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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 23.1] A Distant Threat (YE 37)

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Med. Center...

"Yep, sure am," Jackson replied, giving a nod. "I'm Jackson. You can call me Jax. My whole family does, anyway..."

His tail swished in impatience. Where was the medic?

'Where could to doc be? He has to be on board by- nevermind.' Jackson stopped the thought and raised his hand when he saw Taharial walk in. '*SHE has to be onboard...' he corrected himself. He studied the Elysian for a moment, and concluded that he was in good hands- nothing like those old, crotchety Nepleslian doctors he'd visited in the past. He felt confident enough to volunteer.

"No problem, doc," He glanced at Akane. "Er, I'll go first, I guess." he said and walked towards the examination room.
Cabin 5
The bed was nice and comfortable. It almost felt as if someone had slept in it before. Sam wondered what happened to the original occupant. Surely, the room wasn't always empty. Was it?

"I appreciate that," Hanako told Umeshu. She then stood up from behind her table with her new white-topped peaked cap and tablet in hand, and that's when she saw the pink slippers. She gave Aikiko a disapproving look on her way out to the bridge.


Hanako went to the center console. "You are relieved," she told Blackberry.

The mauve-skinned Neko nodded and left the bridge.

Hanako picked up the the intercom phone and pressed the all-ship button. "This is the captain speaking. Natsumi-Heisho, report to the bridge. As we depart Hanako's World I want to go over the crew changes one more time. Please welcome board our new crew members, first officer Chusa Nicholas Saiga, starship operator Shoi Hashimoto Umeshu, infantry soldier Santô Hei Miyako Akane, technician Santô Hei Jackson Howard, and intelligence specialist Ittô Hei Candon Howard Suites. Also I want to again express my congratulations to recently promoted crew, Ittô Heisho Murakami Mitsuko, Nitô Heisho Victory, Nitô Hei Taharial Chasan, Nitô Hei Akiashiro Aikiko, Ittô Heisho Sakura Cherry, Chui Sakura Blackberry, and Shoi Kohosei Yamashiro Natsumi, who is now taking officer courses and should be a Shoi soon. Also note that Nitô Hei Toyoe Tsuguka and Santô Hei Bjarnison Sigurd have transferred to other duty stations. Set readiness condition to 4 and prepare for ascent."

Natsumi's blood had turned ice cold and her heart sank dramatically as the new Operations officer had arrived. A mass of thoughts crashed through her head all at once. Why had the Shosho brought on a more senior operator to replace her? Had her performance been lacking, or unsatisfactory? She paled and felt a sick lump rising in her throat, immediately putting her off wanting to eat or drink anything. Dwelling on these thoughts as she sat in her seat, rigid, the others talk barely registering as her mind mulled over this sudden change to things. The new senior operator would want the main station, the flight controls and guns, everything that she had done for the last near on three years. She would be relegated to secondary duties, or, as her mind wandered, reassigned elsewhere, another ship, or a station, or some backwater hole, unwanted and unneeded!

Her mind despaired silently as the crew broke up and went about their business, getting the ship ready to go. Some time must have passed when the sound of Hanako's voice over the intercom roused her from her thoughts and , she was amazed when the promotion was spoken. She had desired to attend officer school and improve her place in the military, be more useful and more productive than she was just as an enlisted neko. She was unaware this had made it to the Shosho, though.

This was enough to snap her out of her funk for now, Natsumi got to her feet, almost knocking her chair over in the process and made her way quickly to the bridge.Hopefully more light as to what was going on would be shed by the Shosho once she reported there. She was fairly confused by things now. If Hanako had been displeased with her quality of work, she would have not approved her officer candidacy and application for training.


The snowy haired neko stepped into the Eucharis' command center and reported to the command station. "My apologies for being out of uniform, ma'am" she said, as she was now wearing the incorrect rank, "But I thought it better I report to you first for the discussion of changes and to take the ship up before I spend time correcting my uniform"
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Umeshu realized Saiga was looking at her as he passed and had her skin not been a shade of pale purple he might have noticed a slight blush upon it. "Ah... I do apologize for my inexperience, my previous samurai duties were much different than a starship," replied Hashimoto-shoi humbly to the first officer, not wanting to admit she was rather lackluster at that. "Arigatou gozaimasu, I will remember your offer, Saiga-san, and try not to be too much of a bother with my questions. You have a much heavier sword to carry than I, after all. May it be light in your hands."

Deck 2, Cabin # 8

On the way to the medical lab, Hashimoto-shoi stopped briefly in crew cabin 8 to drop off her things there on the unused bunk. She had chosen this place in mind specifically because it was Blackberry-chui's quarters and like herself, she would also be doing a lot of sensor and communications work in the upcoming missions and could be a good teacher for the junior officer if she was in the mood for it. Since they would very likely have alternating shifts it seemed an amicable arrangement for now until she was more settled and friendly with the crew. Deep down she wished she could be a bit closer to Saiga-San's quarters just in case, though...

Deck 3, Medical Bay

Umeshu passed by the recreation area briefly on her way to the medical lab at the other end of the deck, idly making sure there was ample room in the holo-chambers to simulate a traditional archery shooting range. She also spent a few moments checking the power armor bay, ensuring there was a suit reserved for her there in case she was called upon on short notice for infantry combat duties. Finally, the Neko arrived at the entrance of the medical lab, though it seemed there was a crowd gathered already... but she could not miss the sight of the Elysian doctor at the forefront. "A very diverse group indeed, Hanako-shosho has assembled," murmured the Shoi to herself as she waited patiently to be acknowledged, as it seemed the ship-wide intercoms were doing the introducing for her.
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Hanako pulled something out of a cabinet on the side of the bridge and presented it to Natsumi. "A gift," she said. It was one of the Type 36 Officer caps that were authorized last year but were not yet standard issue (meaning someone had to buy it). "You earned it," she added. "I am sure you will have no trouble passing your officer exams and becoming a full Shoi soon."


"We need to figure out everyone's battle stations and bridge duties. As our experienced pilot, I think you should probably be flying the ship. We lost our science officer, so perhaps Umeshu should be in charge of sensors?" Hanako suggested, followed by listening for feedback from all involved.

Following the rest of the bridge crew onto the bridge, Tony leaned against the door frame and listened to the Shosho. She was please to hear Natsumi getting into the Officer Cadet School. Maybe one day Antonia would go that route. But until then she was please to see her friend doing good.

Then there was the business of who would be doing what on the bridge. She waited to hear if there was a spot for her or not. When Hanako didn't mention one she raised her hand and politely asked, 'Ma'am whatcha want me doing?"

"Perhaps we could put First Officer Saiga at the Mission Operations station to direct the crew and you could use the Systems Monitoring station as a ship gunnery station," Hanako proposed. She sat in her high-backed red command chair at the center of the bridge. "Alternatively I could put Saiga in the center seat as acting captain while I stick to doing admiral things," she pondered aloud, stroking her chin as she waited for reactions.
Med Lab

Taharial nodded to the guy "okay then sir, you may call me Taharial as that is my name and I am not a real fan of the formalities" she smiled slightly as she grinned at Akane and giggled. As she looked around on last time she saw the other new girl then bowed "hello, if you don't mind, these two people are in front of you" she turned to the examination room and went inside.

When Jackson's physical was over she had the notes she needed "congratulation you pass the Butcher's physical" she giggled "now for your backup then you can leave" she walked out the examination room to let Jackson sort himself out in privacy. she looked at the girl's "so Akane your next, while I am backing up Jackson please go in the examination room and make yourself ready."
Med Lab

Akane smiled as Jax took his physical first. He'd arrived before she had, so it was only right. Kindness was part of who Akane was, especially when she wasn't in combat.

Once Taharial had finished, she made a comment about being the Butcher--at least that's what Akane assumed when she heard Taharial's giggle. She stepped out, inviting the Neko into the exam room.

Setting her hat aside, Akane started making herself ready. As goofy as Taharial could be, the medic was always caring and profession when it came time to work.
Med Center...
"Thanks for not killing me, Taharial- oh, and you can call me 'Jax' if you'd like." Jackson replied with a grin as he stepped out of the exam room, fixing his collar and smoothing the fur on his tail. That had gone relatively smoothly, compared to other physicals he'd had since transferring into the Minkan body. The ears and tail really threw people off for some reason.

But now, to get backed up.

"Later Taharial!" Jax called over his shoulder. He walked out of the med-center and headed back to his cabin. If he'd heard the Shosho right, he needed to be at condition "4", which meant that he needed to be in engineering, ASAP.

Cabin 3...
Jax had hustled to his room. He knocked again, remembering that the other bunk was occupied, and shut the door behind him. Within a minute, he was out of his dress uniform and into his Type 31. His previous uniform lay scattered on his bunk, but that would be a problem for later. Jax then slipped his pistol into its holster as per regulations, and powered up his FAR, which now hovered just above his right shoulder. Never knew when you'd need a flashlight or extra arc cutter. That, and engineering might get a little lonely. He wasn't aware of any other technicians onboard.

"You really know how to turn me on, Jax." a smooth, feminine voice floated from the drone. Jackson rolled his eyes. He'd chosen the "flirty woman" personality for his drone. It had learned about puns recently, much to his dismay. The "gun-ho male" and "scientist" were his other options, but they seemed a little too obnoxious for his liking.

"Hey, cut it out or I'm changing you into that 'kitten' emoticon." he grumbled as he headed for engineering. He wouldn't do that, of course. While he liked cats, he felt as though having one as his AI would get dull really fast.

But that was for another time. Jackson hopped into the main passage and into the zero gravity, using his tail to twist himself so that he was facing downwards, then pressed off a wall and hurled himself downwards towards his station.

Once inside engineering, which looked exactly as he thought it would from the schematics he'd read, Jax gave the aether generator and other equipment a look-over. Everything looked healthy, nothing looked out of place, no pipes were leaking, no wires sparking, no warning lights; it all looked ready to go.

"Santo Hei Howard here, Shosho. Everything checks out down here in Engineering. It's your call." he announced into his communicator. He sat in a chair in the corner and laid back, with his FAR floating next to him.

Mitsuko frowned at Aikiko, noticing the look Hanako had given her as well, but waited for all of the officers to depart before speaking up. She stepped forward, drawing herself up to her full height in her attempt to seem more assertive. "Akiashiro-Hei, I believe you were present for my review of the Star Army Uniform and Appearance Policy shortly before our leave. As well as the punishments for failing to adhere to said Policy." She left it at that, stepping away from the other Neko with a nod. On her way out, she noted the new Intelligence Specialist. Murakami had always gotten along well enough with Helen Klein during her time on the Eucharis, but apparently the captain and others had not had so much appreciation for her.

She had wanted to console Natsumi, but the other Neko had seemed dazed, before the announcement pulled her back to reality. She smiled to herself, as Natsumi dashed out to follow the others to the Bridge. Mitsuko was happy for her. Even if that meant they'd only shared this new rank for a few days. It did leave Murakami with a few extra unexpected responsibilities, though. Like keeping track of all of the crew members she suddenly outranked. Including the only one that had been conspicuously absent from this gathering.

Mitsuko sighed as she stepped out into the corridor, rubbing her forehead. "Charisma, would you please locate Darkfire-Hei for me?" It wasn't even clear if he'd made it to his hotel room during their leave, and she wasn't sure he'd actually returned to the Eucharis on time. It only took a moment for her to find out he was in Cabin 5. She officially assigned it to him as she headed there, arranging some of the other new arrivals in cabins while she was at it. Murakami told Charisma to notify Suites, Miyako, Akiashiro and Howard about the assignments. Personally not how she would have set things up, but some of them had already claimed spots. She would inform Darkfire of his assignment in person.

Cabin 5

"Santo Hei Darkfire?" She gave him a bit of warning before the door opened, either at his order or hers. Mitsuko frowned, as it was obvious he'd returned and immediately collapsed on his bunk. "You did not report in after returning to the Eucharis. You were not in the Wardroom to greet the captain, or the several new officers we received." Her eyes flickered behind her glasses, as she took in the state of his cabin, as well as his person. "I believe we have already spoken about the Star Army Uniform and Appearance Policy. I expect the same care will be taken with this cabin. It is assigned to you, but is still Star Army property." She paused for a moment, considering what to do with him. "...please properly stow your belongings and correct your appearance. Leave is over, Darkfire-Hei. This will be your pass." She took a moment to search for the right phrase. "We are about to depart Fort Hanako. Once we are in the air, I suggest you report to the Power Armor Bay to inspect and prepare your newly assigned armor. I expect it to last much longer than the last. Understood?" With a nod, she stepped away from the door, preparing to depart for her own duties.
Candon nodded gently to Mitsuko as she passed. After reading her dossier he knew just how important she was to the ship and crew. Her talents at keeping all things organized and running smoothly made her an invaluable asset, one he would ensure was protected at all costs.

Knowing that the medical bay would probably be crowded he simply proceeded to his cabin to unpack and set up. As he made his way out the door he accessed his roommate's file from his glasses as a refresher. The name reminded him instantly. He was bunking with a prototype. Although him and Miyako Akane would get along fine it still struck him as odd that they'd share a cabin without him being ordered to report on her. He decided he'd keep tabs on her just in case Command popped a quiz.

Cabin 6
After passing Murakami as he passed cabin 6 he could hear her chew out Darkfire. Even he had to snicker. Shaking his head he proceeded inside and began the process of unpacking.
Cabin 5
Sam's eyes shot open when he heard the loudspeakers. New blood? Perhaps one of the new crew members might even be a sweet, young neko fresh from the hatchery just waiting for him to wrap his arms around her and teach her about all the wonderfulness of men?

Sam was about to get up and go check on these fine, young ladies when Mitsuko came in and gave him hell. Wardroom? Greet the Captain? The only orders he ever gotten were to return to the ship. No one ever told him about a party in some wardroom. Wait, did he hear her right? The sweet thangs were all assembled in one room, and he missed his chance to meet them all at once? Damn... Oh, well. He could always meet them one at a time. After all, finding them on his roundabout way to the Power Armor Bay would be half the fun. He gave a nod to Mitsuko's only question, then went and started sliding his things under the bunk so his room wouldn't look quite so messy.

Natsumi accepted the cap graciously and bowed low. "Thank you, Shosho" she said. " I will do my utmost best and will not to dissapoint you"

"I would find those battlestations arrangements fine" she replied, those Hanako had mentioned for herself, Umeshu and Stark. "Though I am not familiar with Hashimoto Shoi's skillset. We should include her in this discussion" Natsumi suggested.

Aikiko was grateful when Canon stepped forward to draw some of the heat off of her. She took the disapproving stare from Shosho in stride as much with her usual stoic manner. Then Mitsuko stepped forward after the Officers left and gave her spiel about uniforms. "Hia" Simple and sweet. No excuses as it was obvious she was in the wrong. Maybe it would've been better to be late and presentable. But she was still feeling euphoria of intimacies. "It'll be taken care of."

She grabbed her case and left the wardroom after everyone else had departed.

Aikiko blinked at the impromptu announcement of her new rank. It took her by surprise and after her latest flub, she figured she was going be longest ranking Santo in the Star Army. She quickly pulled out her pad and access the MEGAMI to see if it was mistake. Sure enough there was her orders. Nice and neatly inputted into her dossier.

Cabin 3

Aikiko walked into her assigned cabin and saw the discarded uniform laying crumpled up on her roomies' bunk. She looked at the uniform and it wasn't definitely Stark's. Unless Tony gotten gender change and grew several centimeters. She just shook her head, muttered, "Toney better tell her newest fling to clean up after himself." Then ignored it as she unpacked and changed quickly into her duty uniform. Making sure her area of the room was neat. Then she took off to her duty station.

Power Armor Bay

Aikiko went to work as per her usual routine, checked out her Mindy and all the accessories and weapon systems that went with it.

The light purple skinned Neko ran into the bridge area in a bit of a grey paneled blur, carrying some of her momentum out of the zero G passageway from below decks. She did her best to gracefully snap to attention before the assembled crew and bow her head apologetically. "Gomen'nasai, Hanako-shosho... forgive me tardiness, but I was held up a bit at the medical lab..." She tried however to turn this negative into a positive. "It seems I underestimated how many of the crew are so very responsible with doing their physicals and backups promptly. It reflects very well on the ship's discipline, and the good job that Taharial-hei is doing there as well."

Umeshu noticed the crisp new officer's cap in Natsumi's hand, and turned to her next. "I also could not help overhearing on the way over about your promotion," began the fellow junior officer, and she gave her an encouraging, warm smile. "Omedetou gozaimasu, Yamashiro-shoi. From my short time here, I can already see that the Shosho trusts you greatly with the reins of the YSS Eucharis to offer you such an opportunity. I, too, will be counting on your steady hand on the bridge." It seemed as if the newcomer had no designs to supplant her anytime soon. "I am certainly capable of manning the sensors and science console if that allows you and the others to focus on their strengths, as we must be ready for the mission ahead."

The Shoi finally turned to Antonia, the exchange personnel, and her formal Yamataigo laced speech loosened up into Trade. "It is nice to meet you, Cadet Stark-san, was it? I hear your abilities lie in starship gunnery. I will be looking forward to seeing them in action soon, and I am sure an accommodation can be made for you if needed. Please strive to do your nation and ours proud."
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Natsumi turned to the Shoi and bowed respectfully." Thank you, Hashimoto Shoi" she said. "I will do my absolute best" she added as she straightened. She was still unsure about this new officer, but she seemed nice enough and Natsumi new better than to judge someone negatively before getting to know them.

She turned back to Hanako as Hashimoto talked to Antonia, "Shall I prepare us for lift off, Shosho?" Though it was always a shame to end shore leave on the warm and sunny tropical resort planet, Natsumi was always excited to get back out to space.
Med Lab

Taharial grinned as she backed up the man called Jax, when she finished she let him go as he left he said 'Later Taharial' which made her chuckle as that could mean he was going to get hurt and would need her, or he it was more just when he wanted to see her.

Taharial walked into the Examination Room where Akane was waiting and smiled when she saw Akane then went through the examination, this one took longer as there was more to check with females than males but she grinned at the end of it "your all healthy and fit to serve Akane, now you just need to be backed up." she smiled and left the Examination Room so that Akane could do what she needed in private then looked at the next girl "um you're another new one, um.." she looked through the crew list "that is you, Umeshu if I am right, please when Akane exits go right in for your examination."

"Stark... No Son, I'm a girl there for I'm a daughter." Tony smirked obviously joking, "Call me Tony. And yeah I'm handing at shooting things and making them go away." She winked and then with Natsumi speaking up, she dropped into the chair that was mentioned as being her's, and started working on pre-flight checks on the weapons.
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