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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 22.2] Echoes of the Past - Part 2

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Derelict Exterior:

"Duly noted." Kale stated, reigniting his forearm weapons. "I can only see rifles from here but prime missile counters just in case."

This was starting to look less like a disorganised mob and more like an execution squad. A fact that worried the young engineer greatly. Still, he refused to shoot first in this little mexican standoff.
Med Lab

Sam was still deep asleep as that was what he was told to do, so he didn't see any kissing.

Still no sign of Tugs, yet she gotten a responce from Kale. "I'm going to blow this tin can wide open!" Referring to the Derelict. "Have you gotten any responce out of Tugs?" There was a slight tinge of worry for Tsuguka when referring to her as Aikiko brought up the armed explosives to denonate at her command if it came to rescuing Tugs. She was going to deny these buglike aliens a refuge.
Med Lab

Taharial breathed happily as she rested, two days down and no one has died on her watch, that was something to proud of and she was feeling happy as she looked at the people in the Med Bay "if you are not injured then you may leave" she looked at the armoured girl and smiled "you may be needed elsewhere, sorry if I kept you here."

"Call everyone back to the ship," Hanako ordered. "We accomplished our mission of investigation, and things are just getting worse now. Besides, we are not a equipped to transport or guard such a large crowd. We will let them be someone else's problem. Find some place safe for the remaining Rixxikor on board. We will figure out what to do with them later. For now I think we have spent enough time in the Splorfin system and the crew could use some downtime to recover. Natsumi, chart a course for..." she paused, thinking on it, "Virginia Fleet Depot, Virginia Star System. We can get the ship repaired there. Let me know when everyone is back aboard."


"Why have you come here and attacked us?!" one of the aliens demanded to know. "We did nothing to you!"

"We trusted you because you looked like our human," another spat, wildly waving its arms in the air for emphasis.

"Surrender!" another ordered Aikiko.
Medical Center

Mitsuko let out a sigh of relief, as Taharial declared her temporary charge stable. She straightened up, helmet bobbing as she nodded at the medic's comment. "R-right. Thank you, Chasan-Hei." She slipped back through the connecting passage into the Armor Bay. Her drones were spread out enough to confirm she was mostly alone in there. The few Rixxikor that hadn't been sucked outside seemed to be unconscious, which explained why they'd been so quiet. After hesitating for a moment, she began to inspect the condition of the room in more detail, including noting how many of the aliens still remained. Her earlier scan hadn't been very thorough, but now she could canvas the area quickly, with the aid of the drones. She wasn't sure if these creatures were dead or merely unconscious, but they weren't her top priority at the moment, as long as they weren't moving.

The Neko contacted the Bridge as she worked. "Shosho, I have returned to the Armor Bay. Ulvson-Hei and Cadet Stark are still unaccounted for. A small group of presently unconscious aliens still remain. I am currently cataloging the full extent of the damages." She attached an image of the large, open door, along with the feed from her helmet, if the captain wanted to see for herself. "Um...I'm not sure it's safe to go far without enacting some sort of temporary repair." Mitsuko pictured anything that was not very securely attached to the ship flying right out the door once they got moving. Including her. At the speeds they'd be going, it would be dangerous, not to mention the loss of equipment and resources. Including her. "I will finish my inspection shortly. What about the aliens? Should I move to the Shuttle Bay, and prepare to receive the other crew members there, Shosho?"
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Aikiko answer to the Rixxikor Aliens, she blew the charges she had set. Feeling the whole Derelict shudder and seeing pieces go flying off the Derelict in several places. She even blew up the airlock for quick egress for Tugs to escape.

She rose out of the range of Rixxikor reach and smiled at the damage to the Derelict. Gapng holes ripped into the hull with the after effects of heavy decompression once the shell was breeched.

"Nito-san. Have you seen Tsuguka, Tugs?" Aikiko asked Kale. She was charging her weapon for the assualt run to recover Tugs if possible.

Hanako began to reply to Mitsuko. "Move the guests somewhere safe, and be ready to pick them up in a shuttle." she began, trailing off as she saw flashes of fire on the viewscreen. The Shosho bolted upright as she saw the alien ship explode with the away team still in it. "What!"

"Away team, Eucharis, respond and provide sitreps immediately if you are still alive," she sent to the away team.

"Natsumi, scan for the team members and move us back into space very slowly so the open armor bay does not have issues," Hanako ordered Natsumi. "Scan for our team."
Med Lab

Taharial was worried and starts pacing the roommessing with her necklace and mumbling to herself, she had heard an explosion and was scared at what was going on, especially that she didn't know if Aikiko, kitten and Kale were okay. She had a bad feeling and waits hoping someone would tell her tht they needed her so she didn't have to think and only needed to do her job.

Taharial decided to work on her little project she still was no where near done with her little project but she had thought of a name if she decided to make it a seprate person from one of the peole on the ship.

Aikiko replied calmly back over the communications channel back to the Eucharis. "Akiashiro Santo-Hei. Teams fine. Just evening up the odds as the aliens turned hostile. Going after Tugs! Set off explosives to ensure various points of egress when needed."

She watched the aliens without spacesuits, drop by the hundreds from lack of breathable air. A lot of the debri that was shaken loose during the explosions, was also removed from the now exposed interior from the sudden decompression of various hull breeches.

At least she didn't need to recover the explosives now. She charged madly down the now cleaned out corridor to find Tugs for the rescue and get out of here. She had a wide grin/grimace that would've made Tugs proud as a war face. She was finaly gotten to use the explosives in a worthy endeavour.

She was thankful for the long hours in studying various ship designs for maxuim breeches to render even the most stawart life support useless, she had spent aboard the UOCPF Blueflower. Turning once peacetime pursuit into something very deadly.
PA Bay

Mitsuko bristled at the idea of more unwanted and unwelcome 'guests' being harbored on the Eucharis. "Yes ma'am." She examined the aliens after responding to the captain, quickly running through possible ways to secure them. The closest choice would be the best, in this situation. Making sure the creatures were disarmed, using the Mindy's scanners to aid her inspection, she began transporting the unconscious aliens to Medical in pairs, one under each arm. It would take a few trips, but at least it wasn't far. The containment cells would keep them secure, as Hanako had requested.

"Sorry, Chasan-Hei." She avoided the pacing medic as she made her trips, dividing the aliens evenly among the empty cells. "The Shosho wants the few aliens that remained on board secured. I apologize for making them your responsibility, but I have to prepare a shuttle in case we need to retrieve the others." She glanced at the two injured crew members, before retreating back to the Armor Bay once again. Once there, she confirmed it was empty, leaving a pair of drones behind to guard the Bay and its open door before heading for the Shuttle Bay.

"Aye" Natsumi replied and began taking the Eucharis up, nice and slow. The Power Armor bay would bleed out its atmosphere entirely as they rose to space, but not explosively. She let the gunship rise at a gentle, casual pace towards the inky blackness of space.

While this was happening, Natsumi focused the ships sensors on the site below, the wrecked ship, all around it, looking for the rest of the landing party. She searched for their ID beacons, energy signatures from their armor, Neko life signatures, anything that would pinpoint their location.
Med Lab

Taharial sighed "it is okay, I will put them in the containment cells after I checked them over, untill we find somewhere better for them" she puts the unconscious Rixxikor in the containment cells, after making sure all of them would live, she was a bit angry that they all seemed to be doing better than her own crewmate.
Derelict / Rixxikor

With hostilities shown and responded to, Aikiko treated all moving Rixxikor as hostile and needed to be incapicitated quickly as she stormed through what was left of the interior of the ship, looking for signs of Tsuguka. Running scans for Star Army IFF, Bio readings of Tsuguka, equipment signitures. She didn't use that much explosives to bring harm to Tsuguka. "Nito! Get someplace to signal the Eucharis!" Over squad radio to Kale.

As she pounded through the ship's corridors, Aikiko felt the deck shudder under the weight of her Mindy's pounding feet. Coming around a corner, she saw that Tsuguka had been knocked unconscious from the explosions.

There were dead alien buglike creatures around her, looking horrible as they had succombed to being without air. "Oh Tugs!" She paused long enough to get readings off Tsuguka. She smiled at finding her alive, but unconscious.

"Found Tugs!" She yelled over the squad frequency to Kale. Unsure of how long the ship will hold together, She found Tugs teleporter device and activated it. Sending her to the Eucharis' Power Armor bay. "Now for us to get out of here!"

She swore she should've grabbed a teleporter for herself, but she was already at loaded down with equipment and still remain effective as Infantry. She began to work her way out of the now charnal house of a Derelict.

Aikiko made her way out of the Derelict, feeling vibrate with each step she took. Being careful not cause anymore damage or the collapse of the structuraly weaken Derelict. She made it out of the confines of the Derelict. Using her inate abilities along with the Mindy, Aikiko met up with Kale.

"Found Tugs and returned her to the ship, Nito." She reported and looked around to see if she could spot the Eucharis. It was very high up. She quickly checked her Mindy out and it was an easy flight up to the ship....

"Hai!" Kale acknowledged briefly as he patched into the communications network.

"Away team to bridge. Tsuguka has been injured and teleported back to the ship. Me and Aikiko are on our way back now. ETA five minutes."

With that he took to the skies trailing slightly behind the marine. He switched back to squad comms.

"Aikiko, thank you. As an engineer combat missions make me seem a little superfluous I guess. Thanks for keeping everyone safe"

"Acknowledged," Hanako sent Kale.

"Once we have the last of our people aboard, take us up into space and head for Virginia," Hanako ordered.
Enroute to Eucharis - P.A. Bay

"Whether your tech skills were needed or not, Nito. At least we'd have an extra gun on the ground and tech capibilities on hand if we needed it." Aikiko responded back to Kale over Squad frequency. "Look on the bright side. At least ya got a change of scenary for awhile."

The flight up to the Euchris was quick, making sure that Kale was with her and nothing was going to hinder their progress.

She arrived in the damaged Power Armor Bay and looked around. "Well... looks like you're gonna be busy!" Wondering how the hell she was going to get out of her Mindy. "Hoped ya enjoyed your vacation, Nito." Over squad frequency to Kale with a trance of humor in her voice.
Returning to Eucharis

"Oh, wow. Well. Aikiko-san, I hope you get enough sleep for both of us because this is at least an all nighter and possibly more then that." he smiled at her momentarily "You know, you would have made an excellent technician yourself. You certainly have the intuition for it."

At that moment Kale began to feel the ship start gaining altitude. Oh hell no, the PA bay doors were damaged and the containment fields offline, unless they were tended to the atmosphere, and anything else not strapped down. Like two crewmen for example, would be likely be spaced on atmospheric exit. He switched over to open comms.

"This is P.A. Bay to Bridge. Abort atmospheric exit, I repeat abort atmospheric exit. I need time to fix the core containment field down here or we'll suffer more structural damage in this region, with the beating this place has taken I need to make sure everything else critical is also working. I'd estimate a half hour to effect minimal required repairs."
Eucharis P.A. Bay

Aikiko waited till Kale was finished speaking to the Bridge crew as she accessed the situation. "I'll stay and help. Just direct me in what needs to be done."

She activated her manipulator arms to get them warmed up for usage in the fine work of being a tech. As she was already used to such delicate work with explosives, she could handle the tech work. At least techwork didn't explode when you made a mistake. It just sparked and gave you a nasty shock.
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