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RP: Yome Ismâopate Mission 3.0 – Avenging the betrayed (Pilajo yleg’te )


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
Âmuar - 3 weeks after Arrival

Control Center

Selea, a young female Qakla manned the transportation station in the control center. She was coordinating traffic for the various ships in the harbor. The weather outside was hindering her operations. The sound of the door opening caught her attention and a second after a Qaktoro entered. It was the Sky Harbor Supervisor, Poioki Taab, despite his limp he moved quickly to his station. She knew that prior to this position he was a Tin-Ta’a, but the injury that gave him his limp, meant a change in career. Often during the quiet times he would regale her with tales of his time aboard a fighting ship.

Poioki looked out through the windows of the control room. The gray furred Qaktoro looked at the Âmuar sky. It was heavy with clouds and rain was coming down in sheets. Lighting occasionally could be seen in the distance. He watched as a Beâgor'a Âdor flew past heading to Flight Berth 6. It was carrying several cargo containers for the ship located there. There was a lot of activity at that flight berth despite the weather. He knew what vessel was sitting there the Yome Ismâopate. Poioki prided himself on knowing every ship that was in his harbor, or expected in.

He turned to the Tuoro responsible for the Flight Berth systems. “Once the cargo is dropped off, bring up the atmosphere shields. We do not need the crew getting soaked. “

He looked over at Selea, “You did ensure that the glider buses are waiting at the passenger area to pick them up and take them to their ship.”

“Yes, Sar. We have three of them standing by with luggage loaders to facilitate. The buses will depart on 10 minute intervals.” replied Selea.

“Excellent, if only the weather would cooperate. “ he said turning from the window and walked up into his station to observe.

Passenger Area

Qaedal and Toidorno had arrived at the Sky Harbor together having spent some time relaxing together, and going over some of the information that had become available. For the last day they had spent more time discussing their Galy’ka. They also had spent some time about their additional crew members for the assignment. Looking at the directory signs, they spotted the references for their ship. “Looks like the Harbor Master is taking good care of us Qaedal.” Toidorno said noting the message about buses.

“Well, let’s get aboard the bus. Anything to avoid being drowned boarding our own vessel.” Qaedal replied with a chuckle.

Keyul walked into the passenger area at the Sky Harbor after tipping the hired Ground Glider driver. He caught up to Toga and Sogi. Each of the baqli had a bag slung over their shoulder. They were well fed, and groomed. They looked around the area seeing all the hustle and bustle. “Stay with me you two. Until your legal status is resolved, you are under the responsibility of the Yome. And my brother the Tin-Ta’a has assigned me as your guardian until the matter is resolved. Fortunately clan policy has allowed family to travel on ships with the family. So you will be in the same cabin as before.” He looked at the information board. “Well, here is a bright spot. There are buses to take us to the ship. Let’s get on the next one.”
Amuar 3 weeks later

Spa 3

"Sar Whisk? Your ship, Ismaopate send it's greetings and wishes that you return as soon as possible." Came the polite, but firm voice of one the Spa 3's Attendants, holding her pager which she gave to hold while she enjoyed the Hot Pool.

Murr laid in the hot water, cooking the muscles into relaxed state. Her ears flickered in annoyance while giving a soft exhale of a sigh as she began to move to leave the pool of hot water. She climbed out with water running off of her. Once fully out and on the side as everyone scattered to safe distances, She gave herself a full body shake to send the trapped water in her fur flying in an explosion of fast cooling hot water as her foot claws dug into the mat designed for such purpose.

Murr walked under the jets of hot air to dry off, looking like a puffball of fur, for the final drying off. She stepped out the other side as groomers rushed up, starting at the top, began to groom her making her look very presentable with a fur trim included. They even buffed and sharpened her claws to a high shine. Murr pur motor kick in loudly during the final treatment, getting smiles from the Attendants. It wasn't often they received such a compliment from a visiting Poku.

Receiving her pager from the Attendant, Murr hit the acknowledgement transmit button, letting the ship know she was on her way back to the ship within the allotted time frame given, before they sent out the Shore Patrol to drag her back kicking and squirming, no matter what her clothing state was, or state of being intoxicated.

Ismaopate Berthing / Shipyards

The Poku's Paw Hotel Flitter slowed down to the regulation speeds as it entered the Shipyards and followed instruction from the control tower that regulated hover flitters while on the big sprawling base. Since it was carrying Ismaopate Ship Crew, at least six of them, including Murr scrunched in with assort subspecies of the crew, was allowed to proceed directly to the Berthing of the Yome Ismaopate since it was raining mice and dogs and it wasn't going to let up anytime soon.

The Senior Crewman aboard the limousine yeowled orders for everyone to look their best when departing the flitter as if they were Admirals and flag officers, when the highest was at least equivalent of a sergeant. The chauffeur snickered as he played along. Bringing the flitter to a stop at the foot of the ramp. Hopped out as he put on his duty cap after popping the cargo hatch open. Opened the doors to the passenger compartment and stood at attention. He even helped the females out in a stately manner.

Murr smiled her thanks to the Chauffeur letting him assist her. She grabbed her travel bag, which was a lot rounder than when she left. She fell into a impromptu formation with the Senior in charge lead the group on up the ramp in a stately manner as the Poku's Paw Flitter pulled away to return back to the hotel.

The Onduty Watch Officer just watched dumbfounded at the arrival. He thought he seen all manners of how the crewmembers returned to the ship. This by far the most classiest. He dutifully checked each one in and receiving the recall pagers back.
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Amuar - Ship Berthing

La'tâ had spent the last three weeks doing many different things between the settlements on world and the sky harbor. There was even a day that she ended up drunk, but she had kept herself away from the crew on such an occasion. Her vacation had come to an end though and she had to return to the ship. It was not that she was dissatisfied with her assignment, but part of her wanted to stay in that relaxed easy going atmosphere, but it was the effort she put into work that made it so satisfying.

She had returned to her working frame of mind though, and had already packed her luggage and prepared herself the night before. While she did not rush to the ship to get on as soon as everything was done, she made sure to arrive with plenty of time before take off.

With a look around to see how things were around her, and seeing people board she figured she did not need to wait for the Tin-Ta’a to board first and headed onto the ship herself.

Inside Yome Ismâopate

Once inside La’tâ made her way to her cabin first and put away her luggage neatly, and made sure everything in her room was in order. After finishing that she moved to the Wapoin Ruosa and began to take inventory to make sure they restocked everything that was supposed to be restocked, and put everything in place where it should be.
Passenger Area

Sogi stood next to Tota and looked around at the activity. The activity here was very different that what he was used to when ship's were preparing for departure on World Station. It was much more free flowing, folks were moving every which way and chatting. He adjusted his jendomu marveling once again that he and his friend were wearing the colors of the ship that saved them. Given the uncertainty of their situation, the garment gave him a sense of belonging.

Tota turned to look at Sogi, "This is almost like the Weâm Hyroâ'te folks just going where they want. It is kind of weird but also kind of nice." she smiled. She noticed Keyul heading towards one of the exits on the side. "We best catch up with Keyul. Since he is our ubutyloa for now." she ran over to Keyul her garments flowing behind her.

Keyul stopped briefly at the door, looked down the ramp which lead to a covered area. He opened the door, "Let's head down to the stop so we can get on the next transport." He held the door open while his charges moved through and followed.
Yome Ismaopate : Whisk's Den

It felt good to be back on the ship with its familiar sounds and harmonics. Murr dumped her travel kit on her bunk, looking at all of the stuff she had accumulated along with what she had took with her on Shore Leave. A customized Skinsuit with pouches that would hold flexible body plating along with the plating to provide additional protection incase she gets stupid again. Some new knives that had it's places on the skinsuit. They wouldn't be much good when wearing the Dahome. But would come in handy if she had to leave it for some reason other than like last time. Her ears wilted at remembering, yet she was filled with pride as she was the only one to actually cause damage to the Dahome, that she knew of. At least on the Ismaopate Crew. She hoped with her reports and endless interrogation at random times during her Shore Leave, she was called back to the Base Military Headquarters for another round.

She smiled as it was all over with and back on the ship that was her home. She saw the messy bunk of her mysterious roomie. She sighed softly and quickly made it. It had a familiar scent to it. Even aboard the ship, quarters were still inspected for neatness and security of equipment. But not as strict back in basic was. But still the cause of extra duty and a tail chewing from the ship's Quartermaster as he or she made checks on serviceability of, even the personal quarters, ships equipment.

Murr was going to be leaving a serious note for her roomie. Just as much as the other crewmembers, she loved her downtime. Even if it was just enough to sleep, personal hygiene and change of clothing. Some time to herself to unwind and socialize, write letters home, catch up on work that needed to be done, but never gotten to while on shift. Even prep for missions that may or may not come about.

Power Armor Bay

She still had to get fitted for a new Dahome and get used to it. Doing one last check of the now shared Den, Murr left her Den and made her way to the Power Armor Bays. Entering the Power Armor bay. She waved at the Head Technician, gatting a nod in return. She stripped off her outter uniform to revile the skinsuit with its armor plating as the Technician pulled the Dahome from it's storage locker, ready to be fitted to Murr. She moved into position and stood with good posture as the Armor closed around her.

She moved through a set of exercises and motions as instructed by the Senior Technician. When she was done and cleared from the Technician, she tried to abuse it to break it while time was in her favor. Finishing up the last set of maneuvers and a few fighting moves and maneuvers. She moved back to the place where it was placed on her to be removed. She gave the affirmative gesture, as she stepped off the platform. She looked at the separate pieces with their markings on it. Hers was the A2, Second Generation of Dahomes. Slightly improved from the First Generation of Dahomes.

"Its all yours, Sar Whisk." The Technician spoke. "Do your best to bring this one back in one piece and no damage. We're limited on what we can carry."

Murr nodded solemnly to the Technician.
Passenger Area

As Keyul and his little baqli charges headed down to the passenger waiting area, there was a Saâdor Ikâ that had just pulled up with a humming sound that cycled its Kujopnor Ikâgravity engines lower and lower as it came to a full stop at the ground glider bay that was marked off by safety lights. As the gull wing door unlocked and lowered itself to the floor to allow passengers to board, the canopy's Mâqitua'tomin became transparent and they could see that at the controls was an unexpected, but very familiar silver face and violet eyes grinning at them.

"Apote wumyi!" greeted Miali with a casual wave of her free paw to the Detis Goa'a and Sogi and Tota. "Going my way?" The young Tuoro seemed to be enjoying the surprise that was coming over their three furred faces, like a star who had entered the stage in dramatic and captivating fashion. Who thought that losing that drinking dare last night would turn out so well?
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Keyul looked bemused seeing Miali at the controls of the bus. "On with the two of you." He said to the baqli. Both of them scampered onboard and waved at Miali. "Did you leave the WAP?" Sogi asked passing by. Keyul walked into the bus, "So I am sure there is a very interesting story as to why you are driving a Saâdor Ikâ. I will look forward to hearing more about it once we are aboard. Unless you wish to say something now."

A glider bus came to a halt near the Yome and the doors opened. six individuals stepped off the bus and came around to claim their baggage. They were about the size of an average Tula, but they would not be mistaken for one by any clan member. They were the first aliens to be allowed to join the WAP. It was fitting that they were boarding the Yome as it was this ship and crew which had liberated them.
Yome Ismaopate Security Briefing Room

Murr gave a harsh look as the call for security personnel onboard, whether off duty or on scheduled duty was called to the briefing room. She picked up her pace, making minor adjustments to her uniform as she made her way to the Briefing.

She was waved to a seat after she had entered. She quickly took her seat and activated her e-notepad to take notes as her ears perked up as more Security Personnel showed up, with the exception of those to provide escort to the aliens onboard the ship.

She listened to the briefing carefully, paying attention to the vids of the Aliens presented with the briefing as she took notes to refer to later when needed. ~~Time to be scary again~~ She though to herself as the briefing proceeded through it course of business, scheduling of teams, team assignments and routes through the ship. The usual reminders of battle station and drills to be expected. And then the ending of the briefing, the pep talk of "Keep up the good work, Eyes of the Deities and Peers are upon us and we shall not be found lacking in our service to the Poku, Ismaopate and crew as a whole. We're the Makers and Living Legends that keep the Poku safe and expanding out into the starry void of space." As if this was the only warship in service to the Poku.

Murr paw-speaked her approval as others gave a rousting cheer to the pep-talk. With a clattering of chairs and movements for the mad rush to begin their tours of duty. Murr scampered out with the rest to begin her rounds with a brief pause at the Armory to draw the shipboard weapons. Pistol, baton and cuffs.
Memi's Cabin

Hiding in his cabin, Memi had been reading some of the documents he had recovered, and was finishing up the last of his reports. Because of La'tâ dragging him about and forcing him to eat "right," He still didn't have the illuminated scrolls done, but he did have at least the ones he had designed for the launch of the ship. He was planning to present them to the ship's Tin-Ta'a, during the mission briefing.
Ruonor Stako Yanuto

Qaedal walked into the new compartment on the Yome. He looked around the bay at the various Stako in their respective nooks. Obviously since the Yome did not have any underutilized space the bay had been taken out of cargo hold. Given the mission of the Yome, cutting down the hold was not really a problem. The remaining space was still more than sufficient for supplies for the ship. He saw the six new members of his crew in discussions with the Bajao'ai who were tending to the Stako. He walked over to them and one of the Bajao'a called out "Ovuhu-te" The Bajao'ai and the six newcomers whirled around to face him and stood at attention.

"Ovuji-te," he said in a clear commanding voice. They all slightly relaxed their stances. "Welcome aboard the Yome Ismâopate. Before you get too involved with the Stako. I will have your oaths. Then you will be free to continue your activity.

"Oww!" Alpin pinned his ears and wrinkled his nose at his brother, not snapping only because it was Yanga and not someone else.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have let it get this long." Yanga murmured in return, trying to be a bit gentler as he finished trimming down the fur on his brother's long tail. Yanga's tail of course had been easy, being barely longer than a few paw-widths at best. "There we're done." He announced, tucking the clippers away just as their pair of pagers started vibrating loudly on the counter close by.

Alpin scooped his up and checked it. "We're being summoned back to the Yome." He mused, running a hand over the now-short fur of his tail and grumbling his distaste at it.

"Good timing, and hush now, you'll never fit into your Dahome comfortably if you leave it all grown out, you know that." Yanga pointed out to his grumbling brother. "Now come on, we have to check out and get going." He gave Alpin a tender touch and watched as his brother went from grumbling and grouching to quiet surrender. Yanga turned and headed off to pack.

Hotel -> Yome Ismaopate Berthing / Shipyards

"Remind me again why we walked through the rain instead of taking any other sort of transportation?" Alpin asked his brother as he watched Yanga almost happily hop* through the rain seemingly without a care, tugging the hood of his Jendogo down further over his face to keep the rain out of his face.

Yanga, his hood down, fur wet and ears perked, looking quite happy to splash through the puddles on the way to the hulking Yome in the distance. "Because you love me." He said softly, barring his teeth at his brother and turning back to hop into a big puddle, sending up a bunch of water and earning a particularly impatient sound from Alpin. He glanced back, noticed his soaked brother's glare and headed for the safety of the Yome at top speed.

Alpin sighed and loped after his brother, trying to shake off at least some of the water before he caught up and easily trotted along behind, the ship getting closer and closer until they were finally there and able to slip aboard and out of the blasted rain.

((*think skipping, and I'm assuming it's still raining @Nashoba ?))
Stako Bay

After the Tin-Ta'a accepted the new crew member oaths, they went their separate ways. five of them went to their quarters to stow their gear. the Sixth Taeto consulted with the ship's brain. With the information supplied she set off through the Yome's corridors. A few minutes later she found herself in front of cabin 10. She pressed the intercom. "Sar Memi Sotar. I am Taeto Syali, I was told I should report to you. I am Kynlumu'a for the Niko unit that has just been assigned. Are you free?"
Cabin 10

Memi Jumped when the voice came over the intercom. He looked around for a brief moment confused as he was just in a deep though. "Ummm.. Yeah.. give me a moment." Quick;l he got up and tried to shuffle the documents in his work space to neaten them all up, but gave up quickly and grabbed his kilt and wrapped it around his waist. He did do his best work in his under things. Slipping his sleeveless Duinjen on he reached and pressed the door key. "Ummm... Come in..." Memi smiled and motioned into his cabin, even as he was tucking his shirt in.
Saâdor Ikâ, En Route to Yome

Miali shook her head with a little laughing growl at Sogi's musing if she had left the WAP. "Aww, you know I'd never leave you guys! But it's always good to sample all the flavors that life has to offer, and try new things... you've only ever got the moment, after all."

Sar Syavis got the shuttle bus closed up and moving again on its heim generators, passengers and cargo bound for their ship safely aboard and on their merry way, as the rain pattered off the windows. As she brought it around the docking area in a slow arc, she glanced back at Keyul while relating her tale. "Hah... well it's a long story... but let's just say I got into a drinking contest with a pretty kickin' tom I met at a dance club last night and thought I could show him up. The bet we made was he would take me for a late night spin in his Saâdor Ikâ if I bested him, but if I lost then I had to drive his Saâdor Ikâ this morning for him awhile so he could take a break."

Miali blushed for a moment, her tail curling around. "You probably can guess what happened after that, huh? He called for a round of something called a 'Dream Dasher' special for us and I was soon flopping on the floor like a fish out of the kyaka. It's not so bad though. More practice for stable flying of the Yome, eh?" She squinted her violet eyes at the view through the windshield, as the storm made it more difficult to get a good bead on the next passenger area coming up. "Terrible weather for a sendoff, isn't it, though? Guess every dream has to come back to reality eventually."
Saâdor Ikâ

Keyul chuckled and took a seat near the front, "Well, it is often said that shore leave is often a learning experience. I'm just glad that your experience was only a bit of embarrassment and humility. As you can see, our foundlings are still with us. So my leave was spent getting to know them, and filling the role of guardian. Its been quite the challenge. Although I suspect not nearly as challenging as what is coming. My apoloa has been rather remote for most of the last week. I'm sure we will find out though once we get underway." He looked out at the weather. "Well, I consider this weather to be exciting. Sure we had 'weather' on World Station, but it did not have the energy and unpredictability of planets weather. "

Cargo Hold

As Alpin and Yanga came into the cargo hold, Toha crossed over to them offering them towels. She was wearing the uniform of the WAP, but were not any of the races of the people. "Welcome aboard. I am Sâvyjo Toha Aaeas. I and my apoloii are newly assigned to the Yome."
:: Ismaopate ::

Murr and her partner making their way through the ship making their rounds in checking the more vital areas of the ship to make sure that none wandered into areas where they didn't belong. Keeping an eye out for the Outsider crewmembers. Coming around a corner, a faint smell of an unknown, yet familiar liquor on a returning crewmember, triggered a memory. Causing her to hesitate noticeably by her partner.

The Big Qaktoro stepped forward and ordered the returning crewmember to his/hers quarters as he took the persons name down and department. He then relayed the information to persons department superior of what had just happened for accountability and the safety of the crew. Since the ship was still in prep for departure and crew returning. Security had its orders to place still intoxicated crew under Quarters Arrest till sober or needed by their superiors. Normally this would be ran up the chain of command so that the ships CO or XO could deal with it. But everyone knew that CO and XO was busy with more important things than to deal with an intoxicated crew returning from Shore Leave. But eventually the report would find its way onto their desk to be looked at. This gave the poor crewperson a breather and less punishment to deal with by their superiors than having to face the CO or XO. But if the person was belligerent, then it was the brig to really face the CO and XO at their convenience, not their immediate superior till it was time to face the CO or XO. This made for a much smoother and less stressful for the ship and crew to get underway quicker.

"Okay Murr, spit it out. What got your underthings and tail in a knot?" The big Qaktoro looked at her as they moved on after making sure the person got to his/her quarters.

Murr looked thoughtful as she Paw-Speaked, [" I had a visitor and we talked."] The memory faded away before she could grasp it fully, looking up at her bigger partner. ["Bad vibes came off of the Poku. As if he couldn't hide his true feelings."] She looked down the corridor they was traversing. Then another bubble popped up. ["Intelligence."] She looked back up at her partner.

He nodded looking thoughtful. He liked this young Tula. Murr had fire of a Qaktoro and she stood up to be accounted for despite her handicap against the odds stacked against her. "We'll look into this matter, Sar Whisk. Intelligence don't pay midnight visits unless it is to arrest someone before they can escape and travel with a partner."

Murr nodded to her partner as she tried to force another related thought to the surface. ["Even though I had a good time on Shore Leave, there are bits and pieces missing."] Pausing to check an out of place maintenance access panel.

The Qaktoro called down to Engineering to report the panel being unsecured as Murr carefully checked out the panel and then carefully opened it to see if anything that was obvious to a Non-Tech for unwanted tampering as they waited for a tech to arrive for the final inspection and clearing of the unsecured panel.
"Cargo Hold

As Alpin and Yanga came into the cargo hold, Toha crossed over to them offering them towels. She was wearing the uniform of the WAP, but were not any of the races of the people. "Welcome aboard. I am Sâvyjo Toha Aaeas. I and my apoloii are newly assigned to the Yome.""

Cargo Hold

Yanga skittered to a stop at the sight of the unfamiliar creature in WAP uniform, hastily backpedaling into Alpin, ears straight up and his tail curled up against his back in alarm.

Alpin took it a bit better, letting the bags on both shoulders slide down to the floor and stroking a hand over Yanga's ears to calm him a bit, his own tail snaking around to curl around his brother's waist, albeit loosely, the tip flicking back and forth just a little. After a long minute, and figuring logically that this new creature wouldn't be there if the Tin-Ta'a and Tin-To'a hadn't allowed it, he finally reached past Yanga's shoulder to accept the pair of towels, draping one across his shoulders and using the other to start ruffling his brother's fur dry.

Yanga's initial alarm and skittishness dissolved as Alpin went to work getting him to dry off some, silently eyeing this new creature from head to toe and noting the ears the other had. Finally he summoned courage enough to, probably rudely, ask "What are you?"
Cargo Hold

Toha smiled, bemused by the reaction of the two crew members who towered over her. "I see you are not familiar with the history of the Yome Ismâopate. We were created by the Many Legs for their war against the Yamatai. When the warriors of Yamatai attacked this planet we survived, but were still oppressed by the Many Legs. A team from the ship attacked the many legs and freed us. We were called Nekovalkyrja by Yamatai and the Many Legs. However, since we no longer serve either of them. We have chosen to call ourseleves Niko Yârme. My apoloii and I after completing the baqnor; chose to serve in the WAP to defend our new homeland."

Toha looked at her wrist computer. "You are the Lupaie vonaâsiâ. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Cargo Hold

The pair considered the Niko's story for a long minute before Yanga finally spoke up, tugging the towel away from his brother so he could continue drying off. "My sincerest apologies" He barred his teeth at the other "We've just never seen others like you that we can remember." He apologized. He left the towel draped around his shoulders, glancing backwards over his shoulder to see Alpin still trying to remove a lot of the water from his own fur. "I'm Yanga, and this is my apaloa Alpin." He said, extending his comparatively enormous paw towards her in a gesture of greeting between equals.
Cabin 10

Taeto looked around the cabin, "Qantsu Sar." She replied and stepped into the cabin. Seeing the various signs that he had been working. The stack of sheets of paper. But then there was the matter of his state of dress. 'Perhaps he had been sleeping, too much shore leave perhaps.' She thought, and then said. "Is this a bad time? I could come back later if I am interrupting your work."

Cargo Hold

Toha smailed, "Well, It would be easy to not see many of us, approximately 225 within the clan by my reckoning. And only 24 have completed the requirements for citizenship, and joining the Defense Fleet." She extended her hand towards his bringing them together. "Seems that things are going to be getting interesting. The Tin-Ta'a gave us the impression that we would see combat at our destination."