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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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"Yes please. Alert the rest of the crew to her position though and allow any crew through the closed shutters apart from Sienna."

Izokia quickly checked the other wounded crew members and prepped the detox machines as they began to do their work. She then took off to follow Kale and hopefully keep Sienna from further injuring herself.


"Kale have you have any idea where she went?" She shuddered at the horror this could inflict on the ship. Why would the Shosho let a civilian as fragile as Izokia onto Eucharis.

When Sienna ran out of the Medbay, Deziarra started after her before remembering she should not do any running or heavy lifting for awhile. She would be unable to catch her anyway.

"Stay calm!" she yelled but her words were lost among the mass confusion and ever increasing distance between them.

Deziarra got up and slowly walked out of the Medbay, ready to assist in the pursuit.
"I must stay here to attend Chieko." Ayumi stated, clearly not offering any chance of her leaving, "You may do as you wish." Even though she said this, Ayumi did not like the idea of Izokia leaving her with several patients, and running around the ship searching for a crazed knife wielding human.

As Izokia ran out, Ayumi sighed softly and began preparing Chieko for the reconstruction tube, as well as the tube for Chieko.

She was frustrated and confused beyond belief. Where was the captain right now? Was her condition worse? What about the better half of the crew which was also still no where to be seen? Would she be called to rescue others in the field who had fallen prey to worse than what Chieko had?

The black haired medic furrowed her brow as she worked, medical training had been nothing like this. Simulated emergencies still had some element of control. Juggling several lucid patients and one critically injured patients was not easy, as Ayumi was learning, and she was beginning to outright hate this planet.

Without a word she urged Chieko's gurney over to the reconstruction tube, preparing it for her insertion. "I apologise that there is not more I can do." She muttered, a repeat of what she had said earlier.
Sune looked at the creature that followed him. "Actually I had nothing to do with it. Though I suspect one of my crew did."

Sune looked at his science scanner and detected a NH-33 nearby. He then saw Misato come from her hiding space. She seemed a bit confused.

"Suzume-Ittô Hei, report. What is your status, and what happened here?"


The two Qaktoro following the Eucharis crew back to the ship stopped once they were near their own vessel. Given the bizarre behavior of the Yamataians, they decided it was best to wait here. Getting to close to the Eucharis might get them shot.

Sepop watched the activity. The Yamataians were obviously being affected by the gasses. She decided to stay near Hanako just in case she became incapacitated.

"Sar-Hanako, is there anything I and my body guard can do to help you? Do you still plan to stay here and barter, or are you going to return until your crew recovers? If you wish to stay, we will accompany you." Sepop said.
YSS Eucharis

The various sections of the ship sealed themselves off as forcefield-protected blast shutters slammed down and covered the hatchways around the ship, trapping everyone onboard in the compartments they were in.

Dreamworld Market

Hanako looked over to Sepop even as her hands continued to move batteries and items for her little garage sale. "The substances in the air air have caused some of my crew to be unable to fulfill their duties. I am glad to have you with me, Master Sepop Qoety. We now count the Poku Degonjo Saeruo as our friends and friends are good to have in a place with so many strangers. It would help me if you stay with me until I sell the rest of these, so we are safer. Then we can buy some alien artifacts and bring them back to the ship. When things have settled, I want to try to find out more about the Essai and this Dreamworld."
Medical Bay

Chieko laid back and let Ayumi straighten out her legs without much fuss. When she heard the noise from Sienna, the academic looked over at the medic and agreed that Charisma ought to lock the civilian down. She then sighed at not being able to help out with the new issue.

Ayumi forced a smile to her face as she secured Chieko into the reconstruction tube. "You will be back to normal in no time." She stated, setting up the tube of that Chieko would be mostly comfortable.

"I will go and try to sort everything out." With that she closed Chieko into the tube and set it to fill with hemosynthetic fluid.

With the slightest shake of her head, she set about cleaning up the gurney and then stepped over to Natsumi with a clipboard, paper, and pencil, "Itto Hei," Ayumi started, "Can you understand me?"

Sepop nodded in response to Hanako's statement. "I can not help but wonder if these Essai are truly their own masters, or if they serve another. Given their rules for dealing with visitors. It appears they have a quota to meet for these masters, and will resort to any means to enslave and entrap to fulfill them.

Would that the Learned Bear was a fighting ship. But perhaps her science systems will help enlighten us. I have instructed my crew aboard to conduct a detailed scan. Any data we acquire we will of course share with you."
YSS Eucharis - Zero-G Passageway

Sienna's pulse pounded rapidly in her head as she pumped her legs, sprinting down the passageway after vaulting over couches and tables in the recreation room. Her breath was coming in ragged heaves, and she still felt like her mind was not completely clear of the hazy, blurred sensation.

Then her blood went cold as she dug in her heels, skidding to a stop right at the edge of the zero-G passageway, waving her arms to keep from teetering in. She'd run the wrong way.

It was too late to do anything about that now. Turning around would cost her precious time, and almost certainly run her straight back to her captors. She'd have to find another way around. Panicked, she looked around frantically, up and down the cylindrical passageway, behind her, at the ceiling, the baseboards of the room, the walls. Anything. She had seconds to decide, and it was over.

She bit her lip and tightened her grip on her weapon, and took a couple of steps back from the edge, holding her breath. Hopefully she could launch herself to the opposite wall with enough momentum to kick off of it and double back a deck below as quickly as possible. With luck, the few crew members aboard would follow where they thought she went and leave the cargo bay door unguarded.

With a double step, she launched herself into the open void and felt the previously unnoticed pull of gravity release her, sending her flying across. She panicked further when she realized that rotating herself in flight was almost impossible without anything to push off of; if she didn't get her feet in front of her she was going to hit the opposite wall face first.

She brought her knees to her chest, curling up in a ball, but the act of doing so actually caused her to spin downward instead. She impacted the white cushion on the wall on the back of her shoulders. Thankfully, the cushion dampened most of her momentum, bringing her to a slow drift away rather than a hard richochet. At that moment a sudden, explosive series of earth-rending bangs reverberated throughout the ship, and in her peripheral vision she saw heavy-looking blast doors slamming shut over passageways all up and down the passageway in the blink of an eye. They were trying to trap her.

A quick look at the lights and arrows running the length of the vertical shaft indicated to her that she was suspended facing downward. Ahead at the end of the passageway there were a pair of small doors that did not appear to be armored. Tucking her legs beneath her, she pushed off of the cushion and sailed downwards towards them.

Reaching out as she approached, she grabbed onto the handle of one and stopped herself, turning it much harder than she intended to in her adrenaline rush. It didn't budge. She tried the other one, same result. The second, however, echoed a bit when the latch struck the lock. There was some space behind it; how much, she didn't know.

She was running out of time. The passageway ended below her, and the other ways out above were now sealed. They would be upon her soon. She tried to turn the latch on the second door again, harder, more frantically, two, three, four times, each time more rapidly. "Come on, god damn it!" she screamed at the locked hatch.

A third hatch caught her eye just below her that she hadn't noticed before, bigger than the other two, and looking more as if it were designed to accommodate humanoids, at least if they weren't claustrophobic. Her options dwindling, she pulled herself along the handholds down to it, and felt a rush of very short-lived relief as the latch slid open effortlessly and opened, revealing a dark, narrow crawl space.

She placed the knife between her teeth and bit down, wriggling into the shaft. She felt heavy again all of a sudden as the force of gravity renewed its hold on her. The space was barely wide enough to accommodate her, and she could only crawl on her stomach, her shoulders scrunched together. She tried to look back over her shoulder at the open hatch, but it was difficult to see.

As her feet dangled out of the hatch, she felt around for the door with her toes, and upon finding it, hooked it with her boot and pulled it shut with a quick jerk, getting her feet clear just as it slammed closed, leaving her in very dim light.

Immediately she started to slither forward, pulling herself along on her elbows. Her jacket, still tied about her waist, snagged on something. Rather than bother to free her coat, she instead wriggled her hips out of it, and left it behind, continuing along the tiny cabling conduit.
Near the Alley

With a sigh he knew that question would be repeated of her many more times. "Sir, I'm a bit shaken but I'm recovering, A robot like thing attacked and stunned Bors, I fired back at it with a heavy stun blast, disabling it."

Her shoulders drooped a bit. "The gas affects have worn off now, though I'm pretty clear on what all i did when under it's influences. I apologize for for anything I may have said, or have done." she bowed deeply. As she bowed the lizard shifted a bit and peered over her head at Sune and flicked it's tongue at him, before settling back down at the base of her neck.
Medical Bay

Natsumi sat up with a start. The decontamination process, while incomplete had cleared her head considerably and she could think coherently. She heard the alert about Sienna and forced her way out of the decontamination system.

"Sienna!" Natsumi gasped. "I think I can help her!" the operator said and ran to the door. It was locked down, the entire ship was in security lockdown now. Natsumi cursed and pulled at the manual release. No good.

"Charisma! I think I can help her, she's under the effect of the drugs and scared, show me where she is and let me through the lockdown" she begged from the AI.

A volumetric map of the ship flickered in front of Natsumi, showing where Sienna had got to and the hatch to medical hissed open. "Thank you! seal everything behind me." And she was off, using her gravity manipulation to speed along rather then running.

Natsumi was soon to the access hatch Sienna had squeezed into. She was inside the ships access conduits. Natsumi frowned and squeezed her way in too, using her propulsion to force herself on long quicker than the Nepleslian could manage, she hoped.

"Sienna! It's Natsumi, please you have to stop. You're under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, whatever your seeing isn't real!" she called after her new friend.

She caught up with the jacket and pushed past, noting where it was to get it later. "Sienna, come on, its me, I can help you!" she called after her friend, seeing her wriggling just ahead.
When Kale had requested the blast doors be shut he hadn't quite expected the response the AI took and thus ran full tilt into one of the shutters as it closed.

Pain shot through his head and he stumbled backwards. He was starting to get annoyed. Nothing seemed to be on his side today.

"Charisma?" he asked sweetly though there was a somewhat hard glint in his eye. "Can you open up the most direct path to Sienna and can you point us in that direction?"

He only hoped this was all over before he had a psychotic break. He had no particular desire to end his tenure here that way. Nor did he realise that another member of the crew had already caught up with the rampant biological.

Finally getting the instructions he required he noticed that no blast doors had opened.

"Charisma?" he almost growled "Exit. Now. Please."
YSS Eucharis

"I can only close blast shutters; they must be opened manually by authorized crew members," Charisma reminded Kale.
"Theres a medical nightmare and its probably my fault and everyones getting DRUGGED!!!" Kale's patience with life in general was at an end.

He began to bash his head against the bulkhead, hard. After a few seconds he stopped, and sighed.

Typing in the appropriate code into the keypad next to the door he waited as the verification came through and the door opened and began to stomp off towards his goal. The medic accompanying him forgotten in his fervor.

Izokia didn't have time to react when Kale began to attack himself. The Medic retreated slightly, her panic attack several days ago was beginning to look more and more normal against the antics of this crew. She moved to catch up with him. "Kale please calm down you cant be agitated when we find Sienna." She reached a hand out to his shoulder. Izokia started pleading with Kale, "It doesn't matter if or how you made this mess its our job to clean it up so for Sienna and yourself please relax."
Dreamworld Market - Hanako's Group
Near Alley

Things shifted into a haze and Akane realized the situation had changed around her. Some of her squadmates had shifted into defensive attitudes instead of acting like they were still under fire. The same could be said of the aggressors, who appeared to be making apologies.

What is going on? Akane asked herself.

Unsure of the answer, she holstered her weapon and began walking back toward where the Shosho was unloading goods to sell.

The young Nekovalkyrija rubbed her temple for a moment as she approached, then shifted back into military discipline. She was committed to performing her duties, even if her senses felt a little off.

This place was called Dreamworld after all.

As Natsumi ran out Ayumi sighed, looking down at her clipboard she was tempted to write Patient has run out to chase after another patient, keep close for observation... But she didn't.

The Neko's day was not going well, even thinking about the boredom of yesterday was also a little bit too far on the other side of the spectrum.

"Nayacesen-tai." She started tensely, turning to the last patient she could help and half expecting he'd run off to. "Contrary to... Other Crewmembers' beliefs it is best to stay here and allow me to run some tests, as we were unable to do such before."

The medic was not pleased. Having people running in and out of her medbay was not her idea of a good day, or a good time. She was rather in the right direction to start tying patients down when they came into the lab soon.

"I apologise for the inconvenience," She added, "As you can see it has become rather busy in here and we have been unable to help you." Rather busy was a bit of an understatement, but the irony was lost on the short haired Neko's strained mind.

Takeyu glanced out of the corner of his eye toward the door. "Sounds more like something else is going on," he said and sent a quary to Charisma. "Run any tests you need, but please be quick; if something 'is' going on I'd rather be out there to help take care of it."

"Tai," Ayumi began, her tone stern, "Mere hours ago you were almost unwakeable. Respectfully, I believe you should stay here until I have figured out what is wrong."

How frustrating was it that patients continued to run in and out on her? How was she supposed to be able to treat people if they wouldn't stay still for more than a second before rushing out on their business.

As Ayumi headed over to the scanner charger she glanced at Chieko in the reconstruction tube. Even with all her injuries, surely Chieko would have run out as well, given the chance. She'd seen the way that the Minkan had craned her neck to see the action with Sienna and the Neko.

With scanner in hand Ayumi turned back to Takeyu, setting the nano machines to work and running the scanner in silence. She'd never experienced a day such as this. Training... Training had not been this... Active.

The scanner beeped as it received the report from the nano machines. Ayumi frowned, certainly the machines had found something... But what on earth was it?
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