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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Surface - Captain's Position

Mitsuko reached the captain's location soon enough, feet returning to the ground. Bors was still slung over her shoulder. "Bors-Hei required...sedation. Shall I carry him the rest of the way, Shosho? Or, are we still returning to the ship via truck?" She waited near the now much emptier vehicle.

"Jalen-Chusa and Misato-Hei should be right behind me. We were unable to complete negotiations with the friendly alien due to...complications." She glanced at the sizable load on her shoulder. "I believe he is accompanying them, still."
YSS Eucharis - Crawl Space

Sienna was scrambling through the tight squeeze as fast as she was able. Her forehead, shoulders, and elbows repeatedly bumped into protruding bolts and edges, but she didn't let it slow her down. She could hear one of them behind her.

She recognized Natsumi's voice, but she wasn't falling for it. Now she understood why the Neko had been so eager to earn her trust. Had adrenaline and unadulterated, animal survival instinct not been driving her, she might have otherwise felt insulted that the Yamataians would think she'd be that gullible.

She dared not even look back. If they caught her, she'd wind up as a husk for one of those squids. The very inkling of the thought of one of their worms chewing its way through her flesh, burrowing deep inside of her, forcing her conscious mind to submit...

Her teeth clamped down harder on her knife blade as she continued to scramble away from Natsumi, aware of her surroundings almost entirely on reflex and instinct. She moved, thought, breathed more as an animal than a human.

She slithered just past a spot in the conduit that was clear of cables and hoses, one grated with slits that gave her a glimpse into a cramped-looking area filled with hydraulics and hoses that fell away to the familiar, eerie blue light from the dreamworld outside. The landing struts.

Without thinking, she squirmed past them until her waist was just beyond it, turned on her side, and grabbed onto a pair of cables just above her head. Clenching the knife even harder between her teeth, she drove her knee twice into the grating as hard as she could muster. Rabid, feral grunts burst out of her throat with each blow. The third time her knee slammed loudly into the grate, it yielded, flying open with a resounding bang.

No time to lose. Natsumi was almost on top of her. Without missing a beat, she stomped down as hard as she could without being able to see how close she was, aiming either to knock the Neko out cold with a brutal boot to her face or scare her back for a precious fraction of a second.

Without waiting for the results of her defensive attack to register, and using her makeshift handholds as support, she swung her legs out through the grate, propelling herself into the landing strut housing.
Eucharis - Crawl Space

Natsumi pushed her way through the narrow crawlspace, she could feel cables, tie downs and rivets catching and tugging at her uniform, tearing in some places, ruining the brand new garment. She did not care about this though, the way Sienna was going would lead through to one of the landing gear storage bays and then out where the Nepleslian woman would be free to run away.

She was just barely ahead too, Natsumi could make out Sianna's form wiggling through the tight space and into the landing leg's hydraulic compartment. Natsumi forced herself ahead, she was almost there!

A booted foot kicked out at her as she pulled herself into the space, the Neko was unphased by the attempt to ward her off. She had faced down Mishhiu, Rippers and bounty hunters, a boot wasn't intimidating and she could not let her friend get away.

"Come on, Sienna, I just want to help you, please come back! No one's going to hurt you!" she called in a desperate attempt to reason with the woman as she slid through the grate she had kicked open and onto the landing leg it's self.

Sienna was almost in the open, already both of them were back in the drug laced air, Natsumi cursed, she was not looking forward to another dose of this, but now she had gone through a taste of it and her body had been given time to think over what the drugs were capable of, maybe she would be able to hold out longer, at least enough to get Sienna back into the ship.

As soon as Sienna had vaulted through the opening in the grate Natsumi was through after her. She used her gravity manipulation to propel herself head first through the opening.

Natsumi reached out, she was in a wider open space now, in the gear bay and jetted forward, able to move considerably faster in flight now that she had the room. The neko closed the gap between herself and Sienna in an instant and wrapped her arms around the Nepleslian woman, pulling her into a protective embrace as she reversed her momentum to keep from colliding with Sienna too hard. She then rolled, hoping to absorb any impact from hitting the landing gear or ground herself rather than letting her friend get hurt.
"It's Okay. It's alright." Kale giggled. "Nobodies gonna get the drop on me now."

The young minkan grinned drawing his pistol. Sienna was moving fairly fast but there were few places she could run. No he would savour the hunt. Absentmindedly he switched the pistol in his hand between pulse and stun and began whistling to himself happily as he went. Passing through a last security door he entered the service areas at the base of the ship. Sienna was definitely nearby from the clangs and crashes he could hear.

"Come out come out wherever you are. Come give your old uncle scalar a hug." Kale chuckled darkly. He always made the best jokes.

Hearing a loud crash from directly behind a hatch. He wrenched it open.

"HEEEERES KALE!!!" he shouted firing wildly into the compartment, a manic grin plastered on his face. Thankfully for all involved the gun was on stun despite Kale's earlier absentmindedness.
Underneath the YSS Eucharis - Landing Struts

Sienna flew feet first across the gap and caught herself on her stomach on one of the numerous actuating cylinders that moved the ship's landing struts, steadying herself with her hands. Through the hair sticking to her face, she saw a narrow, but clear drop to the ground only a few meters beneath her. It was a bit of a fall, but she was almost free. Almost home.

Wasting no time, she began to let gravity slide her backwards off of the huge cylinder, hoping to swing down by her arms through the gap and onto the ground. Just as she started to, however, the white-haired Nekovalkyrja, now free to use her flotation ability in the comparatively open space, weaved beneath the cylinder and slammed into her torso, nearly knocking the wind from her. The impact jarred her enough to knock the knife from between her teeth, and it clattered loudly along to the ground as it bounced around off of the surrounding heavy machinery until it finally clattered to the ground. Had Natsumi not had control of their momentum in midair, the pair of women would have likely had a similarly catastrophic descent, and neither of them were made of metal.

Sienna was not a soldier, nor did she possess any of the superhuman abilities of a Nekovalkyrja. Natsumi quickly discovered, however, that she was anything but a meek and defenseless refugee; now cornered without an immediate option to flee, Sienna's panic immediately switched to raw, animal rage. With astonishing speed and force her right arm came whipping in from the side, aiming for Natsumi's temple, immediately followed up with a second.

Izokia looked around at everything falling apart around her. Maybe her and Ayumi really were the only sane ones left on the ship but that meant it was her job to protect everyone else, she need to react and she needed to do it quickly before anyone else saw.

"Kale please calm down look at yourself you're not well. Go back to the Medbay and I will get Sienna back to safety your dangerous like this." When Kale's shots grew wild and erratic the medic tried to grab Kale's shooting arm and then quickly force him against the wall in order to remove the gun before he ended up hitting something or someone important.
Kale didnt see the medic and didn't pay attention to her speech. In fact the first thing he did notice was a grip on his right arm followed by a forceful shove.

With a slam Kale bashed against the wall whacking his head on a protruding piece of metal. and slipped to the floor the gun dropping from numb fingers. The kid was out cold. His breathing evening out as he fell into his newly enforced slumber.

Sune watched Misato and her interaction with the lizard. " Suzume-Hei you can not be held accountable for your actions when you were incapacitated."

He looked at the alien who followed him, "It would seem your creature is unharmed."

He looked back at Misato, "Unfortunately as taken as you with that lizard. The Captain's rules are 'no pets.' Speaking of the Shôshô, we should probably get back to the Captain."

Looking at the Chelti, "Please come along with us, I am sure that Ketsurui-Shôshô will have some questions about your experience here."

He turned and started walking back to where he left Hanako. The mercantile alien following closely.

Izokia hadn't intended to knock the poor man unconscious. Ayumi would probably tell her that her actions rash and dangerous but that's a concern she'd worry about later. Izokia quickly made Kale comfortable before grabbing his NSP and working her way down the service hatch.

Landing Struts

She floated to the ground to find Sienna attacking an at that point defenseless Natsumi. She knew that she wouldn't last a second against the Nepliasian, instead Izokia summoned what little authority she actually had into her voice "Sienna, shes not trying to hurt you get that through your head none of us are trying to hurt you its this planet. Now come over here so we can help you!" She kept Kale's pistol behind her back in case the woman decided to flee or worse fight.
Eucharis - Landing Gear

Natsumi felt the blow come in, striking her head, then a second. Natsumi yelped in pain, but held on tight. She tucked her head in against Sienna's shoulder and kicked off from the ground, flying fast for the cargo bay hatch as she could.

"Sienna, please stop. I'm not going to hurt you" she managed as she zipped along. flying them back into the cargo bay. Once in there she swept out one arm at a time to try and pin Sienna's down against her side and stop her from punching any more. She kept a firm hold in her as she tried to get one arm.

"Sienna please stop, it will be alright, I promise."

Misato Nodded at the XO's first comment, it made her feel a bit better. Now all she would have to do was apologize to Mitsuko. Things were looking up, hell she felt better then she had all day. That was up until Sune mentioned the no pets rule.

"But Sir I'll take good care of it, and I'll cover all its costs." She sounded just like a young Yamataian child with a newly found pet. with the pout and all.
Cargo Bay

There was no way she could hit Sienna with them both flying around like they were even if she did manage to make the shot it would risk both of them falling to the floor of the Cargo Bay and just making everything worse. Izokia decided to change her approach "Natsumi, get her on the ground, We can disable her better there." Izokia pointed her NSP at the two of them hoping that the two of them could separate long enough for her to get the stun off.
Cargo Bay

"Put the gun away!" Natsumi yelped, you're making it worse, she thinks everyone's out to get her" she looked Sienna in the eyes, "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promises, but we have to decontaminate you to get the drugs out of your system"
Cargo Bay

As she pinned Sienna to the ground and tried to hold her eyes, it became abundantly clear that the Sienna that Natsumi had seen before was not there. The woman before her was more akin to a wild, cornered animal acting purely on primal instinct. Her eyes were nearly devoid of humanity, her teeth bared, and the tendons in her neck bulging as she tried to fight off her captor with everything she had.

Natsumi was able to keep a firm grapple on the furiously struggling Nepleslian, but containing her was proving to be far more difficult. Though she tried to hold her on her side, Sienna flipped onto her back to face the Neko with a single, forceful shove. Every time she thought she had one of her arms nearly pinned, Sienna rolled her wrist, bent an elbow, or shrugged a shoulder and got free. And every second one of her arms was loose it rained a flurry of blows, clawing, and grabbing at Natsumi's jaw, ears, eyes, even her nostrils, apparently doing anything she could to blind, cripple, or even kill the Nekovalkyrja that only sought to befriend her before.
Cargo Bay

Izokia pointed her pistol at Sienna. This had gone on long enough. The medic fired a shot towards Sienna hoping the civilian would be too distracted by her assault on Natsumi. Izokia held her breath as she watched the pulse fly towards Sienna.
Cargo Bay

Natsumi tried to keep her eyes away from Sienna's attacks, she was in pain and her face was getting plenty mangled up. She knew though Sienna was not in her right mind as they struggled.

Natsumi saw Izokia out of the corner of her eye. NSP raised, finger squeezing down on the trigger. She had a moment to react and shoved herself over as Izokia fired, putting herself in the way, taking the stun shot to her back.

Natsumi screamed as the shot hit her dead on. "I said don't shoot!" Natsumi managed, everything hurt now, the bolt had sent energy raging through her system. "Just making it worse" she felt like the wind was knocked out of her, she wasn't going to hold out for much longer against Sienna's attack to her face and Izokia shooting her.

The white haired neko looked deep into Sienna's eyes, "Please remember were not trying to hurt you, I'm your friend." She didn't know what else to do at this point, she had to do something to derail her assault. Natsumi leaned in, enduring the abuse to her head and planted her lips against Sienna's.
Cargo Bay

Sienna was swinging in with another brutal strike with the heel of her palm to the underside of Natsumi's chin just as the Neko suddenly veered to the side, causing her to miss. Less than a second later, the zap of an NSP discharge rang out. The energy bolt ionized the air around her in a staticky burst, and slammed into Natsumi's back, causing her to convulse in pain for an instant.

Seizing the fleeting distraction, Sienna snatched Natsumi by a fistful of the front of her uniform and, using it has a fulcrum, threw her hips upward. "FRACK you!" she shouted, grunting hard as she flipped the white-haired Neko off of her and rolled over to her side. The whole time Natsumi pleaded with her to stop. But now she had the advantage. Still clutching her uniform in an iron grip, she reared back with her free hand, clenched in a fist. Without a moment's hesitation, her face twisted in feral anger littered with panic, she threw the blow straight for Natsumi's battered face.

It was then that the Neko bobbed her head to the side, barely evading the punch, and grabbed each side of her head with both hands, leaning in and kissing her.

For less than a second, Sienna froze, her system completely overwhelmed by the shock of the unexpected gesture, her eyes wide open no longer in unbridled rage, but in abject surprise and confusion.
Team Smash and Grab

Bors mumbled something about imported cheeses as he stirred on Mitsuko's shoulders. He wanted to move but his body was still stunned from both shots. Figuring that he was under some sort of restraint he went back to being motionless until the rest of his senses kicked in and he could figure out what was going on around him.

Izokia stared at the whole ordeal in abject confusion, this had to be the drugs everyone was talking about, right. But she was shy not stupid, this may have been her best chance to take out Sienna before things got violent again.

The medic stepped to the side and fired a half powered bolt into Sienna chest. She whispered to herself "for your own good don't get in the way."
Cargo Bay

The shot sizzled so close that it grazed Natsumi's shoulder before strikings its target. She and Sienna had been so close together it was near impossible not to hit them both.

Natsumi shuddered and winced as another wave of pain rolled through her. It was bad enough her face felt like it had been through a meat grinder. She could already feel her face swelling, her left eye was nearly forced shut and she was sure her nose was broken.

She knew there was little chance a Nepleslian would stand up to a stun shot at close range and stay active. Natsumi was angry, she almost had some kind of breakthrough when Izokia had shot.

Natsumi staggered to her feet, "I said no shooting!" she yelped, even talking was painful. As she spoke, the neko swung a mean right hook aimed to clock Izokia. Then she doubled over and collapsed next to Sienna.
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