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RP: Yome Ismâopate Mission 3.0 – Avenging the betrayed (Pilajo yleg’te )

Murr took off between the building, moving quickly and keeping low as flanked to the left. Hoping that La'ta would be able to keep up with her movements. Gaging how the shadows lay, would use them to her advantage by the silhouette of the shadow to determine the armor she would be facing. And if they was hiding around the corner in ambush, their shadow would give them away. She kept her scanners on passive, receiving signals from those that were transmitting. She couldn't do much about thermals she was emitting. It would be definitely skill verses skill when it came to a fight and who fire first and accurately.
La'tâ switched her communications over to secure mode and then switched off active scanners. Once everything was secure she made her way after Murr, she could've kept up moving quickly right beside her, but she chose to keep some distance, so that if they were ambushed they wouldn't both be wiped out in one volley. Since she was moving at a slower pace she made her motions more deliberate and carefully, making as little noise as possible. At every corner they came to she would keep her eyes on the corner as well as Murr ready to retaliate against any shots in her direction or support in taking down someone who comes around the corner unsuspecting.
Blinking in his Stako, Memi frowned but started all of his recording equipment up. Slowly he fell in a bit behind La'tâ and Murr. He wanted to make sure he stayed out of their way but also close enough to record everything they were doing. Even as he played chronicler he powered up his weapons and hoped he wouldn't have to need it. The nerves that always started to get on edge before a fight started to do their things, along with the sweat started to clam up and mat his fur.
As Murr and La'tâ made their way through the structures. They would notice that most of them had the window shutters closed. Any ruoka that did not have them closed; closed them when they could see the crew's Stako. The emissions sensors were now tracking what appeared to be four Stako. Three of them were were at least as powerful as a HS-MH3 Fusion Reactor. The other one was in the HS-M1 Fusion Reactor. The larger signatures were moving in a direction that was in line with Keyul's unit.

Keyul increased his speed down the road on the east side. Seeing the projected path of several of the signatures. He switched on his active sensors, and he armed the countermeasure system. When he was approaching engagement range, he activated his integrated weapon systems. If these people meant to fight, he wanted his stance to be unmistakable.
Left Flank

As Keyul signature flared on her sensors, Murr moved fast using Keyul's ploy of drawing attention to himself. She advanced fast, her Stako feet crushing anything in her path as well making sounds as stealth wasn't needed, she needed to get her tail into position quickly. Coming up on the last of the ruokas, she readied her weapons, engaging the gyros for a more stable platform for accurate fire. As she cleared the last building, she lit up her active scanners as soon as she visually spotted the enemy Power Armors, She let loose a deadly rain of accurate fire at the closest one to her. The die had been cast and now it was up to the Fates to decide who would be the victors. She stayed close to the rouka incase she needed to use it for cover.
Left Flank

La'tâ continued to fallow after Murr at a distance, even more diligent when she noticed the reactor types of the majority of the targets. Three battle bears and one scout, this wasn't going to be a fight they could take head on. Se made sure Keyul was getting the reactor readings from everything, though she was sure he was and then moved herself to a decent vantage point, taking aim at the enemies with her weapon. She kept it in single fire, wanting accuracy over anything at this point and waited. At least she planned to wait, but Murr had attacked before they were ordered and now they were both at risk for retaliation, not bothering to switch to active sensors yet the Tula gave support fire, aiming for any large held weapons, starting with the bigger units, maybe if she could disarm them the fight would end without blood shed.
Right Flank

Keyul watched his tactical displays. He noted Murr and La'tâ's position, as well as those following behind him. With a simple mental command he locked his weapons onto the traitors. It was when they all had locked onto him, that he sent a message to all his units.

"Attention all units, fire on the hostiles when they open fire on my position. Go for disabling hits. We want people to interrogate, not bits of bodies we have to try to identify." Keyul then reached over for a switch on a panel that had been added to his stako. He brought his unit to a stop as his sensors showed that the enemy's weapons were hot and about to fire. He flipped a switch and watched the instrumentation on his main console. He then offered a simple prayer to Siamaka that the technicians had installed the experimental equipment properly. He watched as his HS-MH3-W75401 Sumanâ-a Rotyka went to standby and a shimmering glow started to form.

At that moment. The hostile units all opened fire at his Matu'dahoka; and the external displays went blazed with light.

Murr and La'tâ both lost visual on Keyul's Stako and their tactical systems showed that the first massive volley had been trained on him.

Murr's target was one of the battle bears. her initial volley of weapon fire peppered the larger Stako's armor since its weapons and such were facing away from her. She should see a number of pock marks and dents appear in the surface. A few whisps of smoke came from some of the larger ones.

La'tâ from her vantage point, could see the hand and arm mounted weapons on the left side of one of the hostile battle bears. Her volley at the arm mounted weapon system struck and the arm weapon started spewing smoke.
Left Flank

With battle fully engaged. Murr glared and if looks could kill, her stako would be first to die, then Battle-bears she was facing. With at much fire upon 1 Stako. No way anyone would've survived. If they did it would be a miracle. She focused with well aimed shots at weapons systems of the Battle-bears. Then at the weak points of the enemy armor to incapacitate them.
Left Flank

Now that the enemy was aware of her position, La'tâ switched from single fire to burst, she was no sniper so such an accurate shot would not be possible on a target moving in anticipation of her shots now. Giving up precision in favor of likelihood to hit and power, she trained her sights on the legs of her opponents, first she aimed for the scout, it had the weakest armor and would be the most problem if it started moving around. If she could get her first target to drop, then she would move on to the bears, doing much the same to them.
Behind the Left Flank

With his stako recording everything, Memi powered up his weapons and followed slowly. Trying to stay out of the way of the real fighters he didn't want to leave them hanging if his weapons could help. Sweat was now pouring through his fur, causing the whole of the pilot area to start reeking of wet dank fur. Cautiously he continued forward watching the repeat glows of the enemy on his sensors. Thinking about it for a moment, he took a moment to set the sensors to record onto one of his memory drives to add to the recordings.
Murr's assault on the closest of the bears took out several of their integral weapons. It also had the effect of getting them to turn towards her and start targeting her Stako.

La'tâ's strategy to target the smaller Stako's legs proved to be effective. She weapons sheared the leg of just below the knee. The unbalanced unit fell to the ground with a crash and an audible yell.

Meanwhile, Keyul took a moment to assess his condition. He was quite frankly surprised that his ploy had worked better than he had hoped. His main console showed a number of systems offline, or requiring resetting. Both of his built in arm weapons were out. "Qopo, the prototypes worked." he said to himself. He switched power from the overloaded generators to his waist cannons and started moving. The Battlebear felt sluggish, probably due to some of the damage it had sustained the over powered status of the control system. His sensors were still active but the comm system was recycling. He started moving towards the hostiles.

From Murr and La'tâ's position Keyul's Stako vanished in multiple balls of explosions. So the last thing to be expected was to see his Stako emerging from the maelstrom and enter the fray. He fired with his remaining weapons at the Battlebear swiveling towards Murr. His cannons cut deep into the Stako because of the damage that she had done to the rear. It did not destroy the Stako but it spun out of control and crashed to the ground face down.
Left Flank

Murr moved once the enemy battle-bears turned to face her. Then one dropped as Keyul's transponder became active on her screen again. She felt elation and 'oh shit' at the same time. Two of the Battle bears were more than a match for her Stako. Now maneuverability and speed with well aimed shots will keep her alive and effective.

Murr drew the remaining Battle-bears' attention and fire away from the non-combatants anyway possible. She moved to flank them, thus allowing one to shoot at her. She kept up a steady rate of fire at them as she moved with purpose.
La'tâ was more than a little surprised to see that Keyul's stako made it out without any problems, however the fight wasn't over yet and she needed to stay focused. With only two targets left, she switched back to single fire mode and began to back up. While she was retreating she took careful shots at the general area of the sensors on the mech, wanting to at least partially disable them so they could take advantage.
Murr's strategy worked mostly, her agility helping. Although one of the Battle bears got a lucky hit. The blast slammed into her stako's left hip tearing through most of the armor there. The joint itself was intact. So her tactical system showed yellow. One of her shots pierced the leg armor of the hostile. Jamming the ankle actuator and limiting it's mobility.

La'ta's sniping damaged the sensors systems of the two stako. Which left them using visual for combat.

Keyul's stako limping forward moved to get a vantage point. He brought up his cannon and targeted one of the units that La'ta'ks was sniping. He aimed at the base of the stako's head and fired a burst. Severing the head from the unit which shut the unit down until the operator could override.
Murr eyes narrowed as she and her stako shuddered from the hit. She returned fire with a vengeance on the remaining standing with limited maneuverability as she moved in the direction of the stronger leg of the Battle-bear she was facing, giving her that edge she desperately needed. She fired again at the wounded ankle of the Battle-Bear to really cripple it, letting the recoil of the weapon to rise up the leg to take out any more joints in the process, as she poured fire at the remaining standing Battle-Bear.

She wanted just one mission to bring back an undamaged Stako. She was angry as she maneuvered. But she kept her focus.
La'tâ kept her distance so that she could keep an eye on the situation, the damage Murr took was a little concerning, but there were no other generators on her sensors besides these in front of them, so a sudden flanking ambush was unlikely to come. She decided not to hold back on the aggression and focus on taking the last target down quickly to minimize the chance of more damage. So she took aim and began to assist Murr in shooting the legs out from under the stako.
Murr's and La'tâ assault upon the Battlebear was sufficient to destroy the damaged leg from the knee down. The hapless Stako fell to the ground in heavy thud.

Keyul routed his communications through the auxiliary surface mounted antenna. The range was not as good as the primary, but it enabled him to contact the others. "Good work. Let's round up the operators. Then provided things stay quiet, we can affect some repairs."

The operators of the hostile stako's opened their hatches and climbed out of their disabled craft. They stood together; looking at the crew from the Yome and giving defiant looks.
Murr safed her weapons of choice and reloaded the projectile shooters with a fresh magazine as she kept alert on the unarmored operators climbing out from their Stakos and Battle-Bears. She scanned the area for any hidden surprises. Heat sources from powered up reactors of the Stakos that were playing possum till the friendlies had their guards down. She was happy that all was damaged was the Stakos, but still miffed at the damage done to her Stako.

From what she could see the Roukas had some battle damage from stray shots that missed their intended targets. She hoped those inside were okay. But right now, her main focus was on the defeated operators. To keep them pacified till the support troops showed up to take them into final custody. She was happy to see Keyul still in action but covered in soot and scorch marks. What ever saved his tail, she wanted on her Stako also.

She sent a text message to him on secured channel :: It's good to see you amongst the living, Pack Leader Keyul. Trying to catch up to me on burning out your 9 lives? ::
La'tâ was relived when the final stako went down, the hard part was over, now it was jsut a matter of securing and taking them back. She did follow the standard procedure and scanned the surroundings with her sensor suite to make sure everything was okay. She kept her eyes on the pilots though, she didn't trust them and she wanted to keep them intimidated, since it would be nearly impossible to fire at them with a stako to stop them without killing them. "Will we be taking them in or will another squad come?"
Keyul looked around. He opened the squad channel. "No, not trying to race to join with Siamaka. Desperate situation called for creative tactics. Though I can not claim divine intervention. My stako was equipped with prototype shield generators. So the worst of their barrage was stopped by the shield." He said pointing to the smoking devices on his unit's shoulders. Once they go into production, everyone on our squad will have them fitted. They do require a bit of strategy to use them effectively."

He looked around for a place to secure their captives. "Don't know about another squad, we're running a bit short with three separate teams on the surface. La'tâ, look for a nearby storage unit that we can put these malcontents into and secure. I'm going to help Murr replace some of her armor on her Stako."
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