Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 27, Part 2] Night on the Beach (YE 39)

She colored at Candon's proposal, flexing her wings as if discovering some hitherto unfelt stiffness, "That... I'd stir up too much sand taking off... So that is an excellent idea, Suites-heisho. Provided you're not trying to get rid of me."

Candon shook his head in a way that made it obvious that the alcohol in his system was finally catching up to his brain.
"Naaah, that's crazy! I get rid of people by putting them in the trunk of my car," he joked again. The beauty of the conditioning package was that he was able to identify himself as intoxicated. Flying required coordination and self-control. A tipsy Minkan was in no condition to- "We should fly."
Candon shook his head in a way that made it obvious that the alcohol in his system was finally catching up to his brain.
"Naaah, that's crazy! I get rid of people by putting them in the trunk of my car," he joked again. The beauty of the conditioning package was that he was able to identify himself as intoxicated. Flying required coordination and self-control. A tipsy Minkan was in no condition to- "We should fly."

"And what, leaving them there? How cruel," she said standing above Candon and shaking herself free of sand, where it stuck to her skin, or had gotten into her clothes. Shockingly, she was still dressed at this advanced stage of partying hardy.

"Together, or you're going to carry me?" Mehitabel asked, crossing her arms and staring curiously at him. She'd missed the parallel earlier, but facing Suites head-on she recalled their last flight together and the feel of his armored arms around her. How different would that feel if they were flesh and blood? Bel stuck out her arms wide in a 'T' shaped pose to let Candon get a grip that suited him.
"I'll bring you up, I imagine getting airborne is the hard part, "Candon answered as he came to stand. Coming to face the 'T' shaped Elysian but suddenly unsure of how to carry her up. They would have to be facing each other but he didn't want his hands to be a problem, which is important to a man that's more familiar with gripping a rifle than a woman.

He ended up placing open hands around her back, under the base of her wings and asked her to step onto his feet. They lifted slowly into the air gaining speed as they climbed but topping out around 20 kph. Candon didn't want to go too fast and risk Mehitabel slipping before gaining enough altitude.
That and they weren't wearing glasses so her hair was becoming a hazard to both their eyes.

100 meters above sea level

The sky was clear and weather conditions were perfect. Candon kept the speed he had but leveled out about where thought 100 meters was. The trick to him leveling out was that he was now best described as being on his back.
"How's this?" he asked over the wind noise, ready for her to take flight.
Camp Fire

"I'll take the other side of the shirt" Natsumi replied to Tugs wirelessly and moved behind Jax, taking up her end of the garment with her teeth.

She began trying to tug her end down as they maneuvered the shirt over Jax's head.
As directed, Bel stepped onto his feet and put her arms around Candon's neck, ready for take-off. It was only as they started to lift that she realized her hair was going to be troublesome, also, probably chilly considering she was dressed for surface-level beach party. There was no going back now though and she hung onto him as they rose.

About 100 Meters Above the Sea

Fluffing her wings experimentally, feeling the wind currents as they flowed around them in the coolness of the dark, keeping care not to extend them far enough to catch the breeze and flip her off unprepared. Slender, with the bone structure required to support her ability to fly, Mehitabel was light for her size, resting gently against his chest for a few moments before she nodded. "This should be plenty of space. Thank you, Suites-heisho," she said over the wing blowing past their ears. Her lips drew tight briefly as her alcohol-hazed mind considered.

"I am going to thank you again for saving my life," Bel didn't give Candon a chance to process that before planting a kiss on his lips, or close to it in the dark, "Admittedly I do not know that much about you, which is perhaps gratifying to hear, but... I know you are not interested in romance. Consider that simply the thanks of a grateful girl."

With a flick of her wings she caught the wind , and with the rustle of a great immense bird lifted away from her carrier. Her light colored clothing stood out in the darkness as Candon could see her lift away on the air current until Mehitabel was nothing more then a shadow against a starry background. That was gone as well, leaving Suites alone in the sky. Then something rushed past close at hand, a vortex of air puffs washing over him as white wings-beat, flashing past him.
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The trip up really had been nice, an accurate description until a surprise caught him on the lips. At first he thought it was an accident…
"Admittedly I do not know that much about you, which is perhaps gratifying to hear, but... I know you are not interested in romance. Consider that simply the thanks of a grateful girl."

With a flick of her wings she caught the wind , and with the rustle of a great immense bird lifted away from her carrier. Her light colored clothing stood out in the darkness as Candon could see her lift away on the air current until Mehitabel was nothing more then a shadow against a starry background. That was gone as well, leaving Suites alone in the sky.

Not an accident. His course stayed straight as he laid on his back 'falling' horizontally across the sky. It was a moment he'd filled with absolutely no thought, just a feeling he hadn't felt in years. It had become so foreign he couldn’t name it but it just felt right, more right than having a well made Elysian laying on him. Its lack of superficiality was the difference.

But a response was impossible to find. How does one correctly respond to a kiss like that, especially when it's followed by the accusation of disinterest in romance... which he wasn't but that only made things harder to process.

Then something rushed past close at hand, a vortex of air ouffs washing over him as white wings-beat, flashing past him.

But sometimes no response is needed. Just a midair pursuit. Candon began falling after her without any gravity assistance. He would chase that kiss.

Freyja took the shorts and looked around for someone to aid her in getting the new pants on Jax. She released his previously worn pants from her teeth. No help seemed to be forthcoming. She scanned for someone who might be willing to help. Masumi seemed to have completely turned inward. She couldn't possibly ask Hanako, and Bel was nowhere to be seen.

"I-I can't get these on him alone." Freyja protested.

In his efforts to avert his eyes from the weirdest, most sexual dare ever, Jax spotted Candon and Feathers-Hei jetting off into the sky together. They were much too close for "private flying lessons". This offered a welcome distraction, mostly because the engineer was resisting the temptation to whoop and jump for joy.

Finally, Candon was becoming normal! Like, they could finally go hang out and do "guy things" and have good-old-fashioned "guy talk" about girls and stuff!

Okay, maybe that was a little drastic. But this was certainly a step in the right direction.

'Yeah-ha-hah! GET SOME, CANDYMAN!' He shouted internally with the biggest grin on his face. He immediately stopped himself and returned his gaze downward. He didn't see the kiss, luckily, because then he would have lost it, thus drawing everyone's attention to the airborn couple. As self-proclaimed "greatest wingman ever", Jax would do his damndest to ensure that his boy got proper alone time with his "date".

Now, back to the problem at hand.

"Er, just wait a moment, Freyja." He muttered awkwardly as Tsuguka and Natsumi began tugging his shirt over his head. "Once this is done, they can probably help you."
But sometimes no response is needed. Just a midair pursuit. Candon began falling after her without any gravity assistance. He would chase that kiss.

Moonlight flashed on white wings and bare skin ahead of him as Mehitabel dove down into the next thermal updraft. Her flight was purely dependent on her strength, and knowing how to use the advantages her natural appendages gave her. However, Bel wasn't particularly strong nor did she have too good an idea what she was doing. Sticking to the updrafts, she was mostly gliding with some propulsion from her wings, flapping slowly to climb back up high into the sky before sticking her wings out straight and coasting.

Looking back, she searched for any sign of Candon. For the first time in days, since the memory backup, she felt honest and clean. She had said her bit. That was that. All the clerk hoped now was that it didn't weigh heavily on his mind.
As he'd begun to catch sight of her she'd caught an up draft and climbed up rapidly, compared to Candon who simply plowed through the wind, not aerodynamic in the slightest. His upward arc would be slower as he fought gravity to climb back up to her altitude. Fortunately his need to keep up with Nekovalkyrja had built his stamina to the point of not tiring out easily.

The white of her wings in the moonlight was the only way for him to track her and with her higher elevation her shadow blended into the black of the night. He couldn't see her so heading where he thought she might be he continued his climb, eventually climbing higher by the time he'd spotted her wings again.

Dropping back down under her he sped up to be beneath her, close enough to touch so he could speak. "Let's start heading back," he called out, offering his hand, "I'm losing sight of the fire."
Mehitabel jerked at his touch, lost in the starlight and cool breeze over the ocean. The party was fading into blackness behind her when Candon brought her back to reality. Even if they could just use their communciators' navigation systems to return it would be embarrassing to have to....

She waggled her wings in acknowledgement, turning to see his outstretched hand. Puzzled, the Elysian took it, slightly miffed. There was no need to lead her like a child. "Good plan," Bel agrees.

Getting the shirt back on the 'human' way was proving to be monstrously awkward, so Tsuguka started cheating again by levitating through the air. An intense look of concentration was stuck on her face, despite the rather silly way they had bundled their arms together whilst grasping his shirt in their teeth. It was like a housecat diving after a string in extremely slow motion, moving over Jax's shoulders and ending up upside-down next to a point-blank view of cute boy butt.

Task completed efficiently, all that was left to do was congratulate Natsumi, their partner in crime. Another weird cat noise of approval. Through they were still not smiling, an amused hand darted out and petted through the side of the pilot officer's fluffy white mane. Distant expression still enjoying buns. Autopilot.

"Gyyyaaa~ Stay still catboy, if you wreck my clothes, then you're gonna get in troubleee~..." Tsuguka eyes always got narrow and darker when she got excited, but that was normally when they were fighting something, not half-drunk and steaming over the idea of chewing out some boy. Arms grasped around the back of his chest, fingers to toying with his pecks. "You gonna levitate so Nito Hei Freyja can get those shorts on, or am I gonna lift you like a... Erm, low-ranked kitty?"

Eyes gazed upwards slightly, self realization catching up with them, as they realized they didn't entirely understand why Freyja was acting the way that they were. Tsuguka wasn't the kind to get jealous, but expected a fight if the younger neko wanted a piece, too.

That was always the fun part. The part the red neko was built for. Was their blue neko the same, or not?...
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While Mehitabel may have expected him to lead her Candon had a different idea. He placed a gentle kiss on her hand, "You're the first person to thank me like that."

Releasing her hand he suddenly dropped into a freefall. It really was a nice feeling, the negative G's of falling backwards, but it was mostly just a game of tag at that point. It was a rare occasion, he was just doing without thinking now.
"Like that? You make it sound..." she trailed off at the end, bringing her hand up to her mouth as it was released. She watched Candon sink below her for a minute, before pulling a forward-momentum breaking loop and diving to follow.

The game was afoot.
Camp Fire

Tan Ann Pan looked around to count and track those who remained at the party, raised a hand, took a breath, and said absolutely nothing before lowering it again. That was all there was to be said at the moment, as far as she could tell.

Jax grinned and had to prevent himself from purring. Being pet was kind of nice, truth be told.

"I'll try, but it's kind of tight." he muttered. He batted her in the face with his tail as reprimand for starring at his posterior. Tsuguka's clothes clung to him like saran wrap. Hella uncomfortable. He couldn't wait to get out of it. He dreaded what the pants would feel like.

"Welp, let's get this over with." sighed the catboy as he slowly rose about a foot off the ground, dropping the shirt he'd been using to cover his extremities. At this point, he didn't care.

<Look, Tiger, I'm sure you could lift me, but to be honest, I just want to stop being naked.> he whispered telepathically to the red neko behind him.

"Please be quick, Freyja. I'm feeling the weirdest breeze right now."

-"Don't get me wrong, Howard-Heisho..."- The angular woman ignored gravity in a rather vampiric fashion now, her crimson arms still draped over his shoulders like a scarf, whilst a soft face rested itself up against his ear. Despite her warm breath, the message was purely telepathic. -"If I didn't involve the others, that would make this too intimate, wouldn't it? What kind of first relationship memory would that be?... No, it wouldn't have been good for our karma at all..."-

A smirk, emerald eyes opening just a slight notch.

-"Had to sabotage it. No other way to save protocol..."-

A characteristically logical train of thought, but Tsuguka didn't have to whisper like she was still enjoying the net result...
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-"Was that a threat to my professionalism, Jax-san? You're so sweet!"-
The smile upon those blueish lips grew wider, toothier. -"Calm research makes for an effective application of concepts, however..."-

Biceps tensing, fingers squeezing into the tendons about his husky chest.

-"When I come for you next time, it will be like rolling thunder."-