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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Izokia dropped Kale's NSP, she then fell to her knees looking at the two unconscious crew members. Her hands began to shake, not only had she knocked out Kale but she could add Sienna to the list of people on this crew she had harmed. She looked at Natsumi and forced back tears as she said to her unconscious form, "I just wanted to help, why didn't you listen this could have all been avoided if you would have just let me stun her." She shook her head and moved to them both, she sent a message to Ayumi

Ayumi I found Sienna and Natsumi both are disabled we will need two beds prepared to restrain them. Kale is disabled in the passageway possibly hostile he'll need restraints as well

The medic struggled to lift both of her broken crew mates as she shuffled back towards the med bay. Ayumi could treat Chieko and Dezairra but these two were her patients.
Cargo Bay

Natsumi was just baraly awake at this point, she was in almost to much pain to stay that way for long. "You don't get it" she breathed. "Sienna's under the influence of the drugs... she thinks we're all out to get her... pointing a gun at her and shooting at her just makes things worse... I had it all under control," she lulled and tried and failed to sit up and stand.

"Doctors should listen to their patients... not shoot at them..." then she did pass out.
Cargo Bay

Sienna didn't have time to recover from her bewilderment. The second bolt from the NSP hit her squarely in the chest, and she recoiled with a sudden shake as if she'd just been hit there with a small hammer. Her eyes bulged and de-focused, her arms went limp, and she slumped over in an unconscious heap.

Ayumi looked up from her scanner, confused by the strange reading the nano machines had given her. As she readied to try and explain to Takeyu what the machines had told her- She got the message from Izokia.

There was a pause, as Ayumi tried to figure out what the hell had happened. This was all getting absolutely rediculous. Did this crew generally behave like a bunch of uncivilised- No. She couldn't think that of her crewmates. With a deep breath and yet another shake of her head, Ayumi set the medical scanner down beside Takeyu. "Tai, I'm sorry, yet something else has come up, if you know how to read scanners, please check the readings on the scanner for yourself. Something is very wrong with your readings."

With a turn the Neko took in the medbay. One bed was taken, as the Neko with the pink hair had walked out. There were two beds ready in the main area. Then there was the one available in the remaining containment cell.

Alright. She set about setting up the beds, making sure that they were clean even though there wasn't enough room for all the patients in the containment cells. Then she set about fixing the straps to the beds. What on earth had caused 3 patients to need to be strapped down?

Quickly Ayumi fired off a message to Izokia.

Izokia-hei, the other Neko, with the long pink hair and dark ears, has also left the medbay, have you located her? Also, I am unable to leave the medbay as I need to remain and watch over both the Tai and Koizumi-hei.
Just Outside The Medbay

Despite it all, Deziarra had kept away from anything involving running or heavy lifting. This made her pursuit of Sienna extremely difficult. Chasing after distant noises echoing all around her somehow brought her back back to the Medbay doors where she started. For once she actually would have liked to blame her decision on exposure to the fog but she knew that was not case. Priority had to go to the medical team who had been completely overwhelmed and the people they could treat. She sent a message to Izokia and Ayumi wondering if they would even see it.

My attempts to keep things calm have been completely unsuccessful.  I know the medical team has more cases than they can handle at once and have to prioritize.  I would like to offer my help.  Let me know where I am needed.
Dreamworld Market

By now, Hanako had managed to barter and sell off the items so all that was left was the dreamworld batteries. At this point, Hanako told her giant bodyguard Yosmet, "stay close to me," and began shopping through the hundreds of stalls in the alien market while Lime and Victory trailed slowly behind in the Light Utility truck. Her first stop was to see Glyt Nazza, the spiky turtle-like hard-light gadget vendor, again. She waved a battery in the air as she approached him, followed by the jeep full of batteries. Suddenly much friendlier, Glyt began to explain hard light physics to Hanako via his translator as she perused his wares, eventually selecting a photonic shield projector, a hard light bridge projector, a photonic multi-tool, and a data rod with information about the technology. As Hanako continued on to other market stalls, Glyt waved from behind his new pile of batteries.

As another seller, this time a large worm like creature with insectoid arms, began to extol the virtues of spray-on protective clothing to Hanako, she leaned over to Sepop and said, "Let me know if I can help you purchase anything."

"Free samples! Why not remove your clothing you can try it for yourself?" the wormy thing suggested, pointing a large aerosol canister at Hanako.

As Ayumi received the message from Deziarra she actually sighed in relief. Having just set up all the beds, she knew that they would need help in trying to figure out what on earth was going on. She stepped over to the medbay's doors, they slid open at her command. She gave a short salute.

"I am Satonaka Ayumi, Santo Hei, and I will gladly take any help I can get... Before that, do you have any idea as to what has happened here? I have been unable to get a straight... Or coherent answer from anyone."

The medic, usually able to mask any feelings she may have, was showing signs of her distress by this fact, her eyebrows knit slightly, her lips pulled into a soft frown. Her eyes remained impassable however, not giving any hint as whether or not she was bothered.
Near the Landing Site

Mitsuko stood there quietly as Hanako walked off, followed by the others in the truck. She just blinked, having no idea how to respond.

Eventually Riko's movement returned her to life. She floated towards the Eucharis, planning to head back up the ramp and into the ship. Hopefully it would be an uneventful trip to the Medical Bay. Murakami wasn't planning on making any detours.

"I'm an Engineer, Hai; not a medic..." Takeyu sighed, and slid off the bed to check out the reading. It wasn't, naturally, his field of expertise but he could understand at least a bit of it thanks to his previous training with his family.
Dreamworld Market

"I thank you for your generous offer Sar-Hanako. Thus far the only items that I found interesting. I consider to be hazardous. Those solid photon devices... such as that shield you bought. Very intriguing. But I am not willing to introduce a data rod from these people into my ship's systems, and I would not jeopardize Kaliq our brain.

But I will let you know if I see something else that catches my interest. I am sure that we can come to some sort of agreeable exchange between us." Sepop said, with her light brown tail twitching and her right palm extended showing the off-white skin beneath.

Alley - Market.

Sune exited the Alley and looked around. Hanako was no where to be seen in the immediate vicinity. He pulled out his scanner and did an emission scan looking for SAOY communicators. He identified two clusters. One in the direction of the ship, so he set off in the direction of the other group. Which had to be Hanako and the others.

"The rule about pets is not about expenses Suzume-San. Its the commander's policy. So you would have to discuss it with her." Sune said to Misato.

Once again, Deziarra entered the Medbay. A quick glance around made her realize the situation was worse than it was before. All poor Ayumi wanted, for the moment, was an explanation.

"The fog outside is laced with some kind of drug," she attempted to explain. "We were all exposed to it. It made them hyper and me sleepy. I suspect I was less exposed to it because, except for my run back to the ship, I was more or less stationary while they were running around. They inhaled far more of the drug than I did. All I know about this drug is it causes people to become paranoid and hallucinate."

She waited for the questions she suspected would come.
Med Lab

The scientist had no intention of causing the poor, stressed neko any more trouble than she absolutely needed to. Once positioned and closed in, she just let the fluid fill the tank around her focusing on relaxing and healing. There was still too much to get done, reports to write, and still much of the Dreamworld to investigate.

In her half lucid state, Chieko could hear more talking outside her tube. It wasn't easy to hear due to the distortion that the hemosynth imparted on the vibrations, but she could notice that they were exchanges. The academic lazily opened her eyes a little then wirelessly linked to the ship.

Charisma, could I talk you into letting me hear what is being discussed out in the Medical Lab?  Just in case I can help out.

Of course she wanted to get better - and yet if she could help out any, the banged up Minkan wanted to.

Ayumi frowned, really frowned, her brow knit together completely now unlike before. "And the rest of the crew is aware of this fog?" She asked, turning and walking back through the medbay doors to look over the beds she'd set up and then to look back at Takeyu.

"I humbly apologise, Nayacesen-Tai." She said, attempting momentarily to look over his shoulder at the readings again, "I can only guess then that your strange dream state was caused by these drugs that this Santo Hei has told me about." The Neko explained quietly.

"I would assume that we do not know how to treat these drugs yet." Ayumi stated, though she glanced over her shoulder at the pink haired Neko.

This was more unsettling than she'd thought, the very air in this world caused these strange reactions? Hopefully the filtered air of the Eucharis would solve the problem, lest they have more crew jumping up with knives thinking there were being attacked or worse.

She was suddenly very glad she had not gone off ship the day before.

"Hanako's Group told us about what was in the fog so they should know," Deziarra recalled. "As for Team Smash And Grab, I don't know for sure but I think they were told too. It might be best to send them a warning just in case."

She looked over at Takeyu guessing he had been part of the first trip to the city before she arrived on board.

"We do not yet know how to treat these drugs but it does seem to wear off over time," said Deziarra. "You have accumulated a number of readings, including my own. Perhaps we can compare them with our normal readings and see if we can find some sort of pattern. One we do, we might be able to synthesize an antidote of some kind."

Izokia pulled her two unconscious charges into the Medbay, " I think we can also add decreased inhibitions to the effects of the planet." She placed the wounded Natsumi and Sienna on the operating table and strapped them both down.

" I will work on these two. What do we know about the planet so far?"
Kale's Subconscious

"Come on Rika-chan. You don't want to be the last one there do you?" shouted a longhaired bluenette as a small group of young teens made their way up a hill at dawn. As the first rays of sunshine crept over the horizon it flashed through a large crystal monument that stood at the hills summit casting glimmers across the landscape.

"Woah! Cool!" gasped the memory-Rika as she saw the kalaidascopic effect for the first time. The fourth and final member of their group was lying in the grass absentmindedly playing with a few floating seeds as they wafted slowly by.

"Aww Niel don't be such a layabout your missing it." whined Kira as she sat next to him facing the monument. She got him to turn his head just in time for a bright flash as the crystal was fully bathed in the warm rays of the planets star causing the monument to glow.

The memory faded out only to be replaced by another. The day that he and Kira had almost gotten drummed out of the cadet corps.

"Doragonburasuto!"(Dragon's Blast) shouted the runaway droid as it pulsed its plasma welder and leveled another wall. Two people chasing after it though for different reasons.

"Hehehe, come on little mech back to my workshop for some experimentation" Rin giggled as he followed on behind the advancing machine.

Kira meanwhile was trying to keep pace with a remote transmitter so that her brother could finish hacking into the thing and shut it down.

Again the world faded to black. More memories came flickering past his minds eye, both good times and the bad. The gaining of the tattoos that signified the bonding of four childhood friends, the moment of his graduation, his eighteenth birthday party, all mixed into a swirl of images and sounds.

Then came more recent memories. The sight of Chieko lying at the bottom of the ramp and then his most recent escapade. Feelings of guilt washed over him but he siphoned them off to the side. He would deal with that piece by piece so as not to overwhelm himself a second time. What he couldn't get rid of however was the feeling of revulsion at what he had done in his anger. 'Is that really me?'.

Gradually his inner visions grew dull and he slipped back into blissful oblivion.
Dreamworld Market

Akane had grown too slow. Her bearings had taken her out of place with all the events going on.

She wanted to rejoin with the others, but she wasn't sure where she was supposed to be. Her head felt heavy, as did her eyes. Was she suffering from exposure to the native environment? Possibly. Was she nervous about her first deployment? Absolutely.

Drifting through the market, she tried to find her way back to Hanako or perhaps the giant she'd arrived with. Anything or anyone could help her find her bearings.
Medical Bay

Mitsuko entered right behind Izokia. She frowned. It was almost too crowded for her to step inside. There didn't seem to be anywhere to place poor Bors, who was still crudely slung over her shoulder.

"Oh dear." The Neko waited by the door with her load. "Bors-Hei also, decontamination."

Izokia set about decontaminating and detoxifying the her two "captives". She turned to the others in the room, "This is bad we still don't know about anything about these drugs and we don't even know the desired effect, this could all be one big side effect to hide the real purpose."

Izokia felt her earlier alarmist feelings on top of the concern she had for the two people strapped to the tables next to her. But what was really odd was she had an odd feeling that she was forgetting some one.

Sepop kept thinking about the photonic bodies they had seen. She wondered if it could be interfaced with the Rya Tabak to allow the Ryauos'te to be move involved with people. However, first she needed to have a better idea of the value of the batteries Hanako was trading.

"Sar-Hanako, what would you say the value of those batteries you are using are in your Kikyou Satsu? And what would you charge to ensure that a datarod from these Essai is not infected?

The photonic bodies we saw, those could be most useful to the spirits back on World Station. The more influential could move about and interact with their families. It would be quick a boon for the House of Sinloa. But if the datarod proves to be infected, it would be a shame great enough that I would have to sacrifice my life to make amends."
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