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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Sienna rubbed her eyes and blinked again. She felt light, almost like she was full of air or suspended in water. Her surroundings were colorful and vibrant, full of bright colors that stung to look at for too long.

She got the sensation that she was aboard a starship, but it was unlike anything she'd ever seen. All of the surfaces were glossy with curved, bowed-out appearances, almost as if the vessel was constructed entirely of inflatable rubber. Except where the balloonlike surfaces came together, there were no sharp angles anywhere.

She could hear voices, but they were speaking in a language she didn't understand. They sounded almost childlike, like toddlers babbling to one another in a way that gave the impression that they were conversing even though to adult ears they sounded like they were speaking nonsense.

Two of the voices became gradually louder; someone was approaching from a nearby corridor that Sienna swore was not there a moment ago. In fact, it appeared the layout of the rooms and hallways around her were not static. Every time she looked back in a direction, she saw something different.

Soon the owners of the voices turned a corner and noticed her. They were a pair of strangely distorted humanoids, like midgets or deformed toddlers. They had enormously oversized eyes that sparkled in the brilliant light, ears, and a mouth like humans, though they lacked a nose. Their heads looked like they were inflated to a much larger size than their shoulders and hips, and she stared in baffled awe at how beings that appeared so top-heavy kept from constantly tipping over. What even further perplexed her was their means of locomotion. Even though they had arms and legs like humans, they bounced. Like toy balls.

The weird childlike beings' faces lit up as they smiled broadly at her, and bounced over to her, chattering away in that odd language of theirs. She could hear one of them address her as "Shelton-chan," and they cheerily took her by each hand and started to lead her down another corridor which, again, was not there before.

Sienna didn't know how to react, and dumbly followed the toddler-esque beings as they happily guided her through the hallways. Another one appeared from nowhere with a hairbrush and proceeded to brush her hair lovingly, unimpeded by the fact that she was still being tugged along by her bouncing hosts. Once again, Sienna could not figure out how to react, she was so confused.
"I'll help."

Kale wanted to do anything he could to help the healing of the science officer. She was fast becoming a friend.

The sight of her broken on an unfamiliar planet was almost too much to bear. He heard the thump as Natsumi hit the deck but he didn't even glance over. This was too important.

Please get well Chieko. You were the first to extend a hand in friendship here. I don't want to lose you.
Chieko's pulse was slow and weak when checked - it was almost imperceptible. Her supply of oxygen in her blood however, was dwindling; soon it would risk brain damage if this continued. The only mercy was that the academic was still unconscious for the duration; though only time may tell if this will allow the affects to ocurr slower as the signs of hypoxia continued to increase.

Ayumi glanced quickly at Natsumi as she fell, making sure she hadn't hit her head, but focusing on the task at hand.

What the hell was happening? Her mind was whirring with worry and with the effort of trying to understand this situation. Did crewmembers usually drop unconscious on this ship? What had she gotten herself into?

The pulse of the Minkan was too weak to be anything near healthy, as she felt this she reached for the air cushion mask and respirator, steadying the back of Chieko's head and holding the respirator to her face and pumping air into her lungs.

She needed to stabilise her before even thinking of treating the wounds of her injured patient, what use would bandaging do if Chieko died while she bandaged?

She paused to reach and take the communications headpiece off of the passed out Natsumi.

"Izokia-hei, I have three crew members unconscious here, one in critical condition, there is a third outside the Medbay door, and we are going to need blood ready."

As she spoke she continued trying to pump air into her gravely injured crewmate. At least until her pulse was steady, at least until she started breathing on her own.

"Santo-hei," She referred to Kale, "I need you to come here and try to take Chieko-hei's pulse." Assuming Kale wasn't going to drop unconscious as well, "Once it has steadied, you need to let me know."

This ship was going to need to have a fully manned hospital built on board at this rate. What a mess.
Cargo Bay

Deziarra opened her eyes. She put her hand up in front of her face and stared at it while she twisted it back and forth. Then she held up three fingers which were clearly visible. She extended her right arm out as far as it could go and touched the tip of her nose. Then she did the same with her left arm. The effects of the drug laced fog appeared to be negligible.

Then she realized she should pay more attention to the events going on around her. People were running about due to some sort of medical emergency but she was too sleepy to make out any details. All she knew was other people needed help more than she did so she would have to wait. Her sleepiness could not be explained solely by her lack of sleep the night before. Something was still wrong but it would have to wait. She closed her eyes and instantly fell asleep again as if she had never been awake at all.

Izokia pulled Sienna into the med lab her body was limp but she was clearly alive. Izokia did a vital check of the civilian but much like Takeyu she appeared to be in some kind of lucid state. She turned to Takeyu "Taii, would you please watch her and alert me if anything changes with her. I need to see to the other patients before i can do anything else.

She prepared the blood for the transfusions, this was getting out of hand the medbay would be over crowded in no time, and worse what about the ones who weren't back. She needed to be down there Ayumi can only do so much on her own. With the med lab prepped for almost every possible occurrence and one patient in stable condition Izokia grabbed a gurney and rushed out of the room to assist her colleague.

Cargo Bay

Izokia ran in and straight to Ayumi and Chieko. When she reached Ayumi she asked " I'm here to take anyone stable." She looked at Cheiko's twisted body "Or I can help her."

Ayumi looked up as Izokia arrived, the slightest of smiles twisting at her lips at the suddenly available help. Who knew seeing another being could make one so happy?

"I need help stablising her, if you could please give her a shot of Nekovalkyrja blood, there should be an injector gun in my medical kit, once she's stabilised I can begin aid and you can focus on getting the others out of here."

Quickly she turned back to Chieko, hoping to see some sort of change for the better.

"Alright got it" Izokia rummaged through Ayumi's bag, it was just as organized as everything else about her. She pulled out the injector and then the vial of blood. Izokia fumbled for a minute with the two items but she managed to get the blood into the injector with out any incident. She slid the injector under Chieko's skin and allowed the blood to begin circulation in her system.

She quietly breathed a sigh of relief "Think you got it from here or would you like me to stay and help in case she destabilizes?"
Upon use of the ventilator, Chieko's chest rose slightly, then stopped - it did not go back down. Slowly however, the blue under her skin stopped increasing, then began to decrease. Also, inline with the change to the scientist's complexion to the correct colour, Kale started to feel her pulse increase in rate and strength.

Not everything was all roses, though. The academic's complexion never picked up her slight pink undertone; instead she remained much paler than her usual. Soon Chieko's pulse increased to the point where one would think that she had been running, just as Izokia managed to inject the Nekovalkyrja blood.

After receiving the injection, the Minkan's fingers, then hands, then arms began to twitch while her lower half seemed to do nothing. All the while, Chieko's chest still did not resume a normal breathing rhythm, though some of the muscles over her rib cage seemed to spasm.

Ayumi frowned in confusion and frustration as Chieko convulsed, having expected her to at least settle in some way. She exhaled sharply, but then took a deep breath to calm herself.

"I will watch her condition if you can attend to her immediately available wounds." She referred to the Minkan's leg.

Confused and running out of ideas, Ayumi set the repirator aside, and decided she'd focus on monitoring her crewmate's pulse. There was nothing they could do until she stopped convulsing, they certainly couldn't move her like this.
When the respirator was removed, Chieko's chest went back down again. Thirty seconds later the shaking eased slightly for fifteen seconds, then rebounded back up again - her pulse following in step with the rate of convulsions. Still, everything from about the bottom of the academic's rib cage and down didn't seem to move at all.

I'll move the others and attend to them. She turned to Kale "Please stay with her and do everything she asks of you it is all to save our friend." Izokia craned her head around until she settled on Deziarra who was the closest unconscious crew member.

"Deziarra can you hear me?" Getting no immediate response, Izokia did another vitals check of the unconscious girl before loading her onto the grav gurney.
Market place

Sune shook his head watching the crew lose all comport. He was about to suggest that Mitsuko help transfer the others to the LUT. When they ran off with Mitsuko in pursuit.

He sent a brief message via his communicator to Hanako. "Two the crew have gone running off, Mitsuko and I are following them. Will advise."

He proceeded to move down the alley way, his weapon in one hand and his scanner in the other.

He heard the distinctive sound of an NSP, put his scanner away and took to air to give him a better perspective as he approach. "Shots fired." he sent to Hanako.
Cargo Bay

A few seconds after being loaded onto the grav gurney, Deziarra opened her eyes once more. She raised her head slightly but quickly lowered it again as her senses came rushing back to her.

"I feel dizzy and I hear a ringing in my ears," she explained as she felt the sweat all over her body. "I'm also dehydrated. Could you get me some water?"

She felt her own heartbeat as the dizziness and ringing gradually subsided.
Near the Alley

After sending her position, Mitsuko heard the same noise. The communicator was put away, her own NSP drawn as she headed for the bright shower of sparks. She was very relieved to see Misato emerging from the alley, apparently unharmed. Bors didn't seem to be so lucky.

She landed nearby as her roommate ruined the hasty cloaked disguise by hefting Riko's body up onto her back. Murakami shied away from the three-legged thing that had apparently attacked them. "Suzume-chan! Is Bors-Hei okay?" Sune wasn't far behind her, in the sky where she'd been moments earlier.

Mitsuko kept her weapon half-pointed at the strange figure that either Misato or Bors had shot, glancing around. If someone had attacked them the moment they'd split up, it was likely others would do the same. She wasn't sure if her paranoia was healthy, or if the fog was finally getting to her. "Suzume-chan, we need to get Bors-Hei back to the ship." She hoped Sune would be there to help soon. She hoped the others would still be in proper shape to help, too.

"'s just us four again." It had only been a day ago. She was starting to feel sick to her stomach again. "Bors-Hei carried me to the shuttle...we need to get him to the Eucharis, okay?" Lowering her weapon, she tried to move to assist Misato with Bors, to begin herding her back towards the ship.
Near the Alley

Misato Suzume stood there staring at her roommate. With Mitsuko's NSP draw, Misato didn't know what to think. It was all too much, so she resorted back to what her brain was thinking. Raising her NSP and pointing it at what she figured was the fake Mimi-chan.

"Take Him..." She let Bors slid down to the ground before her cabin mate. "Save him... I have to find a way out." With that She drew back pulling the hood up and over her head as she turned and stared to run off again.

Ether this was NMX trick or these aliens here were screwing with the crew, it didn't matter which, she had to get to the bottom of it. Though the whole time the little voice in her head, the Mimi-chan sounding one, was screaming for her to go back. To listen to the Real Mimi, but Misato was tweaking to hard to obey it.
Team Smash and Grab

As Bors fell to the ground he blanked out of consciousness, but not before he saw Misato shoot at him. The next thing he knew he was being tossed on the ground by a cloaked figure he could barely make out though he could hear her. The words take him echoed though his head, and with the atmosphere already messing up his view on reality he thought that he was finally cashed in by some bounty hunter.

"Your not gonna make an easy cred off me." He grumbled aiming his NSP at the cloaked figure as she started to run off and fired several shots at the fleeing figure.
Kale nodded at Izokia and turned back to Ayumi. No other response was needed.

"Tell me what you need me to do."

Back inside the environmental field his mind was gradually becoming clearer.He shunted his emotions to the side. He could deal with them later. Right now all there was in the universe was Ayumi, himself and the prone body between them.
YSS Eucharis - Medbay

As Izokia hauled Sienna into the medbay, the sleeping young woman moaned and her face scrunched up weakly in feeble protest, as if she were a child refusing to be woken from a nap. Her eyes fluttered open for a brief moment, but by the glazed-over look in them, it was clear it was much more of an unconscious reaction that any sign of being roused from her slumber, and in seconds they were closed again.

Laying her down on one of the beds in the facility elicited another quiet groan, and she rolled over onto her side, tucking a hand under her head as she curled up and continued to sleep, strangely enough, rather peacefully.
Dreamworld Market

"I guess no one needs a ride," Lime shouted, lough enough so she could be heard over the crowd. "May I go back to the ship, Shosho?".

"Stay here for now," Hanako instructed the cook, making a stop sign gesture with her hand and pointing down to the ground. "I want to buy some items to send back. Also, we have a possible situation."

While she haggled with potential buyers, Shosho Hanako wirelessly called Misato: "Ittô Hei Suzume, give me a situation report."
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