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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Dreamworld - Natsumi's Group

Sienna looked pensive, in the most liberal interpretation of the word, for a moment. She heard Natsumi suggest they return to the ship to get checked out, but she felt fine. Never had been better, in fact. She turned her head at an unhurried pace, her muscles free of tension, to the white-haired Neko and raised her eyebrows over the top of her mask. "What for?" she asked her. "Told ya I feel fine. Don't let me stop y'all if you need to get checked out, but I think I'm good stretching my legs out here."

She stretched her arms out to each side and high above her head, taking a deep breath through her respirator and looked around. Yeah, the odd atmosphere and ambiance of this place was unsettling at first, but strangely enough, it was starting to grow on her. Maybe this was as good a place for the ship to drop her off as any other. The grotesque bug-creatures here certainly weren't the ugliest things she'd dealt with in the past, nor were they the only things to look at by a long shot around these parts.

She especially liked how everything looked much more pleasant in this otherworldly blue. She stopped surveying the area long enough to let her eyes linger on Sune for a few moments. She found herself thinking, I bet he's a lot cuter when he's loosened up a bit.

Another alien vendor hocking his wares in the distance through a garbled translator snatched her attention, and she wondered if any of the vendor stalls sold anything to eat.
Natsumi's Group

Chieko was busy trying to calm herself as much as possible, to relax without succumbing. She then saw Sienna looking over at Kale and later taking off her jacket. The young gynoid was surprised when a slight bit of jealousy hit - "But he's not even mine," came her next thought, "This needs to be dealt with."

"Yes, let's get moving," came the scientist's response, "I am ill enjoying these effects." She then looked behind herself at the somewhat frightened looking technician - her recollection of him as a target then seemed to return - and a smile broke across her face. "Daijoubu koneko-chan," Chieko purred through the fog invading her mind, "Onee-san wa mamotte imasu kara."


Translation of Chieko's last line: "It's ok little kitten, because big sister will protect (you)."
Team Smash and Grab

The coughing slowly subsided after each deep breath he took. They were rough at first but they eventually became easier and easier. The hallucinations flickered in and out of his vision but for the most part he could tell the difference between the things that were actually real and the ones his mind perceived.

"Thanks." He grumbled once he was able to speak, "I needed that."

hauling himself to his feet he glanced around trying to figure out where to go to next, now that he could actually function.
'Awww hell no'

Backpedalling away from Chieko two things occured. The second of which drew attention to the first. Kale who was getting ever so slightly flustered turned bright red. He then fell tripped over backwards for good measure.

"Uhhh Chieko-san, are you feeling alright?" he asked with a barely controlled stutter.
Market place

Sune listened to the message from Mitsuko. "Do not let Riko-Hei wander off. I'll be there in a moment."

He turned to Hanako, "Ma'am, Riko-Hei seems to be another falling victim to the chemicals. Also Murikami-Hei believes she has met a vendor that we should speak with. Perhaps someone who can give us some answers, or at least a starting point."

He gave a slight bow of his head, turned and walked over to where Mitsuko stood. He took note of the fact that Bors was now in a AMES. That should hopefully help prevent worsening condition. He thought and took note of the unusual creature standing next to her.

"Murikami-San, I see that Bors-San is in an AMES now. What symptoms was he exhibiting. Any bizarre behavior? Slurred speech?" he inquired.

He pointed with his hand towards the alien next to her. "Is this the 'friend' you mentioned? If so I am sure the Shosho will want to speak with them."
Team Smash and Grab

Msiato was standing there with a lizard on her sholders when Sune walked up and started talking to Mimi... Though What Misato saw was a ripper chatting with her roommate. Quickly she wiped her eyes and saw her XO before her.

"Afternoon Mr. Boss man... This is our good friend, he has been stuck her for quite a while." She knew her tone was a bit insubordinate, but she just couldn't bring herself to care. Hell right now she wasn't sure that she care about much more then the cute pet on her neck and Mimi...
Natsumi's Group

Deziarra put away the data that had gotten most of her attention and looked at the people around her. They were loosening clothing, stuttering, and acting strangely. She left slightly hot herself but she could not tell if this was due to the virus, the actual heat, or just psychological from watching everyone else.

"Good idea," she said to Natsumi. "We should get back to the ship as soon as possible."

She was surprised by her own lack of reaction to the interaction between Sienna, Kale, and Chieko. This was something that should concern her. She yawned. Her sleep had been cut short due to her nightmare which would hinder her bodies ability to heal itself and her nightmare was one of the milder ones.

Turning her attention back to the data, her mind became lost in a sea of numbers as if she was no longer looking for the pattern she had been trying so hard to find.
Natsumi's Group

The boy's red face prompted a short giggle as Chieko neglected to keep her attention on Sienna, until the technician tripped over himself, "look out!" The academic was no where near quick enough to grab him in time, but the effort made her shake her head again from the fog. Then again, Kale on the ground with that blush ended up making him look cuter, it was tough not to 'bare her fangs' if she had not already.

"I would have to say yes and no that that," Chieko replied with a sigh. She then held a hand out to Kale to help him up and shook her head. "You need to be careful where you're stepping though," she continued, "Let's get this fuzziness dealt with so we can get to work."
Dreamworld - Natsumi's Group

The stumble and thud surprised Sienna-- or at least she thought it did. By the time she had turned around to see what it was, she saw Chieko helping Kale get up from his backside. She realized it had been several seconds for her mind to process that she'd heard the noise and actually react to it. For some reason, she found this slightly funny.

She chuckled softly and shook her head at Kale as he regained his feet with Chieko's aid. "Best watch your step there," she chided in a relaxed voice. Strolling slowly over to where he'd fallen, she looked down at the ground, not able to help grinning to herself beneath her respirator. Bending down, she picked up a tiny fiber from someone's garment, possibly one of their own, or someone who'd come before them, pinched between her thumb and forefinger. She held it up lightheartedly for Kale to see. "All kinds of walking hazards 'round here, apparently."

She tossed the miniscule fiber at him playfully, and it fluttered lazily through the air and back down to the ground. As she did so, a giggle came out of her, and she hiccuped as her surprise caught it in her throat. Her eyes widened with astonishment at the nauseatingly girlish sound she'd just emitted, and she covered her mouth with her hand, or rather, placed her hand on her mask over where her mouth was. "Did I just... did I just frackin' giggle?" she asked, starting to grin in embarrassed amusement again with her eyes and her covered mouth.
Sune, Bors, Misato and Murakami

Mitsuko kept a firm hold on Riko's arm, trying to prevent him from falling. Or wandering off again. The processed air inside the AMES seemed to be helping. She was very relieved to see Sune appear. "He was coughing, a-and he fell down when he tried to wander off. I think he saw...something. But I'm not sure what would be so interesting that he'd t-try to leave us behind." She glanced around, insinuating he was hallucinating without quite saying it.

She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Misato-Hei is acting funny, too." Murakami didn't have to elaborate, as her roommate was demonstrating this quite well right in front of Sune. She actually managed a weak smile at the last question. It was really somewhat comforting that the strange alien was so quiet and peaceful, with all of this going on. The fact that it also wanted to leave this place as much as she did was refreshing. "Yes. It seems to know what is happening here, and is not pleased. I think it would quite like to leave this planet..." She frowned. "The fact that it is still here is...troubling..." Mitsuko nodded at the alien.
Dreamworld Market - Hanako's Group

Ahead of Akane, the rest of the group was distributing power cells and spare equipment. Slight as it might have been, Akane's delay kept her from meeting with the Shosho. Being the newest member of the crew made the young Nekovalkyrja feel distant from the others. Tardiness only made that state worse.

Providing a quick salute, Akane started looking at the items on hand. She knew what she would need to do, but she couldn't claim any great skill at bartering.
Team Smash and Grab

"I am not acting funny," Misato attempt to disclaim the fact would have been better if she didn't have to blink the ghosts out of her eyes. "I'm sure you are seeing things... I'm FINE." she didn't mean to raise her voice, but the cute lizard on her shoulders sunk a claw in making her jump a hair.

"But Mr. Man here seems to have found a way to keep himself going... well I'm guessing 'him' self..." She leaned in close to Sune, "I haven't checked myself... I wouldn't know where to look." blushing a bit, a giggle escaped. "But I think I should continue to talk to him... Plus I think I need to figure out what to do about this lizard thing..." she reached up and attempted to scratch it's head.
Team Smash And Grab

The alien in question appeared to be sucking on some sort of tube with a bite piece from over its shoulder. Filling its lungs with air that seemed more to its liking. It stared at Sune as he was mentioned with those hard golden eyes, and then blinking slowly and looking back at this more immediate conversation.

"Indeed, I am male." The alien replied, bowing shallowly. "But Man is not among my names. I am very interested in learning yours."

Meanwhile, the lizard on Misato's shoulders stopped from trying to look for parasites among her hair and crooned softly as it was scratched. Shutting its eyes and leaning into her hand.
Natsumi's group

Natsumi paused as all the others were still conversing or pushing each other down or whatever. She sighed and tugged at the collar of her uniform again. It was way too hot, she was really feeling it now.

"For a artificial planet they sure need to do something about the air conditioning" she commented, frustrated with the sudden increase in temperature she was feeling. Natsumi pulled her mask off, the face-full of hot air was just too much. She shoved it and her cap into her pocket, then ran her hands through her once neatly organized hair. Then she undid the upper portion of her uniform tunic, almost down to her naval, and fanned herself.

She walked back over to Sienna and stood next to her, seemed the mask had not worked well enough and the drugs had finally taken hold of the snowy haired Operator. "Hey, your giggle is cute" she commented and grinned at the Nepleslian woman, giggling herself.
"Ok chieko-ch-san" he stuttered. Barely managing to hold back from calling her Chieko-chan

The ship wasn't too far distant beyond the bank of fog.

"you going to drag her back or do I need to?" he asked Chieko quietly so that said increasingly stoned individual could not hear. even so he wasn't sure whether Chieko was also feeling the effects as Sienna was or was just teasing him. The thought wasn't helping his state of mind. Though he had to admit it was kind of nice.

Either he hadn't ben paying attention or Sienna had snuck up on him because her voice made him jump. Yes it ws deinately time to get back to the ship.
Dreamworld - Natsumi's Group

It was weird. Sienna somehow knew that giggling was horribly out of character for her, and given the strange buzzing sensation she was feeling coupled with this eerily pleasant atmosphere, she somehow felt that she shouldn't have found it quite so funny. She couldn't help herself, however. Grinning wider at Natsumi, she laughed a bit more at her embarrassingly girlish slip. Pretty soon both of the women were laughing at themselves, though she wasn't really sure why, but she didn't really care too much.

Natsumi seemed to have the right idea. It was definitely getting warm around here, and the mask seemed to be doing little other than blowing her hot breath back on her face. She undid the clasp and pulled it off of her face, taking a breath of the comparatively cooler air and tugging at her shirt collar to get some more circulation, still sputtering with mild laughter. After she'd composed herself a little, she giggled one more time and sighed deeply, blowing a lungful of air back out as she raised her eyebrows.

She looked up at the sky, though it now appeared to be a cloudless blue afternoon sky with two yellow suns. No wonder it was getting warm. Pleasant, but warm. She guessed that she just hadn't noticed it through the blue fog that hung around before, but now it seemed it had cleared. She didn't reflect too long on such peculiar weather before Kale caught her eye again.

Guffawing just a bit more, trying to keep from erupting into another fit of laughter, she raised an eyebrow at him and grinned suggestively. "Ain't you hot, Kale?" she asked, her eyes wandering over him once more, and untucked the tail of her shirt.
Natsumi's Group

Natsumi laughed with Sianne. She didn't know why she was laughing, or what she was laughing at, it just seemed appropriate and she giggled along a good while after still.

She ran her hands through her long, thick, white hair, trying to brush the troublesome mop out away from her face. "Mm soo warm today.." she commented again, her red eyes lulling around as she took in her surroundings. "Think there's a pool or something around here?" she asked and peered about to see if she could see one, then let here eyes trace where Seianna's were looking.

"Oh him?" she giggled and pointed at the poor Kale. "I donnoo...seems kinda skittish, doesn't he?" she grinned, "Could be fun though" she went on, grabbing onto Sianna's sleeve, leaning against her heavily like he knees were jelly and she needed a little extra support.
Dreamworld - Natsumi's Group

Sienna sputtered and giggled again, barely managing to keep from spitting as her lips buzzed. She bent over a little to keep her composure and rested her hands on her knees, still standing a bit taller than Natsumi even so. "Yeah, he's a bit jittery huh? Kinda skinny, too," she replied between chuckles.

She noticed how shiny her boots looked as she looked down at them, and immediately stopped laughing and looked astonished. "Damn," she said in mild awe. "I never noticed before how good a job y'all did at cleaning these busted old things up." She'd been so used to seeing them covered in engine grease and grit, and even though they were old and worn, it was impressive how nice they looked now. A shame she'd just now realized it.

Rising back up to her full height, she only then became aware that Natsumi was leaning on her, and started to giggle again at the Neko, then stopped again. "You said somethin' about a pool," she said as if continuing the same thought. "Is there a pool? Let's go to the pool. Too damn hot out here. Let's get in the pool." Her eyes turned to Kale again, and the wily grin returned. "C'mon, nerve-boy. Bring your girlfriends too. Hey, where's that big strapping guy? Or that other one, what's his name, Bors? Let's go find the pool."

She fanned her shirt tail, and for a moment contemplated just taking it off altogether. The warm sun would be nice on her skin, and her shirt was starting to itch a bit. She decided against it, however, thinking it'd be best if she gave them something to look forward to, and started to lazily pull Natsumi in an arbitrary direction.

Natsumi giggled. "Yeah, there has to be one around here somewhere" she agreed and let Sienna pull her along in a direction. She reached out and beckoned for Kale to follow them.

The neko grinned at the mention of her roommate), "Oh, yea we should get Bors to come to the pool" she giggled loudly at the thought of him in a pool. "Yeah, he'll be fun for sure!" she said and eyed Sienna.
Now that he had a little personal space and the presence of mind to think he could tell that they wouldn't even make it back to the ship in this condition. The one least affected seemed Deziarra. She would be fine to get back under her own steam and possibly Chieko. Natsume and Sienna? Not a chance.

"Chieko can you go get Natsume and carry her back to the ship? Ill take Sienna back cuz those two aren't getting back on their own any time soon. Dezierra Im somewhat wary of leaving someone out here solo so could you follow us back."

Biting the bullet Kale took off speeding after the dynamic duo. Catchingwith them he picked up Sienna bridal style and flew off at top speed towards the ship. He glanced down at the normally stoic girl.

"You'll thank me for this later." he muttered
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