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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Alien City - Market

"I forbid any of us from going through a brain scan. I have had far too many illegal copies of made of me already," Hanako complained. "I think we should go back to the ship to rest and plan."

Cargo Bay

Hanako brought her team back to the ship and saw Sune's team gathering. "Good evening Sune. It is already night shift on the ship's clocks. Do you want to wait until morning to explore? We need to take care of some personnel issues anyway. There are some new people coming in and a few transferring out. Ramiro is one of those...SATA wants him to instruct the next wave of new starship operators."
Cargo Bay

Natsumi smiled as she saw the first away team come back to the ship all safe and sound. The releaf she felt was immense! "Welcome back!" she greeted them cheerfully, then listened as Hanako continued on.

Then she heard that Ramiro was leaving the ship. He had been her senior Operator and direct boss since she had come aboard. Him leaving was like loosing her safety net.

"Ramiro is going away?" she looked Luke she had just had the proverbial rug pulled out from under her.
Alien City - Market

Chieko aknowledged the order and filed in with the rest to return to the ship.

Takeyu's train of thought wasn't completely unexpected as both the jobs of engineering and science adviser involve problem solving which generally attracts minds that ask 'what if?'. A look into the aliens' dream technology could also be a benefit to Soul Transfer which could also be a benefit to the Empire.

Of course, this all needed to be done with some discretion. With the potential risks so high and the time it seems that they will be there, a thorough analysis of the possibilities and proper experiment design was necessary - especially since approval would be needed. She would need to discuss this with someone, but that could wait until there was time and they weren't out in the open.

Cargo Bay

Upon returning to the ship, the scientist approached the chief engineer and spoke in a voice intended only for him to hear, yet still full of her internal confidence. "Taii, if it would not be inappropriate, I would like a chance to speak with you this evening. That is, when it is convenient for you." She then stood by to see what kind of answer he would give her.
Alien City-Market

Izokia took one last look at one of the volumetric creatures in the market when a thought came to her as they returned to the ship: "If it is all a big soul savior pod, would that mean everyone of them is stuck here?"

Cargo Bay

She continued to ponder the idea if they could operate outside of the planet it would mean her ideas for a planet wide backups could work in a military setting. She was smiling ear to ear when she stepped onto the bridge she would have mention it to Chieko or Ayumi since they could work together: gather some data and actually prove something like that could work.

Izokia was about to say something to Chieko when she turned away and began speaking to the engineer who accompanied them on the mission. She frowned slightly, Ayumi it is then.
Cargo Hold

Sune turned to Hanako. It took him a moment to process what she had said. "Welcome back. We have had two arrivals since your departure. We have more coming in? Interesting.

We will probably need time to produce a suitable power storage module. Or perhaps a portable generator non-aether obviously. Though it would be useful to be able to observe the culture at night to compare.

For now it is best if we take care of business here. Then set out in the morning for maximum time."
PA Bay

Mitsuko squirmed in against Misato, getting more comfortable as her roommate held her close. She fought through another yawn. "Mmm...well, I'm not off duty yet. We all need to wait for..." She blinked, hearing some noise from the Cargo Bay. "...maybe that's them now." She was distracted from the information Suzume was looking over, giving it only a glance.

With her belongings put in their proper place, Deziarra entered the longue to relax. She was a NH-33 Series Nekovalkyrja with white skin, red hair, and blue eyes. Being a technician she thought about how to say what she wanted to say in as few words as possible before sending her message.

Technician Santo Hei Deziarra Lansky reporting for duty.

Thus far, she had not said more than a few words to anyone.
Pa Bay

Misato watched the away team return on the screen, with a sigh the muscles in her body all relaxed a little. "You don't think I should stay at alert through the night do you?" She looked over at her cabin mate, 'I wonder if she still wants me to share a bunk with her?' Misato sat there wondering and not wanting to have to get up.
PA Bay

Mitsuko wrinkled her nose at the look Misato gave her. "Stay up? No, Suzume-chan...we have a night shift for a reason, after all." She giggled. "If the captain is back, we should check in and see what the official word is, though."
PA Bay

"You're right, let me get dressed and we can head out." With a forlorn sigh Suzume let go of Mimi-chan and pulled the robe off, folding it up and putting it back on the shelf. She took her time putting back on her uniform and setting it to rights. Even taking a full minute to strap on her belt and holster her pistol, making sure it sat exactly right.

"I guess I'm ready."
Cargo Bay

Sienna silently watched the other group come up the ramp into the bay, led by Hanako. As far as she could tell, the skipper didn't look any worse for the wear, so their away mission must've gone without any unpleasant immediate incident, much as she'd deduced. Sune's attention immediately snapped to his admiral as she boarded, suddenly springing to attention as if someone had rammed a red hot metal rod up his backside. Soldiers, she thought with a smirk. It was immediately apparent that he hadn't heard her reaction to his description of the natives' use of "energy as currency," didn't have a response to it, or merely didn't regard their civilian passenger's reasoning as worth his attention. Any of them wouldn't surprise her.

She raised an eyebrow upon listening to Hanako and Sune's exchange, however, scanning the rest of the gathered crew's faces for their reactions. "So," she mused to anyone listening in general, "we ain't going outside, then?"
Sune looked over at Sienna. "As a civilian you are free to go, and any crew members who want to can in groups. But since the only acceptable currency they have that we can use is energy. Otherwise any group is limited to observation only."

He looked over at Hanako. "Sienna mentioned something which echoed with my own sentiments. If our hosts can build and move an entire world. Why do they need energy from us. One would expect that they have massive generators on the order of what we use in our Star Fortresses."
PA Bay

Mitsuko stood as the other Neko removed her robe. She blushed, turning away from all the bare blue flesh, giving Misato a bit of privacy as she get back into uniform. This also gave her an opportunity to peek into the Cargo Bay.

"They're all together. I think we're done for the night." She waved Misato over once she was finished dressing, heading into the Cargo Bay with her. Murakami wanted to catch any official orders or other important information Hanako or Sune might have.
Misato joined then followed Mitsuko in to the Cargo bay, She was interested if there were going to be any standing orders for the crew until the ship took off.
Cargo Bay

Kale noticed the Returning officers as he made his way over to the staging area. Ketsurui-Shosho among them. He also noticed the few others who had gathered to create a second away team. Mentally he shrugged.

'Gotta go introduce myself some time this century.'

Standing to attention he braced... Just in time to catch the fact that they would not yet be off exploring.

"Many apologies for being late. Should my presence not be necessary on-board I would like to request permission to join the second away team in the morning."

Kale sent a small command byte to his data-pad turning off the neural recorder. It wouldn't be needed tonight it seemed.

Turning to those who made up the rest of the prospective away team he introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Namach Kale. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Cargo Bay

Sienna peered down the open ramp on Sune's invitation. She had to admit that her curiosity was starting to get the better of her, but she elected to stay put for the moment. From the way everyone was acting, she got the impression the ship wouldn't be leaving anytime too soon, and there would be several opportunities to go ashore. She'd been on her own for a long time in some of the worst places and among some of the most unsavory people in the galaxy, so it wasn't that she was wary of going alone. She simply felt there was no reason to rush it, at least right now. Once she got a measure of what the crew was up to, she could make a more calculated decision as to what to do from there.

Turning her attention back to Sune, she listened as he addressed Hanako, subtly nodding along as if reinforcing his words.

Before she heard Hanako's reply, yet another unfamiliar voice came from the side. Tilting her head towards her shoulder and turning it to look, she saw a shorter, red-eyed, dark-haired Yamataian young man standing there at attention. She looked behind him and then around the cargo bay, and back at him from where she stood, obscured by a few of the other gathered crew, her face remaining unchanged. How many more new crew were hidden on this ship, and how were they getting here, she wondered?
Cargo Bay

Kale noticed an auburn the crew-members nearer the back of the gathering looking around wildly, seeming almost panicked. His appearance wasn't that disturbing was it? He raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly.

He noted that it was the woman who head overheard stating that the away mission was delayed until tomorrow.

Oh well... he hoped whatever seemed to have alarmed the brunette didn't persist. He'd hate to be on tenuous relations with the rest of the crew quite so quickly.

Takeyu followed Hanako back to the ship, he was a bit disappointed that he couldn't get more information but that was just how things went.

Back onboard he listened as Hanako and Sune converse, when the question about why the power was needed came up, Takeyu thought on that for a moment. "If I may," he said to Sune and glanced out the cargohold and toward the city. "While they may have massive generators to power their cities and the 'engines' needed to move their world, such generators would require an astronomical amount of time to recharge, I'm speaking on the orders of possibly days, weeks, if not months depending. I'm afraid I can't say for certain without examining those gens and I highly doubt they would allow that.

"Regardless, it might just be that they have the ability to convert any kind of power traded to them into the power needed to operate their generators and their engines, that power can then be used to 'hasten' the time needed for them to commit to another jump."
Cargo Bay

Izokia stood back slightly away from the conversation, she had too many ideas floating around to really care that intensely about generators. All she knew was that the planet could back up more minds then she really care to count or imagine.

Her eyes wandered to someone she had never met before. While she didn't hear what he had said to the other crew members. What she did notice was the unmistakable look of fear and social anxiety. She couldn't help but feel a connection to the new crew member, after all it had been less then a day since she first joined and that was less then pleasant for her. She vowed that as soon as the conversations broke apart she would talk to him, maybe he'd be more open to discussion then Ayumi.

The shuttle that arrived on the YSS Eucharis with other new crew members had left and Deziarra, or Dezi, found herself alone. After taking a few moments to rest, she checked the computer for the location of the rest of the crew.

Why are so many people in the cargo bay? she wondered.

The best way to find out the answer was to see for herself. Straightening her uniform, she headed for the cargo bay.
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