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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 5] - Anger Management

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Vincent cocked his head a bit as he pulled the oversized duster on over his stolen Red uniform before hauling out his chaingun and assembling the pieces onto his back. His charge's behavior was becoming... Odd, at the very least. Vincent dug in his emergency medical pouch and handed a small syringe to Luca while extending the other arm to keep his promiscuous paycheck holder away from Arin.

"Just take this and inject yourself; it'll nullify the effects of the Vigor you injected into your system." Vincent halfway sighed, looking over at Arin for a second.

"You alright?" He said, echoing his question from her failed parachute landing and later mishap in the filtration system. He lowered his arm as the emergency lights went on, failing to wait for an answer as he plodded off after Luca like a soldier following his commander.
Robert laughed at the quick reflexes and dangerous and extremely effective tactics of an angered Arin. "Remind me to stay on your good side." he told Arin. He paused and looked worried. "I am on your good side right?" He slung up his SMG, drew his pistol and followed Luca down the hallway.
"Yeah." Arin responded to Vincent's back. However she raised her voice again when answering Robert's question, it was residual fury from the Luca incident. "WHO KNOWS?!" Complete with shug and head tilting.

Pulling out a random component from her various pouches, she fed it to her Fabricator, letting the machine un-nanolathe the thing into it's basic elements to replace the stored materials lost in making the potatoes. She withdrew her ESG and bought up the rear.
Vincent nodded, the beginnings of a grin tugging at his mouth. He was beginning to like the new girl; she pulled her wait and (better yet!) she was a walking munitions depot. Luca would be wise to keep her around.

"Thanks for watching my stuff, Arin," Vincent said off-handedly as he headed down the stairs to the holding cells, sweeping his chaingun about while searching for enemies.
Robert walked silently behind Luca. "Want me to run up ahead and scout around a bit there, Boss? Might catch a few guards by surprise and kill them quietly for once." He asked.
"I don't think there are any guards TO surprise..." Luca said to Robert as he examined the rows and rows of cells. Every now and again he'd take a peek into one and find the skeleton of an unfortunate previous infiltrator. The whole corridor felt lonely - until he heard a distinct whimper for help further down. Luca's pace noticeably quickened as he dashed ahead of the group.

"Of all the places..." Hitori's voice could be heard. She was in pain and her voice was subdued, " the universe. You..." She was strapped to a chair, still clothed, but most of her equipment was scattered across the lonely room, which was pitch black, save for a bright white light directly above her.

"Had to be here!" A male voice played up with arrogance. "Hah, I knew I'd find you, but you didn't have to walk to my doorstep..." He picked up a gag and inspected it with a grin, "And just throw yourself at me!"
Michael had deep-set, azure eyes, short, platinum blonde hair that was styled in a way reminiscent of a wheat field. His physique was lithe and limber. He seemed to have an air of charisma, aloofness and deception about him.

"You've... changed, Michael. Don't you remember before you forced yourself on me!? We were hap-" Hitori cried, before having the gag shoved unceremoniously into her mouth, "Mmffh!"

"You took something from me which I can never regain." He unsheathed a wickedly serrated, foot-long knife, "And for that, I must have my revenge, you two-timing bitch." He brought the knife high into the air and prepared to go right for the heart... "DIE!!"


The knife was shot out of his hands and landed, pointfirst by his feet. Michael looked at the only way in and out of the room - The door. That door was open, standing in it was Luca with his smoking gun pointed in his direction.

"No," Luca's voice was forceful as he stood undeterred, "Get your filthy hands off her, you wanker."
"You must be..." Michael seemed undaunted by Hitori's saviour and employer, "Luca!" His voice turned to sarcasm, "The action hero and saviour of the free galaxy!"
"The one and only," Luca took two steps forward, only two metres away from Michael with the pistol pointed to his head. Michael was still grinning, "Untie her, now."

Michael immediately dove towards Luca, with a hidden spike protruding from the back of his hand and attempted to stab him in the head, but he leaped backwards, dropping his pistol in the process.
"Damn!" Luca cursed as he avoided two more rapid stabs from the torturer and attempted to counter him unsuccessfully.
Arin fired her ESG in Michael's direction, because of the margins she used to avoid hitting Luca, the shots could be easily evaded by her target if he took a few steps back. Nonetheless her primary intention was to give the adventurer some breathing space. "This isn't fair Michael, but its your own fault for not treating your friends right!" She shouted as she emptied her magazine.
Vincent growled a bit and, words absent, advanced menacingly on Michael, curling his fists through his knuckle-dusters along the way.

"Well then," Vincent said nonchalantly as he drew closer, "You seem to enjoy beating on my team-mates. Well how about this?" Vincent then drew back and let an uppercut fly straight at Michael's head.
Michael continued his assault on Luca, even though a cloud of .22 buzzed past him like hornets. One bullet shot through the shoulderpad on Luca's jacket, two others hit Michael's trenchcoat, and one hit Vincent in the buttocks.
The rest hit the walls and a couple narrowly missed Hitori. In light of this, she rocked about in her chair, demanding as best as she could to get untied and exact revenge.

"Watch it!" Luca cautioned aloud as he managed to land a punch on Michael, knocking him back a little and allowing Vincent to score a solid hit, "Nice shot!" He commented as Michael was knocked back several paces.

Michael readjusted himself and reached into his trenchcoat. He needed something with a bit more 'oomph'. He pulled both of his limbs out of his jacket, removing it with a flourish, and flashing a wicked Katana in one hand and what appeared to be darts.

"You need a lesson in discipline, you little shit," Michael addressed Luca directly as he grinned. Luca was intimidated by the sight of the sword, and bending over to pick up his pistol would mean a backstab and a quick death.

Luca drew his own 'sword', actually just the Diamondised combat knife he'd gotten as a memento from the YSE.
"And you need a lesson in -" Luca retaliated, but he was cut off when a dart was thrown in his direction, he deflected it with the knife - barely, "- sanity!"

Another dart was thrown in Vincent's direction, and one to Arin, they were coated with a poison that relaxed the muscles, making movement and punches considerably harder to perform.
Without time to dodge, Vincent swept the folds of his duster across his chest and caught the point of the dart in the folds of his jacket, making sure that the folds were thick enough that the dart didn't catch on his chest. After all, being shot in the ass was pain enough for one day, not counting swimming underwater and being shot in the arm on the way in.

Nevertheless, he rubbed off the pain and closed the distance with Michael, watching his katana as he prepared for a disarm.

Arin, lacking the combat finesse of her fellow teammates, took the dart in the left shoulder while gawking at her incidence of friendly fire. As the poison seeped in her legs lost the will to hold the weigh of her load and gave way collapsing in a mass of cloth and containers. With whatever strength she had left, she feebly tried to undo the straps and fastenings on her various bags, maybe she could atleast stand if she wasn't so weighed down.
Luca's head turned around, "Shit - Arin!" He called out, "Get up - quickly!"
When he turned back around, Michael had made a series of wild swings at Vincent, cutting through his jacket and flesh. The rapid injuries were enough to knock him over when he swung once more with the flat of his blade, pushing him over with relative ease.

Vincent was still alive - but too wounded to contribute to the fight.

Michael cackled as he watched the giant topple, and admired the lovely coat of red that he'd donated to his sword.
"You, next..." Michael grinned at Luca while flashing the blood-caked Katana in his direction, "Are you scared of death?"
Luca looked at his knife and frowned, but grit his teeth. It's do or die time, now, He thought to himself as he clutched his knife and growled: "Never!"

The two indomitable forces lunged into each other with weapons glaring and a death warrant for each other.


Gadzooks! How will Luca and the crew get themselves out of this one? Has Luca slain Michael, or has the Dove overcome the Wolf? Stay tuned for the next episode of ISC PHOENIX!!
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