Star Army

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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 28.2] Kuvexian Invasion - Breakwall (YE 40)

YSS Eucharis - Bridge

Majime's icy eyes followed Hanako's every word as she looked on at the Rear Admiral and nodded tersely only when the golden eyed once-Elf was done speaking. The XO looked about the bridge, eyes settling on nobody in particular until she was looking at her own console and securing the controls on it while speaking out quickly.

"Your plan is understood, Ketsurui Shôshô." Majime's dusky red head was bent down by the time she had finished speaking, but while she said her words her eyes had remained steady on her captain.
Retreating Sharie, Fabrication Bay

The once silver armored surface of Spectre was now blued and blackened from the meltdown in the reactors as it now stood in the Fabrication Bay of a very damaged Sharie battleship. Neko in red panels surrounded the suit as they worked quickly to hack the damaged suit back into fighting order when Hanako's plan came through the comms. The plan was Candon's idea of crazy, he wouldn't flinch.

"Suites here, I'm landed for repairs but I'll be there," he confirmed, then to the engineers asked, "how long will it take to get just one reactor running?"

The lanky woman bit her lip as she thought hard.
"The nukes are melted and your primary reactor is fractured. There's nothing we can do for them," she yelled over the commotion of many other repairs.

Candon shook his head, his battery reserve wouldn't hold out much longer and he would never make it. The suit was trashed, but Candon knew his parts.
"Lock down the wings and weld a G3200 between them," he ordered.

"You're crazy!" she yelled back, "that can't supply a quarter of the amperage you need! Just sit this one out."

"Hanako has called me, I'm not out until she says so," he scolded, "I'll need a generator and whatever random weapon you find on the way back. Go, quickly!" The woman rushed off, undoubtedly ready to make anything work for the royalty involved.
YSS Eucharis

Arria nodded as Hanako mentioned her plan. It was simple in its brilliance, really - it was basically doing what some commanders did to their CFS shielding to attack without leaving holes in their defenses, but on an offensive level. The only reason it didn't work like this was because trying to find and lock onto the signal needed to pierce shielding was nearly impossible without something to follow - and the frequencies fluctuated all the time as well.

That is, except when a specific energy frequency needs to travel through a barrier without hindrance. Just like the communication frequency right now...

"Noted, Shosho. The communications link is likely going to be flooded with interference when the weapons fire. It might short us out if we're not prepared. Thank you for the package, Charisma." Targeting the propulsion's going to be a bit tricky. Luckily, there's a few things that sensible starship designers would do: put the bridge in the center, and engineering behind it. The ship is supposed to face the enemy, so why put the important bits in the front? [color]That's why I hate the Plumeria so much. The bridge should be further back... anyways...[/color] Internal thoughts aside, the bleach-colored Elysian's breathing started to slow. She'd get a notification as soon as the weapons were primed to fire on this frequency - all she hoped for was that the modification didn't tear the Eucharis in half when put to the test. She wasn't worried about her accuracy - she'd hit them for sure, and it'll damn hurt the golden bastards.
YSS Eucharis - Capacitor Room

"Bridge, Cherry, I just got the frequency adjuster system synthesized and it's installed now. Resuming shipwide damage control efforts. Be advised we have some overloaded power systems starting to liquify down here and we have some overheating and anti-matter containment issues I am working on. I will let you know if I think any extra actions are needed. Our combined field systems are really strained, but you already know that."

YSS Eucharis - Bridge

"Acknowledged, Cherry," Hanako said. "Fire at will on the target ship's systems," she ordered.
YSS Eucharis , Armor bay

Matsuvo stood in the YSS Eucharis' power armor bay, as the minor repairs that were necessary were completed. Instead of resupplying with weapons, he instead used the Kalamari manipulators to pick up a shield as well as two collapsed Aether blades. He hadn't noticed, but his shoulder mounted SMG had been shot off at some point, so he asked the technicians to help him equip a shoulder mounted missile launcher instead, and lastly, replace one of his leg mounted missile launchers with a leg NSB launcher.

Then he noticed that many people on the Armor team had yet to return to the Eucharis. This was going to be a problem, and a new chain of command for the Armor team would need to be established until the higher ranked members of the Armor team returned.

"Eucharis actual," He said to the bridge over the radio, This is Shinomori Heisho. Tsuguka Heisho hasn't returned yet, and neither has most of the Power Armor team. Before we board that ship, we need to establish a temporary chain of command for the Eucharis' Armor team."
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YSS Eucharis - Bridge

"Shinomori, you should be able to figure this out on your own. Please do that. Out," Hanako sent back.

YSS Eucharis Armor Bay

Mango, stopped reloading mini-missiles for a moment to help Shinomori. "Head count! Rank and name, everyone! Mango, Itto Heisho!"

"Victory, Itto Heisho!" Victory called out from the shuttle bay. She was currently carrying damage control equipment but could join the armor team if needed.
YSS Eucharis Armor Bay

Matsuvo winced. He had been hesitant to act for fear of overstepping his limited authority as a Nitô Heisho, the lowest rank for an NCO, but now was clearly no time for worrying about proper procedures.

"Matsuvo, Nitô Heisho." He called out, looking around for anyone else who might have made it back. Things weren't looking promising though, and many of the people who had gone into the first ship with him weren't in the armor bay.

"You two outrank me, but I'm pretty sure neither of you two are infantry," Matsuvo said as he thought aloud. "Unless you can handle yourselves when we board the enemy ship, I think you'd be more likely to get hurt in a boarding action than anything else."

Things were getting desperate though, maybe even desperate to take non-infantry personnel into combat. A boarding operation would be much more difficult without numbers, but if people not trained for combat came along and got hurt, they'd either have to be left behind or make their way back to the Eucharis on their own.

"Mango Heisho, Victory Heisho, unless you either of you thinks better of it, I'm going to assume temporary command of the Power Armor team. We're short on infantry right now, so we'll need a force multiplier in there and I've got an idea, but we're going to have to get a bit creative. Can you get ahold of some mobile spanner and FARS type drones? If we can mount some sort of weapons systems to the drones, I can use them to help hold off the enemy as well as serve as sensor points for recon and potentially as a point of intrusion for the Eucharis to hack the enemy ship and turn its defenses on the crew."
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Retreating Sharie, Fabrication Bay

"Heisho, forget the ranks!" Candon scolded over the radio as the generator was being attached, "If you have the ability, just get on that ship and eliminate with prejudice. You have the entire armory at your disposal. Use it well."

A red paneled neko set a battered aether SMG into Candon's left arm and attached a cable to the generator. "It's the best we've got," she claimed, "You're good to go!"

The Ittô Heisho nodded to the engineer as he stepped away towards the PA bay.
"Eucharis, this is Candyman. I'm ready when you are. Please report what you wish done with the captain when I find him."
Setsuya had just teleported back in, having been told to port ahead back to the ship. The call for rank had been heard, but she needed a moment to adjust. The young neko had yet to get used to teleportation.

"Santo Hei, Setsuya Itatski. Orders sir?", she announced as the neko moved to grab a reload.
"Yoshida Kokoro, Nito Heisho." She said, as she worked on making sure everything was still fully functional. Aside from her phantom pains from the earlier, quite severe injury, she wasn't in any sort of dire straights. Despite the fact that just about everything above the cut was soaked in blood. At this point, it almost looked like a paintjob style. Maybe she would paint everything above that line a thick red next time, with the red becoming more scattered and faded as it goes towards the top.

She thought about scolding Matsuvo somehow, probably with the reminder the original team leader was... How was she, actually? Yoshida wasn't sure, and didn't care check on the systems monitoring her fellow squadmates. "Allright boys and girls" she started instead, doing her best to smile in the helmet. As she did, it became real. That feeling of excitement and glee washign over her once more, overpowering the irritation, and pain that came before. "Let's get ready to rip apart the tinfoil that is the enemy's defence!"
YSS Eucharis

Arria's eyes were obscured by pale coverings. They opened again. The behemoth of a flagship loomed menacingly, arrogantly in front of her. its golden armored plating, scratched ans burned in some places, gleamed like an ornate, sacrificial knife. Her left flight-appendage twitched in anticipation, tension visibly rising within the grey-paneled woman's petite body as the moment to strike rushed forward into her. Santo-Hei Smith spoke but a single word, coolly, not unlike how a Megami would say it herself:


The thrum of aether rushed through the Plumeria, screaming death and destruction to all in its path as the main weapons array discharged, the concentrated attack piercing through the flagship's weakened barrier at its flank, shredding into armor, hull, and crew with ease. Unlike the widened setting for the shock array, this beam only hit where the Elysian wanted it to hit - no more, no less; while this powerful, single shot had done an excellent job, it only targeted one thing: Where she hoped the main engineering section of the vessel was. Volleys of other shots peppered the Kuvexian brute, hopefully causing extra damage to anything they could hit.

For those tuned into the communications channel linking the Eucharis with her prey, a horrendous ear-splitting screech, not far from a Mishhuvurthyar being crushed by a mechanical press one appendage at a time, ripped through the speakers like a hell-born spirit on a rampage.
Armor Bay - YSS Eucharis

“Santo Hei Emil Mikael.” came the new voice in communications. It was the person that was just picked up by the Eucharis. He had plenty of automated drones around him, his armor almost like a small carrier to some extent, his handheld weapon the new power armor sniper rifle troops across Yamatai were getting very familiar with.

Was he ready? Why wouldn’t he be? Sure, first combat was a mess. It was a Kuvexians fleet, and no skin off his back for...being the sole survivor of that.
YSS Eucharis

"It looks like the ship's shields are down due to loss of power. Send precise teleportation coordinates to the Armor Team so they can teleport directly to the enemy ship's bridge while there's an opportunity," Hanako ordered.
YSS Eucharis - Bridge

Majime's lengthy pianist fingers validated the work her digital mind had done after she had sent the teleportation coordinates to the armor team. She stayed moving her fingers and reaffirmed, through the AIES of each soldier's armor, that they were able to see the coordinates. The XO looked up to see if the weapons operator was planning on using her auditory comms. Satisfied, she spoke out tersely after a quick press of her flat palm onto her arm rest.

"Away team, acknowledge objective coordinates and proceed!"

Power Armor Bay

Stella Glass had come in from way of the medical bay and looked about the racked power armor before she said aloud, "Charisma? Glass-hei, ready to support the armor team!"

A distant suit of armor glistened intensely as the armor bay's lighting shifted minimally and put the Minkan's own on a spotlight.

Stella had been strolling in, but when the lighting became dramatic around her, a noticeable gulp could be heard nearby the bright blonde and she began running quite quickly forward, afterwards. A minute later, the coordinates Hanako had secured and Majime sent out were bright in Stella's own digital mind's HUD as she spoke over team comms.

"Glass-hei, reporting! Field-expedient tactics are acknowledged!"

The deep blue eyes closed as her body allowed its muscle memory and digital mind work with the suit of armor as she fell backwards, through the intelligent forcefield's comfort. Soon, she was out of the ship and slipping into space. Her Mindy began to distort and compress gravitational fields around her, moving her body to compensate for the lack of the Eucharis' propulsion. Wobbling in space for a fraction of a moment, she waited until her digital mind showed the Eucharis out of her area of impact from the shockwave of heat and sound that her teleportation unit would cause, then she spoke again.

"Glass-hei! Shuttô suru!" Stella reported in, then went on in Yamataian to ask if there was a timetable or schedule in place, "Jikanhyô wa nani desu ka?"
YSS Eucharis Armor Bay

"Oh god dammit..." Matsuvo muttered over comms. It was a phrase which he had picked up while stationed in Elysia. One of the remaining Kalamari manipulator arms picked up a mobile spanner robot. There was no time to arm it, so they'd have to wing it. That Glass-hei might have just doomed them all. Now the enemy would know the Eucharis was deploying its Mindies, and would be able to respond.

"I guess we're going to be doing this the tough way since we've lost the element of surprise." He said, "We're going to need all the help we can get now, so anyone combat ready and in a Mindy is coming with us. Mikael-Hei, grab some charges and detcord, but save them. I've got a plan. Everyone else who's ready to go, follow me, we're going to have to meet up with Glass-Hei out there and then get a little closer before we can teleport."

They'd have to make it hell for the enemy to retake the bridge, and if that meant roughing up the enemy ship a little that was an acceptable loss. Matsuvo made his way to the opposite armor bay's deployment door, so as not to depressurize the whole area. "We've got to move fast folks! We've got to assume that the enemy has seen us, that they're going to deploy forces to stop us, and that they're going to fire on the Eucharis soon."

"The Eucharis is tough," He continued, "but she can't take the fire of an enemy capital ship and a fleet. We've got to cut the head off of the enemy command structure before that happens. Move out!"

He deployed from the armor bay, meeting up with Glass and prepared to move towards a point from which teleporting onto the enemy bridge would be possible. "Glass-Hei, either I or someone else will have to talk to you after this. This is a battle, not a place to try to look good with dramatic lighting or rush in headfirst with no plan."
Yoshida started as first one- then another disappeared from the armory in a hurry. "You- what-" But the situation very quickly became clear. A hei had moved early, and matsuvo made the choice to follow, along with giving orders to folow him. Wether that was correct or not, instead of reeling her back in and hoping they hadn't seen due to their lack of power. She thought about leaving the two to their fate and doing the proposed manuver of teleporting directly into the enemy ship from the bay but... Just to make things clear, and give the others a kick out the door, she spoke up. As well as informing command of what was going on.

"This is Nito Heisho Kokoro, Two numbers of the armor team have left prematurely- one to follow the other. We're going to move out early, our initiative window shrinks by the moment!- All Armor team members form up on me! Also, We don't swear over comms. Its rude."

With that, the previously legless black cat ushered the team to her- and the unsuited members to a safe distance to the best of her ability before jumping out of the bay. It wouldn't be a long trip- afterall the eucharis had already been on the way there. But the potential for danger, and time for the enemy to react was still there. Luckily, they wouldn't know the exact point on the ship they would be ehading too. After a very breif period exposed and vulnerable in space- Yoshida would wink from existance and blink back in, ready to crush a tin can with her gattlign rifle.
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YSS Eucharis - Bridge

"Sagara," Hanako commanded the helmsman, "most of the fleet is gone already, so see if we can engage the ship's stealth systems to keep us from being such an obvious target while our armor team is working. Hide or do whatever you need to do to keep us alive."

Next Hanako watched to see how the armor team was doing.

Enemy Ship - Bridge

The violent blast of hot air and sound from the teleportation unit got the Kuvexians' immediate attention, with several shielding their faces with their arms.

"Trespasser alert!" their security chief shouted. Two door guards with power armor immediately rushed towards Kokoro, firing their aether weapons at her. Due to the surprise they didn't aim that well at first and she look only glancing blows which blew off one of her helmet's antennae and one hit in the right shoulder.
Enemy Ship - Bridge

Matsuvo let out a groan of annoyance. "So much for moving in as a team. Everyone, teleport now! We've got to back that fool up before she gets killed." Yoshida might be able to take out the bridge crew on her own, but the ship's security force would surely be too much for her alone. He activated his teleportation module and vanished in a flash of light. And so, Mat followed after another member of the team who had rushed ahead, this time much further than the last person had.

He popped into existence with a flash of blinding light and radiation, followed almost instantaneously by a roaring shockwave of sound as the air that he now occupied was pushed out of the way by a foreign object. Thankfully, Mat had polarized his suit's optical sensors seconds before he teleported, and now as the shockwave from his entry into the area was dissipating and disorienting the enemy he struck out; firing a controlled two-second burst from his SMG, which was set to lethal Scalar mode, at the security chief.

"Try not to damage any of the equipment on the bridge" Mat half-shouted over the radio to the Power Armor team as he attempting to speak over the sounds of battle, "We'll need it intact if we want to try and use the bridge's consoles as a point for the Eucharis to hack in and take control of the ship's defenses!"

The Security chief wasn't standing in front of any sensitive equipment, so it had been safe to use scalar weapons against them. However, he had to be more careful with the enemy PA, and so he decided to use his shoulder mounted missile launcher, for fear that unguided fire from his Aether rifle would damage sensitive equipment that they would need to hack into later to gain control over the ship. A moment after his SMG stopped firing, four missiles shot forth from his shoulder mounted pod; two per enemy PA (About twice what he ought to need, but he wanted to be sure). At this range, He thought, it ought to be guaranteed hit.
Enemy Ship - Bridge

Sparks flew from damaged electronics as scalar waves fried their sensitive circuitry, passing through everything effortlessly. Matsuvo's missiles slammed against their targets and then bounced around the bridge as they had been fired in to small of a space to disarm the safety lock and finally exploded in random parts of the bridge including in the insertion coordinates for the away team's power armors.