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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Deziarra continued examining the data in seach of patterns, but she did not see any. Either it really was random or the pattern was deliberately being hiden. Considering what Kale found out this was more likely the case.

As she continued to look for some sort of pattern, another idea occurred to her. The virus might be able to hide its actions, but the viral count itself could be seen. She put down the data and smiled.

"If an unwanted intruder has been spreading the virus in the Eucharis, the viral count should be highest at the intruder's location!" she exclaimed giving Shosho Hanako the message as well.
Team Smash and Grab

Bors chuckled a bit as he heard warning about the possible use of gas.

"Heh, gas I'm sure more than just us would have noticed if they were gassing the whole planet."

Waving off the AMES suit that Misato offered him he continued to walk forward. After a few feet he stifled a cough thinking that he finally might be catching something after all of these times on alien planets. A few moments later he started coughing again, Gotta get this checked out when I get back to the ship. Stifling another cough Bors trudged headed toward what appeared to be a bar or a common house of sorts.

"We can always ask around in there, locals might know something about how, and if they trade dreams. Plus might as well sample the local beverages."

Bors had to do a double take when he looked over his shoulder at his compatriots, he swore for a moment that they had transformed into the Doc and her assistant from his dream. Shaking the idea out of his head he rubbed his eyes before turning back to face the tavern. Pulling his hand away he realized that the world around him was slowly turning into his dream, down to the very last detail. Collapsing onto his knees Bors sputtered "Second thought I think I'll take that AMES suit." Before erupting into a coughing fit.
Surface - Bors, Misato, Murakami

"I think I'm okay, but we shouldn't risk it. We need to go back like he said, Suzume-chan." Mitsuko frowned at Riko's response, especially when he began coughing. "Pay attention...they do seem to know what's going on." She gave a sort of bow, more of a nod, to the alien, unsure how to respond to it. It didn't seem happy with the planet's conditions either.

Then Bors started to wander off, heading away from the small patch of calm around the alien. "Bors-Hei! Bors!" Thankfully he didn't go far, although she wasn't happy about why. With Misato's help she'd be able to get the Nepleslian stuffed into the AMES. Keeping one hand firmly on his arm, to keep him steady and prevent any more wandering, the other returned to her communicator.

"Jalen-Chusa, I think Bors-Hei is already having some sort of reaction. S-someone should come here. I think there's also someone you and the captain might want to talk to." She looked up at the large, brown, insectoid alien as she spoke. It took her a moment to work up the courage to speak directly to it. "...y-you don't content with" Now she just had to hope Misato and Bors would hold still while the others caught up.
Natsumi's team

Natsumi walked over to where Sianna and Chieko were. She frowned as she saw the Nepleslian woman was defiantly getting effected by the hallucinogens in the air. She herself was feeling a bit strange, her vision, while sharp and working properly, seemed to be just a little off, she couldn't explain it. That and her head felt a little light and strange.

"I hope these masks are working" Natsumi commented as she closed on the others. "If not we might have to get AMES suits" she added. "Are you feeling okay, Sienna?"
Kale took several deep breaths. It didn't matter what the chemicals were in the air but his apprihention had been gradually growing since he left the ship. Even now with the mask on that fear was growing though slowly.

For less then fraction of a second he beheld a great wall of flame stretching from horizon to horizon upon which large grotesque faces cod be seen. As they opened their mouths to leer at him the screaming of damned souls could be heard.

He shuddered and the image dissapeared.

"Sorry for the outburst Chusa. My feeling of panic has been rising steadily since we left the ship. That seems to have stabilised now I have the mask on. Ill keep it under control."

The words seemed to ring hollow. He couldn't even tell if he was assuring the commander or trying to reassure himself.
Team Smash And Grab

The alien responded to Mitsuko's back as she walked off with a small bow of its own, touching its forehead with a hand and elegantly flourishing it in front of him, finish with the palm of its hand upright between them. While alien, the gesture seemed very humble.

It looked at her when she spoke to it again, the insectoid wing flashed again as it fanned itself again.

"One can find inner peace wherever they go, but that does not mean they would like to stay wherever they are." it replied, almost lyrically, seemingly in amusement.
Team Smash And Grab

It comforted Misato a bit that Bors allowed them to put the suit on him, but she wasn't ready to go back. "How can you have peace if people around you are drugging you and using your dreams?" The wings iridescent shimmer distracted her form a moment. Though when she focused again she started eying the little lizards on the Chelti. "What are those? Do they bite?" She slowly raised her left arm up to gently touch one of them. The gas might been affecting her a bit, the lizards looked like they were glowing a bit.
Dream Market - Hanakos Group

Yosmet listened to the exchanges between his crew, now quite aware of the fact that the fog contained possible chemicals of a harmful kind and seemed nonchalant about it. Maybe because it was most of the Star Army equipment that would prove useful just so happened to be small.

He kept up his watchdog look; all the while still near the captain and his group yet far enough away to be able to move toward any threat with the utmost attempts at defeating it.

What in the...was a thought that popped to the fore at the sight of what appeared to be an redskinned alien with hooves for feet whoch passed by him...
Team Smash And Grab

"Oh, I have my own ways coping, although I'm not sure your friend would enjoy them." The alien replied, tapping the membrane on its short snout and then reaching out towards Misato. At this distance she could see a gathering of ugly bruised lines which looked suspiciously like syringe marks on the soft part of its arm.

One of the lizards skittered rapidly and transferred over to Misato, where it began to scurry around on her body curiously.

"If it pleases you." The alien said, withdrawing the arm and giving another one of its pets a treat from the hand.

"My kind uses them as groomers and domestic animals. I can be parted from them, but I suspect you wish to see to your friends first, yes?" it said, tilting its head past her to peer at Riko. Its big golden eyes blinked slowly.
Team Smash And Grab

The lizard raced up her arm and to her shoulders. it made her jump at first. The things glowing tracers made for some interesting sensations for her. She slowly looked back at one of her partners in crime. Bors was still coughing in the suit she gave him. Though now the face plate looked a bit like a Ripper's helmet. Startled she convinced herself it was just the stress of the past few days.

Rubbing her eyes she looked again, Bors and his mask was back to how it was suppose to be. with the lizard was still on her shoulders she walked back over to him and helped him straighten back up. "Bors Look at me... Deep breathes in there, the AMES will help you out. you just need to breath and let the fresh air get deep in your lungs."
Dreamworld Market


Suddenly there was a bit of a commotion as the crowd had to made way for a Light Utility Truck that pulled up with Victory and Lime inside it. "Shosho! Here it is!" Victory shouted, waving at her captain. Piled in the back of the truck was a pair of large and quite heavy duffel bags (each containing hundreds of the newly-minted standard galactic batteries), 3 salted hams, 3 80-pound wheels of cheese, 5 pavilion tents, 10 normal tents, 30 nice rugs, a barrel of Yamataian wine, a barrel of Nepleslian whiskey, and a bunch of backpacks and bags.

"Please help with these," Hanako said to Yosmet as the crowd began to gather around with interest. "We have some money now for the crew. Give each crew member a bagpack or bag and 20 power cells. These items are all items are all things we can, and should sell for additional power cells."
Natsumi's Group

Chieko almost didn't register anything about Sienna's voice; however she did hear the question, to which she would normally give a fairly straight answer. "It's just a test," she replied tersely in Yamataian, then shook her head at the fog on the edges of her consciousness, seeming to weigh her thoughts down some. The young Minkan was annoyed; not at her cabin mate, but at the how her mind was betraying her, even to the point of not noticing her hands were up.

The scientist clenched her right fist to try and bring more focus to things just as Natsumi started talking to them. "I was just about to test that," came Chieko's annoyed response, again, in Yamataian, her face in a twisted form of her intense focus. Then there was pain in her right hand, causing her to check it.

There was blood under her fingernails, and a line of red marks on her palm that looked as if the had leaked a little. The bleeding, otherwise, seemed to have stopped; the arterioles having constricted while the remaining hemosynth began mending the cuts. The academic didn't say anything for a moment until her hands started to shake in frustration.

"Itto-Hei, I believe, under these circumstances, I am unable to reliably perform my duty," Chieko began, using slow, deliberate Trade, "I would like permission to report to Medical and properly detoxify myself prior to resuming. I also recommend we all get a check-up."
Market place

Sepop watched the activity of crew of the Eucharis. She was confused to say the least. She waited until Hanako had finished her instructions.

"Sar-Hanako. These people have attempted to corrupt your computer. They have tried to poison you and your crew. Yet, you still intend to trade with these people." She said loudly so as to be heard through her mask.

Sune had to admit he was perplexed and had to agree with Sepop about the situation. His attention was diverted when he heard Chieko.

"It seems that some of our people are feeling the effects of the chemicals. I suggest we unload the vehicle as quickly as possible and use it to convey them back to the ship." he suggested.
Dreamworld Market

"Yes m'am!"

Yosmet gathered up both barrels of liquid followed by the cheeses which went under a tree trunk of an arm. He took up a bag as requested aswell and went for any crates that were manageable with the stuff he had.

"Where do you want it, m'am?" He inquired respectfully, not even straining under the weight.
"I think i need to go for detox a well. I can't quite trust myself to be objective right now. May i request permission to come right back afterwards however?"

The hellish vision had affected Kale more then he cared to admit. Above all of those tortured screams he could hear his sister.

Making a conscious effort he stoped his hands from shaking. He didn't want to run away. Not only was it his first mission. He didn't want to leave the others that he had me and began to become friends with. Glancing around he saw Chieko, Deziarra, Natsume and Sienna. No,He wouldn't let tem face this alone. It would be too close to betrayal.
Dreamworld - Natsumi's Group

Sienna grinned her nonchalant little half-grin at Natsumi and shrugged. "Like I told Chieko, I'm just dandy," she replied in a voice that again sounded far more relaxed than she intended it to be. It was probably for the best, though, since several of the others around her seemed to be looking awfully tense. She wondered if she'd looked that wound up when they first set foot on this world, before she'd gotten her nerves to calm down.

Her eyes drifted over to Kale again, wandering over him from head to toe and back to his head. He looked terribly distressed, and she knew a good way to calm him down if need be...

From nowhere, she suddenly became aware that she was feeling somewhat warm.

She blinked hard again, clearing the barely noticeable haze from her vision again. It was getting difficult to concentrate. Looking back in front of her, she realized her hands were still held up in front of her, and she caught something about a test and a wheel of cheese from Chieko, but between her broken Yamataian and increasingly skittish attention span she wasn't sure if that was in fact what was said. She felt like she should be concerned, but for some reason, she felt oddly at peace with her state, and strangely comfortable in this environment in a way she couldn't at all describe, even to herself. It didn't make any sense.

When Chieko looked at her own hands, it became apparent she wasn't any longer interested in Sienna's, so she lazily put them back down. She tilted her head quizzically at the Minkan's concerned expression; why was she so worried?

"Ugh," she muttered, looking up at the sky at nothing in particular, then at Natsumi, Chieko, and Kale. "Anybody else feeling warm at all?" she asked. "Feels a bit warm to me." It wasn't anything unbearable, the temperature just seemed to be barely too high to warrant wearing her jacket. She pointed her hands behind her backside and rolled her shoulders, sliding the jacket off and tying the sleeves around her waist, leaving her in the snug, blue shirt with sleeves barely long enough to be called sleeves.
Dreamworld Market - Hanako's group

"Right," Hanako agreed with Sune. "If someone seems affected, we can get them cleared in the medical lab."

"Over there, please," Hanako told Yosmet and pointed to a spot near the Chelti. It was a bit of a struggle to move things with the crowd closely gathered to see what there was to be had.

Hanako leaned close to Sepop and whispered in her ear. "These residents are being subjected to the same treatment as we are. I want to learn about them and their technology. After that, I need to know more about the Dreamworld itself. Only then can we leave this place. Are you with me?"
Sepop looked at Hanako for a moment as she considered the Nekovalkyjra's words.

"If I understand you phrase, yes I am with you. I perceive these Essai as a potential threat to my clan. So I am honor bound to learn as much as possible." Sepop replied.
"Now that you mention it, I am feeling warm" Natsumi replied and shook her head, trying to clear her vision. The feeling of one of her senses going out of proper operation was distressing to say the least.. "Let's get to the medical bay and docontaminate" she said and grabbed her communicator.

Natsumi paused, loosening the collar of her pristine uniform before activating her communicator. "Shosho, Yamashiro-Hai here, I'm going to take my group back to the ship to get decontaminated." she said. "Then we will don AMES suits to be protected from what's in the air and continue to explore"

With that she glanced at Sienna, Chieko and the others, "Let's go back" she said and started back for the Eucharis
Kale sighed audibly in relief. He wouldn't be abandoning the others to go detox solo.

He could see Sienna appraising him with a vaguely predatory expression on her face, which was, in his current state of mind, somewhat terrifying. In his experience that was almost a carbon copy of Kira's expression when she was trying to matchmake him. Besides. he honestly didn't know how much of her mental state was caused by the drugs in the air. Just in case he put Chieko between himself and taller brunette.

'Best if no one does something in this state they'll regret later, right?'

Privately he wondered what it would be like to have a proper lasting relationship. It might even be nice. The girl was certainly attractive after all and WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?

Kale shook his head slightly, he wasn't going to dwell on things he would never have.
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