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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 4] - Phoenixes, Caduceus and Zombies

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Hitori froze. She didn't make a sound, hoping that the guard would figure it was some sort of rodent that caused the noise he had heard. Probably Mitch's fault... she thought with a grimace. Preparing to swing one of her daggers at a moment's notice, the Geshrin waited..
Fortunately for Jim, the room was empty. Just a desk with a computer monitor which had the darkened exterior of the truck building on it.

The door had made a creak and the guard had noticed and turned around to his direction, "What's that?" He said as he got out of the truckbay and began to approach the Door. He spotted him easily.
"Who's that?!" He commanded as he pointed his gun to Jim, reaching for his radio.
The other guard managed to find Crane and Vincent, "You aren't supposed to be here!"
Hitori and Mitch had a clear shot of him. At which, Mitch had flicked out a semi-automatic Pistol and got ready to fire if Jim didn't take any action.

Crane and Vincent had to do some explaining or get a bullet each.
Luca stood up, knowing that the cover had been blown, nipped up from prone position with his 10mm in hand and shot the Guard that was questioning Jim...
"It's..." The guard relayed over radio briefly.
...and shot his radio right out of his hands, leaving it in a heap of electronic parts on the floor.
He turned around, stunned at the feat.

"How the--?" Jim now had a chance.
"It's your worst nightmare!" With that, Vincent wrapped a massive hand around the guard's skull and squeezed. Visceral fluid and blood gurgled from between his fingers.
Jim whipped around and filled the guard with flechettes. The guard flew through the air and landed with a thump on the ground. Luckily the weapon was silent, but Jim thought the effect may have been ruined from the shot to the radio. In any case, Jim thought, We should get moving before we are surrounded!
Crane, who had barely lifted his gun to the guard's head by the time it was crushed by Vincent's powerful hand, stepped away from the bloody mess, a small grimace on his face. "I guess that's one way to do it," he said quietly in an almost reverent tone as his eyes remained fixated on the place where the guard's head used to be. Equally quietly, he said, "Hey, are these guys coming back as zombies too. 'Cause if they are, I say we just cut off their heads now so they don't get the chance." Once again, his eyes came to rest on the crushed skull of the closest guard. "...Or at least that other one." He motioned to the guard Jim had shot.
"Already on it." Vincent said, withdrawing his BAR from his massive back. He levelled it on the dead guard's head and, with a single, long burst, blew it up like a meat balloon.
Luca had turned around to see the blast Vincent had made to the headsquished guard.
"Whoa - That was ..." Luca tried to choose his words, "... A bit excessive, but still good." He scouted the place for anything else. "Hitori, go check out that office thing over there in a bit more detail while I try and open this door..."
He jumped out of the truckbay and over to the door in the northeast corner. It appeared to be locked by some sort of mechanism. The cables to turn it on and off lead into the miniature office.

"Huh..." Luca said as he examined the mechanisms, puzzled. He noticed that one of the gears to it was missing, "Anyone good with mechanics here?"
"I think I might be able to try and fix it..." Vincent said, wiping his bloody hand on his flak jacket.

"Of course, it wholly depends on if you want the whole thing still in one piece when I'm done."
Office thing? Hitori visibly twitched at the improper grammar in that sentence. Howevery, she quietly slithered her way through the shadows towards said office anyways. Wondering if it was locked or not, she attempted to carefully open the door...
Even though Jim had had a quick look, but was interrupted, Hitori was able to have a closer look at things.

There was a bench TV which was alternating between various camera feeds every few seconds. One of the feeds appeared to be flicking to where everyone had entered, and one to an outdoor area presumably nearby.
A well-used desk chair sat in front of it all. The desk also had a half-drunken coffee on it and a clear-glazed doughnut in some paper. A couple of sticky notes were pasted to the desk too.
One read: "New gear should be in one of the crates we got a couple days. Labelled 'ANDERSON'S TINKERING'. Fix it soon. - Vic."
The other one had some procrastination to the above request, signed by 'Terry'.

Looking at the adjacent wall, there was a switch with a red button labelled 'Security Gate'. The cables from that button lead to the mechanism Luca and Vincent were studying.
Pushing it yielded one of the gears to begin spinning, but it wasn't connected to anything and eventually stopped.
"That opens the gate, but my guess is that someone took out the gear before we came here, or it was missing to start with. Either way, we'll have to make a substitute or find the original." Vincent said bluntly.

"I'd suggest trying to find the original first."
Jim craned his neck and peered around the corner of the door, trying to get a good look at what was in the room as well. Catching a glimpse of the notes on the table, Jim telepathically messaged Luca, Luca, to get that door open we gotta find the box marked: Anderson's Tinkering. The gear needed for that door is in there.

Jim started looking for it as well, taking boxes and setting them on the floor in search of the right one.
Jim found the box almost immediately and opened it with some ease. Inside was the new gear, drowned in an ocean of packaging pellets. It was made of steel, polished and had a coat of graphite for lubrication on the spur.

It was passed to Vincent, who slid it into place easily with the other gears.
"Great!" Luca said, "Hitori, try it again - and everyone regroup and get ready!"

Mitch had been unusually quiet, and promptly waited by the side of the door with a semi-automatic pistol from his stash.
Hitori then pushed the button, which made the gears turn in mechanical tandem and the garage door raise with some clattering.

Numerous crates were scattered in front of the group and stacked on top of each other, providing a fair amount of cover in the dim conditions, and some could be climbed on. Most of the boxes seemed to have stamps of medical supplies, ammunition and mechanical components. It was an open air area with a wall to help separate it from the rest of the yard.

Then - ahead. Guards. 3 of them. They were inspecting the boxes before Luca and company had come in, but had heard some gunshots and got armed to investigate.
"There they are!" One of them cried.
"Shoot them!"
One of them had come armed with a Zen Arms 10mm Submachine Pistol, and cocked it in response.

"Take cover!" Luca commanded as he dove in front of a crate with Jim and took out his SMG. The SMG toting guard promptly released a spray of bullets in the crew's direction.

Luca flipped the front stock of the SMG forward to create an extra grip, and stood up to return some fire (about 12 bullets) and got one of the guards in the back of their formation, but not the one with the SMG. The unanticipated recoil from the SMG had muddled his aim.
However, a shot did hit him - right smack in the right arm and he crouched back down, signalling for the others to let 'em have it.
Vincent let them have it. The thundering cadence of his hand-cannons filled the room with the repeated thud-boom, thud-boom, thud-boom of the large revolvers blasting towards the guards ahead.
Crane had also taken cover behind a few crates. He periodically popped up to take a few shots at the guards with his borrowed pistol from Vincent. For the time, he set the flamethrower down next to him. It should still be helpful if we ever get close to some of them, he thought.
Shortly after pushing the button, Hitori stealthily made her way back towards the group. However, they seemed to be in a bit of trouble. Thus, this sneaky Geshrin quietly climbed up the crates to obtain a high advantage over the three guards. When she was sure that everything was in her favor, the woman dropped down onto her unsuspecting prey. If her aim was true, she would fall on top of the front guard with the machine gun. Not only would the surprise weight startle him, but the dual daggers aimed at his throat would also abruptly end his life.
Vincent and Crane's handcannon's first few shots went awry and hit some of the crates, with the contents pouring out from the fist-shaped holes made.
However, the last one Vincent fired had hit one of the guards in the back row and sent him off his feet and sprawled on the ground. Crane's shot had taken out the other one in a similar fashion.

The guard with the SMG looked behind him to see if his cohorts were in any condition to give him more ammo.
"Whoa! Shit!" He said as he saw them on the ground and tried to turn around. Upon doing so, however, he left himself open to Hitori's double backstab move. The two knives hit true in the back and his life was ended quite quickly.

Luca got himself up, then noticed that his Yamataian Hemosynthetics were closing up around his previous bullet wound.
"Hmm. I'll worry about this later." He told Jim, he then addressed the group, "Move out, go go go!"

He charged forward with his half-empty SMG in hand with the stock out and leapt forward into just outside the entrance to the building. A stretch of concrete about 7 metres to the western entrance of the corporation. To the north of here were some silos, stacked up high with biohazard symbols painted to them.

Two guards were standing at the front door with SMGs raised and the moment Luca appeared, they tried to fire on him, missing most of the time because he was moving so damn fast, running towards the silos for cover. The fire from Luca's SMG managed to down one of the guards, but he didn't have enough ammo to fill the other one with lead.

Click click click click...

"Shit..." Luca attempted to swap his SMG out for the pistol but had no time. The guard wasn't firing on him, oddly. "Why...?"
He looked at what he was taking cover behind. A massive Biohazard symbol took up Luca's field of vision.
"Erk... Move it!"

Mitch moved up immediately with his pistol and fired a couple of controlled shots at the guard, but they were absorbed by his flakvest.
"Oh for bloody..." Mitch cursed.
It took Hitori a few moments to pry both of her daggers out of the bloody corpse. She wiped both her blades and hands off on the dead guard's pants. Another kill for her. This one was a bit more gruesome then the last, but at least she can easily clean up afterwards like this...
Crane, who had tailed Luca until he passed the guards saw Luca in his unfortunate hiding place. Not trusting his aim with one of Vincent's large pistols enough, he quickly reached into his pocket. Withdrawing a handful of three small pyrotechnics from his jacket he tossed them at the guard's feet. "Find some better cover!" he yelled as the fireworks went off with a single flash, followed by a fountain of sparks. Taking the guard's surprise to his own advantage, Crane ran to find non-explosive and non-biohazardous cover.
Jim saw another crate within leaping distance and judged the situation. Making sure his weapon was ready, Jim lept across the gap, firing three times at the guards. The flechettes spread and raced towards the enemies. Jim was already behind the next crate before he saw what became of the guards he had fired at.

Jim had a very bad feeling about the biohazard containers...
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