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RP: Yome Ismâopate Mission 3.0 – Avenging the betrayed (Pilajo yleg’te )

Waopoin Rousa

Murr knew when to be aggressive and when to put aside the hostilities against those that were different from the Poku, or Poku Outsiders to the Clan and Family. But the unwarranted hostilities in a peaceful setting and clearly part of the crew had alerted her there was something wrong with her. She knew the feeling of hostility against her from her own kind from her being different with her handicap and no matter how hard she had proven herself, that hostility still lingered. She hated to be classed in with them.

She nodded and signed back, "I'll do the same. Give them the chance to prove themselves." She shut down her wrist computer after she Paw-Spoke to Yanga. Knowing they'll have a hard enough time to keep the others off their backs. She, being assigned to ship's security detachment, had to be very neutral and fair in dealing with the Neko Yime crew.

She gave Yanga a very natural involuntary smile before paw-speaking again. "You're quite good at Paw-Speak, Sar Yanga."
At the reply that she wasn't going to be bunking with him, a look of disappointment then a strong look of gladness washed over Memi's features. He was still young and the thought of a female being that close stirred even his dusty bookworm's endorphins. Though even with them washing through his body he felt extremely embarrassed and guilty. "No... No... It's fine..." He bumbled out trying to make things look a little bit less cluttered.

"They are all in a sort of order that I can find things when I need them.... Um.... you were asking how I document what happens..." Memi grabbed a larger scroll and laid it on the table unrolling it. Most of it was done. A full inked copy of the launching and and first mission speech. It was well written in blocked letter, along with full illuminations running up and down the sides. Some were still just penciled, while some inked, but the bulk was fully colored.
Waopoin Rousa

Yanga was pleased that, despite what had happened, Murr was going to try to get past whatever had caused her bad reaction the first time and he was fully ready to support her in her efforts. He returned the smile in kind, his ears shyly lowering a bit at her words. He glanced towards the door, wondering where Alpin was and feeling just a little bit of a panic that his brother hadn't come looking for him. It took a bit of doing but he turned his mind back to her words and he nodded.

"My brother gave me the paw-speak instructions you left for me." He told her. "We both spent the whole time on leave learning it." Alpin had told Yanga the whole tense standoff when he'd gone to collect Yanga's bag and they'd laughed it off and then they'd gotten to work. "It has been very fun and interesting to learn." He got a small, fond smile. "I am going to try to teach my little brother Haukru when we return to the Sotâka Ruomâqi."
Wapoin Rousa

["Most everyone has a copy of my version of Paw-speak that I've come in contact with through being teamed up with and crew of the Ismaopate. So that I may communicate faster with and use when vocalization would be detrimental to the mission."] Murr Paw-Spoke, liking his smile. ["I'm happy to hear that. As most just ignore it forcing me to use written form."]

She looked over to La'ta to see if she could leave anytime soon. Dreading the extra time she'll have to put once she reports back to duty. But not much was moving about the ship as it got ready to 'tunnel'.
Wapoin Rousa

Yanga gave his head a shake at her last words. "I can see the tactical advantage of being able to speak without having to talk out loud, or even when working around loud equipment when words can be lost among other noises." He gave a thoughtful nod and then he brought his short tail around and drew her attention to it. ["Not as bad I think but certainly causes problems."] He signed to her, clearly nervous about it, but he had a feeling Murr would understand even if it wasn't anywhere near the same thing.
Wapoin Rousa

Murr tilted her head in open curiosity at seeing his shorten tail. She seen it before, but never really gave it much thought. ["What happened? Get caught in a rodent trap?"] She gave soft humorous smile to lighten the question to bring a bit of humor and to show she did care about him, cause he would be the one or his brother working on her damaged armor she brought back from future missions.

Footnote: ["text"] is showing Paw-speak.
Wapoin Rousa

Yanga gave a slight giggle at her tease, "I wish." He murmured to her, playing with his tail for a moment before he let it go and told her the shortened version of the story. ["My brother and I decided we should go on our baqnor separately. I was stalking this beautiful female big cat and did not notice the big male that came up behind me."] A shameful oversight for a quaktoro ["He took my tail and only my brother kept me from admitting defeat."] He gave her a tentative look. ["We were allowed to take that test again, together. We found the great cats, and another, and brought all three home together."] Though he wasn't one for enjoying such hunts, he did take pride in what they'd done. ["We gave the pelts to Haukru, so he would have something warm to snuggle with while we are away."] Clearly he adored his youngest brother, adopted or not.
Wapoin Rousia

["At least the rest of you is here now, not the missing piece."] Murr couldn't help herself to have a bit of fun at the expense of Yanga. Giving a big goofy grin that showed a lot of teeth, ears perked up in a friendly manner as her tail entwined with his. She shook with soft panting.
Wapoin Ruosa

Jaqsi came over and looked at the diagnostic display for Murr. Not one who solely trusts machines, she came over and performed a quick check on the Tula. Satisfied with the restuls she smiled and said. "Well, looks like you are through the worst of it Murr. You are released from medical. I suggest you head to your cabin and change into a proper uniform. But be quick about getting there the ship will be initiating the first tunnel shortly." She looked at Yanga, "You see that she gets there safely. Or I may decided to take a few more inches off your tail." She said with a grin.

She turned her attention to the supply cabinet, and updated the inventory based on what she saw.

Memi Ruosa

Taeto moved cautiously and examined the scroll. She noticed the details artwork and other touches that Memi had added. "This is incredible. You have quite a hand at the artwork. Thank you for sharing it to me. I know most people do not like to show their work before it is complete." She moved back from it. "I will have to do some attempts at drawing like that. I am very good with my script, but drawing had not occurred to me." She said.


Qaedal watched as the crew members on his bridge performed their duties. It gave him a sense of pride to have such people under him. He noticed that they had cleared the safe limit for tunneling. He looked at his Second, "Toidorno, secure the STL engines, and notify the crew to prepare for the first dive."

Toidorno nodded to the Tin-Ta'a and then activated the intercom. "Secure from sub-light travel. All hands prepare for first tunnel. Ten minutes entering the tunnel." He called out. He watched the pilot disengage the STL drives and set his controls to neutral. A moment later the Engineer's voice came from the speakers. "Plasma drives have been secured. Tunnel drive charged and standing by."
Wapoin Ruosa

La'tâ found herself a seat and withed,, thinking about everything while Murr and Yanga conversed. She was suspicious of many things, but there wasn't too much she could by herself. But she got and idea, however she would have to be a little careful. She pulled out her Mako'sa Kyn and hooked it up to a terminal, putting in the needed access information for her account and then set it up so that her history would be erased, and she set up a proxy so that the servers wouldn't catch the ship as the source. These were all security measures taught to her by the Muiqor Rouka, generally if a Degonjo Ta'a was considered a necessary 'evil' for society to stay peaceful, so it was often overlooked as long as they didn't get too overt or commit crimes.

Once everything was set up she began searching through the more repulsive parts of the clan's networks, leaving comments on a few message board services about anyone who used the older Jodau Fofipa. She made her comments seem more out of curiosity of it's effects and how reliable it was, rather than questioning around for specific people, hoping to keep herself from looking too suspicious.

"Sar-Jaqsi," The Tula spoke up as she typed away, not wanting to get them too curious as to why she was silent, so she wouldn't have to explain. "the Niko Yârme that have enlisted, are any of them Wapoin'a?"
Wapoin Rousa

Murr was glad to be released from the Wapoin Rousa. Releasing Yanga's tail and hopping off the bed. She was ready to leave and head back to duty. But with the ship in final preparation for 'Tunneling'. Her shipboard den was the place to be. She motioned Yanga to keep up as she left the ship's infirmary.


The ship's corridors were like a ghost town as everyone was at their assigned place through out the ship as she raced through the empty corridors to get to her assigned spot. She and Yanga were the only two racing through the ship, besides few Senior Crew making the last minute rounds to make sure everyone was secured for the initial jump. Being Security when not out on assignment that took her off the ship, she knew some shortcuts that would cut down on travel time.

Murr/Yanga Den (quarters)

Hitting the open button to open the quarters door and squeezing through when there was enough room to do so. She grabbed Yanga, as the timer counted down the last minute, and pulled him onto her bunk. Knowing the initial surge of speed would cause anything unsecured to slam into the rear bulkheads quite painfully.
Wapoin Rousa

Yanga gasped in horror at both Murr's tease and Jaqsi's teasing words, his tail coiling close around him in a protective manner. He hurried to follow Murr when she slipped away, keeping up on her heels quite easily.


He wanted to stop and poke around when Murr led them both down some short cuts that she knew that cut down on their travel time considerably. Though he also knew that he'd get horrifically lost if he strayed so he trotted faster to catch up and keep up with the Tula.

Murr/Yanga Den

Yanga skittered in right after her, smacking the door-close button as he did so, his short tail just barely making it through as the door slid shut once more. He followed Murr's tug on his paw, twisting to bring his (hind?) paws around so the initial speed increase had him landing squarely on the wall and using his legs as shock absorbers, for one moment in time the gravity shift left him "Standing" over Murr, and then he sank down into Murr's lap and gave her an almost charming grin. Sure. Yanga'd let her think he'd done that on purpose, just grateful he hadn't ended up squishing her against the bulkhead behind her.
Murr / Yanga Den

Murr felt the weird yet new tingle surge through her that was both pleasant and exciting race through her when Yanga landed in her lap. She instinctively hugged him as her heart raced, not from recent physical exertion, but of something different coursing through her. She returned the smile wishing she had on less clothes. And him, to explore this new excitement that was making her heart flutter and her mind go numb with this new feeling.
Throughout the ship an audible thrum could be heard as the powerful engines prepared to punch a hole in local space. "Engage the tunnel drive." Came across the speakers of the ship. The interior lighting dimmed as was the tradition. In the old days the power drain of the tunnel drives caused sub-sytems to be impacted. A moment later a sound not unlike the deep peal of a bell was heard through the ship. The reverberation of the tunnel drive as the wormhole was created. "Prepare for interface. Final warning." came the Tin-To'a's voice.

The Yome moved into the aperture of twisted space time. Its Anoka Udana creating a sea of calm to keep the ship and its contents from being shredded. As the ship fully entered there was a surge forward. It lasted only a moment, but it was sufficient that anything not properly stowed would find itself pressed against the aft bulkheads. The Yome emerged from the tunnel into normal space, more than halfway to their final destination. "Transition is complete, we will proceed to our objective using Tinvyma Piatypeda. Mission briefing in 30 minutes. Combat teams to report for their assignments. That is all."
Wapoin Ruosa

Jaqsi turned to La'tâ, "One of them is listed as a having Wapoin'a training, her name is Mayli. Although her training covers the Niko Yârme physiology, she is not listed as a full Wapoin'a."
Murr /Yanga Den

Once the 'Tunneling' was done and the Yome Ismaopate safely speeding through space and the call return to duty and normal operation. Murr gently signaled to Yanga to get off of her. She had to report to duty with Security (her shipboard duty) and to see if she was going to be assigned to a combat team. But newly emerging feminine side of her wanted to remain in Yanga's embrace. She felt good in his presence.
Wapoin Ruosa

La'tâ made sure she was secure in her seat for the ship's travel through a worm hole. Once everything was done she finished up the last few messages as she looked to Jaqsi. "It will be interesting to see what the Niko Yarne think of our medicinal practices. From what I understand, the majority of their medicine is made synthetically, and they do not often study herbalism."
Memi Ruosa

"Well you can come and join me here any time you would like, and work on some." he looked away at the speaker for the intercom for a moment when the news of their impending travel. "Umm... would you like to wait it out here? I can show you more of my work. or you can tell me about your team." He smiled at Taeto. "I have been dragged along two missions already... and I'm just attached to the ship,yet they still send me off. just can't image what it is like being attached to a fighting unit."
Wapoin Ruosa

Jaqsi smiled at La'tâ, "Well the Niko Yârme are different from us, but they do not have access to our Allies medicines. After all when we encountered them they were focused on surviving on Âmuar. They were slaves to the Many Legs and lost many of their people during Yamatai's bombing of the world. I have spent some time with some at one of the Wapoin facilities while on leave. Those seemed eager to learn and to prove themselves. With so few of them, the actions of a few can have major impact on how others see them. The challenge for us is to familiarize ourselves with their physiology and how to treat them."

Memi Ruosa

Taeto smiled, "I would appreciate that. My teacher said my drawings were technically very accurate. But they lacked a sense of emotion or feeling. " She considered his offer to stay. "Sure we can continue to talk while the ship prepares for the transition." She took a seat in one of the chairs, "Obviously the Tin-Ta'a felt that you would be of value to the mission. As for my unit, while you might consider it a fighting unit. To me they are my friends and sisters. We survived together on Âmuar by working together. It felt strange to work with other groups. As part of our training we learned to work with others; but it takes time to develop teaming. Our team aboard the Yome Ismâopate is being watched carefully. As I am sure you can understand there were some who objected to our joining the Defense Force. When we go on the mission, I will be receiving these Stako's data, visual, and sensors."
Murr/Yanga Den

Yanga felt his own heart flutter when Murr hugged him to her, though he was more capable of ignoring the other feelings that came with such a close and intimate position as they were in at that moment. When he was signaled he grinned, pushed himself up and licked the corner of her mouth and wiggled his ears teasingly as he slid away from her and stretched a bit. He swapped into his uniform with careful grace and speed. ["I will find you later."] He promised and then he headed out to find Alpin and get off to their briefing.
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