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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 5.0] Darkness and Ice

Trowa nodded his agreement and then began to move off, taking point again. He paused a moment then added, “Sanada-Hei, up front with me. Vis’Thraugh-Hei, you and Tanaka-Hei take the flanks. Arai-Hei, take the rear. Alright, let’s move.”

The Nepleslian pilot moved forward, keeping a constant eye on his scanners. He halted when he came apond the region where the ice was darker. His scanners suddenly began to ping and he saw several dots on his scanner moving towards them. “Contacts!” Trowa yelled as he brought his plasma rifle up. “Safeties off, Away Team move up. Don’t fire until we get a clear target.”
Yuzuhara had followed Trowa from the right side, so the targets reached her only a fraction of a second sooner. Before he could complete his orders, she had already dropped back for an instant and taken up his left side covering the location where the contacts were coming from. The Shield Barrier and the Capacitors switched from Stand-by to Primed as they would be taking the brunt of whatever the enemy would be dishing out.

In the same instant the Bits deployed and took up position just behind Yuzuhara. The rifle's safety was already off before they had departed from the ship. The barrel of the Plasma Rifle was now pointed in the direction of the contacts. Waiting for what was to come. This was her first real battle, but she was ready.
In front of the away team approximately 5 meters away, four spots in the ice began to crack and spew vapor. A moment later the ice boiled off and four somewhat conical objects flew out of them and landed on the ice. They were roughly a meter in diameter, two and a half in length. They had four green glowing eyes, and a mass of tentacles that steam was rising from. In front of it were four mandibles with red hot edges or teeth. When they hit the ice, the impact create a number of small fractures

Image of creatures
Athena brought her shields to full power and extended the vibroblades of her elbow quickly as she trained her LASR on one of the creatures that appeared before her team

"Nasty little creatures..." Athena said as she analyzed the one within her cross hairs. She than focused on the four mandibles. Those would be priority targets since she was not entirely sure of the density of the ice was. If it was comparable of the strength of their suits armor, they were in for some trouble.
Yoshiro took to the flanks of the science team and took the safety off of his LASR. He aimed at the creatures that had come out of the ice and waited to fire his rifle. "Ugly." he said about the creatures. He locked on to one with the AIES and was ready to fight to protect the science team.
"Hai, Hai!" Saki acknowledged Trowa'S order and moved back. Covering the rear gave her no trouble, she made sure to stay within visual range from others and she kept watch. She was not sure why Trowa put one member of the squad between them and Science guys, since science guys had Yarkase and the nepleslian with them, but he was high rank. THere must have been reason for that.

When those creatures appeared, Saki lowered both her gauss cannons. She did not fire of course, becuase there were too many friendlies around in the line of fire. She held her LASR at the ready and rather looked around for any other threat meanwhile.
As the creatures broke through the ice, she already had her rifle pointing in their direction. Due to her repositioning she was now the closest to them. Readjusting the barrel point directly between the mandibles. A quick scan made her think that it was the weak spot. Obviously this creature was nothing that had come up during training or had been something that had been made known to her.

Since she didn't had orders to engage, she waited for either the command to attack or for the creatures to respond aggressively. Either way she'd be pulling the trigger. Knowing that it would take 5 seconds to engage, Yuzuhara switched on the Shield Barrier. The way the creatures looked she guessed that they weren't friendly.
Arkase waited for his clear shot (AIES' tone for lock), and fired a long pulse from his aether rifle at the closest creature. "The Science Team is going to make a little space," He said, signalling the other members of the support team to move away once the pulse was done.

He made sure to keep himself in between the creatures and his team.
“That is one ugly bugger.” Trowa muttered as he got his first look at the contacts. He raised his plasma rifle and got a target lock on the nearest. His cybernetic implants linked his power armor to his cybernetic eye and allowed for a much faster and more accurate lock on. “Engage! Fire at will!” Trowa ordered as he fired. He wanted to say more, like keep moving don’t stay stationary, and watch out for a flank attack this may just be a distraction but he concentrated on firing instead. These were trained soldiers, inexperienced for the most part, but still trained. They would know how to engage and didn’t need him to tell them how to whip their arse.
The SSS liaison Josea moved to a position far to the back of the group per his orders. Kim positioned herself in front of him with her weapons ready to fire.

With a loud hiss not unlike a steam line venting the creatures emitted large amounts of superheated vapors from their tentacles which propelled them towards the away team.

The rapid acceleration caused Trowa's shot to strike the side of the creature. His weapon sliced along its surface leaving a gouge but did not penetrate the interior.

Arkases shot was a fraction of a second sooner than Trowa's so it hit the create at a more oblique angle. It pierced the creatures armored skin and the creature veered away as a result of the injury emitting a high pitched screech.
"Engage at distance! Head upwards, and rely on your targeting for shooting! One miss could mean the death of us all!" Kyoka barked, snapping to as her Mindy rose above the ice. Her AIES was running at full swing, locking onto the nearest creature and guiding her hand to fire a short pulse of aether into it.
As first shot passed her by, Yuzuhara pulled back on the trigger causing the super-heated plasma to leave the barrel at high velocity. As the Shield Barrier came online, a quick intertia boost was enough to move her backward six meters. The AIES was following the target as it moved. Trying to focus on areas that would likely be the most vulnerable, such as the joints, incorporating speed and lead in, she pulled back on the trigger for a second time. Again the super-heated plasma roared as departed from the barrel at high speed.

Yuzuhara tried to keep track of all four of the targets, while focusing on a single one. The one that had been the closest to her. Wondering if they could have avoided combat, it was something that had to be evaluated at a later time. They were in combat and there was no turning back.
Yoshiro used his AIES to target one of the creatures as he flew up and tried to predict where it was going and shoot at the place where it was going to go instead of directly at the target. "All right...wait for it...wait...now!" he said and led one of the creatures firing slightly ahead of one of the creatures. He hoped that he had hit it, because if he missed they would be in trouble.
Trowa moved to the side, stopped to take aim and fired again. He moved again, stopped, aimed and fired. He ran a targeting solution for the four targets with his implants so he could quickly switch aim once one target when down.
Once of the creatures was caught in multiple streams, its armor pierced they lanced into its innards and detonated the chemicals the creature. It exploded in a fireball with pieces of it flying in all directions.

The first creature that had been wounded circled around and made for the hole it had emerged. The other two launched themselves from the ground in an attempt to catch one of the armor clad soldiers. They fell short by a meter.
Yuzuhara was surprised by the fireball. Adjusting her stance she handy dodged some of the pieces coming off it as she shifted her gaze towards the other three.

The group was too tight. Tactically Yuzuhara refrained from using her missiles or grenades. She wanted to avoid any unnecessary casualties. The creature that was moving in the wide arc was blocked by others in that direction. Keeping tabs on it, she trained the barrel of the Plasma Rifle on the left creature of the two that were still together. Pulling back on the trigger the Rifle discharged it's deadly contents in the direction of the creature.

Trying to follow the behavior of the creatures, they almost seemed to act as wild animals. Maybe they were only the local wildlife and this gunfire was only attracting the attention of the real enemy.
Yoshiro smiled mentally to himself as one of the creatures exploded and chunks of burnt flesh rained down around him. Man that is straight up nasty looking. Looks kind of like what would happen if you left meat on the grill too long. Yoshiro continued to use his strategy of leading his targets before firing his rifle in short controlled burst at the creatures that were still alive. "Tsubei-hei is everything all right?" He called over laser comms.
Athena took to the sky by a few meters in order to both have maneuverability and to fully utilize the mini missiles from the Offensive Augmentation Pods in her wings should the need arise. She shot controlled pairs at areas she thought might be vulnerable to her SLAG.

She gave a rather loud celebratory hoot when the first of the creatures exploded into a fireball. She moved her shots to the wounded creature that was trying to run away. For all she knew it was going back for reinforcements.

"Ugly and intelligent...." she shivered a bit at the thought.
As Athena's missiles streaked towards the creature, a fraction of a second before they impacted, the creature flipping its tentacles around to the side and venting vapor, shot to its right and the missiles impacted the surface where it had just been.

The explosion from the missiles detonated a pocket of gases in the ice resulting in a large plume of flame that died swiftly.

The other two intact creatures started to accelerate away from the Infantry, in the general direction of the Science team. They were moving in a scissor pattern.
Saki hel back for now. She monitored the situaion and trying ot get into firing angle. Her teammates was in front of her and that was not good, Mindy is not happy to get shot by gauss cannons. She watched as her teammates entered combat and wished them well, why moving a little to the side. When two creatures turned and moved towards the science team throug the gap between both teams, she finally could fire. She activated her Aies and both lowered both gauss cannoncs into firing position.

"Commencing heavy fire! Stay clear!" She commed to others. She let Aies targeting system work and had each gauss cannon targeted at one of the monsters. She then fired three shots fro meach weapon, letting her targeting systems alther the fire after each shot to better up accuracy.
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