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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Cargo Bay

Natsumi stepped up to Sune, she noted that Sienna had fallen back a couple feet, but did not mind. Sienna was not military and not expected nor required to adhere to proper military protocol.

"Yamashiro Natsumi and Sienna reporting for the away mission" she snapped out and gave a quick and polite bow to the Executive Officer. She then glanced back at her companion and smiled. She was really quite curious and getting more excited to see what this planet was like by the moment. Then back to Sune she said; "Sir, is there anything you would like us to bring when we depart the ship?"
Alien City - Market

Chieko nodded at Glyt's reply while adding another thing a certain ex from college had been useful for. She then sighed at Bors' reply, as she was hoping it was just a copy and not the person's remains after they died there. The scientist then looked over at Hanako, "So I'm guessing we're going the charges route, Shosho?"
Alien City - Market

Hanako leaned in close to whisper a reply to Chieko. "Right. Using aether power, we should be able to charge batteries. Perhaps we can even make the batteries in our fabrication chamber. First we need to acquire some samples. What do we have that we can sell that would be of value? Perhaps the Lorath Pico-Jelly?"
PA Bay

Misato was sitting there naked in front of her Mindy, when she heard the call for a second away team. She wasn't going to leave the PA bay when there were teams out there unarmed. With a shrug she sent a messaged to her cabinmate.

Misuko, you're not going to go are you?

Mitsuko paused in the hallway, as she received a message. She frowned to herself, as she thought up a reply. She didn't want to return to her cabin, but she was having trouble finding somewhere else to keep busy while staying out of everyone's way.

No, I'm still planning to stay on the Eucharis.  Hopefully they will not stay outside for long.  Or attempt to turn this into some sort of shore leave.

I hope you will stay inside, too.
Cargo Bay

Sienna gave Natsumi a subdued grin and bobbed her chin up in acknowledgement when she glanced back at her, standing with a relaxed posture, her hands in the pockets of her jacket, waiting for Sune's response. The few people mustered on the deck seemed somewhat preoccupied with going to the surface, though she sensed it was more a sense of curiosity than genuine concern. All the better. The more relaxed these people were, the less likely they would be to start lashing at one another's throats again.

She remained quiet, nonchalantly waiting to see what the decision would be, and where they'd be going.
Alien City - Market

Chieko nodded through Hanako's suggestions, thinking of the possibilities and what may end up most practical. "Interesting idea there, Shosho," she then replied to the pico-jelly possibility, "It could be worth something if they don't have much of anything comparable or better on-hand. If they do, it would be like Nepleslia offering a bag of rice to Yamatai."
Alien City - Market

Takeyu glanced at the being before hearing Hanako suggest them using Aether. He had wonder what it was they could use to barter with to get samples, "what about Dreams instead? Since Dreams 'are' one of the currencies here, and being an techy, this planet might be able to use some of my thoughts and ideas to further them; provided that's 'what' the planet desires," he had to wonder if he was even understanding that process well.
Cargo hold

Sune looked at the gathered members. "We are going to want to bring science and medical scanners. Also we should make sure to record video. There is no telling how long this world will remain, so we should gather as much data as possible.

Seems the locals use energy as a method of currency. So see what you can some up with in the form of charges or portable generators." he said to them after reading Takeyu's response.

Alien City- Market

Izokia finally came out of her self imposed silence when she heard Takeyu mention the idea of mental transfer. "Umm I realize I'm new here but isn't dangerous to let something slip into your mind... I mean who knows what it could do to you given enough time in your mind. That is to say if the planet or whatever it is isn't already in our minds and is just waiting for sleep to extrapolate our thoughts.... Or worse."

After her outburst she turns her head down to the ground instantly waiting to be chastised for the sudden alarmist tone in her interruption. She knew shes just being paranoid it never hurt to speak up sometimes.
Alien City- Market

"It's simpler than that," Chieko commented, "I'm not sure the top brass would like a culture we just met having that kind of access to all the information in our heads - especially in the case of our command leadership. With all due respect, of course." The scientist then bowed towards both Hanako and Takeyu with her last sentence.
Alien Market

"That is true," Takeyu said, glancing at the two crewmen who had spoken and rubbed his chin for a moment. "The top brass probably wouldn't take to kindly to use doing this, with the high potential of valuable information getting out that could get us into serious hot water. That said, there might be others who would be more than willing to share their dreams, their memories, with this world; those not attached to the military."

Cargo Bay

Sienna's expression turned slightly skeptical. "Energy?" she asked in a tone more akin to reiteration or clarification, glancing around the open bay. "Whoever, or whatever these folks are, they built a planet. A planet-ship, even. Technology and know-how like that, what kinda energy could we offer that they can't already harvest or exploit themselves?" she continued, looking back at Sune with a tilted head. It didn't quite add up to her; there had to be more to it than that.
Cargo Bay

Natsumi went about getting the requested science and medical scanners and passed them out to everyone who was coming along on the away mission. She then checked hers out, making sure it was all set and functional.

"Why would they need energy?" she frowned. "Maybe there's some kind they don't generate in their power plant?" she scratched her head. "That does seem kinda odd"
PA Bay

Misato sat there thinking after receiving Mitsuko's last message to her. It was a shame that she thought Suzumi would break her word so easily.

They'll be out there for as long as the CO allows them to... But you're right I hope then get back before something goes FUBAR. And yes I'm staying aboard I gave you my word, unless they need me in a MINDY out there, then I'm going to just chill here in the PA bay.. Hell if you are board I could use some company down here....

She truly hope Mimi-chan would come down, it would be nice to talk to her when things weren't so stressful.

Ayumi sighed to herself softly, looking down at the medical scanner for a moment longer before standing up to place it with it's brothers on the wall. She felt antsy, having no real idea what was happening outside. Despite how little she showed of her would be emotions, she felt helpless not knowing it people needed her help or not.

Surely Izokia would be okay handling any mishaps on her own... Though the memory of her crewmate running blindly into a cargobay of unknown contaminants blazed brightly in her mind. Hesitant to let worries get the better of her, Ayumi set to sanitising and cleaning up the medbay.
PA Bay

Mitsuko didn't respond to the message. She was waiting, making sure the Cargo Bay was empty before she returned. She spotted her roommate when she eventually reappeared, blushing at her lack of clothing. "Oh dear. I'm sure you could toss on something while you wait, Suzume-chan. You won't be in that big of a rush." She shook her head as she approached, taking a seat on the same bench.
PA Bay

"I could but the cool air keeps me alert, I would hate to be drifting off and be delayed rescuing them." She did shrug and pull a robe off a shelf, she kept it there so she could but it on and head to the showers. After throwing it over her shoulders she glanced over to her roommate. "Fine day this has been."
PA Bay

Mitsuko yawned at the mention of drifting off, adjusting her glasses afterwards. "...it's been a very...long day." She sighed, leaning against her roommate's shoulder. She was looking straight ahead, but she wasn't really focused on anything. Just trying to stay awake to see what would happen next, resting against Misato's larger frame as they waited together.
PA Bay

"Aye it has..." Misato nodded, and when the little neko leaned up against her she wrapped her arm around her and held her tightly. She was so glad that Mimi-chan didn't hate her. "If you're so tired why are you not curled up in your bunk. I wouldn't be offended, hell if I didn't have the obligation to stand ready in case the crew needs me then I would join you."

She opened a volumetric screen, with images from out side the ship. "Makes you wonder what kind of folks are out there. If they are this technologically advanced then what kind of weapons do they have. Would we be able to leave if they decide that they don't want us to..."
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