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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Sune, Bors, Misato and Murakami

Mitsuko shuffled toward Sune, trying to lead Riko towards him. It was awkward, but hopefully she could shift some of the load to Jalen, since Misato was being made her main responsibility. "Me? Oh, I'm fine, Jalen-Chusa." She frowned. That seemed odd, but she didn't have time to worry about it.

"Suzume-chan, let's go home. Just for a bit." After untangling herself from Bors, she approached her roommate. She tried to think of a reason Misato would want to go back to the ship. "I um...thought we could change into our civilian clothes. Jalen-Chusa said it was okay after all. Can you help me pick an outfit?" She gently tugged at Misato's hand, the one that wasn't scratching that creature. " your little friend behind for now, the Chusa will stay and negotiate. We'll pick it up when we come back. Right?" She weakly smiled and nodded at the alien, actually embarassed that he had to be involved with this scene, after he'd been so calm and understanding.

At the first sound of a medical emergency Ayumi was quickly, but carefully, out the door of the infirmary with a medical kit which had a portable antigravity stretcher in it. She was glad she'd familiarised herself so much with the lab, she certainly wasn't going to take ten minutes to figure out which medical kits held what.

Cargo Bay

The excitement she'd felt mere moment before had long been quelled by the worry she had for her crewmates. It didn't matter that she'd barely shared three words with most of them, she certainly didn't want her crewmates being badly hurt.

As she rushed into the cargo bay a strange situation met her. Sienna, the one who had visited her previously, was sleeping in a chair as if she didn't have a care in the world, as if there wasn't a Neko at the bottom of the cargo ramp bleeding. Yet another Neko was also asleep, however Ayumi had only seen this person momentarily and held no context as to who she was or why she was sleeping.

What on earth had happened?

This information processed through the black haired Neko's mind quickly, and she was at the bottom of the ramp just as quickly as she'd left the medbay.

"What is the situation?" Ayumi asked, popping open her medical kit and quickly unfolding the stretcher. Chieko, the Minkan she recognised from dinner the night before, had clearly been injured, but the medic needed to know what had happened before she dared moving or touching her.

Izokia quickly turned to Takeyu "We will continue the tests at another time." She turned and got to prepping the containment cells for anyone coming in.

Ayumi status on the injured can you give a 7-line request?

Izokia ran around the Medbay prepping everything they may need to treat stabbings, clubbings, shootings, burns, and poisonings. She motioned for Takeyu to grab a set of scrubs for her and Ayumi.
Cargo Ramp

Chieko continued lay at the bottom of the cargo ramp where her momentum finally left her. She was somewhat splayed out - one leg bent, the other had the foot over rotated - and her chest was not moving in the telltale rise and fall of breathing. Actually, the scientist's face was starting to turn blue as Ayumi arrived.
Team Smash and Grab

"No one told me there would be a fashion show." Bors said sarcastically to Mitsuko, "Think you might need this thing more than me." Removing the AMES mask he put it on Misato so that she could start to filter some of the gas out of her system. Knowing that Mitsuko would pry protest his decision he cut her off before she could say anything. "Don't worry I I'm pretty sure I have a good grasp of the situation, so the hallucinations wont bother me too much before we get back to the ship."
Team Smash and Grab


Starring at Mitsuko, Misato was sure that Sune said nothing of the such... Hell she was wondering why they weren't helping her get to the bottom of the situation.

As Bors was trying to put the AMES onto her a thought slammed into the side of her head. This was a NMX trick... She was still back on that planet with the rippers. They didn't killer her, they tricked her into some sort of false world.

Struggling, she got loose from Bors and Mimi, ans started running deeper into the city. She had to find a place to hide... Time to think this out. 'There must be some way out of here!'

Racing away she ducked into an alley, She stopped and leaned up against a wall breathing a bit hard. It was getting warm. sliding down to a seated position with her back to the wall she drew her pistol and checked it over. "How am I sure you are real?" She asked her NSP, clinging on the hope that she could escape. Once she did she would have to find Mitsuko, Bors, and Sune... They had to have been captured too.

A few tears rolled from her eyes as she felt the stress of the fictitious situation roll over her. A tiny voice in the back of her mind, it sounded like Mitsuko, was trying to tell her this was all just the gas screwing with her. But the world around her was spinning and making her delusion worse. She was even seeing rippers out of the corners of her eye's. the peered at her, waiting for her to screw up.
Dreamworld Market

By now the things were all unloaded into a miniature shop near the Chelti merchant and Pineapple was free to give a ride to anyone that still needed one back to the ship. "Anyone for the Eucharis?" she asked, waiting to see if anyone else would board the light utility truck.

Hanako looked around and frowned, highly aware of their reduced strength now that so many of the away team had gone back to the ship for treatment. At least there was the intimidatingly-tall Yosmet at her side.
Dreamworld Market

The alien stepped back as Misato barged past, its eyes followed her for moment before it turned back to Sune.

"Similar fates befell the crew of the vessel I arrived here on. You best find that one quickly, before the twists and turns claim her for good." It said almost sadly.


From Misatos shoulder came a concerned croon and she felt tiny pricks from a small set of claws press against her cheek.
Team Smash and Grab

A flurry of slurs flew out of Bors's mouth as Misato ran off into the market place. It wasn't the time for this not now. Unholstering his NSP he flicked the selective fire switch to stun as he turned towards the others.

"I'll get her back, not the first time I've had to hunt someone down in a town I didn't know to much about."

Grabbing the AMES suit he tore off in the direction that Misato had gone weaving though the throng of people that were in the Market buying various goods, causing less than a few stares and what he guessed were the various slurs and heckling in the populations native tongues. Normally he would stop and give them a piece of his own mind but he more important things on his plate at the moment.

Bors knew that this was a race against the clock, the last thing he wanted was for his crew mate to do something stupid before he could get there. The hallucinations also weren't helping his cause, though he knew if he took the time to put on the suit it would potentially increase the distance between him and Misato.

Taking a moment to scan the crowed for any sign of the blue neko, as well as to catch his breath, he saw what he hoped was Misato darting into a nearby alleyway. Taking a deep breath he jumped over a parked car.. or was it a vendors cart.. as he ran towards her, the market slowly turning into his old stomping grounds in Funky City. He slowed down as he approached the alley, last thing he needed was to startle her to much and get blasted. Taking another deep breath he turned into the alley and looked at his friend.

"Hey, you allright Doc?" He said at the the crying figure in the alley. Focus Bors that isn't your friend from back home its Misato. He thought to himself trying to latch back onto reality, though the neko did look somewhat like his old friend or at least she appeared to. "I'm here to take you back to the others, its safe your with me now."
Back Alley

As Bors ran after Misato, a shadowy figure in a cloak emerged from a side alley with a electric-based stun gun as he passed by, firing it at Bors' back while he was distracted. He felt a sharp pain as the prongs dug through his uniform and lodged themselves in his back, followed by waves of electric shocks to his muscles.

The assailant went for Misato next, aiming his stunner at her!
Team Smash and Grab

The cooing sound got her attention first. she had forgotten the lizard on her shoulders. Misato was about the scritch it a bit more when Bors came around the corner. He called her Doc... The NMX had screwed up.

Aiming her pistol at him as she slowly stood up, her voice was shaky but forceful, "You have screwed up Mister... I'm not a Doc." Backing away from him she thought for a moment, "Leave me... I like the real Bors, nice guy and all, I would hate to have to kill a fake."

Then everything went screwy, The Dark figure attacked Bors before her. AS he trained his weapon at her she flicked her own weapon to heavy stun and fired at him. She could have sworn that The figure was a ripper. The only reason she didn't shot to kill was the fact that the Mimi-chan voice in her head screamed at her not to. Misato was suck a sucker for that voice.

Ayumi looked over Chieko, her gaze bouncing from here to there as she took in the situation. She pressed two fingers against Chieko's neck, searching for a pulse. She was confused about just how this could have happened. How had Chieko managed to fall from the ramp in such a way that she would not be breathing as she should?

A quick glance in the direction the group had come from, wondering if they'd been running from something, was interrupted by Izokia's request for a 7-line. She quickly went back to looking over the severely injured Minkan.

Cargo bay, one patient confirmed, X, C, N, S, possible need for a ventilator.
Sune, Bors, Misato and Murakami

Mitsuko squeaked as Misato yanked her hand free. She was momentarily stunned as her roommate took off. "Suzume-chan! You spooked her!" Her complaint to Bors was missed as he dashed off, carrying the suit he'd wriggled out of while she was distracted. She glanced between Sune and the alien, as the creature warned them.

The three of them had come down as a team, which meant they were supposed to stick together and keep each other safe. She only hesitated for a moment, before following the two. Mistuko took to the air, able to move more freely there. She was too late to spot Misato, but Riko was easier to follow. Unlike the others, she left her weapon holstered, pulling out her communicator instead.

Something was happening down there. All she could do was hurry to catch up, zooming towards her friends. A few moments behind the others, at least this gave her time to fire off another message to Sune. Simple text with their current location, based on their direction and speed.
Kale was brought out of his shock by the voice of the medical officer.

Though he hadn't seen it he could piece together at least some of what had happened.

"Sienna and Natsumi's condition was getting worse. So me and chieko were flying them back here for treatment. I didnt see what happened but I did hear a scream as I dropped Sienna off at med bay. She must have crashed at full speed."

Mentaly cursing himself repeatedly he came to a realisation.

"I shouldnt have asked her to fly in her condition. Its all my fault."
She felt her eyes flutter open, but everything around her was dark. Sienna came to realize she was lying on her back on a hard, uneven surface, and she was cold. She sat up, but her body felt heavy and slow to respond, as if several stone blocks were weighing down on her chest. A distant, high-pitched droning sound surrounded her, but she couldn't tell which direction it was coming from; other than that, all was silence. Clumsily she climbed to her feet, staggering a bit as she did so, squeezing her eyes shut and opening them wide again as she rubbed her head and tried to look around, but she could see nothing.

She turned about, holding her hands out in front of her, feeling blindly about to get some idea of where she was. The floor felt rocky and uneven but solid, however, the effort it took for her to take a step forward made it seem as if she were trying to walk through deep, loose mud. After a few steps she nearly tripped as her foot met the floor much earlier than anticipated, barely managing to maintain her balance.

"Hello?" she called out groggily, but only the droning sound answered her. She stepped forward a few more times, each time more cautiously, never knowing how level the floor was. She continued to trudge forward, feeling around in the dark.

On one step, the floor simply was no longer there. She fell.

Down, down, down she tumbled, slamming into the hard ground over and over again as she bounced and rolled, yet she felt no pain with any impact. She fell for what seemed like forever, wondering the whole way when she would stop.

With one final slam, she hit a smooth, ice-cold surface, and came to a stop in a heap, face-down. Her body still felt heavy and sluggish, but she did not otherwise feel like she was injured, miraculously. She lifted herself up on her hands, looking around, still seeing nothing.

That is, until she looked over her shoulder behind her.

She could make out the shadowy outline of a male figure in the distance, illuminated from high above by a sickly, pale yellow light that originated from an unseen source and flickered intermittently, like an old spotlight that had gone neglected for years and barely functioned. She pulled her legs up beneath her and struggled to her feet, turning to face the figure.

"Hey," she called out. "Hey, you there!"

The figure did not move or respond in any way, as if it were frozen in place.

"Hey, I'm talkin' to you!" she called, louder, and took a step towards it. However, her nose and chin thumped into a solid invisible barrier, and she was nearly bumped back onto her backside by the unexpected obstacle. Confused, she felt in front of her; her hands touched a surface that was as cold and perfectly smooth as the floor, though she could see right through it, as if it weren't really there. She looked up, down, to the sides. There was only darkness, and the distant figure under the light.

She pushed against it, but in vain. She shimmied to the side, feeling along the invisible wall to find the edge, but a few feet to either direction she ran into another similar barrier, each perpendicular to the one before her. She tried to back up. The same result. She was trapped in a small, invisible cell.

"Hey!" she cried. "Help me!"

The figure still remained still and silent, never acknowledging her presence.

She pushed, kicked, and struck her cell walls with the heel of her palm. She screamed for help, trying to get the attention of the only thing she could see in the darkness. Panic started to slowly snake its tendrils into the pit of her stomach, and her attempts to escape became more frantic. It was useless.

Suddenly the distant droning sound stopped, and when she looked again, the figure was no longer there, leaving her once more in absolute darkness, and this time in perfect silence.

She couldn't even hear her own breathing. The only sensation she felt was the cold, and her racing heartbeat thumping in her face and neck. She stood still, not knowing what to do, frozen in place.

Seconds went by... or minutes? She couldn't tell.

With no warning, there was an abrupt screeching sound from all around her. A bright reddish light flashed, as if she'd just been struck in the head, and the dessicated face of a corpse filled her vision for the span of a film frame, alternating rapidly with a Mishhuvurthyar descending upon her, tentacles flailing wildly.
Back Alley

The cloaked figure let out a brief but bright shower of sparks and slumped over when Misato's NSP hit it but its three robotic legs kept it upright so it was standing motionless behind Bors with wisps of foul-smelling smoke rising from its form.
Team Smash and Grab

The smell caused Misato to cough a few times, as she stood there trying to make sense of what just happened. She moved quickly grabbing the cloak off the strangers and flicked it over her shoulders, Making sure the little lizard was carefully snuggled in under it.. Grabbing Bors, she dragged him along with her. If they wanted to hurt him too, then maybe he was real in this place also. Once she had pulled him up on her back she started moving as quickly as she could, trying to find a place to go to ground.
Dreamworld Market - Hanako's Group

While unloading the excess goods from the ship, a sound came from a nearby alley. Akane looked around, trying to figure out if something was out of place with the group. He problem was that she hadn't been around her shipmates long enough to recognize most of them, even with a cursory glance.

Still something seemed wrong. She kept working, but remembered that she did have a sidearm. It wasn't much, but it could prove effective if a threat did arise.
While Ayumi was trying to check Chieko's pulse the new Minkan, someone she did not recognise at all, spoke up. At first Ayumi was confused, fly?

This was non consequential, something seemed to be off about all the crewmembers who had just returned.

"Now is not the time for self deprecation." Ayumi warned, "I will need help moving her on to this gurney, once I've stabilised her."
Natsumi sank to the cold deck of the cargo bay, her head was spinning. The combination of drugs and adrenaline wasn't the best and the momentary clarity she had was rapidly fading away.

"Is... is she going to be alright?" Natsumi asked Ayumi. Then the world spun and she fell over, passing out..
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