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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Dreamworld Market - Hanako's Group

As the first team, led by Hanako, crossed through the fog they could see a crowded marketplace with a large number of civilians who, more often than not, were not humanoid but instead were plants, worms, starfish things, and other unfamiliar shapes. Still present were the gyrating worm and the putrid-smelling six-eyed flycatching primate prostitute shooting froglike tongues out from its fur and slapping the captured bugs into its constantly-farting face-orifice. The clothing the various species wore came in every shape, color, and pattern.

“Water, fine drinking water for space travelers!” a vendor’s translated voice boomed.

“Oxygen tanks! Fresh as can be! Get them here!” another voice offered.

The spiky turtle-like hard-light gadget vendor, Glyt Nazza, noticed the group and called out to Hanako via his translator: “Hey Nekovalkyrja! You got batteries yet? Wow! That human with you is really huge!”

“I am working on it,” Shosho Hanako replied, prompting the Nezeer to make a dismissive hand gesture and a sigh of disappointment. “He is genetically engineered,” Hanako added, turning to glance up at Yosmet.

The Shosho turned to her group. “I have the ship’s fabrication bay working on making battery credits to purchase items with. In the meantime I want to observe."

Various street vendors came from multiple directions to solicit the crew. Some beetle-shaped flying drones offered exotic knives to Sepop, with little holographic prices floating over them. A three-foot mantis tried to sell Sune some candy bags. Meanwhile some aggressive furball of a sales-alien pushed Akane off to the side to look at its fine selection of futons, highlighting them with laser pointer held in one of its tentacles.

At this point, Sune’s scanners were able to make a significant observation: first, it seemed that the fog was actually laced with a small percentage of nanomachines that were slowly releasing a potpourri of mild hallucinogenic compounds. Was everyone around here…stoned?
Cabin 3

Having been lulled into a sort of dreamy state herself, focusing so much on trying to wake Takeyu up with the ice, she narrowly missed being hit in the face by her superior as he sprang up. Quickly she pulled away, though not before dropping the icecube onto the bedspread out of surprise.

As Takeyu fell back on to his pillows she retrieved the dropped icecube and unceremoniously dropped it on to the floor, not wanting to leave the bedspread overly wet, but not being worried about the small amount of ice which was left melting on the floor.

"I humbly apologise, Nayacesen-Taii." She replied, her voice soft as usual, but more soothing. She reached over, pulling a handful of blankets up, and gently dabbing at her crewmate's forehead to try and dry it as well as warm it up.

"You were unwakeable, and we were trying every thing to wake you." Her explanation was slow, and as simple as she could make it, hoping it would get through to the man. Either he was foggy from sleep, or there was something amiss. "Do you remember anything?"
Dreamworld Market - Hanako's Group

A variety of creatures stood behind booths, selling their wares. Their voices called out, all offering a variety of things. Some sold simple things, like oxygen or water. Others had more detailed goods, from candy to knives.

Akane kept turning her head from one side to the other, trying to see what she could. She decided Shosho Hanako might want a report from her, so it felt a necessity to mentally note as much as she could about the vendors and the bazaar as a whole. Of course, with so many unfamiliar peoples, Akane wondered at what point she might have to draw her weapon. It was a point she hoped would not come.

From her right, a furry creature with an assortment of tentacles pulled Akane aside. She realized he just wanted her attention, so she did not pull her weapon free, no matter how tempted she was to draw it. He kept pointing to one futon after another, pointing at each with a laser pointer.

"These are all very well made," Akane said. She crouched slightly to take a closer look at the fibers, specifically how they were woven together. "I can't pretend to be an expert on how to weave, but I know a lovely aesthetic when I see one."

She felt it was good to compliment the seller on his wares, but feared if she said much more, he would badger her into buying one of the futons. He already shifted his stance to put himself between Akane and her compatriots. It was a subtle move, one Akane knew was designed to separate them until she decided to buy something.
Cabin 3

Takeyu laid there for a moment, thinking on that dream he had. "It was... odd..." he said as he sat up and stared at the two medics and then shook his head to clear the cobwebs. "Odd as in I've never had a dream that felt so.. vivid.. so real. To the point where I didn't 'want' to leave it."

"Think of it as a lucid dream... so real you don't even want to leave, so real that you don't even realize you 'are' dreaming...." the Taii was at a loss, he'd had those dreams before but had always been able to wake himself, but this time? Not at all, it was like the dream had full control.

"I think just for safeties sake, you should take me to the infirmary and check me out.."
Cabin 3

At first Izokia was struck dumb by how easy it actually was for Ayumi to actually wake the sleeping officer. When finally is comment about the infirmery gave her enough cause to speak again. " Yes, it would be wise to run a test or two, after all this isn't the first case of one of the crew having nightmares but it certianly was... The most intense. This could be our chance to see if this planets dream currency program actually has some kind of effect on us." If she couldn't wake a patient properly then maybe she could at least gain some new insight from the whole ordeal.
Heading To Dreamworld Market - Natsumi's Group

Deziarra watched Shosho Ketsurui Hanako's group head rapidly towards the Dreamworld market while her own group followed at a slower pace.

"We should sound off too," she suggested. "We'll call our group Natsumi's group unless someone of higher rank objects. I know we have Natsumi, Chieko, Kale, and myself. Anyone else?"

As she waited for a reply, she looked at the large, dark object ahead of her which she hoped was the city. The fog was making it difficult to see and had already blocked all traces of the other group. Only a few distant noises could be heard.
Cabin 3

Ayumi nodded, though she did not really relate. Her dream... She didn't want to go back there, vivid and lucid or not. Yet, she would not disagree or argue with her superior, and as such she kept quiet until he asked to be taken to the infirmary. It made perfect sense to her, she stood back to allow Takeyu to raise from his position on the bed.

"I agree with Orshira-hei." Ayumi replied, nodding briefly to her medical partner, "We should certainly run a brainwave scan, and make sure that you have not been... Tampered with?" She was unsure of the words to use, and she had been unaware until this point about the "dream currency program".

She was at a loss as to how it would affect them through the ship's shields and exteriors, how the crew seemed to be so calm yet on edge about this whole experience.

Turning to Izokia she bowed slightly, "If it wouldn't trouble you to escort Nayacesen-Taii to the medbay, I will go and set up." Though there wasn't much setting up to be done, she needed a moment to collect her thoughts, and heading out before hand would allow this.

She also picked up the discarded ice filled water bucket, clearly intending to attend to it as well.
Cabin 3

Izokia nodded in response to Ayumi before she quickly left the room. The anxious medic turn towards Takeyu " Would you be able to tell me the events of your dream while we go to the med lab?"
Cabin 3

Takeyu rubbed the back of his neck, for a brief moment he hesitated in really wanting to talk about the dream.. especially since the dream also dealt with a person he was currently in love with.

"Feel free to use me as a guinea pig, just no opening me up or taking my limbs off please, I need those," he grinned and got up off his bed. "The dream dealt with my two young sisters, it was.. pleasant for awhile, just them enjoying themselves while at school and me watching over them...." he started, thinking back on the dream, it was very fresh in his mind still - despite the rather harsh wake up call.
Cabin 3

Briefly Ayumi nodded, before leaving the cabin and heading off to the medbay.


As she entered the medbay Ayumi quickly disposed of the left over ice and water, leaving the bucket in the sink to dry, and then puttering about to prepare what was needed.

Unsure as to whether Izokia was going to want to do a blood test, she placed a few new needles on the table just in case, as well as alcohol and gauze. She pulled her scanner out of her pocket, placing that on the table as well.

She was concerned, and certainly unsure about this planet's situation. She held onto the table she had placed the items on, recalling her dream and shuddering from the thought. How could this place be any good?
Dreamworld Market

Sune did a quick double check of his readings. That the Essai would resort to drugging their guests was more than just a little concerning. Depending on the nature of the gas and dosage they could very well enslave the people.

He looked up from his scanner and at Hanako. "Shôshô, I would recommend that we contact the Eucharis and have them activate the atmospheric containment shields. Our hosts are apparently very liberal with their pharmaceuticals." He said showing her the readings.

Sepop looked briefly at the proffered daggers and politely replied "No thank you." to the vendor. These marketers have a sense of desperation. They act like they haven't had any customers in a long time, despite the apparent crowd.


Landing Site
The white furred Qaktoro approached Natsumi's group. She smiled and said, "I am Wovoy Qaelea, the Chronicler for our ship. I was wondering if we could join with your group. We would like the opportunity to get to know your people better."
Dreamworld - Natsumi's Group

"That'd be me, too," Sienna chimed in, indicating herself with a raised index finger as she placed her hands on her hips, looking around in awed-and-wary caution at their foggy surroundings. "Unless y'all don't want a civvy tagging along."
Surface (Team Smash and Grab aka Bors Mistuko and Misato)

"That pry wont be likely" Bors said to Mitsuko as he trudged towards the town he was at the day before. "She doesn't seem to loose interest in much."

After a few brief minutes Bors had led them to the market place where he was before, and thus the extent of his knowledge of the area.

"Well if were going to find out if our dreams were stolen, I'm pretty sure they would be using them as currency somewhere and this would be the best place to find it. Or at least I think it would be."
Surface (Team Bash for Cash)

As they passed the first few aliens, Mitusko squeezed her roommate's hand even tighter. It was hard to resist the urge to run, screaming, back to the relative safety of the ship. As the vendors began shouting at them, she mentally activated the translation feature of the Multi-Function Bracelet that Takeyu had gifted all of them during the holidays. The aliens seemed to have their own translators - and she had no idea if the Bracelet knew any of their languages - but it wouldn't hurt to try.

As Bors spoke up, she fished the Science Scanner out of its pouch. " would you store mental data? Perhaps start with the holograms?" Murakami focused on the device, working it with her free hand.
Dreamworld - Natsumi's Group

"Of course you are coming" Natsumi said to Sianna, she had no intention of letting her new friend get left behind just because she was civilian. "Anyways, this is more a civilian visit than a military operation so it would not make sense to leave you behind" she added.

Then as the white furred newcomer came up to the group Natsumi smiled. "Why not? Welcome to the party, Wovoy Qaelea" she said, doing her best to pronounce the name correctly. "Shall we get going and check this place out?" she asked and started off towards the city proper.
Kale kept pace with the rest of the second expeditionary "Natsume" group. He was busy taking readings of the surrounding environment. What he discovered was slightly unusual. The area seemed to be blanketed in a thick fog however the air was about as dry as you could possibly get. Maybe his scanner was malfunctioning.

"Chieko can you check these readings for me please?" he showed her the scanner "Its showing little to no moisture in the air. Could it be that this fog is artificially created? It would be a great way to hide somthing since not many people would suspect anything of what seems like a natural phenominon. If so what is there these beings have to hide?"
Alien Market

A downward cursory glance of the other 'catfolk' was swift yet easily noticeable by the edifice of manliness. Taking to note the way they moved and how they conversed with the other members of both his crew and theres.

"Engineered, yes." He acknowleged at his caps' words; still quite busy with taking in everything, analyzing, and basically catolouging escape routes, threats, etc.

He kept to himself for the moment; quite wary yet exicited over the new environment, such on display by the which was partially hidden by the beard in which.covered his chiseled chin.
Dreamworld - Natsumi's Group

Chieko stopped at the streetlight and looked back to wait for everyone else to catch up.

She hoped that this would help her get a decent count of who's coming and update Natsumi with it so that they could tell if anyone got lost. The scientist's attention slowly got sidetracked by the dancing worm, but was brought back by Kale.

The academic smiled at the technician for a second, then looked at the science scanner. "Good start," she replied to him, checking over the data, then pulled her scanner out using Kale's information to tune hers further. It wasn't long before her adjustments showed the nanomachines.

"There we go," Cheko smiled more, showing the younger Minkan, "They're throwing these into the air."

She then checked to see how close the rest of the group was getting
Team Smash And Grab

Just then a gleam would flash mildly over each of their eyes. It wasn't painful, but if they were paying attention they could easily make out what appeared to be the calmest person in the immediate area.

It was some kind of tall, brown-skinned alien. The chitinous plates on its head were decorated in four thin strips of paint. Two white, two blue. Its eyes were closed and it seemed to be hold some kind of large, paned insect wing almost thick enough to make windows out of. The gleam begin light refracted off the insect wing even in this fog. Maybe it was just the hallucinatory pharmaceuticals in the air, but the space around this alien seemed brighter, but definitely it was less crowded as other hawkers kept a distance.

If they watched further, a curious, tiny head popped out from behind the aliens shoulder and looked around inquisitively. Casual to the points of serenity the bigger alien reached back with an arm and thumbed a morsel of some him from his palm out to the creature, which gurgled delightedly took the treat gently in its teeth.

Sepop was about to ask Sune what he had discovered when a light started flashing on her left vambrace. She did a quick glance at her Science scanner and saw the chemical warning.

She turned towards Sejti and instructed him to don his filter mask in Takavonai. She then pulled her's out of a pouch on her belt and attached it to her face. She watched Sejti don his and nod that it was functioning properly. He then used his communicator to signal the others on his crew.

She turned to Sune, "I presume your sensor just warned you to the presence of aerosol chemicals? Not exactly the behavior of trustworthy hosts." she said.

Sepop then took note of another alien that was reflecting light at the group. It seemed less insistent than the others.

Sune noted Sepop taking precautions. "I have to agree with Sepop on this matter Shôshô. It does duplicitous. We should probably see about taking some samples and having a detailed test run back on the Eucharis. Our NH-31 and 33 bodies should provide us with some resistance unless the concentration rises significantly. In the same way we can resist alcohol."

He looked at Setji contacting the Qaktoro crew. "I think it would be prudent for us to wait here and have the other groups grab some of the EM-G4-1 filter masks for themselves and extras for us."

He pulled out his Type 29 Communicator, "Jalen-Chusa to Eucharis crew. Aerosol chemicals are present in the fog. Advise all external activities be done wearing EM-G4-1 masks. Request that one of the groups bring spaces to the first group."

Wovoy picked up her communicator when it chimed. She listened to the message and acknowledged it.

"Moibo, put on your filter mask. The Ta'a says that the fog ahead is laced with hallucinogenic vapors." she put her communicator away and pulled out her filter mask.

She looked at Natsumi, "Do your personnel have filter masks?"
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