Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 31: Wakusei

The advantage Molli won was a transitory one, despite all of her cunning and skill. Though the element of surprise let the Nepleslian score a brutal strike on one of her pursuers, Molli was aware that the other wasn't going to let it go unanswered. With their massive sword thrumming with superheated pink energy that she could practically feel the heat from given her close proximity, Molli didn't dare entertain any foolish notions of clashing with her foe. Thankfully, her frame was more than capable of an agile dodge, and Molli's thrusters boosted her out of the way mere inches before the blade could cleave her in two. "Hah! Nice try!" The Nepleslian's voice crackled through the speakers of her mecha's face-plate, taunting her foe's failed counter.

Not content to rest on a verbal riposte, Molli flew over the swordsman's blade and sent her aether-coated blade screaming down at the metal hands grasping the hilt, with the intent to sever them clean off and deprive her foe of a dangerous weapon. "Try harder! Ent even ah neko!" Molli added, hoping to tilt the enemy pilots with her taunts. Angry racers often made mistakes, and mecha pilots shouldn't be any different.
The plan had worked! Sif couldn't help but grin as the group chasing her were thrown into disarray upon William's arrival, cutting through the middle of the group with his swords and ballistics. She shifted her own barrage of laser fire towards the mechs on the outskirts as her way of going "Don't forget about me!" She'd have to make a pass back towards them before they get too invested in William and look to be his dance partner instead.

The closest mech to her was doing its best to avoid her fire, while trying to find an opening to hit her behind the shield. But she wouldn't have to worry about it anymore as a pink plume erupted from it causing it to fall from the sky, leaving a trail of smoke. By this time, the shield's projector had shown four of the ten segments filled. It got her thinking, since the shield was always going to be in front of her, facing the enemy head on, maybe it could be refitted with some sort of weapon or some other utility. A bright light perhaps to burn out sensors. Maybe a gigantic laser beam? She'd have to consult with the engineers if that was going to be possible. For now, she had some killthyars to tango with.

William was going for another pass, so she had to do her best to pack them back together tightly. And she'd try to do just that by making a sharp turn that would hopefully get them to slow down and bunch up on the bend. She kept her shield presented to the enemy so they were unable to ignore that half of the segments were filled now and crackling effects began to dance around the surface. All the while she shot around the grouping, trying to get them to tighten back up, not necessarily trying to hit them.
Rio had not expected it but the sudden additional rifle fire was a welcome addition to her own. But even as the Killthyar clutched at it's chest and appeared to be taking it's dying gasp with sporadic shots thanks to the combined fire, Rio fired several more aimed burst into the enemy machine's chest. Satisfied with the enemy's dying condition, Rio shifted her view back to her mecha as she sent a quick message over comms "Thank you Taisa!"

Using the team datalink to determine her teammates positions, Rio moved to assist Mollie with her pursuers. Kicking off with a plume of dust and aether Rio jumped from her cover to clear several buildings in order gain a line of sight on Mollie, before using a rooftop as another jumping off point to bring her into the fight from above. As she descended, Rio began to fire down on the group around Mollie while she called out "Room for one more?"
As the green and blue mecha soared through the killthyar formation, William had a smirk on his face. Switching one of his swords for a shotgun, he turned back for his second pass. Loading a fresh magazine, he let loose another salvo to add to the fire still spewing from his cannons. They were getting hammered by Sif and himself, but with Hoshi adding her firepower to theirs they had the NMX mechs over a barrel.

"Nice shooting" He called to Hoshi and Sif as they mopped up. Consulting his tactical display revealed that Rio had moved on to help Molli while Aiko faced down her own attackers. "If you have this locked down, I'll go help Aiko" He added, directing the message to Hoshi.
"Yes," Aiko said back to Boss in Yamataigo, the simple single syllable response sufficient for the heat of battle. She didn't take any time to think about what the communication could be while she darted and weaved between Urtullan's buildings only a few meters above the streets that intersected each, avoiding enemy fire that plunged into the colony's infrastructure instead of her mecha.

Through her robot's drone weapon pods, Aiko had kept watch on the pair of Killthyar mechs that had her in their sights. For a time, the princess had refrained from firing, instead only using the gun drones to observe the battlescape in her mind; a partial 3d map of her immediate area fed by data from those remote bits floated in her brain as she proceeded onward. But soon enough, Aiko's approach would meet with the enemy's countercharge, and so she opened up on her foes from all around.

Targeting eight of her twelve particle beam pods on the Mishhu mech closing in on her to clash, Aiko altered her course to avoid a melee just yet and zeroed in on the Killthyar that was preparing its missile racks. The last four gun bits were kept hovering in reserve to keep their vigil above and be ready for whatever point defense may be required. Dashing through side streets and past high-rises whose windows had been shattered by the concussive blasts that'd erupted when battle was met a few minutes before, she finally rounded a final corner to confront the missile jockey and pulled her mammoth sword upward from her crimson mecha's hip as if executing an iai strike.

Aiko's slash aimed to slice through her opponent's right leg and sweep through its glowing missile tubes, and then carry on up into its torso before cleaving out the Killthyar robot's left shoulder. With any luck—and much practiced sword skill put into the attack—she would finish this Killthyar quick and then be ready for the other, which was no doubt diverting its course to track her down despite the volley her weapon pods had been unleashing upon it.