ship for the evening. In the morning we will send out teams to explore this world and learn what we can about it and the inhabitants." He said in response to her query.

There was nothing to be done. Having cleaned and cleaned again, there was nothing left to clean and having heard nothing from outside was rubbing Ayumi the wrong way. Absently she looked up at the roof and muttered, "Is everyone still off the ship?" The ship's AI replied as if the question had been directed at it.

"Currently, the majority of the crew is in the cargobay."

Ayumi frowned, what a strange place to have a crew meeting. Though Ayumi, not having done very much looking in to how the AI worked, was unsure what the AI meant by "the majority". With the slightest shake of her head Ayumi decided to go to the lounge, sure that should anyone need her they would call. It wouldn't take her more than a moment to get there.

Izokia was with the away team anyways.


As she entered the lounge she noticed it was completely empty, and just as quiet as the medbay. For a moment she felt like she should have stayed at in the medbay where she felt comfortable, but then she sat down on a chair. She could stay here for a while.
Takeyu rubbed the bridge of his chin for a moment. "Well ma'am, I would hazard a guess that whatever it is they use to move their planet would be what consumes the greatest deal of power. Such a device would be impossible to power definitely, they'd have to alternate between powering their planet and then shifting some of that power to internal capacitors."

"I'd guess that such a thing would take months to accomplish, but to speed up the process they'd trade goods for power."

"I'll have a chat with Charisma tonight and she and I will brainstorm how such a system could work... just out of curiousity," and it was just that, he was very curious; if they could design a similiarily functioning system, they could place it on their planets and literally move them out of harms way, or perhaps even cloak them...

"Chusa, what do you think?" the Taii asked, glancing at Sune.

Posted for Kyle
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko resisted the urge to sigh. She just nodded, using the controls to close the Cargo Bay doors. She would stick around for any more orders, before heading to her cabin for the night. Hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult to sort out the sleeping arrangements with Misato and any potential new roommates.
Cargo Bay

Misato was terrified over the idea of her dreams being stolen. Maybe she could just stay up until they left this frightening planet. After everything was said and done she shrugged and followed Mimi-chan back to their cabin.

Cabin #4

"I think this planet is freaky... I don't want to stay here... nor do I want to sleep here." Suzume really was trying to hide the fear from her cabin-mate, but was failing. She dropped into the chair. "What happened to the third that was going to take over my bunk?"
Kale saw some of the rest of the crew drift off presumably to their respective cabins. He mentally shrugged. He probably couldn't sleep right now anyways.

He turned to the back towards Izokia, the brunette, the science officer and the as of yet unnamed technician.

"After all that i don't think sleep will come easy for any of us. I'm going to head up to the lounge for a bit, anyone want to join me?"
Cargo Bay

Sienna watched with disinterest as a small handful of the gathered crew made their way to their respective cabins. There wasn't a chance she was going to be let herself sleep now that she knew these beings had some way of harvesting dreams, and apparently had an appetite for it on some level, even if she hadn't gotten plenty of rest the night before.

She turned her eyes back to the outspoken black-haired Yamataian again, looking him over. He seemed rational enough so far; as long as he didn't get too overly familiar or friendly with her, she didn't see the harm in accepting his invitation. It might even end up working in her favor if it made others among the crew be more accepting of her presence, perhaps giving her a little more leeway and freedom to move about the ship, she reasoned. Besides, it wasn't as if they were going anywhere, or as if she had much of anything better to do at the time.

"Sure, what the hell," she replied with a shrug as she unfolded her arms. "If you're buyin'."
Cargo Bay

"I mean it couldn't hurt to go to the lounge for a little bit." She liked the idea of getting a few new friends, although Ayumi might give her some kind of speech about why you should never be late to bed. Izokia moved to follow Kale and the others.
"I would like to come too," said Deziarra. "The longue is one of of few room I have been able to explore in detail."

She noticed the blank look on Kale's face and realized she never told him her name.

"Oh, yes. I am Santo Hei Deziarra Lansky for those of you who did not get my message," she added.
Cargo Bay

Chieko noted the doors being closed and nodded at the finality of the outing. She then watched Suzume and Mitsuko take off to where ever they were going and looked to the discussion group she had gotten herself into.

The invitation to take the discussion to the Lounge was welcome. "You can count me in," the scientist replied with a quickly waggled eyebrow at the IT soldier. She then gave a polite bow after the female technician offered her name, "Koizumi Chieko, a pleasure to work with you. All of you."
Keeping a somewhat companionable silence Kale lead the group through the passageways to the lounge area. Upon arrival he immediately put the coffee machine on. He had a sneaking suspicion that the strong liquid could quite possibly become a valuable commodity over the next few days.

'A planet that uses dreams as a currency. This cannot end well.'
Cargo Bay

Natsumi came out of her deep thought and self imposed silence, she heard some of the others talking about going to the wardroom and spending some time together there. She weighed her options, go back to her cabin and be alone and sleep early, or hang out and socialize with the others.

"I'll come along too" she said at last and rubbed her cheeks, trying to pull herself back together. "Yeah"

As the group entered the lounge, Deziarra yawned. This worried her. It was a sign she would probably not be able to stay awake the whole night.

"As much as I need it, I don't think I can sleep tonight," she said getting a glass of water.

She needed sleep, especially after such a hectic day. However, even more important than her need to sleep, at least for her, was her need to stay awake. Being inside the ship was about as safe as they could be, but none of them felt completely secure. They had no way of knowing what the aliens were capable of doing or how they would use such abilities.

Upon their arrival, Chieko noticed the other, more quiet medic was already there. "Satonaka-san," she smiled, "Run out of things to do in the Medical Lab?" The young woman then made her way to a couch seat and heaved a great sigh of satisfaction after siting, as if she had done a hard day's work.

When she entered she was surprised to see Ayumi sitting on the couch. " Ayumi I thought you'd be asleep. How was running the med lab?" She moved to stand next to the couch before grabbing her drink.
Cabin 4

Mitsuko kept yawning, as they made the trek to the cabin. "I don't even care about bad dreams now. They can't be worse than what happens when we're awake." She was too tired to get properly ready for bed, skipping several steps in her usual routine. In fact, after pulling out her sleepwear, she began changing right in front of Misato. At least she turned away first, but she was more concerned with her bunk than potential embarassment.

"I don't know what...mff...happened to her. The official cabin assignments in the computer have been fluctuating all day. According to it, we've lost, gained and rearranged around a half dozen people." The Neko shook her head, crawling into the bottom bunk. Yawning again, she pulled back the covers and patted the space next to her. "Just get in, in case she does decide to use your bunk tonight. We can figure it out in the morning."
Cabin #4

The yawn was infectious, with in a few seconds Misato too yawned. She was fading fast. "I guess we'll just have to see." She stripped off her uniform and reached in her locker for a fresh pair of her boyshort panties and her sports bra, taking her time changing she spoke up, "I'm worried about my dreams... I don't want any one else to see them." Once she finished dressing she laid down next to Mimi-chan.

Natsumi followed the others into the wardroom, rubbing her eyes as she shuffled along. She was a lot more tired than she thought, she mused as she entered the compartment and got herself a glass of milk from the buffet. Drinking it slowly, she just could not keep her eyes open and nodded off briefly in her chair.

"Umh..I'm going to sleep" she said after a short while, finished her drink, then shuffled out of the wardroom.

Cabin 2

Slipping into the dark and quiet cabin she shared with Bors, Natsumi did not bother to turn the lights on. She pulled her uniform and undergarments off, put them away to be cleaned later. She slipped on the black bikini bottoms and white t-shirt of her exercise uniform, then crawled into her bunk, pulling the thick warm blankets up and over herself, leaving little more than a tuft of snowy white hair sticking out.

And soon she was asleep.
Wardroom - Next Morning

The next day began with crew members making their way to the showers and then the wardroom where breakfast was presented in the form of both a breakfast croissant sandwich buffet and an omelet station with chef Mango making them to order on the teppanyaki grill. The rumble of fans, clang of pots and pants, and the sizzle of sausages came from the kitchen. Shosho Hanako was there early, dressed in a yukata with her hair still damp. She picked up the ship phone and dialed the ship-wide intercom. "Good morning. All volunteers for exploration, please report to the wardroom soon. Remember: We are not in the military just to cruise around in a spaceship. Hanako out."

The recent changes in the crew concerned Hanako. There were a handful of long-term veterans and a large number of new enlisted personnel, but no NCOs to speak of in between them. Now was the time to find who could show initiative and pick the next group of leaders to bridge the gap.

Chieko made her way up from the Lounge in a clean Type 35 Uniform, looking showered, though seeming to be still turn the lights on, having not slept very well the night before. She gave a respectful bow to Hanako once insight, then went to the hot drinks to pour herself a cup of coffee and add hot chocolate to it for some extra kick. One sip of that was enough to kick the scientist enough to make the rest of her selections, taking from all the options in such a way to perfectly balance the meal's nutritional value.

Once her breakfast was put together just right, the academic made her way to the table. "I can't wait for round two," Chieko smiled taking a seat, "I already have enough information to digest for a week."
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