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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Cargo Bay

Chieko noticed a problem more up the cheif engineer's ally come up and promptly stood a side and waited. In the interim, she debated whether to ask again once he was no longer engaged or if she ought to target the other red panelled male. Studying Kale as stealthily as she could, the scientist soon started to lean away from bothering the engineer further and getting to know the rather nervous technician.
Cargo Bay

Sienna squinted a touch, listening to Takeyu's theory. It wasn't implausible, but she had her doubts.

"Maybe you're right," she interjected, "but maybe we just don't understand this level of tech at all. You ask me, a civilization that can make something this massive would have a reason to do it in the first place, and would have already thought of all the logistical problems. I can't swallow the idea of it being any other way.

"Say you're right, and I ain't sayin' you're wrong," she continued, "and they're looking for energy as a trade so that they can have some kinda catalyst to jump-start them faster. Generators and engines on that scale would require at least as much power to jump, probably more if we're talking about aether drives or whatever FTL system these folk use. I dunno what the typical power reserve is from their average visitor, but even if we gave them every last bit of contained energy we could squeeze outta this can," she said, waving her extended index finger in a circle to indicate the Eucharis, "you think it'd amount to a hill of beans next to the amount of power they'd have to muster?"

She shrugged nonchalantly. "Sounds like kings dealing in dirt, is all I'm sayin'."
"Uh, Excuse me?" started Kale "If you don't mind me interjecting my opinion. What if engines is not all they have on-board. Something else of a civilisation not their own or just so ancient no one knows how to make it work. They may be trying to find a compatible power source for whatever it might be. Thus they try to sample power sources from every possible civilisation in the hope of finding a good match."

Kale scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Of course. Whatever it could be would have to be valuable no? They might not let people leave if they find out about it. A planet ship like this has to have some extra-atmospheric weapons. All I'm saying is we need to be careful. We don't know when these beings might become, restless. And we have no idea how many of their weapons could be pointed at us right now."

Kale looked around with a slightly sheepish smile taking in a few skeptical looks from other crew members.

"It sounds outlandish, I know."
Chieko grinned at Kale's theory thinking that at least he had an imagination. She decided, however, to mention her own theory on the power exchange. "What if it is connected to the dream currency," the scientist offered, "Perhaps the planet is fine energy wise; but the residents are given a ration of it for time spent dreaming for it as an incentive."
Cargo Bay

Sienna raised an eyebrow at the long-haired Yamataian man, a wry smirk pulling one corner of her mouth up. That's more like it, she thought. At least someone's using their head.

One of the other Nekos she hadn't yet met spoke up, and her ears perked up when she heard her mention something about dreaming. "Do what now?" she asked. "'Dream' currency?"
Izokia heard both points and began to form thoughts of her own. "What if the dreams aren't just a symbolic currency, but tied to the planet some how, either as a direct charge to the power systems or maybe as an operating system. The alien we met off the ship acted like the planet was sentient in some capacity. If it was maybe a computer program the dreams could be like software to keep its power system running. Also maybe the dream currency is a form of weapon for them whose to say the planet could suppress certain emotions or compulsion during sleep, like hypnosis." The blue skinned medic touched her tattoo and suppressed the urge to apologize to the group.
"It is an interesting thought, though I know of no way that you could power even a biological computer with dreams. However we know very little of their culture. The dream currency might hold perhaps a more theological value. They might offer such dreams to their gods as ancient cultures offered food or prayers."

Becoming more focused on the task at hand Kale began to loose some of the initial tension he had had on seeing the new crew... no. his new crew. The people he would likely serve alongside for many years, Empress willing. The thought brought some small sense of warmth.

"Perhaps the two currencies have completely separate values. Or, perhaps they wish to analyse the dreams. Like for like if you will. They give us items. Fragments of their culture and in return they learn about our psychology and our goals. Not much is hidden from the unconscious mind after all." he smiled slightly "Of course we don't know if this is the only planet-ship these people have. Perhaps we are just seeing the vanguard of these people. Or maybe this really is their only world."

Kale shrugged slightly

"we won't know until we dig some more, which we can't do until the away team leaves in the morning. Any more is somewhat wild though not unwarranted speculation."
Deziarra entered the cargo bay. She learned what she could about their situation from the computer but is was no substitute for actual interaction. She gave a brisk salute those of higher rank and joined the growing crowd.

"I hope you don't mind some more unwarranted speculation," she said letting them know she had heard the last of their conservation. "Hypnosis was an idea I had been considering myself, but if they are as powerful as we believe them to be, why would they even bother? Do they have limitations of some kind?"
Izokia let out a small smile to both new crew members. "Well everyone who has power need to have methods of keeping that power. I didn't notice any law officers on the planet so hypnosis seems to be open for discussion."

She turned back to the first new member, "You may be right on both accounts they could surrender their minds in a form of sacrifice so that its put into a communal pool. I noticed on the surface that they had echos of former 'visitors' so it stand to reason that the planet acts like a massive soul savior pod, maybe its a byproduct of the ceremonies."

She turned to both of them "I'm medic Orshira Izokia by the way."
Cargo Bay

Sienna did not like what they were describing one bit. Folding her arms firmly across her chest, she shifted her weight slightly towards her right leg, and immediately clammed up. So that was at least part of what felt wrong to her - the people of this artificial world could access a sentient beings dreams and subconscious thoughts, or at least that was the impression she was getting. The very idea of such an invasive ability shocked and terrified her, but the idea that it sounded like some of the crew members were even slightly suggesting that such intimate, personal property could be likened to or treated as currency was completely insane to her. It was in some ways like, or worse than selling one's soul to the devil.

Alarming thoughts began to echo in her mind. How much of this was true? Could these aliens access someone's mind without consent? Was she being probed right now without realizing it? There was far too much in her mind that she would literally kill to keep in confidence; her thoughts were her own, and hers alone to decide with whom they would or would not be shared.

On the outside, however, she remained aloof and nonchalant as always, listening to the discussion, while at the same time considering the kind of risk she was taking simply by being here. It was possible that the situation wasn't as dire as she worried it could be, but then again, that kind of caution and mistrust was what had kept her alive this far.
Kale breathed a sigh of relief inwardly. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Pleased to meet you Izokia, I am Kale Namach recent graduate of the Information & Technology division of the academy. Hope I can finally be of some use here. Lets hope this whole place is not a cultists dream that we just haven't uncovered yet." He shivered slightly. The thought of being mind controlled weighing on his mind. "Anyways enough of this doom and gloom. Goodness knows that depression won't help us."
She suddenly grew far less tense, " No depression is certainly not how we should approach first contact no matter how strange our subject is." It felt good to know that there was someone else who believed in being caution as much as she did.
"It did not sound religious when it was explained," Chieko added, "More like an exchange of information and offering processor time as being of value to the Planet." The scientist sighed and crossed her arms, but smiled at keeping the discussion going.
Cargo Bay

"If energy is of value to the people of the planet, it implies there is some scarcity to it, yes?" Hanako conjectured. "If we assume that is the case, can we also assume that there is something that is able to consume as much power as the people here can produce? Also, we should close the cargo door if no one else is going out for the night."
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko reappeared just in time to clearly hear that suggestion, with Misato trailing behind. She was very enthusiastic at the thought, hurrying to the controls. "Right away, Shosho." As long as there were no complaints, she'd have the door closed and locked as soon as she could.

"...will we be leaving soon, then?"
Cargo Bay

With their adventure seemingly put on hold and the new development of Ramiro leaving the ship Natsumi had a lot to think over. She was not pleased with the idea of him going. He had already been there a long time when she had first arrived on the Eucharis. She was losing a bit of safety net and someone much more seasoned and experienced at the job that she herself was.

Natsumi took a deep breath, crossing her arms as she glanced at all the others as they talked over various things, some pertaining to the mission, some not. She found it difficult to focus on any one detail and opted to just keep out of things as she processed the changes.
Cargo Bay

Sienna watched the mousy Neko hurry over to the controls, her eyes locked on her the entire way, not so much out of intense observation as simply needing something to focus on so that she didn't appear overly concerned or uncomfortable. She remained standing where she was, arms folded and leaning slightly on one leg. At least this way it made the choice easier, and she was thankful they'd mentioned these aliens' predilection for mind probing before she'd gone out to look around on her own.

"All right then, no field trips for now," she said with a shrug in Sune and Hanako's direction, but addressing the bulk of the group. "So what's the story on this dream hoodoo? They can't milk our brains while we're asleep aboard the ship, can they? I mean, I don't wanna be the whacko here, but I ain't above walking around wearing a pointy foil hat if I have to."
Hearing that statement Kale almost laughed. However the serious expression on the brunettes face when he glance in that direction killed that notion very quickly.

"Honestly? I don't think anyone's in danger on the ship. The Plumeria class Medium Gunship hull contains Zesuaium. A material that blocks any and all types of radiation except in some cases the visible portion of the spectrum. Thus i don't think there's anything they could do to scan us on board without drilling a hole in the hull." he smiled slightly "I think we can save the tin foil to pack lunches."

Turning serious he added. "However, even Mindy power armour does not stop such radiation and thus outside this ship it is safe to assume that we will have no form of protection in this regard. Even so I gather we are not allowed to wear power armour nor carry weapons on this world, mores the pity actually now that I think about it We could probably re-fabricate a couple of Mindy helmets to add a Faraday cage to them which could interfere with or completely stop any mental intrusions. Other then that we have no protection from whatever scanning devices they wish to use. No real way round it unless we were to try and lug spare armour plating around with us, which isn't exactly on my list of things a sane person could or would do."
Cargo Bay

Sienna gave the dark-haired man an indifferent shrug and sly smirk, only appearing slightly placated by his reassurance. "Suits me fine," she replied, "though I bet I could make a foil hat look damn good."

She left her eyes on him for a brief moment, still guilefully smirking. At least this one seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders. She looked back out at the group, waiting to see what Hanako had to say on the matter.
Chieko stifled a giggle at the mention of a tin foil hat to the point of going red. "That would be more helpful keeping signals out, not in," she finally said, "Analogue and natural brains do not emit at a high enough power to be picked up all that remotely. The receiver would need to be up close, like with a mental back-up device, in other to get a useful signal."
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