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RP: Yome Ismâopate Mission 3.0 – Avenging the betrayed (Pilajo yleg’te )

Murr/Yanga Den

Murr gave a soft smile at the kiss, yet felt relieved when Yanga moved off of her. She paused to watch him stretch and change into duty uniform. Then scrambled to her feet as she nodded to his paw-speak. Since she was already in duty uniform, exited their assigned quarters. Him going one way and her the opposite way.

His scent lingered on her as she moved through the corridors of Yome Ismaopate as crew emerged from their secured place during the 'Tunneling" to return to duty as she was in the progress of doing herself. She had a bounce in her step and her tail moved a bit more than to help keep her balance.

She entered the Security gathering spot and moved to see the Security Chief, Tigar Taeas. She checked herself out and looking her best. Still with the shipboard pistol, baton and other security gear all in their proper places. She announced her presence by politely knocking on the open door frame.

She paw-spoke, ["Sasâvyjo'sa Taeas, I am reporting in. I've been cleared by medical to return to duty. Awaiting my assignment."] She stood at attention awaiting his/her response.
Memi's cabin.

Taeto listened to the warnings from the bridge. She grabbed hold of the chair she was next to as the ship went through the wormhole. She watched a few of Memi's thing shift, and kept an eye out should something important be in hazard. Once the event was over she smiled.

"Well, I know where I will be. My team and I have been assigned to join the ground operation. Should be exciting, especially getting to the surface without using the ship." she said with a smile and a twinkle of excitement in her eyes. "Perhaps you will join us."

Security room

Taeas looked a Murr. "Well, you will be going down to the surface with the team to investigate. The Tin-Ta'a has not given the details of the mission, or the roles of the groups. That will come once we get closer to our destination."
Security Room

Murr nodded, even though she was at attention, she seamed to straighten up even farther at the mention she was still going to be part of the combat team. ["I'll turn in my Security equipment and head to the briefing room."] She paw-spoke with delight. ["Is there anything else I need to be aware of?"]
Wapoin Ruosa

"This will be rather interesting then. I already did some peeking into the medical data that was added and it's going to be a bit of work." La'tâ pulled the new data on the Niko up once more. "Treating injuries wont be too difficult, but medicine is going to be an interesting challenge, they have such a strong metabolism."
Wapoin Ruosa

"Well, remember no matter how fascinating their physiology may be. They are members of the clan and this crew. Not laboratory specimens. I heard a number of folks while on leave discussing using some of them in just such a capacity. Needless to say I gave them a very stinging reply to that. And notified their Ruoka as well."

Security Room

"You will learn everything you need in the formal briefing." Taeas replied.

Ship Wide

Through out the ship an unfamiliar resonance could be heard, along with the resonance there was a surge of acceleration.

The baritone voice of Toidorno came from the speakers of the ship's intercom system. "Attention all hands. We have engaged our Tinvyma Piatypeda and are running under full stealth to our destination. Stand by for an announcement from the Tin-Ta'a."

After a moment Qaedal spoke, "Ovuhu-te crew of the Yome Ismâopate. We are heading to the star system that the Âmuso Ibâka visited before she was attacked. The brain, Kamago, that Memi rescued before the ship exploded was able to provide us some details. This system is called Âyemovi. So named because it is the furthest claimed system from World Station. It is a reserved system that will one day be colonized by our people. We know that the crew of the Âmuso Ibâka found something that should not be there. Kamago has confirmed that a settlement was spotted by the survey team.

We are going to Âyemovi to find out who is there. There will be three teams going to the surface. The first team will be lead by the Tin-Ta'a. The second team will be lead by Sâvyjo'sa Keyul Aaeas. The third team is comprised of our newest crew members the Niko Yârme. Specific objectives will be given to each group once we arrive at our destination. Sâvyjo'sa Memi Sotar; you will be going with the second team. However you are going as a non-combatant. In order to ensure surprise we will not be landing the ship. The teams will descent to the surface by Kytaro Qyatu. Tin-Ta'a out."

Toidorno's voice once more filled the ship. "We are 45 minutes from our objecting. Briefing will be in 30 minutes. All personnel designated for the mission will receive a message via their datapad. That is all."
Security Room

Murr nodded as the surge was felt through the ship, instinctively braced herself by leaning in the direction of the bow of the ship and bending her knees to adsorb the acceleration surge. As she gave the signs of respect to a senior crewmember of the Yome Ismaopate, ship's public address system came alive with the announcement. She listened to the announcement carefully till it was completely over with.

Once again Murr gave the signs of respect and spun and darted from Taeas' presence to turn in her Security gear and shipboard weapons to the Security armorer in charge of the weapons when not in use.
Wapoin Ruosa

"I have no intention of using them as an experiment, I just want to learn as much from them as a can." La'tâ gave a smile that showed her fangs a little, the only thing she would treat as an experiment would be a Mishhu, everything else was deserving of honor.
Wapoin Ruosa

Jaqsi smiled, "I did not think you would. But as I said; there are those who would. I do not hold with such behavior. You better start gathering medical supplies. You will probably need them on this mission."


Toidorno turned to Qaedal, "Sar, we are receiving data from the Kyntaqo. There is activity present on the planet." Qaedal looked at his Tin-To'a. "Give the specifics to the crew. They need to know what we are up against."

Toidorno activated the ship wide channel. "Niasino, vonatin!" he said in a loud voice. "The Kyntago that we launched has transmitted its findings. Our teams will be deployed based upon the tactical data.

There are three objectives. Firstly, there is what appears to be a crude Mâhoa Âdor. The Kyntago identified at least four tinsae. At least one of them is a fighting ship. Activity would seem to indicate that they loading up and preparing to depart. My team will be assigned to securing the Mâhoa Âdor and preventing the ships from launching. We have identified the settlement that the Âmuso Ibâka found on their survey. The Kyntago identified a number of energy signatures that are most likely Stako. Sâvyjo'sa Keyul Aaeas will lead the second group. Their objective is to secure the settlement, and disable any Stako they encounter.

The third objecting is a location 16 dâtâoka north of the settlement. The area is obscured from detailed scan. This most likely means that there is something important to those on the surface there. Our newest crew members will investigate this location. They will also serve as backup to first groups if necessary."

Toidorno looked at his console. "All designated personnel should report to the hold and prepare their Stako. We will be in orbit above the planet in twenty minutes. We will disembark to the surface using the Kytaro Qyatu. I will entertain questions once everyone is in their unit." He switched off the intercom.

"Good Hunting Toidorno." Qaedal said to his friend.
Yome Ismaopate :: P.A. Bay

Murr practically ran through the ships corridors to the Armor Bay. Slipping by the slower crew and entering the bay. She moved with purpose, shedding her outer layer of clothing to reveal the skin suit she wore underneath her ship board uniform. Securing her uniform in her assigned locker, and switching over to her more lethal combat service pistol that she could wear inside her upgraded Dahome. She stood within the circle and heard the machinery come alive to encase her in her assigned armor.

Murr realized she was in the wrong armor, when the Stakos were being brought out from their stowage compartments. She looked over at the Head Tech and he pointed at Stakos. She sighed and stepped back within the circle. Sending the signal for the machinery to remove and stow her upgraded Dahome.

She smirked at the Tech as she gave 'wtf?' shrug as she moved over to the first available Stako and worked her way into it to his soft laughter at her eagerness to be the first ready to sally forth into the face of danger.

"Remember kitten. We don't have an infinite supply of these things. Nor the parts." As he helped her into the Stako to get armored up. "Let someone else hog the Medic's attention."

Murr gave him a sign of affirmative as the Stako sealed shut encasing her.

Once encased, she stepped out of the circle, moving over to the now open weapon storage area. She used the interface between her body to the Armor and activating the synthetic voice program. Transferring her intended thoughts into the mechanical voice from the external speakers on the Armor she was encased in. Her EOD Kit, Main Assault weapon and extra ammo.

She moved out of the way of the next arrival wanting to get armed. She moved over to bench or table to secure everything in their assigned place, awaiting for whom ever was leading her group and farther instructions. She was looking forward to this new way of disembarking from the Ismaopate, yet had trepidations of things going badly wrong.
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Wapoin Ruosa

When she heard Jaqsi's word La'tâ paused a moment in thought. Before she had brought along the standard medical equipment for a field mission, however her team was not standard. They had a special sort of attraction to objects that could do them harm and even the simplest missions turned into very dangerous situations because it seemed that Siamaka had seen fit to put them on the path of the great ones, a journey filled with trials and tribulations but it always lead to honor and glory beyond peerage, as long as you could see it through to the end. Such a path was not something to comaplain about or dread, however it was something that must be prepared for.

When she was finally on her way out of the infirmary she had a PM1-1a medical kit along with extra supplies and medicines, some not included normally in the kit as well. Along with it she brought along a handheld radiant healing device with all three emitters. "May you meet honor on this endeavor." She gives a light bow to Jaqsi before she leaves and makes her way to the Stako bay.

Stako Bay

Upon arrival La'tâ made her way to her assigned stako, it was once again a Goa'ismâ and with the standard equipment along with a coil rifle. It was nothing fancy, but she wasn't there for combat strength she was there to make sure everyone got back alive.
Ruonor Stako Yanuto

Keyul entered the Ruonor and crossed over to his Stako. He accessed the hatch and looked around. Seeing La'tâ he called out, "See you on the surface. This promises to be an interesting egress." He climbed into his Matu'dahoka and settled into the cockpit seat and secured himself in with the padded straps. When he activated the unit, the hatch closed and the instrumentation came on as the unit's systems powered up. Once it had completed power up, he sent the command to release his stako from the nook. He took a couple of experimental steps and then checked his unit's arms. Satisfied he then reached over to the rack next to his unit and removed the Rotygo Akko Stako secured their.

Memi's Quarters

Taeto looked at Memi. "Well I need to get to the Ruonor and join my sisters. The Tin-Ta'a and Tin-To'a will be watching us. I look forward to learning to draw some more from you after the mission." She gave a brief salute to Memi and darted out the door. She ran through the passageways making her way aft and down to the deck that the Ruonor was located. Once in the Ruonor she slowed down to a jog. She approached her Goa'ismâ she saw her sisters climbing into theirs. She opened the hatch and darted into.
Ruonor Stako Yanuto

Murr caught the sudden movement of one of Furless Ones darting past her as she put the last touches to her Stako armaments. The whine of power-up emanated from her Armored suit. Those that were familiar, knew that was weapons systems coming alive for use.

Murr stood still, with her eyes tightly closed as she fought the unexplained urge to expend deadly rain of fire upon the Furless Ones. With eyes closed, on her minds screen she saw the golden medallion spinning as it swung back and forth. The soft murmuring of a droning voice that she couldn't quite grasp. She fought the urge with her whole being as her weapon clicked from fire mode to safe / stand-by mode.

She shook within the confines of her Stako as her bio-readings slowly dropped back to normal from the surge of combat adrenaline. Her Stako stood still as a statue hiding the battle that raged inside it.

Murr was thankful that the Neko's weren't teamed up with her team. For in the heat of battle, who knew what would happen. She was afraid to find out the hard way. It was bad enough to have them aboard the Ismaopate.
Ruonor Stako Yanuto

La'tâ turned her attention to Keyul as he spoke, returning a grin to him. "Hopefully while interesting there will not be much need for my talents." She closed the hatch after speaking and began to test the controls and systems, make sure everything was working properly. She noticed the numbers of Niko Yârne participating and smiled, she did not expect them to become so dedicated so quickly, but it was refreshing to see. Witht eh push of a button she opened the radio channel to her squadmates "I think it's good that the Niko Yârne are participating so quickly."
Ruonor Stako Yanuto

Even as he walked, Memi went over the conversation he had just had with the Niko Yârne. She was nice and all, and he didn't realized she was not the same as him until she was leaving his cabin. Was she a witch? Shrugging as he walked into the Ruonor Stako Yanuto, Memi climbed into his customed Stako thinking about that Niko.

As the systems came up, he checked the remotes to his recording equipment he had installed on the exterior of the Stakos. "I think this should work, he said to no one in particular even as he hear La`Ta comment about the Niko. With a smile he nodded.
Ruonor Stako Yanuto

Menacing "hisssssssss" was the only response from Murr back over the squad communications channel as Murr inputted commands to the Stako Linked weapons to be safed if and when the targeting system scanned across Niko Yârne and prevent the weapons from firing at them, along with her teammates.

She finally moved into position to be one of the first through the "Portal". Deep down she knew that the Niko Yarne were new people of the Poku. She tried to convince herself that they was just furless cats. But them voices in her head told her otherwise. An Abomination like herself. Which made her angry all over again and seethe with the knowledge on how she was treated and she was passing it on. Whomever did this to her, she wished ... prayed that hell would fall upon them in spades.

Murr knew she would travel the pathways to hell for the crew of the Ismaopate, even the Niko Yarne that were now known members of the ship and crew. If she could defeat this implanted hatred. She had to find a way to work around it and neutralize it. Before it neutralized her and ruin her Family's Honor and faith n trust in her, allowing her to take the tests into Adulthood.

She squatted in position for the rest of the team get ready and fall into position for the assault as herself waged war with herself to overcome the induced hatred that she knew too well. She was respected and trust from her peers, superiors for she had worked hard in proving herself that she was just as good or better than those that were without handicaps that usually meant a death sentence before the Naming and recognized.
Toidorno stepped forward in his Stako. He approached the new piece of equipment that had been added. "Potos activate the Kytaro Qyatu. Behind the Tin-To'a the device activated and a whirring sound could be heard. Several sections of the unit started to glow with an almost painful intensity. "Welcome to state of the technology. This device will allow us to reach the surface without risking the ship. Also in future boarding operations. it can eliminate the need for space walking." Toidorno said.

A moment later the energies reached a critical stage and with a flash a vortex was created. Beyond the device instead of seeing the cargo hold. Trees, shrubs and grass were clearly visible in a clearing. At that moment a ramp with hand rests rose from the floor and went into the vortex.

"This is a new application of our technology to warp space with tunnels. One step through this and you will be on the surface some 100,000 km below. The transfer point is only .3 meters so even without a Stako you could step or hop through. Once you step through keep moving and then take up a defensive position. If you stop, you will find yourself pushed by the next person. Remember these people were willing to attack and murder a ship crewed by families who were serving the clan.

We will reposition the vortex after each team has gone through. There is only one thing you need to be careful of. Do not touch the vortex, doing so with your Stako will result in damage to it. Touching the vortex with your flesh can result in amputation, or other serious injury. " Toidorno looked around.

"Team one, time to earn our pay. Move out." He called and the members of his group strode up to the ramp and with small hop went through and moved across the ground. After the last of them were through, he moved into position. "Keyul, take group two through on the vortex stabilizes."

Keyul moved forward as he watched the Tin-To'a step through. The vortex wavered and Potos called out. "Vortex stabilized, team two good to go."

Keyul looked as his fellow crew mates. "Murr, you go first. La'tâ you go after her. Yanga and Alpin you go after them, Memi go before me. "
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Ismaopate -> Planet Surface

Murr shot through the opening, in one step as her trailing foot left ship's PA Deck, Her leading foot hit hard packed dirt of the planet. From Artificial light to natural sunlight in a micro second it took her to travel through event horizon of the Vortex. Weapons became hot and ready to fire as she rushed ahead to give room to those following. Weapon up as she scanned for hostiles. Her recording devices and cameras were active as this would make good footage for her reports and debriefings.

Her Stako scanners were feeding information to her as she was ready to lay down killing fire to anyone foolish to attack. She was ready for round two with the behemoth battle armor she ran into on Ibaka before shore leave.
Ruonor Stako Yanuto -> Surface

La'tâ watched as the Kytaro Qyatu activated with a smile. She had heard about this but it was not her specialty so she wasn't sure about the status of the project, but being able to see it in it's completed state was something rather amazing. She made sure she listened to all mention of procedure so that she wouldn't get anything wrong and waited for it to be her group's turn.

The Tula took a slower pace than Murr on her way through the vortex, after all this was the first time, and she wasn't exactly sure of the nature of the terrain on the other side. Making sure to stay sure footed she made her way through and quickly tried to gauge her surroundings as she continued to walk forward to not crowd the exit to the vortex. "We are in possibly hostile territory, but haste causes mistakes Sar Whisk." She spoke over the communications line once she was situated, wanting to keep the injuries to a minimum this time around.

Murr came to a stop far enough away from the opening to allow those followed room to follow without her hindering their progress through Species created Vortex. Yet in a good spot that offered her some protection against hostile fire, to protect those following as she had the advantage of being prepped and aware of her surroundings.

From her perspective, The Team and herself still had the element of surprise and the enemy was still unaware of their presence on the planet yet. She sent an affirmative acknowledgement signal to La'ta. But she still found herself as point and protector of those disembarking via vortex portal. She was willing to face the wrath and more injuries for their safety. In this job there was no room for those who hesitate, worrying about one's own safety. That's why there was medics and doctors back on the ship for support for the foolishly brave. She hunkered down to make herself a smaller target and more stable firing platform for herself and weapons.

Through her link with vine that one of the previous crew gave her, tried to send out tentative contact with the plants to gather what intel she could get. Being more aware of the undisciplined of wild plants contact, she set up mental defenses against the rush once contact was made.

Murr sent out feeling of friendship and apology that they mean no harm, just passing through to get to the others that had brought harm and destruction to those that were under their protection amongst the stars. And allowing her to 'see' and 'feel' about those that Team 2 was about to face.

Being Aware on two fronts, elevated her bio-energy readings as Murr communed with the plants as the others were disembarking.
The site where the team lead by Keyul came out on the surface was in a clearing surrounded by large trees. Above the trees a bright blue sky was visible. Only a few high level clouds could be seen. The Stako navigation systems oriented based on the data supplied by the Yome Ismâopate's brain Tasi. It gave a bearing to their objective and distance of 3 dâtâoka.

Keyul watched his team members pass through the portal. Then with a nod to the other team, he walked quickly towards the portal and hopped across the threshold. His Matu'dahoka landed on the surface with a thump and then he moved clear of the passage. He surveyed the area ensuring that all his members were present. He then waved to those on the ship and watched the vortex vanish.

He activated his external speakers. "Maintain radio silence. Use your external speakers, or laser comm. We do not want to announce our presence. Rules of Combat, for this mission controlled fire. We are going into a settlement and I do not want non-combatants being shot by wild rounds. However, if someone points a weapon at you. Consider them a combatant.

Murr for now you are with me. Hexagonal spread team. Let's go."
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