Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Yome Ismâopate Mission 3.0 – Avenging the betrayed (Pilajo yleg’te )

Murr ran active scans to 'see' where her vision was blocked by buildings. She sent a brief burst of transmitting static of acknowledgement to Keyul. The weight of being the only one that was combat ready and armed and armored for battle. She hoped that the Niko Yarme didn't waste any time in getting to them.

While Murr keeping an 'eye' on things, the villagers began to get braver and started to peek out through parted curtains and barely opened doors as things were to quiet to see what was happening. Then the villagers began yelling to their neighbors for information.

Murr evesdropped on the various conversations between the villagers as they yelled back and forth to each other their questions and answers. It was interesting to listen to as questions were passed to those that could see the team and then the answers passed back outward.

Some of the bolder ones began to appear in doorways looking at two open Power Armors of the Poku Invaders. One sitting in midst the four destroyed town defensive force Power Armor.

Murr wanted them to go back inside their homes, but had no way to enforce it unless she shot at them. But she used wisdom in just remaining alert and keeping an eye on things. Even in power armor, they would win for they had the numbers and home territory advantage.
La'tâ's examination of Keyul confirmed that there was no major blood vessel damage. There was sufficient trauma that he would need a few days to recover once they were back on the ship. His pelvis had a hairline fracture caused by the shrapnel. There was muscle damage which made ever breath he took an exercise in pain. And there was of course the potential for infection. Keyul did as the Healer told him too. It was the quickest way to get back into his Stako and be able to watch over his team.

Murr would hear brief bursts of garbled transmissions.These were most likely communications from those who were reporting what they saw. Without the encryption though all she could do was triangulate their positions. There was not a lot of transmission at the moment.

Across Murr's speakers can the voice of one of the new crew members Taeto . "Moving at maximum speed. ETA 10 minutes. Please advise if your situation changes."
:: Village ::

Murr quickly typed up the report.
:: 1 Wounded Team Leader Keyul; 1 Medic treating Keyul and Villagers; 1 unknown. | 2 combat ineffective; exterior of Armor. 1 Combat effective, (me; Murr Whisk) Villagers are getting restless. Picked up Hostile transmissions to unknown location. ::

She sent that off to Taeto and a copy to Keyul for his records and report. Then one to ship Yome Ismaopate to keep them informed of the current situation as it was happening.
La'tâ let out a sigh after her examination was done, it was hard to tell if it was relief or something else. "Keyul-Sar, I know if I tell you that you should not fight in this condition you will not listen." As she spoke she continued with her bandaging, nothing permanent, but making sure it was satisfactory for combat. "You have muscle damage in your abdomen so breathing will be hard, and if you put your body under a lot of stress the hairline fracture in your hip might expand. I know the situation might escalate and you might need to dismount, but until then try to stay in your stock and off your feet." After she finished bandaging him and treating his wounds, she took off her gloves and gave Keyul an antibacterial to help prevent infection. "Most of all though, try not to rotate your torso too much, right now there's no damage to any arteries or veins, but there is no telling how close you are to tearing something more."

Keyul watched La'tâ as he performed her tasks. "Thank you La'tâ. I am sure you have done your usual excellent work. I will do my best to avoid doing anything that will undo your handiwork. Although rightly so that depends on the people here. I plan on getting into my Stako and let it do all the moving. I will strap myself firmly into the chair, so I won't be able to twist or rotate." She slowly rose to his feet using the nearest object to assist. "So what is your opinion of those we captured? Do you trust them?" He said heading towards the entrance. "I really have no desire to slaughter non-combatants."


As Murr watched the area around her Taeto kept providing a status for the reinforcements. A group of about eight Qaktoro can walking down the street towards the scene of the battle. Those in the lead walked with their arms held away from their bodies. Showing that they were unarmed. As they got closer a brown furred female stepped to the front. "We do not want to fight. Fighting here will mean many of our friends and family members will be injured. We have brought medical supplies for any who are injured."

A mile down the main road a series of explosions could be seen and heard. The Stako of the Niko Yârme were being fired upon by individuals with anti-stako weapons. "Looks like some of these folks aren't' ready to surrender. Disarm the hostiles. Do not fire upon them." Taeto ordered her team.
:: Inside the Village ::

Murr sent a quick message to La'ta and Keyul. :: 8 Qaktoro offering to assist with the wounded and bringing medical supplies. Reinforcement being engaged outside of the town ::

She tensed up at hearing the distance weapons fire and ordinance going off. She stood up from her crouched defensive position within the makeshift fort of ruined battle armor. She pointed her assault weapon to the sky as she ran scans over the 8 Qaktoro. She motioned them to stand fast. Then pointed to the one who stepped forward and spoke to her. She pointed to the house where La'ta and Keyul was at.

Murr agreed with the Leader of the 8. She quickly made a holographic speech balloon, letting them see what she was instructing them to do. :: The one that stepped forward. Please enter the building I pointed out. Talk with our Medic and Team Leader. Rest of you, please have a seat or return to your house. It would be dishonorable to fire upon peaceful cooperative Poku ::

Murr wanted to rush down the street to get involved with the firefight. But her duty was here. She stayed where she was at.

La'tâ helped Keyul to his feet and then gave a soft nod to his response. "That's about as much I can hope for in these circumstances." She then turned her attention to the captives. "It is not so much that I trust them..but as long as they cooperate with us they have chance at a lighter punishment. They put themselves at more risk if they cause trouble so I believe we can expect they at least wont do something that results in our death."

"Very true, if the majority of these folks were misled and had nothing to do with the attack on that ship. They could very well get to stay here, but with the Tonai putting a new governing body in to monitor them..." Keyul stopped as an explosion in the distance was heard.

"Well, it seems that someone has decide to not be passive. Best tell our guests to get into the shelter, and then return to your Stako." He activated his communicator. "Murr-sar. Report what the kefqâ is going on out there?" he said moving towards the entrance.

Murr responded quickly via text

:: Reinforcements are being attacked. Estimated range 1 mile outside of town. By ground troops. Niko Yârme team enroute here to assist. But gotten waylaid. Our Chronicler has disappeared. Got 8 Qakturo out here wanting to assist in medical relief of the wounded. Ones approaching you guys now. Awaiting farther orders. ::

Murr exercised great patience at hearing the skirmish going on outside of the town. She motioned the other seven to return to their houses as she lowered her weapon into a more business like manner to lend more credence to her silent demands.

La'tâ nodded in response to Keyul, giving him a gentle pat on the back as he headed out. She then turned her attention to the prisoners. "Looks like another battle is about to start, get to shelter you don't want to get caught in the crossfire." After she spoke she made her way out, normally she would make sure that they were safe before leaving them, but this was their home they knew it better than her, and her squad was too small to be down a member. So she climbed back into her stako and booted up all her systems.
Keyul fired a response to Murr, "Ensure they do not have any weapons and let them in to assist with the wounded. I want you and La'tâ to form up with me. I don't like the idea of our backup being ambushed."

He then opened the channel to both of his team mates, "Sar-La'tâ, we're going to assist the Niko Yarme. I want you on the right side of the road. Sar-Murr, I want you on the left. I will come up the center of the road, but I will be odâ dāīă behind you two. I'd rather not fire Stako weapons are unarmored personnel, so unless they are in Dahome, aim for objects near them. Even firing at the ground near them the concussive force should shake them up."

Keyul then opened a channel to the Niko, "Sar Taeto, we are coming to your position."
Murr nodded to the locals after a quick scan. They were true to their word. They had medical supplies and trying to right wrongs. Murr moved from her position of Defensive over-watch to take her place on the left side of the road. She doubled check the Security Measures to prevent fratricide of the Niko Yarme.

Shoot to miss?! Murr wondered if Keyul had brain damage from the poundings he took twice. It went against the ingrained training of a soldier. This mission was getting weirder and weirder. What next would they be doing? Handing out flower and frolicking in the fields? That had its own appeal for this place was a living planet, not the ones they was terraforming under domes or on World-station.

Murr was itching to get going as she waited for the others to get into position.
Taeto looked around at the attackers, She approached a ground glider, and when she got near it, gave it a push with her left leg. Sending the vehicle towards one of the cluster of Takavonai who were attacking her group. "Surrender, you can not defeat us with the weapons you have and you are outnumbered. Put an end to this." She said through her speakers.
La'tâ quickly adjusted her sensor suite as she moved into formation. She made sure her biological sensors were calibrated to high sensitivity to detect life but she kept the range within 60 dâtâo so she could keep her full sweep for stako and military grade armors at a high range. After making the quick adjustments she then began to move forward. The very concept of this mission was making her think about a few design suggestions that she would be submitting for proper anti-infantry measure for stako in the future, she would need a lot of focus to make sure she didn't kill anyone.
As the group moved down the street they could see the rebellious citizens. Keyul took a quick look at the makeup of the crowd. There were a lot of individuals who had no weapons. "Heads up team. Look at the crowd. I'm making only 1 in 5 has any kind of real weapon. We do not need to create a massacre by opening fire on the crowd. Which I am sure their leaders are hoping we will do." He locked one of his weapons on a a tree that was near some of the protesters. He fired at a sizable branch where it connected to the tree. The effect was fairly effective. First most of the 'combatants' turned to the sound of the branch being blasted from the tree. And those closest found themselves having to deal with the large branch falling onto them.
Murr raised up her stako to its fullest height, ditching the silent graceful mode of movement for the more intimidation factor with the threat of serious violence being held at check. She scanned the crowd before her, targeting the ones with weapons that actually could do serious damage.

Murr rushed forward, letting the sounds of heavy footfall against the ground she strode on be heard. She waded right into the crowd of protesters and snagging the branch that was shot from the tree. She lifted it up and those that hung onto it briefly before shaking them loose.

Thus armed with a leafy club and her assault rifle at ready. She looked over the crowd trying to pinpoint the Leaders or Instigators. She kept moving, lifting her legs high before slamming them down onto the ground to draw attention to the threat that was there. She swung the newly acquired leafy club to disperse the crowd with enough force to make contact and brush them off balance to get them moving.

Those that had actual weapons in paw that could cause serious harm by a lucky shot, she took precision shots with her assault rifle to destroy the weapon, depending on the Stako strength and gyros to keep the weapon steady one handed and using just enough energy to do the job. Not the overkill of all out combat killing shots.
La'tâ looked at the crowd and sighed, she was hoping the situation earlier would've deterred this, but it seemed courage had turned into stubbornness on the colony. She decided to take a more aggressive approach than last time with firing her weapons into the air, instead she pointed her Stako at the crowd and flipped a few switches and made quick adjustments. The lights on the head began to strobe, flashing brightly and quickly at the crowd. Then there was a soft crackle and the audio speaker came on with a sharp high pitch tone that was a bit painful to listen to. There was no need for her to get physical the others were doing that for her so she just needed to make being in the area unpleasant.
Murr's rampage on the attackers was quite impressive and frightening. The branch she was swinging made many of them dive out of the path. Her shots to destroy the weapons they were weilding, did however result in some injuries from the shrapnel created by her weapon destroying the attackers. But the injuries were far less serious than they would have been had she shot them directly. After the first few hits, weapons began to drop from those who did not want to be targeted.

As for La'tâ's tactics, those who had harbored thoughts of pressing on with the offensive soon saw the folly. Her visual and audio assault made the remaining members to drop their weapons and cover their ears as they dropped to their knees.

Keyul watched as his fellow team mates found creative ways to follow his orders. He made a mental note to be sure to emphasize their actions in his report. He sent a response to the Yome. "Sâvyjo'sa Keyul Aaeas to Yome Ismâopate. Situation has been resolved. We require transport for prisoners to be taken to the either the Sky Harbor or the ship."

With the hostility quelled the Niko Yarme took up positions. The hostile citizens were surrounded, and it was clear to all that they had been defeated.
Mur slowly did a 360 amidst them seeing the desired result, she stopped shooting as there was no viable targets nor threat. Her hostile action ceased when the Rioters ceased their action and went to their knees in surrender.

She moved through the subdued rioters now turned prisoners. Her stako feet grinding weapons into the ground underfoot to render them useless as she began to separate the wounded from the non-wounded to make it easier to treat while waiting for transport off-planet.

The sounds of a living planet began to filter through into her subconscious into the conscious part of her mind. Murr opened the vents to the Stako and began purging the recycled air for fresh planetary air with it myriads of smells and sounds of the native avian. This was her second time on a living planet and this time it was sad as it was against Species Kin.
Keyul waited for the response from the ship. Once the message was acknowledged he moved to a position to watch not only these people. But those they left at the other structure.

He sent a message to the Niko Yarme. "Send two of your squad to this location. We have other 'hostiles' being detained there. They are injured and have should have been treated."

He took an at rest position with his Stako, or at least as much of one as he could given his injury. While keeping an eye out for trouble, he took the opportunity to look at the surroundings. It gave him hope for his people, as he thought about other pokuvonai who were getting to live like this. At least those other colonies were sanctioned and their history not tainted as this one would be for some time.

He opened a channel to his team mates. "Living on a world like this does offer an interesting temptation. To make something of yourself, and something to leave to your poku. Perhaps some day, for now there is still much work to be done elsewhere."