Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 27, Part 2] Night on the Beach (YE 39)


With the shirt taken care of, Natsumi had stepped back, not wanting to get a face-full of Tugs arms as she had wrapped them around the engineer. She could tell there was some silent communication going on between them and figured it best if she removed herself from close proximity since, unlike Freyja, who was still working on the pants, her work was completed. So she went back over to Ramiro's bar and found a bottle of something to pilfer and take back to the camp fire.

Drink acquired, she rejoined everyone and sat down as she opened the bottle and took a long drink from it.
Eagles did this kind of thing, right?
Candon wasn't completely sure of his altitude but years of flying his Power Armor gave him an awareness of this kind of thing. He had a rough estimate of how long he had before sea level. His altitude was roughly 'I still have time.'

He kept his eyes on Mehitabel as he fell, keeping his arms and legs outstretched to keep stability. Her movements were so graceful as she worked with the wind, a flip to break speed as opposed to his own tendency to just plow through the air. She would probably catch him without much trouble as he used his limbs like an airbrake.

Freyja was completely confused by the way Tsuguka was acting. She wondered if Tsuguka would be disappointed if she knew that the catboy didn't like girls. Jax's fleeing earlier was clear proof of that to Freyja. Her eyes locked onto Jax's crotch as he rose up into the air. She bit her lip, trying not to let anyone see the longing look in her eyes.

Wazu's voice drew her attention. She turned to look at him and flashed him a wink. "The night is young Wazu-san." Turning back to Jax, she smirked and took one side of his pants in her mouth. Freyja walked closer and gestured for Tsuguka to get the other side.
Falling With Style

She watched Candon plummet downwards doing an admirable impression of a brick, or a skydiver without countergrav. It was the latter that unnerved her. Knowing that he was capable of recovering at any moment didn't ease the sinking sensation of watching him drop towards the sea to begin with. There was plenty of time, especially accounting for terminal velocity and such.

Mehitabel's wings spread wide, catching more air and dragging away her momentum with enough force to shake her frame; without braking her momentum would have carried her rapidly past the engagement envelope. "You know," she could almost feel the wind ripping away her words as her body closed in on Candon and Bel flipped from the air, letting herself fall with him for the time being. Her smile was, there, "Having fun?"
Beach Bonfire

"I feel a bit exposed," Hanako mentioned. "I do not mean the nudity, but being out here in the open air of a planet. Our ship has been home for so long that I have become accustomed to being trapped in confined spaces. Eucharis is snug and cozy, and here you do not know what is out there in the darkness, while in space the same is true but there is a meter of Yamataium between you and those hazards," she rambled, before finsihing her pina colada. "Nevertheless, risk can be a very pleasurable sensation," she added, looking around at the others' eyes.
Falling With Style

She watched Candon plummet downwards doing an admirable impression of a brick, or a skydiver without countergrav. It was the latter that unnerved her. Knowing that he was capable of recovering at any moment didn't ease the sinking sensation of watching him drop towards the sea to begin with. There was plenty of time, especially accounting for terminal velocity and such.

Mehitabel's wings spread wide, catching more air and dragging away her momentum with enough force to shake her frame; without braking her momentum would have carried her rapidly past the engagement envelope. "You know," she could almost feel the wind ripping away her words as her body closed in on Candon and Bel flipped from the air, letting herself fall with him for the time being. Her smile was, there, "Having fun?"

Candon smiled back, he could barely hear her but her lips seemed to form the word 'fun'. He shook his head affirmatively, he was having a blast. He loved the feeling but it was starting to get too loud for comfort and he knew the ground had a tendency to come up and meet a skydiver sooner than expected. He was confident that he could hold the fall and pull off a last second recovery but that would be risking his life.

In that moment everything became so clear to him and a fear gripped his heart...
He had something to live for again.

His smile faded. "This is dangerous, let's pull up!" he shouted over the wind as best he could. Applying some of his inertial control he reoriented himself and began decelerating, but not so quickly as to leave Mehitabel behind. Her wings could only take so much stress so reducing her airspeed wasn't as simple as just wanting to stop.

Tsuguka's face scrunched up a little when Freyja talked. Shot her a death glare like a banshee. Not because she had anything against the nude blue soldier, but rather the uncomfortable feeling of going back into her cold steel shell so soon. Missions were missions and this was probably some kind of control urge that was fabricated inside of her head, maybe?

The real crimson lynx was not a robot or a person. The real woman was a hot-blooded fang-bearing creature that awoke only to savage something before going back to sleep. Perhaps through drink or some weird twist of causality, the blonde boy was igniting her in that way now. Her heart was pounding. Nothing she could do to stop it...

A memory. Shooting Freyja a mean look during that meeting a while back.

Automatic reaction caused her to want to fix that dirty look before they had a repeat of the past... but, the Tsuguka in the red neko just made them nuzzle her face against Nito Hei Yuuki's instead. Eyes dimming a bit. No hands.

Back to the task.

Put your own shorts on a boy with your teeth. Sure, why not.

The neko followed blue girl's lead, and seemed none too embarrassed with the task at all...

Pants in place. Job done.

Then teeth around the tail. You gotta bite the tail.

Finally! Pants! Tight, groin-crushing pants, but pa-!


An odd, sort-of-painful-but-sort-of-ticklish sensation shot through a small section of his tail. He quickly went red and covered his mouth in embarrassment. He hated when he did that. Unfortunately, it was completely involuntary. He would almost consider it a running gag to mewl like a scarred kitten every time something startled him.

He was going off topic. Tsuguka was gnawing on his tail. He was hesitant to move, because he was scared of causing himself great pain. For lack of better explanation, it was kind of like having your nuts in a vice. Jax's mind, for once, went blank as he tried finding something to say. But, shit!

What do you say when someone bites your fucking tail?!

"...Slow down, Tiger! Not until at least the third date!" he blurted.

Five seconds passed.

Ten seconds passed.

Jax finally became aware. His face went even more red, and he forced the largest, most manic smile he could muster.


"SO, NATSUMI!" he nearly shouted to the fluffy-Taii, his tail still being treated as a chew-toy. "TRUTH OR DARE?!"
Fire Beach

"A dozen kilos of atmosphere can stop a few things a meter of Yamatium cannot," Tan felt compelled to point out. "Which helps me feel a bit more comfortable. Still, there's the old phrase 'familiarity breeds contempt'; the danger seems less the more one is exposed to it." She stood stiffly, took a moment to realign her back, and walked over to the bar to pour a few cups of sake.

Natsumi sat up and stretched her arms over her head, her white fuzzy ears twitching as she heard her name called loudly by the borderline going off his rocker engineer. She smiled toothily and folded her arms over her chest.

"Dare, please" she said, speaking the words slowly, just to give Tugs a few more moments to torture the poor cat boy.

"I dare you," Jax quickly replied whilst subtly trying to get his tail out of Tsu's grip. "To drink hallucinogenic Lorath wine, then pretend you're a chicken for the next fifteen minutes."
Beach - Bar

Ramiro was already reaching under the bar and pulling up a few bottles of wine. He rolled them over in his hands, inspecting the labels, before setting one on the bar. He then put the other bottles back underneath. Wordlessly, he popped the cork out, poured the purple-red liquid into a wine glass until it was almost up to the brim, and the set it across the bar. He stuck the cork back in the bottle and placed it under the bar. He then looked up at Natsumi with wide eyes and raised his eyebrows. His lips were clenched and his overall facial expression was wishing her luck. She was going to need it.

Natsumi glanced at Jax as he spoke the dare, her eyes widening a little. That was not what she had been expecting.

"Well." she said. "Alright then."

She'd never had Lorath wine, though she was aware of its effects. Natsumi got back to her feet, brushing some sand off her long pale thighs before walking over to the bar, where Ramiro had already been preparing her drink. It was quite a full drink, as she could see, the glass set out for her filled nearly to the brim.

"Don't let me make too much of a fool of myself" she whispered to Ramiro as she picked up the glass and held it up to her nose, getting her first sample of the drink's scent.

Her nose wrinkled and she opened her mouth as she put the glass to her lips, then tipped it back, downing the drink quickly. Knowing from the smell that she would not care for the taste, she decided to get it down as fast as possible. She gulped down the purple liquid, then set the glass back down on the bar top, then braced herself, waiting for the effects to hit...
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Beach Party

"It's a bit late, I know... but I don't believe he said how much wine, or how quickly." It was hard to see if Tan winked, so she added a sound effect, after she'd twisted around to look. Her voice sounded casual, though she still hunched up rather tightly while she waited for the game to proceed. "We could take a recess, for the fifteen minutes... but I'd rather keep the game moving. Shall someone else take their turn in the meantime?"
Candon smiled back, he could barely hear her but her lips seemed to form the word 'fun'. He shook his head affirmatively, he was having a blast. He loved the feeling but it was starting to get too loud for comfort and he knew the ground had a tendency to come up and meet a skydiver sooner than expected. He was confident that he could hold the fall and pull off a last second recovery but that would be risking his life.

In that moment everything became so clear to him and a fear gripped his heart...
He had something to live for again.

His smile faded. "This is dangerous, let's pull up!" he shouted over the wind as best he could. Applying some of his inertial control he reoriented himself and began decelerating, but not so quickly as to leave Mehitabel behind. Her wings could only take so much stress so reducing her airspeed wasn't as simple as just wanting to stop.

Mehitabel signaled her understanding with a thumbs up gesture, trying to hide the profound relief when Candon finally decided to arrest his fall. As he used his body's built-in inertial breaking, the Elysian carefully unfurled her wings into the breeze once again. The courtesy of not rushing ahead was appreciated with a spontaneous smile! He could probably have come to a dead halt without harming himself, a feature her body lacked, since just throwing them out like an air brake would snap every bone in her wings.

Slowly, slowly, and slower now she began to bank out of the Hanakoward plummet. Teeth gritted as she still felt the air resistance battering her wings. Bel checked their position, back to her wings, and then back over to Candon, triumphantly, "See? This is why you do not wear a skirt to a party."
"I think it is Natsumi's turn to give out a dare. Perhaps she should do that before acting like a chicken?" Wazu said.
"She hasn't completed that part of the dare, yet... though I suppose she's still earned it." Tan shrugged noncommittally, and balled up a little more tightly.
Seeing Mehitabel's effort to extend her wings was painful to watch. For a moment he thought he'd need to help slow her down.
Slowly, slowly, and slower now she began to bank out of the Hanakoward plummet. Teeth gritted as she still felt the air resistance battering her wings. Bel checked their position, back to her wings, and then back over to Candon, triumphantly, "See? This is why you do not wear a skirt to a party."
"No kidding? I almost wore mine tonight," he joked back.
"Sorry about that, I forgot that stopping with with wings is different."
"Don't let me make too much of a fool of myself" [Natsumi] whispered to Ramiro as she picked up the glass and held it up to her nose, getting her first sample of the drink's scent.

"Wouldn't dream of it, ma'am," replied what was probably the most sarcastic tone anybody had ever heard. "To be frank though, this is what you get for crewing the Eucharis. Ma'am." He added the last "ma'am" for effect, knowing that Natsumi wouldn't be used to it from him. Ramiro waited until Natsumi gulped the drink down and turned her back before he went to work.

Reaching down under the bar, he pulled out a bottle of rice vodka. The distilling process gave it a remarkable low burn, to the point that you wouldn't even notice that it was alcohol, if diluted properly. He filled a glass half-full of ice, and then poured the vodka in until the liquid composed about half of the glass. Then he grabbed a cantine that he had stored under the bar, and filled the glass up the rest of the way.

"Shoi, you're going to want to hydrate at least a little after drinking that. Drink some water." Ramiro gently placed the glass of not-water in front of Natsumi.

Natsumi nodded to the others as they suggested she name the next person before she went on, although she could already feel the effects of the Lorath wine starting to kick in. It was a strange sensation for sure, not one that she could describe or grasp yet as it slowly began to build. Then Ramiro got her attention, suggesting she take a drink of water. She turned back to him and picked up the offered glass that looked to be ice water.

"Thank you" She said, but did not drink it quite yet, looking out at the group waiting to see who was chosen next. "Saiga! You're it!" She called out the former XO of the ship, then quickly gulped down the drink.