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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 31: Wakusei

"Those two Mishhu mecha are certainly built sturdy if anything." Rio thought to herself as she saw the less than expected damage her shoulder cannon had done to the machine's leg. It was the only good shot she would get as the fight became a close quarters one in the red lit bay. From the front of the bay Rio quickly found she could not fire on the two mecha without risking striking her teammates. "Taisho, I no longer have a clear line of fire but the second machine has damage to the frontal armor on one of the legs. I'm repositioning." said Rio as her maneuvered her mecha through the crossfire farther into the bay.

Being mindful of William's own line of fire as she moved into the back of the bay, Rio also began to fire with her rifle from the side and slightly behind the two enemy mecha, targeting the armpit area in an attempt at scoring some critical damage.
Molli's streamlined form was a ghostly apparition that was at once at the enemy's feet like a fog, then to their sides before absconding above. The teleporting visage of the Yamataian powered mecha was difficult for her enemies to track and if she had been aiming to keep their attention on her, she had failed. Sif, on the other hand, was quite the opposite of the elusive Molli Byrne. The Nekovalkyrja with her garish shield projecting all kinds of falsities was like some vibrant deep sea fish with its light show and spear dance meant to lure in prey. With the enemy perfectly distracted by Sif, the cone of aether that erupted from Molli's hulking shotgun had no path of resistance. The aether buckshot made chunks out of the joints they targeted. With a heavy thud, one arm landed on the launch bay's port tracks, tearing into the metal as the heavy piece of mecha was felled.

The firing on enemies did not stop at Sif and Molli as from behind, Rio's own rifle and William's rotary cannons fired onto the same areas of the other mecha which had already suffered some kind of static malfunction. To add to the assault on all sides, Aiko's funnels targeted from all sides as well. With the continued fire, the whole chest area crackled with an electric pulse. The lightning-like discharge was short lived, though, as it gave way to a bubble of reddish orange heat as it burst into flames. The whole middle of the armor became subsumed in flames and it bent down, falling not out of the pain a humanoid would bend down in, but because its internal systems could no longer power it to even stand.

"We don't know the safety limitations of their aether generators," Hoshi thought to herself as her fingers dug into her own knees within the confines of her pod. She could imagine the explosion in her mind's eye that would emanate from that mecha and the casualties of her crewmen in this narrow, confined space that was dug in deep in the Urtullan ground. But as she had her mecha look towards the elevator, she saw relief. William's swords had rent open the metal of the cargo doors at the bottom of the launch bay.

"Everyone into the elevator at William's position!" Hoshi ordered, jetting herself forward as she said as much. Bringing up the tail of the group, she made sure everyone made it in. The cargo elevator was made only for a couple mecha to be moved down to the launch bay at one time, but it didn't have controls like a regular passenger elevator, nor a ceiling. The shaft above them was dark and unlit, but with sensors Hoshi could make out that there were other doors that the elevator could open into and she anticipated that is where the rest of the mecha the Urtullan had been building were stored in.

"In pairs or alone, take up positions at those doors above and open them up," Hoshi again ordered. "That's likely where they're storing the mecha they've built for the Mishhuvurthyar. Destroy them before they can be manned!"

Hoshi herself had thrusted a bit above the elevator itself and made sure the others did, unwilling to linger in the blast radius of the aether generator of the mecha on fire should it explode.
William roared in trimpuh as he pried the massive doors to the lift apart. Just in time too, as the initial NMX had been destroyed. But the the risk of a generator overload put some pep in their step.

"Aye aye, moving out!" William replied launching himself into the lift shaft with a wicked smile. "Time to do what a Berserker does best. Break things!" The ID-SOL's mech repeated the same process and pried the next door open to reveal 50 NMX mechs. "Now this is a target rich environment. Autonomous mode! Prioritize critical systems." William ordered his ACE.

With that, William's mech began to pump round after round from the heavy cannons into the surrounding NMX mechs. Both guns swiveling and targeting different suits. When a sufficient amount of damage was done, the gun would swivel to the next target. That wasn't to say William was idle while this took place. Using his swords, he began hacking away at the mechs. The first several took time to do sufficient damage, but after some time he worked out a system. Once a mech was softened up by cannon rounds, he would use his swords to punch through the weakened armor. With a good system worked out, the Nepleslian marine went to work.