Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 28.2] Kuvexian Invasion - Breakwall (YE 40)

"Hai! I can use wreckage to cover as before, engaging stealth systems.", The Nito Hei acknowledged as his hands quickly worked across his interfaces. He'd engage their stealth systems and move them under one of the larger wrecks, and keep the engines on low output. Hopefully it would lessen any drive signature, or exhaust trail they left. But he would be keeping a button ready to switch back to full output of they needed to move fast.

Setsuya had decided to teleport last, coming in after the other couple had teleported over. She did this given that despite the LATR's SMG mode, it was not effective for close quarters with such a small clip size. She would serve better coming in behind to cover their entry from the rear, and deal with targets in hallways.

Once the last person jumped, she followed after with only a 2 sec delay......

The neko popped into existence after everyone else, rifle at the ready to start lining shots, but first she activated her shield on jump to deploy upon teleport exit. That way the team hopefully wouldn't get mobbed in such a small space.
YSS Eucharis - Power Armor Bay

Oh dear. This embarrassing situation for the Eucharis, wasn't it? Emil smirked a little under the faceless mask of the Mindy. What a clusterfuck. Oh well, make things work. At least a majority of the people here seemed competent. Like that Minkan boy almost. Was he trained by someone before? How intriguing.

Or that black-haired Nekovalkyria that just dove in as fast as she could. Smart one, that was. That was the best way to salvage the situation and she performed it. Both of those Yamatians seemed to be quite a sharp folk, perhaps either having downloaded multiple skills concerning this subject or trained by someone who had extensive knowledge on even rudimentary tactics.

Emil finished grabbing the det-cord and a few blocks of plastic explosive, making sure to box them up inside a small butt pack, winding the strap around a mini-missile with the warhead stripped out. He flew out with the cargo, moving in towards the location with all the speed his Mindy and drones allowed. Upon arriving in teleport range, he decided to activate his little trick.

He ignited the booster rocket on the mini-missile after the Minkan launched his attack, letting go of the satchel. That was his equipment, about to land in the ship. It wasn't much, but clearly the Minkan had a plan. So why not. See how his plan worked.

Emil then activated his teleport, arriving at a location where the scalar field waves would be blocked by the walls, keeping his payload safe.
Enemy Bridge- Firefight

Shots even getting through my barrier module? Why do people even use these things! Rather than fire her weapon right away- she jumped up into the air and twisted around to kick off of the ceiling, and bring the gattling rifle down like a hammer, with the follow up swing to knock the door guard away long enough to rev up her gattling rifle.

Of course, there was the problem of the missiles with the new arrivals on the scene bouncing around the bridge as well that Matsuvo had fired- in order to minimize their damage, she quickly took her Gatling rifle to those as well- smacking them towards the door before their safteylocks disarmed- at least the few that she could reach. Of course, in the midst of that she had 'accidentally' waylaid the other door guard as it stood up near her in her effort to shoo away the deadly projectiles.

"Radio is down... and my shoulder got winged... Good thing the armor there is still a-okay yeah?" Unfortunately, her holster on that side was now slightly damaged. Damn bloom! In anycase, she sunk her Capacitor to shield power in order to avoid another shot getting through- at least for the next short while. With the brief Reprive, Yoshida sighed aloud, speakers braodcasting her voice outward. "It was only two, I could have handled it. Secure the bunnies here!" With that, she pointed towards the door to stop any further reinforcements- and of course, to blow away the guard she had knocked out of the bridge with a hail of aether.
Enemy Ship - Bridge

The armor team was able to secure the bridge but it was in bad shape due to the missiles being fired in it. The room, which was a moderately-spacious circular design, was filled with swirls of gray smoke especially near the ceiling, and sparks were shooting out of damaged control panels. Numerous male and female Kuvexian crewmen lay on the floor dead or bleeding out, killed by weapons fire or explosive concussions. A well-dressed but dishelved admiral lay slumped over in his captain's chair with vomit on his lap and blue blood streaming down from his ears, with two mostly-naked slaves sprawled out at his feet. The one or two surviving crew members held up their hands in the universal surrender gesture.
Retreating Sharie, Open doors of PA Bay
A minute before boarding the Kuvexian ship

Candon's armor trailed wisps of smoke as he double timed to the open bay door reporting, "Candyman, I'm launching no-"

An aether explosion erupted as a grenade rolled in from space launching Candon's suit backwards toward the injured infantry piled against the elevator.
As the frantic shouts filled the bay a single word stuck out. 'Boarded', 'boarding', 'boarding party', it all meant the same thing.
"Hanako, I'll be late," he informed windedly before launching into the fray.

Entrance corridor to Kuvexian bridge
A minute later

Specter erupted into the corridor through space and time with a passenger. The golden clad suit slammed onto the floor as Candon's blade followed after, piercing through and ending the engagement. Standing back to his feet the bits of the ceramic plates that covered the suits nanomusculature crumbled onto the floor from the compromised armor. Candon quickly removed his scuffed and chipped helmet, releasing his bleeding face from its smokey confines as he entered the bridge without missing a beat.
Beat- hmm. That's kinda what I want to do to these jarheaded Santos, he thought as he came to see the massacre in the bridge.

Looking at the helmeted Mindys his frustration boiled over.
"Alright…" he started, the iconic 'alright' carrying less of that 'let's do this' feel and more of a 'who spaced this operation up' vibe, "which one of you jack-booted Rikugung-ho space heads lit off the the explosives?!"
Enemy Ship - Bridge

Matsuvo was wasting no time in getting the Armor team set up. The enemy would surely soon send up armor teams to counter-attack, and on a capital vessel of this size, there'd be too many to hold out against indefinitely. It was time to play dirty. "Mikael Hei, rig explosives in small amounts in any corridor leading to the bridge. Try to spread the explosives out evenly, make them as hidden as possible and set remote detonators. Setsuya Hei, keep watch over him while he does that. I don't want him getting waylaid while he's rigging our traps."

He looked around and found an intact terminal, one that looked like it had high-level access and plugged the Mobile Spanner robot into it. "Suites Heisho, get over here and help me set up a secure link to the Eucharis so that it can take over the ship's interior defense systems. I don't want any fancy business, like trying to do it ourselves. Leave that sort of thing to Charisma." As far as Matsuvo was concerned, the SAINT operative was over here boarding the ship with the armor team from the Eucharis, so that placed him under the same chain of command as the Eucharis' armor team. Besides, he'd been told to forget the ranks for now.

"Yoshida, set up an overwatch on the entrances. I want you ready to mow down anyone that tries to retake the bridge. Anyone with NSBs, get them scouting around. We want to know where our enemies are coming from before they get here." Following that statement, Mat sent out his own NSBs to do some scouting.

He sent them zipping down corridors and hallways, making a map of the surrounding area before he pulled the drones back to corners in the hallways that led directly to the bridge, where they began to keep watch. One or two began to investigate vents which opened into the bridge, keeping watchful robotic eyes on those possible routes. He shared the data from his own sensors and the NSBs with everyone else so that they'd know what he knew.

Finally, Mat laid out the rest of his plan to the entire team. "While Charisma takes over this ship via a link from the Mobile Spanner, we're going to hold off the enemy until she can activate interior defenses. I want everyone keeping eyes out for the enemy and sharing their sensor data. Mikael Hei, when the enemy is in range of your explosives, activate the detonator for whichever hallway they're in to disorient and damage the enemy troops so that Kokoro Heishio can mow them down. The rest of us will help with frontal attacks if necessary and guard against flanking maneuvers."
Enemy Ship - Bridge

"Order confirmed." Emil replied, quite simply. Average move. No net advantage gained nor lost. Emil personally would have begun moves on the aggressive, sending a spearhead down the ship to disrupt the enemy while Charisma worked. That would have turned the situation to their advantage, striking the enemy with a strong attack forward while they were still reacting. Although, counter to that would be the fact that the enemy could still simply launch counter-boarders, and although the weapons operator was good it would be like shooting locusts with a LASR. Therefore the wiser decision would be to warp the Eucharis into subspace.

"However, shouldn't we be using our advantage currently? The enemy still needs to assemble security squads. We should capture ground and creep forward." he asked in reply as he began to start cutting into the ship's interior to set little pockets of plastic explosive, shaping the holes like shaped charges.
Enemy Ship - Bridge
Matsuvo shook his armored head. "We don't have enough personnel. I need someone covering you, and Suites Heisho needs to be setting up a link to Charisma. We need someone to guard him, and if we wanted to push up, we'd need at least two people to prevent flanking. We don't have enough people for that, Mikael Hei."

To illustrate, Mat pointed to each of the members of the armor team as he spoke. "Given the situation we're in and you'll see that this is the only thing we can do right now. Wait and try to turn the situation in our favor."
Enemy Bridge, Terminal

"You got it," he confirmed as he approached the terminal, "alright, Spanner. Let's sync up and do this." Using his sword he sliced open the service panel to expose the electronics within as his mind instinctively formed a telepatic connection to the drone. "Hook up that data port right.. here," he instructed the little robot as his eyes broke down the puzzle of how to get the terminal working again, "the main breaker will be tripped, give it power too."

As the little servo-mounted electrodes on the Mobile Spanner's data jack aligned and inserted into what appeared to be the "motherboard" of the overcomplicated computer Candon's mind was flooded harshly with Kuvexian naval data from the battle with all of the Kuvexian shipboard computers streaming directly into this one. This would require some effort to establish the connection they needed. Kneeling down, Candon's digital mind plunged into the tyranny of numbers that was the ocean of data entering a trance-like state he'd entered countless times.

He could see it, the entire battle presented in hundreds of Petabytes a second. There was nine of the chaos of war, but rather it was like watching a hurricane from space, just an emotionless swirling of deadly digits. He'd dare call it beautiful, but there was something unusually satisfying about destroying something beautiful.

"Alright," his thoughts echoed across the vast digital void, "I'm gonna wreck it."
Yoshida raised an eyebrow under her mask as she was told to do something she was already clearly doing. But she didn't comment on it, instead simply saying "You know, I think you're forgetting something." Rather than send her NSBs off into the halls, she had hers watch over the admiral, the two surviving crew members, the slaves, and their backs in general There was nothing to say they woulnd't be crazy enough to send in a strike team through the bridge's window. They weren't hostages, or even prisioners yet, they were still potentially active combatants, despite their position of surrender. She was also pretty sure the admiral deserved an 'accidental' discharge for keeping slaves like that. "Really should keep at least one eye on the.. prisioners here, you know?." Being a neko was great when it came to grand metnal schematics of an area, even when the only references were visual feeds. They could ocasionaly be off though if the judgement of the neko in question wasn't on point. She kept track of the NSBs in the hallways, and what walls looked thin enough to quickly shoot through in the event she got the chance to try the 'wallbang' technique.
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YSS Eucharis

Santo-Hei Smith breathed deeply as her datafeed registered several Mindy armor signatures within the enemy flagship. Good, they're on board. Now... The feed was minimized. A new one was brought up - the Eucharis herself. Several weapons blinked an angry dark red, and the main cannon's visual mock-up on her screen was flashing between red and orange. Operating on such an awkward frequency really did a number on the little Plumeria, blowing half a dozen safety fuses across the ship. There was a detected leak in the main gun's coolant system - not a full burst and it was still functioning. For how long, that's the question... I'm not sure how badly it's leaking. Hopefully we can get out of here before it's a real problem. I'll reroute coolant from elsewhere to keep it working if I need to... Like a blood transfusion, I think one of those medics mentioned a couple times.

"Many of our weapons are heavily damaged. If we need to fight our way out, of here as we rendezvous, not all of them are likely to work." Damn. I could have done better. We had spare coolant available, I should have flooded it through when we were setting the volleys up.
After the armor team arrived and secured the bridge, Hanako was able to connect to the enemy network through it and cause confusion and chaos in the enemy fleets by sending out millions of phony orders. The confusion resulted in a temporary halt to the Kuvexian invasion of the Ketsurui Military Sector and kept Hanako's Star and the other nearby systems from falling to Kuvexian control. After this, the Kuvexians abandoned mass invasions for the time being in favor of much cheaper pirate-style raiding.

Mission End