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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Cabin 3

Izokia looked at Ayumi and then considered exactly what she must have looked like from the other medics perspective. She quickly stumbled off of the Chief Engineer's unconscious body. She steadied herself " Yes, hes breathing with no signs of erratic heartbeat. He also wasn't showing any signs of violence towards attempts to wake him but he's been responding to my actions by speaking incoherently and occasionally by moving. He just appears to be in REM sleep, some form of shock should wake him up."

Izokia hoped that by speaking in a similar manner to Ayumi they could at least have a serious discussion about the well being of a patient. The medic considered the bucket for a second " The ice water was intended to be a last resort, I've exhausted every other method of waking a deep sleeper including.... physical trauma." She looked down at her hand she actually regretted her attempts to wake Takeyu with physical pain. She grabbed the bucket and considered throwing it on the sleeping Taii.

"Indeed." Kale replied. "I cannot think however of why such rapid re-deployment is necessary. Some crew were here for less then a day before being pulled off elsewhere. It makes me wonder whats going on that we don't know about."

Kale sighed. He did not know the purpose behind this personnel shift but It hinted at events elsewhere that were rapidly unfolding. Oh well, if its important I'm sure the Shosho will be informed.

He glanced towards the new shuttle. "Maybe they'd like to join us. YOu can never have too many friends after all."

Sune caught something out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to get a better look and saw Sepop approaching them from behind.

"Looks like someone wishes to join us Hanako." he said gesturing back the way they came.


"Shôshô, I never got you and your second's names. If we are to share information, we should at least know what to call each other." Sepop said.

"Have these aliens, the Essai explained why they have arrived in this region. Or for that matter, what their customs and laws are. How is one to avoid an incident when one does not know the rules of the game." she added.

Landing site

Wovoy watched the Ta'a head off to try to rejoin the alien officers. She noticed that more of the Yamatain crew was preparing to go exploring. She motioned for Miobo to follow her.

She approached the closest group of aliens.

"Greetings. May we join your group. More eyes see better when one tries to hide things." she said.
Landing Area

Nearly ten feet tall and muscular beyond comprehension, Yosmet made for quite an imposing sight as the giant ID SOL exited the shuttle and took his first step upon alien turf.

Strange turf at that he thought; eyes soon to roam about rather warily til they alighted upon what seemed to be his crew. A shrug accompanied his soon striding figure as he made his way over to his new crew; anyone with sharp eyes cleary the way his muscles were bunched in anticipation of possible attack.

Upon arriving admist the group his arm shot up in a crisp salute; hopefully directed at the boss.

"Yosmet Crusher; Santo Hei and Heavy Weapons Specialist at your service, m'am!"

He held the pose til a reply was brought to the fore.
Landing Pad

Upon noticing the two technicians, Chieko hit her hand against her forehead. "Sorry to miss you two," she began, speaking to both Kale and Deziarra, "If you're not already in the group you might as well come with us too." The scientist then turned towards Natsumi, hoping that it would be alright only for the group to be approached by the remaining two felinoids.

Looking at them, the academic was half tempted to pet them, yet at the same time recalled quite well that they were predators. That did not, however, prevent Chieko from at least looking excited at the prospect of doubling down on her science. This was getting to be quite a large group, though, so she did the only thing she could respectfully do.

"Itto-Hei?" the young Minkan said, tapping Natsumi on the shoulder, "What do you think? Should all seven of us go together, or should we break up into two groups?"

Hanako stopped to wait for the shuttle and for Sepop, the Qaktoro, to catch up. When asked her name, the teal-haired admiral replied, "you may call me Hanako or by my rank, Shosho. The Essai have explained very little about this planet. What we know is that there are two main currencies: energy that is usually stored in a standard type of battery, which we now know how to make, and in dreams, which the Dream World's central intelligence uses to enhances its capabilities in some fashion. We also know that the Dreamworld can make copies of people and those copies roam the planet in volumetric form. The laws prohibit weapons of war, which we presume to mean weapons other than personal small arms." She paused for a moment. "Do you intend to come with me?"

At this point Hanako was presented with the humanoid tower of muscle that had emerged from the latest shuttle from Star Army Logistics. At nearly twice her height, she had to crane her neck to look up at Yosmet. "Welcome to the Eucharis," she said, returning the salute. "You are with me. It looks like your first mission is a first contact one. There are a large number of aliens here. We should avoid making them angry."
Cabin 3

"Wait." Ayumi said, haltingly. She looked at Izokia as she picked a piece of ice out of the bucket, holding it between her fingers and over Takeyu's head. She hoped that the shock of the cold water would wake him, without actually soaking the man and possibly giving him hypothermia.

"What is his name?" She asked, watching as a few drops melted off of the ice and fell onto Takeyu's forehead. "Taii," She said, her voice soft yet firm, knowing his rank from seeing his uniform earlier, "You must awaken, the landing party has already left the ship."

If it came to dropping an entire bucket of ice water on him, Ayumi would need to have him moved to the medbay. She certainly wasn't going to result to throwing water on a sleeping superior officer.

Sienna stepped to the side as the hulking bipedal battering ram thundered past her and saluted Hanako. She eyed him from head to toe, wondering if keeping such gigantic gorillas on hand was standard operating procedure for Star Army vessels, since they'd just dismissed Conrad for reasons she hadn't been privy to.

Overhearing Hanako mention that copies of other beings who had dreamed here snapped her attention back to the here and now. If she hadn't been concerned about others probing uninvited into her deepest thoughts before, now she was genuinely distressed. The idea of an exact replica of herself filed away like a library book on this weird alien planet-ship made her skin crawl. Somehow, she had to make certain that didn't happen. But the ship's crew seemed intent on maintaining a peaceful presence, so she would have to be more creative and consider her options. And her only option for now was to find out exactly how this sort of thing was possible, and how it was performed.

When Chieko asked Natsumi what she thought of splitting further into groups, she took a small step towards the white-haired Neko. "I'm sticking with you either way, if it's all the same," she said. Natsumi had bent over backwards trying to build some sort of rapport with her since she came aboard, and she figured that whatever her motivation or designs for doing so, Natsumi was her best bet for the most accurate information. She wasn't about to risk being left in the dark any more so than she could help.
Making herself smile when the giant spoke, Akane nodded in agreement with his statement. "Yes. It's time to explore." Before she could say anything about wondering what she would find, the shuttle came to a landing. Akane followed the giant out, not out of deference or dread, but to better assess the situation.

Landing Area

Stepping out into her deployment, the Nekovalkyrja fluffed her hair out, allowing it to rest in a more natural shape. Once off the ramp, she continued to follow the giant. When he introduced himself to Shosho Hanako, the giant proved himself as committed a solder as Akane herself wanted to be. Once Yosmet, the giant, was given his orders, Akane knew she needed to step forward and declare herself for her new commanding officer.

Bringing her hand up in a precise salute, Akane made her introduction to the Shosho. "Miyako Akane, Santo Hei for the Infantry, reporting for duty." Having declared herself, a slight smile appeared on her lips.
Natsumi glanced at Chieko as she tapped the Operator on the shoulder. She shrugged. "We could if you like, could cover more ground that way, though I have no problem sticking in a group either" she shrugged.

Then she turned her attention to Sienna and nodded as she said she was going to be sticking with her. "I'm glad" she replied and smiled at the Nepleslian woman. "Shall we explore a bit then?"
Hearing Chieko's idea he absentmindedly nodded.

"I think we should invite the new guys over to join us. At that point we'd have enough people to split into two groups. I have no particular preferance to which group I go with." Kale paused consering for a second. "Be careful while we don't want to anger the natives be ready for a fight if need be."

Pragmatic as he was attempting to be he couldn't shake off the unease he was feeling.

"Contact the other group if somthing goes wrong.That way we can get to you quickly."

Hopefully this place really is as innocent as the natives want it to seem.
Cabin 3

Izokia put the bucket down and leaned against the wall and began to calm herself down. "His name is Nayacesen." She looked up and watched Ayumi work maybe she should take few cues from her curiosity and drive were all well and good but without professionalism its all just wasted erratic energy.
Deziarra motioned the newcomers over to join them. It was a fairly large group already and about to get slightly larger.

"I suppose if we split up we can cover more group," she reasoned. "Although I don't have any real preference which group I am place in, putting all the new arrivals in one group may not be a good idea."

She made a scan of the area. If for no other reason, simply to make sure the scanner was working.

"All readings appear to correspond to what we know about this planet," she said.
Dreamworld Landing Area

Hanako started again towards the alien city with a confident stride. "I am not fond of waiting. We can talk while we walk. I would like all you who are in my group to please sound off so I can get a head count; and, if you are with me I want you to stay within easy sight; I do not want to lose anyone."

As they crossed from the landing pads and approached the white and teal buildings of the city at the edge of the fog-shrouded, shimmering purple lake, they could see the bustling streets full of item-cluttered kiosks, food stands, pink holograms, flying drones, and bizarre aliens in exotic dress. Multilingual signs blinked and danced, showing glowing alien letters. Sharp, sweet, and pungent aromas from unfamiliar foods filled the air as they grew closer.
Following Boss Neko

"Yosmet!" Boomed the giant; his stride accomodating enough so that he was behind the boss yet kept with her group.

Such a stride was in fact more akin to a shuffle. His height gifted him with the basic ability to keep a vigilant watch over the quite odd surroundings and occasionally eyeing the local fare; both the 'exotic' females and clearly xeno-cuisine as he came to deem such.

Sune looked around, and checked his scanner as he did. So far nothing about this world seemed right or did anything to calm his suspicions.

He noted that another Qaktoro had joined them, ostensibly it was a body guard or some such for Sepop. It was a good fourteen centimeters taller than Sune, and had beige fur with spots of a different shade of beige. He caught the persons name,Lowadam, in the brief exchange that occurred while they were walking.

He activated his Uno Sunglasses and linked them to his his communicator to upload the images periodically.

Sepop walked to the side of Hanako, and her guard one step behind her. She wrinkled her nose at some of the unfamiliar fragrances. She checked her sensor occasionally just to make sure than none of the scents in the air were toxic.

Lowadam eyed the large Yamataian, it was uncommon for him to have to look up physically to someone. While there were other Qaktoro who were taller, none came close to the specimen he was looking at. No not a Yamataian, to be that large he must be one of the Cloned ones. he thought.

Meanwhile the other group of Qaktoro waited for the next group from the Eucharis to approach to handle introductions.
Leaving the Dreamworld Landing Site

Sounding off, Akane announced herself. "Santo Hei Miyako Akane reporting, ma'am."

She kept her response short, even though she included her rank. Akane wanted to stand out, though only for being determined and loyal.

Glancing to the side, she noticed another Santo Hei, one who seemed to be an intellectual of sorts. A researcher, an engineer, Akane didn't know for certain, since she noticed the woman's long red hair. For once, Akane didn't feel so different from everyone else.
Landing Pad

With all the confusion of comings and goings and now Hanako calling out to get things moving Chieko finally just had to shake her head. "Ok, anyone going with the Shosho, start catching up with her now," she told the people around her, "Anyone wanting to come with me, I'll be crossing over to the city and waiting to group up on the other side of the causeway - we can do introductions there." The young scientist then gave a polite bow and headed across the bridge where she located a lap post and waited to see who came along.
Cabin 3

At first, the dripping did little to arose Takeyu, he still slept peacefully, still mumbled a few things that were not very coherent and still tossed and turned in his bed. But after a minute or two, the water apparently did its trip as the Taii, all five feet four inches and full of muscles suddenly sprang up.

There was a loud 'clang' as the Taii's head hit the top bunk, where he quickly fell back and landed his head back on the pillow. He groaned for a few moments, rubbing the area of his head that now had a good sized bruise on it. "The heck happened...." he said, delirious.
Kale listened as the shosho gave out orders. He shrugged. Decision made then. He had only just began to get to know some of his fellow crewmembers all of whom were going with Chieko.

"If you don't mind I'll tag along with you Chieko." he said with a smile.

Kale looked out over the local landscape, wondering what was beyond this thrice damned fog.
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