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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 28.2] Kuvexian Invasion - Breakwall (YE 40)

"Understood and adjusting course, adding aether array charge time into maneuver, adjusting. Course is revised and ready for execution. Computer set to mark and relay coordinates to armor team. Executing maneuver!," Kai said as has he commenced the planned dive, taking the ship in a downward arc. Adjusting speed to allow the array just enough time to charge while also keeping them fast enough to maneuver.

The ship passed midway through its path the target reticle which had been widened rising up to bring the kuvie ships into its bubble. "Approaching target position."

Hell yes, best first day at work!
YSS Eucharis

"Launching missile." The torpedo in the Plumeria's belly roared to life, springing out the front of the Eucharis and following her closely - Arria set it a custom flight path to use the starship's hull to hide the missile while it picked up speed, before it would outpace the Eucharis almost right on top of the target. "Salvo fire engaged. Repeat." Once, twice, all the heavy cannons photonic arrays fired together; not at the same time, but at very slight delays - all precisely hitting the enemy capital ship in its fore, port-side midsection, a volley of hits chipping into the shields just before the missile would hit.

Arria didn't know how strong their shields were, but that much firepower would certainly draw attention - especially after such a flashy maneuver such as what the pilot just pulled off. One of the ventral turrets twisted to the side, taking a potshot at a Kuvexian gunship nearby since it couldn't shoot for the breach anyways.

Yukiya Ellie didn't stay idle in the medbay, oh no. Rather than pacing and worrying about those who were fighting for their lives outside - where she should have been - the petite violet-locked girl had decided to use her effort productively! Scampering around in her nearly-new teal panels, the country girl hummed a tune nobody would recognize from her home, one of loss, love and hope.

Eventually, as the padded from one drawer to the next, making sure everything she would need was ready, the Santo Hei began to sing along, a beautiful melody that the normally timid girl would never dream sharing with others. Ellie hoped everything was alright and that nobody was hurt out there, it would wrench her heart to know they were too far for her to reach..

Yoshida arrived in the medbay at that very moment, right as the country girl was singing. Yoshida might have stopped and listened in if she were in a less urgent situation- she couldn't very well go back without legs after having been ordered to report to the medbay! As she was entering the bay, she had the sense to disable her CFS- no longer floating about just above the ground she now felt how suckish not having legs truly was. Even if she would only feel it for a short while. Still not trusting herself to beable to speak, she timidly tapped on the side of the door for attention- just incase the girl's singing caused her entry to go unnoticed. She didn't want to be sitting on the medbay floor and dirtying it up any longer than neccesary.
YSS Eucharis - Bridge

"Fire all weapons!" Hanako ordered at the right time. It would be a key moment in determining whether the Eucharis strategy of going after the enemy command ships was effective. At the same time, lining up for the attack had also put the Eucharis at risk and the gunship began taking hits too. A powerful beam struck the sensor dome on the ship's underside and it exploded violently, filling the interior with a brief fiery blast and venting into space leaving a stream of smoke. The damage spilled over into main engineering through a blown-out hatchway and Cherry and Becker were knocked back into the walls.
YSS Eucharis

Ikigai Majime looked to the bridge officers, objectively gauging their ability to listen to the ShΓ΄shΓ΄. Satisfied within a quick glance's time, she reacted immediately to the hits taken by making sure that the business of having backup power diverted to the shields where appropriate was addressed. As her SPINE interface showed the type of damage done to the sensor dome, she raised her voice.

"Charisma, deploy FOAM in the sensor dome, if appropriate, via the Type 32 Suppression fixtures. Do we have people available to back up the engineers in the case that we have injured?" Ikigai said a fraction of a moment after her own personal HUD had lit up with atypical atmospheric sensor reading alerts. She switched a patchwork piece of her visual display in her mind's eye onto what was happening in engineering. "I may need someone in there to assist in the breech."

It was then that she looked to the scientist and Drakon Unit. "If you have no orders at this time, go to the duty station you were trained for."

She simultaneously added a digital file packet and a text message to the team leader.

"IttΓ΄ Heisho! Regroup quickly and move to the coordinates for the starboard prow airlock. The battle is shifting and I sent you the enemy signature so you can key in to its movements on the field."
Outside The Eucharis, Yamatai Defensive Line

Tsuguka reflexively jolted as the coffin-shaped support armour teleported directly in front of her, offering up fresh equipment, but also blocking her line of fire. The nekovalkyrja just did what seemed obvious to her in zero-g, making a scissor-kick like movement, so that they were now surfing the large blue oblong whilst the weird gooey tendrils reached into her back-mounted general support pack to refill the spare missile magazine.

"Resupply is complete, Mr. Wazu. Thank you for the assistance." An actual voice returned to his ears. So cold it might as well have been a machine translation. "But I have tactical suggestions for the future. Please remind me, or my re-fabricated clone, after this is over."

More swerving and dodging, but the fire actually seemed to be lighting up a little. In the distance, she could detect their support fighters arriving. The Eucharis itself was charging forward, becoming a warbird of angry rays. A chandelier of devastating fury.

That sudden situational awareness, however, also made her far more aware of the gigantic golden fleet moving closer and closer before them. Tsuguka could feel the potential wall of intercepting fire in their bones. A hundred colossal sensor arrays like spotlights on their little formation, a small smattering of ant-like figures.

"Tai Majime, be aware that the PA team is currently at half strength." Tsuguka replied back to their direct superior, then gave themselves a momentary pause to steel themselves for the ordeal ahead. "But that said... We will proceed as ordered."

Opening up the network, Tsuguka then checked up on each of her team members at once. All of them received the coordinates, with the position both popping up on their HUDs and in their teleport buffers.

"Suites-Heisho, we are up. Please join us for a teleport-attack on this vessel, using the given vector. You are now part of Wing A."

"Shinomori-Hei. If you are space worthy, please cancel any further repairs and immediately teleport-attack at this vector. Change designation to Wing A."

"Yoshida-Heisho, Chasan-Hei and Setsuya-Hei, you are now Wing B. Please prepare yourselves to teleport and support our foothold when ready."

"Medic Santo Hei Yukiya Ellie... Yoshida-Heisho is on the floor outside your room." This one had an especially stern tone. Not because they were annoyed at the doctor's reaction times, but because they knew full well that they couldn't afford to leave the other Heisho out of action forever, hideously wounded or not. "Please operate on her legs and stabilise her immediately... If she can't fight, you might not have a ship left to stand on soon."

"Mister Wazu. One more favour to ask. Either put some legs back on the Mindy in med-bay, or find her a new one please."

Tsuguka reviewed her own personal situation last. Shield was correctly bound to her arm. Ammo seemed to be fully replenished. Knee seemed like it had healed on the fly, after taking a break from those insane high-G turns. Good. She'd rather not throw away her life at less than peak combat effectiveness.

Golden ships were impossibly close now, and she could make out their hulls as an armada of glimmering spearheads.

The transmission was over, so at least they could allow themselves a desperate, almost broken laugh of release.

Working her team into the ground like this, was this really all that Nekovalkyrja were made for?...

Gun ready. The glimmer of teleportation. She didn't need answers. Her body just wanted to do the thing it was good at.
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Outside the Eucharis, Defensive line

Taharial was torn between two minds while she flew around, one side was her medical side, it wanted to just sort out anyone that was wounded and make sure that they were fighting fit to make sure that the crew wasn't in danger. The other side was her more aggressive side that wanted to deal these enemies that were attacking them all as she had enough of her crew getting shot at.

She heard Tsuguka orders but focused on the enemies at first but when she heard the second command she was annoyed and practically shouted down the comms "Of course go in with no medical support, Tsuguka I understand that it is needed this way, but if anyone gets badly wounded in there, teleport straight out and we will get you to the med bay for healing.

She flew closer to Tsuguka and nodded as she prepared to give covering fire to wing A "Don't worry, wing B will keep the peace out here for wing A to deal with there stuff, we will keep up the pressure out here for you." She shot at fighters that were going around attacking the Eucharis and the crew outside "Well then, let's follow Tsuguka's lead and make sure these guys regret attacking us."
Space near Eucharis

Beams of pure aether beat the shields of enemy fighters, even gouging into the hulls of some less fortunate ones as Candon raced between several ships at reckless speeds to lead the bolder of the pilots into the overlapping fields of point defense between the ships in the fleet, until he received Tsuguka's call to join her wing. His pride in her welled up as she carried the leadership role he'd groomed her to take years ago.

"Copy that, Tsu-hei," Candon replied to his former student turned superior as he synced his teleporter to hers, "ready when you are."
YSS Eucharis - Bridge

There was a question of which one of these was the pilot... Wazu had to check his notes even though he could see everyone at their station on the bridge... the drawbacks of returning to a mostly analog mind.

His first message would be to Arria,

"Consider rotating the ship to bring fresh armor towards the enemy and protect the weakened underside of the ship."

Then there was the question of how to deal with the internal issues of the ship. Tugs had been resupplied but there was still an injured solider in the Medbay who needed a new suit of armor. There was damage to the sensor dome. There would also likely be need for another supply trip with the Sendy soon.

The Sendy itself had managed to return to the armor bay. It would bring with it the liquid-soldier that Wazu had planned to use as power armor should the situation require it. He also still had the flight-pack in storage along with his weapons and those extremely useful floating flashlights.

First things first,

The Sendy would head over to one of the Spare Mindy armors in the armor bay. The four-legged coffin would set itself down on the floor and use its 'legs' to lift the armor and set it down inside of the coffin itself. The doors would half-close around it to keep it in place before the whole thing stood up and marched itself down the hallway towards the medical bay. There wouldn't be time for a long explanation... Yoshida and Yukiya would just get to see the Sendy walk in the door and then dump the armor on the floor next to one of the operating tables before immediately leaving.

The Liquid Soldier would start searching through the power armor bay for Caster Tape dispensors, picking up any it could find for later use in damage control.

Wazu would also start up his flight pack, having the drone lift itself up out of the storage container he had it in and start hovering down towards the breach. The back-pack-like device would head right to the hole torn in the side of the ship and use its own force-field projectors to create a bubble inside of the ship, locking in what atmosphere it could for the time being.
YSS Eucharis

The ship continued to get hammered, taking hits to the aether array, which sent sections of it flying, to the cargo bay, to the central hull in the recreation room area, and in the starboard field projector and pylon, all of which left severe craters in the Eucharis' hull and caused moderate hull breaches, fires, and system failures. Sparks flew on the bridge and a small light fixture managed to break free and come crashing down on the carpet. The Eucharis was hurt but not out of the fight.

Meanwhile the Kuvexian battleship in front of them had taken the full force of the Eucharis' weapons and had actually split in half, with orange burning glows at the edges of each section.


"Cherry!" Becker said, scrambling to his feet and going to the nearest working control panel to check out the damage control screen.

"I'm okay! You stay here, I am going to hit the starboard pylon first to stabilize the positron containment cells and see what I can do with that field projector."

Enemy Starship

When Tsuguka and her team appeared in the enemy ship, the place was in shambles. The gravity had failed and the bay was on emergency power with dim purple backup lights providing minimal lighting throughout the area. An alarm was going off and twisting metal sounds and explosions could be heard in the background. There didn't seem to be any Kuvexians immediately around.
YSS Eucharis

Arria grunted as the Eucharis's main weapon shattered, chunks of it flying everywhere. She shouted clearly, but with a degree of panic: "Aether Shock Array down! If the armor team can still use that wreck, I think they should go now. We can't hold this position for much longer." A fwoosh coursed through the compact room as the fluffy Elysian's flight-limbs beat instinctively - the sparks had made her think something on the bridge had exploded as was about to kill her.

The weapons that were still functional on the gunship's hull had turned around, trading blows with a Kuvexian escort poking its flank out the side of the bisected behemoth. One of the ventral cannons beeped angrily as its cooling system, damaged in the explosions which had rocked the ship, gave out. The smol gunner swiped the alert aside. Enemies first, gun functionality later.

Oh, a message. Ship orientation - pilot. The message was forwarded to the Minkan in command of the Eucharis's mobility, directly.
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Reactions: Wes
Kai couldn't do much as he kept to the course, cringing with every hit against the hull. He was getting ticked that he had allowed even this much damage. That feeling was put on pause as he received the redirected message.

In truth he had already planned to do such a maneuver, but their attack run had only just ended. He immediately began to adjust the ship's orientation to present the intact armor to the enemy while shielding the damaged region.

He just hope it would buy them much needed time.

Setsuya prepared herself for her groups turn to transport, all the while staying alert. She fire on anything that came too close as she regrouped with the rest of B wing.
Reactions: Wes
Enemy vessel

"Thank you, Taharial." Tsuguka gifted the medic a glimmer of warmth, through their mind was mostly consumed with the rigors of controlling the guided missile that was their PA. "You'll be with us soon, I just didn't want to put you right in the line of fire."

"Wing A, engage." A change in tone. "Taii Majime, we are beginning the incursion."

A spark of light, and then the Mindy disappeared, emerging back into reality just by the open bay of the capital ship. Tsuguka immediately activated her volumetirics to change her appearance to that of a golden Kuvexian PA, sending her comrades a data snapshot so they could do the same. Still kept her weapons ready, though. There was always a chance the shematics were out of date, or incorrect for this fleet.

"Advance. We'll secure the area, and seek out the closest lift shaft. Keep an eye out for security systems!"
YSS Eucharis - Bridge

"Keep up with the evasive manuevers. Use clumps of damaged enemy ships or friendly hulks as cover if you have to," Hanako directed Kai. "I am going to pick another one of the lead ships and work on it with some information warfare. This one stopped talking after we destroyed it." Hanako raised her eyebrows making an exasperated face for a moment.

Next Hanako tried to contact the armor team. "Away teams this is Eucharis actual, the target ship has been split in half and it appears the command area or bridge is completely destroyed. Be advised the ship you are on may have secondary explosions and we are still working on additional targets."

Enemy Ship

The armor team began to get suddenly mobbed by a large number of Kuvexians looking for shuttles and escape methods. Some of them had power armor and heavy power armor, and immediately began engaging the invading Mindy-suited soldiers.
Enemy vessel

Matsuvo hadn't gotten his volumetrics up in time and thus was targeted immediately by the Kuvexian soldiers. His barrier shield systems weren't up when he was targeted and his shields were almost immediately stripped down before he could reach cover behind a floating piece of debris. He had one of the Kalamari manipulators peek its weapon out from behind the cover and begin firing at the enemy. Then he had an idea.

He set up an automatic timer for the weapon to keep it firing and then wedged it into a jagged edge of the piece of metal he was taking cover behind, securing its position. Then he kicked off, sending the piece of cover floating forwards with a weapon poking out from behind it and firing, looking just like he was behind it and advancing with it. Meanwhile, he made sure to stay perfectly obscured by it.

After a few seconds, he ducked behind more solid cover, this time a doorframe still attached to the deck with the doors blown off. Now Matsuvo began to fire back in earnest.
"Hai!", Kai responded as he adjusted accordingly. Thinking quickly, he took the ship under the newly halved ship, the dead wreck offering the most cover. Maybe some of the guns could catch stragglers as they went to run, but Kai would make sure to keep a bit of distance from it still.
YSS Eucharis

Arria grunted as the wounded Plumeria shifted about around her. The damages had made some parts respond sluggishly. A stray shot collided with the split hulk she'd unloaded salvos into earlier basically-uselessly. New targets appeared on her display.

"Shosho, it appears that some enemy soldiers are attempting to escape the battle in shuttlecraft." The snow-haired woman's voice coolly coasted through the command center. "It may be possible for us to disable some of them to capture them after the battle." A rave's worth of weaponized lights slammed into the shields of a functioning battleship, its heavy and brutal turrets thankfully ignoring the Eucharis to bombard the Yamataian fleetline.
Reactions: Wes
YSS Eucharis - Bridge

Hanako put her hands together, mulling her her options, quietly thinking to herself. We could get replacement parts from another Plumeria that is disabled. We could go home for repairs. We could abandon the ship and take over one of theirs. I could also offer to negotiate and hope they bring me to their leader, and bring a tracking device that would be used by an armor team. Perhaps a tracker in a chrome egg? Perhaps my position as a senator would get them to spare us so they could negotiate a less expensive resolution to this conflict. Maybe we can just call them and track the signals...but they could do the same. Also, we have some other tricks left.

"I would very much like to capture some of their computer systems, whether those come from shuttles or somewhere else," Hanako replied to Arria. "Let the armor team know. Hail the enemy fleet and ask to speak to their leader, and also see if you can determine where the answer is coming from," Hanako ordered. "I'm also going to send a carrier signal on the transmission that will hopefully cause some computer issues for them."

Enemy Ship

Matsuvo's trick worked beautifully. It became a chaotic mess in short order.
Half an enemy capital ship

The flood of panicked bodies that scampered past Tsuguka gave the soldier a chance to think, but it was only in hindsight that she realised moving inward was probably the only reason their security had immediately picked up on the disguised armour team. The volumetric field instead changed to a confusing mess of rotating and vibrating metallic parts. A few missiles unloaded from her shoulder mounts, curving up and over to strike at the enemy armour trying desperately not to shoot through friendly crewmen in the pandemonium.

Might have felt a little bad about this tactic, but it was only suppressing fire anyway. A means for her to glide sideways and get into the cover of the doorframe behind Matsuvo.

"Eucharis actual, what are our orders?" A calm heart, logical voice. "Taii Majime, we can't get to the bridge if there isn't one... But the communication system may still be a possibility. Please give us an orientation based on the visible exterior systems."

Eyes were peeled for any useful-looking enemy officers during all this... But it's not like she even knew what their uniforms looked like.

YSS Eucharis, Med Bay

Yoshida being in power armour, as broken as it was, ironically ended up being the best place to be within the small chaotic chamber. The nurse Izokia was still carting fresh supplies into the chamber when a sudden jolt of turbulence threw the empty spare Mindy under her feet, causing the blue neko to loose her footing and bang her head against the floor. A pressure value from one of the hemosynth tanks then blew, and fixing it took immediate priority from the half-incapacitated neko.

When they finally got to the infantry Heisho on the floor, it was like they were working possessed, zero emotion in their golden eyes, plainly forcing themselves through it. Everyone was doing the best they could just to get through this.

Izokia peeled Yoshia's battered body out of the wrecked suit with a grunt, sliding them along the floor until clear. Taking an needle from between their teeth and removing the lid, they then quickly gave the neko an immediately euphoric, pain-absorbing shot in the arm. Tourniquets were applied to both leg stumps, anti-burn gel was rubbed on, and then a quick but thorough cleaning of the wounds was attempted. The ends were both already cauterised by the energy blast, but tiny little flakes of the zesuaium armour plate still remained embedded. Hemosynth gel was rubbed on, at least covering up the bleeding mass with a fresh coat of skin. Bandages were quickly but diligently applied.

Tired arms dragged over the fresh armour, and popped open the collar, almost letting the helmet roll away by accident. It was a little difficult doing it for another person, but with the soldier's help, they got Yoshida inside eventually. The blue nurse even reconfigured the size parameters to fit better and started swapping the gun modules to the new armour.

With the mental control system coming online, it looked like the Heisho was whole again... At least to an outside observer.

"Stimulant... You need one?..." Izokia half-coherently mumbled. That earlier face plant had resulted in a pretty nasty bruise. "Everything else looks good to go..."

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