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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 4: The Fame and the Fury

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Getting the tray to the MEGAMI room was a bit of a feat--upon reaching the central passageway, Miyoko had to tilt it almost upside down so that inertia would hold its contents in place. As she reached the main deck, she swiped the tray around to pull the teapot and cups back into position atop it. They clattered onto it a few moments later as gravity reasserted itself, thankfully only spilling a few drops onto the tray. There were some benefits to living the vast majority of one's life in space, and knowing how to deal with beverages in zero-G was one of them.

Miyoko walked into the room looking rather less shaken than she had when she left. "Kurohoshi-Juni was kind enough to make some tea, and I thought the two of you might like some," she explained as she carefully sat the tray down. The books, she slid under her chair as she took her seat. "What did I miss?"
"Well, at the very least you are refreshingly polite. That's something I've come to not expect from most Nepleslians," Sanjuro said with a grateful nod. After another moment or two of leaving Wazu's request for light medication unanswered, Sanjuro silently waved off to Azumi to retrieve for him something from the cabinets near the rear of the medical bay. The neko was quick to bow and set about returning to Sanjuro a small plastic bottle from which the medical officer produced a single, silvery capsule, as well as a small glass of water.

"This is a standard non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic. It should relieve any pain you are experiencing for the time being," Sanjuro explained as he handed Wazu the medication. Ayumu had already finished cleaning Heram's bumps and bruises and was in the process of taking one last moment to check her work. "If there is nothing else, I believe you are done here. Mizuki-Hei, please inform Claymere-Taii that we are finished," the medical officer motioned to Azumi one last time before returning back to his (apparently very important) folder.
Tom opened a communication to the Taisa:

Kyou stepped back into the room, now suited up and ready to help. "Sir? I'm suited up and ready to help. What do you need me to do for the moment?"
Tom turned his attention to Kyou.

"You and me are going to grab that capacitor off the wall there and bring it to refabrication."

He walked over to the loose capacitor and grabbed it with his free hand.

"Grab the other end, please."

He noticed Rin standing there, having finished her cutting job.

"Rin, good work. Yuzuki-Heisho is going to form a team with you and Nimura and go through the piping as planned. Be careful."
Nyton only had to wait a few minutes before Miharu spoke to him again. "I believe I've restored functionality to the datapad. The power cell looks flat, though, and there's nothing I can do about it from here. If you've no better idea, I suggest you ask one of my sprite technician for help doing so."

The ship then added: "You wouldn't believe the kind of discussion Wazu is having with Ashitaka-Heisho. It went back to Nepleslian homosexuality again." Nyton could almost imagine Miharu eyerolling from the tone of the computer's voice. "At some point, you'll have to make a ship-wide intercom announcement to set the record straight, I think!"

* * *

Tom received an obstrusive telepathic text reply from Kotori.

The Heisho in question had returned to her former position, standing off to the side out of the way. Mostly, she was still trying to convince herself that simply hacking the resiliant mounts for the cacitors apart was a good idea. Regardless of what happened in the fabrication room, those capacitors had to be replaced, and it was going to suck having to hold them in place and weld them at the same time.

When she heard her name, however, she redirected her attention to Tom and Rin.

Well, there was Rin. Now, she needed Nimura.

"Okaa-san," she sent, "Can you please ask Nimura-san to meet us in the portside multipurpose bay? We're going to start pulling things, again."

Aloud, she said, "You don't have to be in power armor. We're not going outside the skin of the ship, and you're going to need to be able to fit between a few things."
Tom acknowledged the Taisa's orders.

"Yuzuki-heisho. I'm leaving you in charge of the sub deck since Ichigo-heisho is still outside. I must attend to the senior staff."

He sent his report to the Taisa to Yuzuki via data transfer from his armor.

"Here's the situation we're in. Keep it confidential until further notice."
Nyton thought for a second, seriously reviewing the two parties in the middle of the discussion and then shook his head. "Why am I not surprised?" he replied to the MEGAMI.

"At this rate that may not be enough. Maybe I should just start hitting on all the females or kiss the Taisa in public or something." Nyton joked to hide the slight bit of annoyance he was now feeling about this. Moving on though he quickly went over to the now repaired datapad and picked it up. Looking at it he tried to find a port for the power cell.

"Is this anything like a regular portable computer? Maybe we have a compatible cable for plugging it into a power supply?" he asked aloud while leaving the fabrication room.
"It's a fairly common item. Perhaps," Miharu replied to Nyton, then adding: "Mara suggests you try and see if the charging device for your spider eyes would be compatible."
"Alright," Yuzuki replied to Tom, going over the information in her head with a slightly contemplative expression that suggested she might not have completely agreed with what had been put out. She blinked. "I'll see you, then."

Then, she looked back to Rin and Kyoh. It occurred to Yuzuki that she was in charge of them. That meant she was also responsible for them, and whomever else was working on the subdeck. It was more than a little daunting.

Deciding to start small, she approached the line of capacitors that the crew and the Juni had been cutting off. They were finished now, more or less, the capacitors just had to be relocated.

"Rin-san, grab the Juni's side of that capacitor, and we'll take that to the fabrication bay and have it redone before we start replacing anything else."
Kyou nodded, and moved into position, taking up her end, and lifting it to about waist height. "I'm ready when you are, ma'am." She glanced over at Yuzuki, trying to gauge the kind of person she was, that there had been such tension with Tom earlier.
Yukari winced at the notes.

More and more the Daughters of Eve proved to be several steps ahead in a race Yamatai didn't know it was a part of. Automated shipyards, black market materials and parts, eliminating evidence ... Black Spiral's modus operandi was across all of it.

And it was all being uncovered too late.

The Blue Rift was so far away, Yukari thought as she gazed on a map she'd brought up. After their arrival at Nepleslia, it would be a nearly 100-light-year journey to reach the abnormality.

No reinforcements would reach them in time, if they were required. That was assuming they could sneak by the NMX while the caught their breath around Yamatai.

She narrowed her eyes. Focus!

Yukari grasped onto that point; it was one of the few positives the report contained. The damage done at Bowhordia had been a great victory after all; the Daughters now lacked a fully functional command center, outside of whatever vessels they had.

Production material to create more Akuma armors and Nekomachina could also have been affected, Yukari thought. She kept that in mind, too.

A sigh of relief. At least there was only one psionically advanced vessel to tangle with.

Yukari "highlighted" the reliance on additional fusion reactors. The ship had to carry an incredible amount of nuclear fuel to power them all, and it was likely a sizable part of the crew was dedicated to their operation. The crew was likely Nekomachina; perhaps they were sprites.

Without extra ammunition or significant repair capabilities, the Dominion was a very limited combat vessel from the start, but Yukari had no information on the Vale-class, so perhaps it did not need extra ammunition or repair ability. Still, it meant that in a long fight, Miharu might outlast her. The fusion reactors would have to be brought up in the officers meeting; there had to be a way to directly exploit them or their support structure.

The Takumi was still an incredibly powerful vessel despite the loss of its primary ship-killing weapons. Yukari confirmed that with a simple glance at a Takumi schematic — Striker arrays, particle cannons and a heavy positron gun could all eliminate Miharu without much trouble. The "Raker" beam arrays made her wince; dodging them might be easy, but it only took a nick from them to destroy Miharu. She angled her head as she thought about how limited the range was on the vessel, as if it was meant to be a throwaway ship ... or perhaps towed to FTL speeds.

More potential targets in a target-rich field. Yukari imagined her Yamataian body arriving at a headache at this point.

The command vessel is being refitted and has limited combat capability in that state. Its crew could be limited, too; it might utilize Nekomachina. Yukari stopped herself. Think as Kotori would. Imagine the worst scenario.

Without a second ship, Miharu would have to focus on the most valuable target in the field — the Gate. Destroying it would cripple everything the Daughters had worked for and force them to set a new timeline for the pursuit of the lost fleet.

However, Miharu could not let the stolen cruiser come online; it was too powerful. Causing substantial damage to its refit was also a primary goal. Its complete destruction was secondary.

Yukari regarded the Dominion as the least important target, even if Amaya or Eve were on-board. Arresting them would have to wait for another time; Miharu's resources were stretched thin as it was.

Miyoko's arrival stirred the Shosa from her staring, she looked back and smiled at the Heisho, and took a cup of the tea from the tray. "I examined the logistics of the Gate plan." She pushed the window over for Miyoko to go over herself.

"Miharu, please access the Dominion's manifest."
"I suppose it is worth a try." Nyton replied, walking back towards his room. Pulling out the boxes that contained the optical attachments for his cybernetics he then found the one specifically for his Spider Orb.

Nyton proceeded to pull out the hardware along with the Spider Orb attachment itself. Grabbing the charging cable he then proceeded to check the port to see if it was compatible. Finding that it was Nyton plugged it in.

While the datapad charged Nyton decided to amuse himself for a moment. Taking a tool from the kit and pulling down the skin from his right cheek he exposed a small port near the eye socket. He inserted the tool and turned it. Vision went black as though he had merely shut his eye. With another twist the eye socket enlarged slightly and gave off an audible click. Nyton removed the tool and leaned his head forward. The now inactive eye fell out from the socket and he caught it in his hand. Setting it aside he then brought the Spider Orb up. Tilting back his head he then gently dropped it into the empty socket. He brought his head up, inserted the same tool in the port and with a slight twist the new eye was secured in place. The interface began to connect and synchronize. After a moment Nyton blinked a few times and began seeing normally from the eye.

With a mental command Nyton 'deployed' his eye. As if it were being removed, a smaller orb popped out from Nyton's face. The orb grew four small legs and landed before it skittered across the floor. Through remote command he directed the small robot to climb up the table in front of him. At the same time he began receiving video feed directly from the eye's camera.

Nyton grinned as he experienced seeing things from a disjointed angle. He decided to keep the Spider Orb attached for a while and directed it back to him. Replacing it into his eye socket he then took the power cable and the datapad from where it had been plugged in. Being finished playing with his toy he then left his room and proceeded back to the medical center.

"So, I take it we are all done here?" Nyton asked as he walked over to Heram's bed.
Wazu had already taken the medication provided by the doctor and was using the spare time to observe the medical bay, trying to use it to refine his guess as to the total crew compliment of the ship based on how many people it was sized to handle and how often crew members would have to come in for maintenance.

“Yes, The good doctor says I am repaired and to avoid getting damaged in the future.

I take it you were successful in finding replacement parts for my datapad?”
"I had it restored to be fully functional. However the power supply needs to be recharged. I am loaning you a power cable that is compatible." Nyton said before handing Heram the datapad and cable. "Let's get back to your room. Miharu, blindfold him again please."

Nyton then looked to the medical crew and nodded to them. "Thank you for your assistance. We shall be on our way now."
Miyoko nodded absently at Yukari's explanation--that much had been obvious. She quickly skimmed the file that was currently being displayed, frowning thoughtfully at the information. It painted a somewhat more grim picture of their chances of successfully stopping the gate from being opened, but she'd never been expecting it to be a cakewalk, either.

After her brief skim of it, Miyoko glanced to the list of files. "If this is any indication of how many salient files are out there, we might want to divide them up. There could be dozens of them on individual projects, and at this rate we'd be here all night. The three of us could summarize the important findings."
Wazu looked down at his datapad, supremely disappointed that it was not yet functional.

“Thank you for your assistance in this.” He said as his vision disappeared again, his hand slipping the datapad into the waist band of his pants and the cord into his pocket. He realized then that he never had a method of storing his datapad when not in use, no clip, no Velcro, no pins or magnets. ~and I could set up the battery to recharge itself using my walking motion for when Drei is not around to provide power.~ His thoughts trailed off in that direction, considering modifications to his datapad when they began to leave the room.

Wazu knew his stride was about .8 meters, and he had been estimating the size of this ship sense he arrived. With no reason to stop he began counting again as he started walking.
~ 8…. 16…. 24…. 32 ….. ~

“I have been wondering. Where did the daughters of Eve get their computer systems and technicians? They had to be using high end computer systems and those can not be made by just anyone, and I doubt Eve could set up the systems to run that facility herself.” Wazu asked.
Nyton just walked alongside and guided Heram back to his quarters. "That is something we will ponder on. Just remember to return the charging cable back to me before we return you to Nepleslia." he said nonchalantly.

Upon arrival at Heram's quarters Nyton made sure to retrieve his NSP. In the rush to get his guest to the medical center it had been left behind, still secured by the Miharu's barrier. "If there is nothing else than I have other matters to attend to sir." Nyton said as the blindfold faded away to no longer obstruct Heram's sight.
“Right then, stay in the room, stop making trouble.” Wazu said as he began searching for an outlet to use to begin charging his datapad. It wouldn’t be long before he located what he was searching for, and began charging up the pad.

“This should be sufficient for now.”

As the datapad’s screen turned on, Wazu quickly brought up one of the functionality menus and pressed two buttons, ‘Record’ and ‘Sync Memory’ to begin transferring data from his own memory storage to the datapad.
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