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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 24] Looking for Trouble (YE 38)

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Colony Ship

Natsumi cocked her head as the explosion and gunfire erupted. She also caught some chatter over thw squad channel.

"What's going on?" she asked on their secure channel. Ruxxles did not seem concerned and she got some of an answer listening to the otuers in her team. Aikiko had been attacked and teleported out. What had been the cause of the attack and if she was injured or not though, she did not know yet. She frowned. Something had to have provoked the bugs. They were a reactionary species, their actions a direct reaction to outside stimulus.

"No one provoke the Rixxicore! Do not attack them if they have stopped their hostility!" she commanded to the rest of the landing party. "Continue the inspection, or report back to me here if you cannot continue"

She opened a direct channel to Aikiko, "Report. What happened?" she asked the infantry neko. As she awaiyed a reply she turned her attention back to the bug man.

"You were mentioning that you were born on a machine world, but it could not support your people?" she wondered if this planet was the world belonging to whoever it was that was supporting or directing the Rixxicore hordes across the galaxy. Since the bug man seemed little concerned with the goings on in the distance, she decided to press her luck in talking to him.

Umeshu gave a good-natured greeting to Doctor Thaddeus Hemlock as he joined Wazu at the science station. The two of them having such a spirited discussion about the bug men was rather fascinating to listen to, if a bit over the Chui's head. As someone with first hand experience with the Rixxikor, she wondered if she had anything to contribute to the growing database of this servant race to the Kuvexians, and made herself available to them as possible considering she was sitting at the helm chair right next to them, plugged in as she was.

It was in that moment that Charisma detected the sensor ping from a hidden Kuvexian scout ship, as the Neko simultaneously felt the rather sudden poking sensation across her wisteria-skin that mirrored the hull of the Eucharis, jarring her to awareness of a threat. Though Umeshu tried to react as quickly as she could to assist Charisma's signals analysis, the best they could come up with was the ID on the two ships as confirmed Kuvexian Navy Cruisers before the fold out to apparently open space was summarily detected.

Visions of the first disastrous engagement with a cruiser replayed in her mind for a fraction of a second... but this was not like that time. "Yo katta," the operations officer gave a sigh of relief in Yamataigo, as she made sure the shields were energized and weapons were battle-ready in case the next ping was indeed a weapons lock. "The Kuvexians at least are not a reckless enemy, unlike their servants..."

Just then the chaotic chatter of the sudden gunfight inside the vessel erupted over the comms, and then the tell-tale disruption in the energy fields of a Mindy teleport device being activated followed. The green-eyed Chui was quick to pick up the beacon Aikiko had set off, broadcasting from very close to the flagship, and sent back to the red Neko a reassuring message:

Eucharis to Tsuguka-hei,

Hai. We've detected her distress signal, pulling her into the bay now. Please exercise caution...

If it aids you, in my experiences it is just as easy for the Rixxicor to shoot at each other in competition for resources rather than at you... you may be able to use this to your advantage as a distraction.

Outside the Eucharis, Akioshiro-hei could soon feel the pulses of graviton beams from several angles activating and pulling the drifting power armor carefully into the comforting embrace of the PA bay's protective force field.
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P.A Bay

Aikiko sighed softly, knowing that once again she was on someone shit-list as she saw that the Eucharis was getting closer to her as she felt the gentle tugging of the graviton beams that brought her into the P.A. Bay protective force field. Then the switching of the graviton beams to bring her fully into the P.A. Bay's Decontamination Chamber. The doors closed as she settled to the deck as the Decontamination System engaged and began the process.

She closed her eyes and darkened the visor to cut down on the intense strobe effect of ultraviolet rays that flash burned the Rixxikor slime into a fine white ash powder that drifted off her in a grayish white fog. The powder slowly drifted down through the deck grating to be vacuumed and disposed of.
Colony Ship, teleporter blast point

"Stop," he called back just before the pressure of the teleporter's explosion took his breath, channeled through the tunnel to greet Candon's whole body. Now laying flat on his back he could only wonder why he didn't think to have his CFD set to also shield him.
'Note to self, 'shields help'.
At least he knew she was going to be safe.

As he began picking himself up he found an interesting hole in the tunnel wall. Obviously from a plasma weapon as it was surrounded by a ring of heat damaged material. He took a detailed scan and transmitted it to Eucharis.

"Taharial, Akiashiro's armor is reporting no serious injury. Return to the Chui," he ordered as he opened a line to Eucharis, "Mr. Wanu, I'm sending a scan from a stray plasma bolt. I need it analyzed. Check metallurgy, I want to know if there's any material that didn't belong to the wall."
Colony Ship, teleporter blast point

Taharial was knocked back into reality by the explosion and nodded to Candon "Yes sir, I will see you later when I see you" she started off to get the Chui, she was worried about what happened and took out her data pad and checked on the signals for the crew members, seeing how people were doing and if they needed her "All looks okay, I am not really needed anywhere so it the Chui first" she started to run to get to the Chui, once there she salutes "Taharial, here to help."
P.A Bay Decon Chamber

Natsumi opened a direct channel to Aikiko, "Report. What happened?" she asked the infantry neko. As she awaiyed a reply she turned her attention back to the bug man.

It dawned her that Natsumi had placed a call and she needed to report to her. Replying back on the same direct channel, even as it was static filled due to the Decon process and damaged Mindy.

"Yamashiro-Chui, Akiashiro-hei, reporting. I got curious and asked the Roach bugs about their weapons and where they gotten them. Apparently didn't like me for some reason and opened fire at me. I defended and returned via teleport to the Eucharis. Mindy combat ineffective at 60% damage to externals. I'm fine and aboard the Eucharis going through decon. Check the section out carefully where I teleported from. Different metal alloy under the slime."

She fell quiet as she access Mindy data storage to bring up the relevant scans, videos. She downloaded them to Eucharis Megami to be sent to the Science Department for farther analyst.
YSS Eucharis – Bridge

“I will have a look.” Wazu replied on the open channel to Mr. Suites.

“Drei, Charisma, what can you get from his scans? It would be great if you could get down to the specrographic level and tell me exactly what is in that scorch mark and surrounding area... I suppose we could also see what materials behave as what we see in the visual record under the heat levels we saw from Aikiko's armor.”

He would then turn towards Hanako,

“We may want to continue our conversation with Ruxxles on this ship. I am not certain there is anything to gain here other than what that creatures knows about their origin.”
Colony Ship, teleporter blast point

A static-infested ghostly shape loomed directly behind Candon as he examined the damaged panels, only just visible from the track marks in the foul mess below. Every few seconds a grinding pulse of light came from the ruined lighting system, casting a strange shadow of a tall angular figure creeping closer and closer to his unguarded back...

"Do you think we should take some material samples?" Tsuguka's stoic voice suddenly breathed down his neck, unceremoniously materializing back into existence right over his shoulder. She had been there the entire time, still acknowledging Yamashiro's orders, and the advice Umeshu gave. "It may also be worth picking up some of their discarded weapons."

"Or a body. There are plenty going spare at the moment, it would seem."
Colony Ship - Storage Area

Diplomats were diplomats, and engineers were- well- engineers. So within his armor, it was only natural that Jax wasn't paying much attention to the "diplomacy". Instead, he did what all engineers did:

He geeked out, instantly soaking in every technological detail of his surroundings. Nothing like the science-nerds, who'd be content to take an air sample, or something lame like that. No- he was essentially looking for any way he could demolish this ship in under five minutes. At the moment, he was scanning the wiring above intently, perhaps wondering if he could spot the main power line. A few well placed explosives or aether shots could cause an outage and leave this thing dead in the water. Then he looked over what had been mapped so far, looking for external walls. Honestly, he wondered if a gauss cannon would be enough to vent the atmosphere, or create an emergency exit should the need arise. If Hanako gave him permission, he was still totally down for destroying the coolant lines and burning it all!

'...Despite this, I can't say I'm not learning some interesting uses for duct tape...'
Jax mused internally. He took note of these for later reference, while at the same time documenting the technical layout of the ship.
Rixxikor Colony Ship - Storage Area

"You were mentioning that you were born on a machine world, but it could not support your people?" she wondered if this planet was the world belonging to whoever it was that was supporting or directing the Rixxicore hordes across the galaxy. Since the bug man seemed little concerned with the goings on in the distance, she decided to press her luck in talking to him.
Ruxxles stopped and stared at Natsumi for a moment and then said "Your nipples get hard 'cause you saw stray dogs chewing on dead toddlers. Rixx go hard, we're never called coddlers. And the fresh beat backgrounds sampled sounds from the abortion operation. Called every Rixx to a battle station. My elation came from not copulation or masturbation cause when you're Rixx you lay eggs for procreation. Bitch. A long stretch journey. It's the the new destination. Like a slave ship we crammed inside, crossing stars in record stride. Every fear cast aside. Here I am bitch 'cause I got nothing to hide."

"Noice!" one of Ruxxles lackeys proclaimed.

Ruxxles actually stood there silently striking a heroic pose for over ten seconds. "You want to become The Problem?" Ruxxles then asked Natsumi. "You got enough time here. Go home, Yamatai." The insectoid made a shooing motion with both hands. "Or I will eat you."

"Yeah!" one of the armed guards began bouncing in excitement.

YSS Eucharis - Bridge

There was actually some data for the scientists on the ship's composition, but it was surprisingly non-remarkable, consisting of a variety of known substances. The interesting part was the variety of compositions of various pieces of the Rixxikor ship, showing that the ship had been assembled from a wide variety of recycled ship parts, and Charisma actually estimated that the parts came from over 30 planets based on isotope and spectrographic analysis. The damage in the metal sample was clearly caused by a high-end plasma weapon.

Meanwhile, Hanako was using Candon's connection to the Rixxikor computers. She began looking at propulsion systems and FTL systems, trying to determine how long their last spacefold lasted, and at navigation logs. Finally she found what they were looking for, a series of coordinates...
Colony Ship, teleporter blast point

Colony Ship, teleporter blast point

A static-infested ghostly shape loomed directly behind Candon as he examined the damaged panels, only just visible from the track marks in the foul mess below. Every few seconds a grinding pulse of light came from the ruined lighting system, casting a strange shadow of a tall angular figure creeping closer and closer to his unguarded back...

"Do you think we should take some material samples?" Tsuguka's stoic voice suddenly breathed down his neck, unceremoniously materializing back into existence right over his shoulder. She had been there the entire time, still acknowledging Yamashiro's orders, and the advice Umeshu gave. "It may also be worth picking up some of their discarded weapons."

"Or a body. There are plenty going spare at the moment, it would seem."

The unexpected arrival of Tsuguka was unsettling to Candon but a long career in stealth based combat had steeled up his nerves enough to reduce tendency to a minimum. "Let's grab two bodies for Hemlock, he should be back by now, but leave the weapons to me. I already know what they are using and I don't want to set the bugs off again," he stated flatly. "Eucharis, this is Candyman, I need 2 body bags delivered to the PA bag for pickup, copy?"

As he awaited a response he offered Tsuguka her choice of jobs. "Pick your poison," he started, " you can fly back to the ship to pick up those body bags or you can pick the bodies we're going to be returning to the ship. If you go to the ship I want you to use your holographic projection system to make the bags look like crates. If you're picking bodies I want them as close to intact as possible and I need you to keep them hidden with your projector until I return. I don't want them knowing that we are collecting their dead. What do you want to do?"
Colony Ship, Teleporter Blast Point

The imposing nekovalkyrja just stared at him for a moment through her blank face plate, as if the man had just insulted her personally. Truth be told, two out of the three missions she had been on had involved corpse recovery. Her own suggestion had annoyingly just bumped that average up to three out of four.

"...I will get the bags, Joto Hei Suites." The voice was calm and cold, but she at least gave a thought to quickly checking the unfamiliar man's service record to make sure he was capable of looking after himself. "You are more qualified to make an assessment over what qualifies as 'intact' with these creatures. I will endeavor to return as quickly as possible to aid you, regardless. Please notify me if you need assistance."

Akiashiro's scorch marks on the floor made it easy to judge how far away to stand from Candon before Tsuguka made her own teleport jump, through a renewed shock wave was probable. No time more time for tip-toeing about now that her comrade had proven it wouldn't snap the ship in half. This probably counted as straying from Yamashiro's orders a little, as well.

Flashing back into existence with a sudden burst of light next to the Eucharis, Tsuguka made herself immediately known to the ship's sensors by blinking her warning lights.

"Nito Hei Tsuguka here, contacting command crew." She bowed her head towards one of the visual sensors. "Shosho. With your permission, Joto Hei Suites and myself were intending on covertly extracting a Rixxikor body for examination. They don't seem to have much care for their dead so this may be an opportune moment to carry out the task."
YSS Eucharis - Bridge

"Tsuguka, this is Shosho Hanako. If they care nothing their dead, we should be safe from the normal concerns about handling the deceased such as a funeral," the captain responded over the radio. "There should be some body bags in the cargo hold, and there are some standard in shuttle load plans. I think Victory or Mitsuko should be able to help you."
Wazu would send a text message to Mr. Suites, doing his best to hold back a smile after hearing the Rixxikor attempt to cobble together a battle-rap. He started to piece together his own lyrics before pushing those thoughts out of his head.

There were more pressing concerns right now than putting together a mix-tape.

Mr. Suites,

The samples you sent look like a mess of different materials from different places. I can not tell what parts may have been the wall and what may have been something else.

Is there something in particular you are looking for? I may be able to be more helpful if I know your line of thinking here.

The doctor's ear's perked up as he heard his name mentioned over the coms. He was getting a body to study?

"Oh! Herm... I-"

He began to say but thought better of it. He could make sure the body was properly decontaminated. They were, perhaps, more dangerous dead than alive from a biological standpoint. If he had to pick a corpse to fling over the wall of a besieged castle to spread plague- he'd have selected a Rixxikor one.

"Do be careful- they are... well quite filthy with disease."
Colony Ship - Storage Area

Maybe I should have brought my kareoke machine? natsumi thought to herself with a little bit of a shrug.

"Alright. We will go" Natsumi said. She had the feeling if she pressed staying any longer the whole lot of them would get violent. There was not much else that could be learned from staying as it was . Suites had his devices planted anywaus, so, if all worked out, they had computer access.

She spoke over the secursquad channel, "Everyone, it is time to return to the ship" she sad. "Pack up and meet me back at the airlock" she commanded and pulled up the interior map on her HUD.

"Thank you for your time" She said to Ruxxles, then started back towards the airlock, more than ready to go home and take several very long showers.
P.A. Bay

Once Decon process was over with she immediately escaped the confines of the damaged Mindy. Using her back-up Armor which was a Daisy she had prepped earlier. She moved the Mindy to the Repair Bay of the Armor Bay, then secured it. She swapped over a new teleporter device to the Daisy, which cut down on her combat load. Once situated and secured in the Daisy.

"Yamashiro-Chui, Akiashiro-hei, I'm ready to return to assist the team if needed." Aikiko used the direct private channel to Natsumi.

Knowing what she was facing from the previous trip, she was ready to return to the action aboard the Colony Ship of the Rixxikor. Being nice-nice was out of the equation this time. They (Rixxikor) was about to find out first hand just how tough A Yamataian cat-girl was.
Colony Ship

"Stand bye there in case we need support, Akiashiro, we are returning to Eucharis" Natsumi replied over the private comm channel.

Then, To the Eucharis bridge, she said, "Away team returning to ship. I think we're as close to overstaying our welcome as we are going tget before the whole colony comes down on us"
Rixxikor Colony Ship - Storage Area

Jax had to admit: Ruxxles could spit some hella fire bars. He placed his rifle back on his shoulder and prepared to be the "hype man" should Natsumi plan to hit them with that heat. Sadly, she didn't. Although he wasn't arguing about leaving, he was still disappointed that they didn't get to have their hood moment.

"Did we just get served?!" Jax asked in mock anger over the comms. "Come on, Chui! We can't just hang back and let these fools diss us! We got to represent!"

He smacked his chest twice for emphasis. He let a small giggle escape him.

"Man, we are gonna lose so much street-cred for this..."
Eucharis PA Bay -> Cargo Bay

Though the decontamination process only took a few sparse moments, it was an annoying long delay in Tsuguka's eyes. She remembered where the body bags were stored last time, but there was no guarantee they were still there. Absorbing Yamashiro's message only drove the tight schedule home.

Time for some serious networking.

"Nito Heisho Victory, are you in the cargo bay, ma'am?" A brisk communication as her armor was finally granted access to the ship's interior proper. She cracked it open almost immediately on the spot, but left the power systems running so that the teleport module would not loose its charge. "Would you mind meeting me in the zero G corridor with a pair of body bags? Time is of the essence."

"Chui Yamashiro... I apologize for my deviance from your orders, but an opportunity presented itself..." Tsuguka was talking internally on a private channel, which meant Akiashiro for all intents and purposes got blindsided again... She gave her power armor a once over just to be sure, before quickly turning towards the rooms entrance and jogging hastily towards it. "I'm back on the Eucharis, equipping bio hazard supplies. I humbly request that if it is at all possible for you to delay our departure until Joto Hei Suites has located a suitable sample, that would be most helpful. We may not get another chance to attain such complete biological data on the Rixxikor again, not without conflict. The Shosho approved of this plan."

"Joto Hei Suites..." A third private line. She had made it to the zero-g corridor already. "Any luck? We are running out of time."
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