Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 January 2025 is YE 47.1 in the RP.

RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 3.1] Menace in the dark

Elisto gave a nod of the head in complience as he banked his fighter around for another pass. He soon spotted the other fighters he had seen in their initial sweep over the area and lifted the faceplate of his helmet.

"Escort two? We've been ordered to land beside several fighters, initate landing sequence but keep your eyes out. We are most vulnerable while landing," sent Elisto as he engaged the Kuwarimes landing gear and banked his fighter around and lined it up with the runway.

He carefully guided her in, keeping an eye on the horizon while also making certain he wasn't off the mark. When he felt the sudden 'bump' he knew he was on the ground and could hear the gravel beneath as his landing gear rolled over it.

It took a few moments for his fighter to slow and once it had he cut most of the power to his engines and slowly brought her in beside a group of fighters.

Once stopped he began to shut down the onboard systems, while also running a diagnostic to make certain nothing was damaged.
A couple of Daisy clad soldiers were walking the improvised landing strip, moving with ease while they visually scanned the area for any sign of trouble. One of them waved at Elisto as they passed.
Errowyn busily scanning her sector and hears Elistor's call to her...

"Escort two? You see anything groundside moving toward our forces?" he asked, wanting to keep Errowyn on her toes"

"Nothing but friendlies and Star Army personel," Errowyn replied softly back as she let Ellisto land first on the dustly run-way.

Working the controls as she came around and lined up with the runway, seeing a vehiclel being pulled by a hover vehicle. When it was her turn to land she came in smooth with landing wheels down and nose up in a nice flairout as her rear wheels hit the runway and soon followed by her nose wheel. With expert reverse thrust and carefully applied braking, she rapidly slow down, leaving behind a small cloud of surface dust cloud till she was going slow enough not to raise any.

She manuevered her Kawarime around along side, next to Ellisto as she began her post flight checks as her canapoy began to raise slowly, shutting down the life support for natural air.

Killing main thrusters, letting the whine of them wind down to the distant sounds of nature and the planet side base camp personel.
Elisto let out a satisfied grunt when he saw Errowyn land and then powerd down his fighter completely before opening the cockpit. In the distance, he waved at the the daisy armor whom waved back at him and then stepped out of his cockpit and did a quick check of his fighters exterior.

He saw some small dents in the hull, most likely caused by the flak fire they had recieved mininutes earlier. When he was finished he turned around and noticed the daisy armor in the distance and man who waved at him, he returned the wave and glanced over at Errowyn before sending that daisy armor pilot a message. His black panels, despite their color, being a bit to obvious in the sunlight.

"Excuse me, but I don't suppose you know where Numi-Chui is?"
Errowyn, stood up in her cockpit of her fighter and stretched, and then climbed out and down to the ground to do her exterior checks, wrinkled her nose at seeing the dents in the ship's armor.

Muttered to herself, "Just once I'd like to return a fighter the same way I got it... Is that too much to ask?" Reaching up and giving the Kawarime a triple pats on the dented hull plates as she continued her checks. Coming around in front of her fighter and seeing Elisto near his fighter still.

"Hey?! Itto-Hei?!" looking over at Elisto. "Have you gotten in contact with Numi-Chui, yet?"
"Did while we were in flight," responded Elisto as he turned back to his fighter and placed a hand up against the dented plates. "Just wanted to wait until you landed before we go and look for her," a smile itched across his face. "I asked a group of daisy pilots, but I doubt I needed to, but it never hurts to ask right?" he winked and gestured for her to follow him.

"Since she was in a hover truck, we might as well look for one aye?" he didn't wait for a response, instead he started walking in the direction he had seen the hover vehicle and it's towed truck during his initial landing sequence all the while waiting to see if the daisy pilots actually got his message.
Move to this thread and you can meet the Chui ICLY.

Out of the Mist

FYI, LUTs are not Hover vehicles, the only hover vehicle the team was using was an Akira. Nashoba. ;)