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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 6.2] Sword Flash in Darkness - Unsheathed

Once gravity resumed it's grasp on the shuttle Freyja slammed the throttles forward to their stoppers. she was going to go full boar at these battle pods to take them out. as the shuttle built up speed she took control of the forward two weapon arrays and fixed them straight ahead at a invisible point around 300 meters in front of the shuttle.

As the battle pods grew bigger in her screen she alined one up and started firing the weapons. After what she thought was two or three hits she shifted over to another pod and repeated her assault.
Saki quickly got on her feet. She took hit, but the shields took and she was just sent to the ground. Did not even hurt that much. "Change of rules Ichigo!" Saki said as she crouched behind one rock. "Priority targets are the Flayers. Be careful to not cause any friendly fire." Saki ordered her tank and started firing her own rifle at nearest enemy from behind her cover.
The flanking Flayers were soon reduced to flaming hulks by the second team with the added fire power of the TASHA.

The Tactical systems spotted a trio of NMX Battle Buggies coming from the same direction the flanking Flayers had.

The turret on the buggies started strafing the team.
"TASHA target thos NMX Battle buggies and hit them hard! one missile for each!" Yoshiro said angrily as his shields were pinged with bullets from the buggies. His shields flared just a tiny bit as the impacts from the bullets continued. He ran into cover and returned fire with his plasma rifle.
"Tanaka-Hei, Arai-Hei, engage and destroy the battle buggies! Everybody else in my squad, move to flank the infantry and secure the Prisoner Handling Vehicle!" Kyoka ordered, gesturing for the remaining Daisies to follow. Her rifle fired upon the enemy footsoldiers, taking careful aim to not hit the PHV.
"Roger that." Yoshiro said to Kyoka. "Saki, would you mind giving me a hand and destroy one of those buggies?" He asked as politlely as he could as his TASHA targeted two of the buggies and fired one missile at each of them.
The buggies were done away quickly with the TASHA's training their weapons on them. In a couple of minutes they were all reduced to burning hulks. That meant the only resistance was now at the prison.

The Tenba showed a number of in bounds, two were other Tenba's coming to help with the evacuation once they liberated the prisoners.

There were three hostile targets heading towards the general area from the south.
"Gambit. Shift south. Hostiles inbound." Misaki chirped to her squad.

"We are ready to push, many of them might not be ready to walk, so take that into account. Gambit will be coming along behind to reinforce positions you have taken, to make sure the path you take is kept viable." She called to Kyoka before her MINDY lifted from the ground and moved to protect the LZ.

"Keep low. I want these dealt with before they can reach the tenba." Kurusu told the squad leader with her, making sure there would be as few foul-ups as possible, she lifted her rifle preemptively, ready to let fire loose at the targets before they could identify where their extraction point for the prisoners were, or perhaps what they were up to. I should have had one of them set with a transporter pod...
"Roger that, Chusa. We'll leave your squad our mechs. Arai-hei, Tanaka-hei, pass your TASHAs onto Gambit. I'm going to need everybody so we can get this prison cleaned out quickly. Yamamoto-Heisho will take Murasaki-Heisho and Harris-Hei and take the first route to the next floor they can. Everybody else, with me. We're taking this floor, and only use the grenade launcher in an emergency! I don't want to see any fires, so airburst only," Kyoka quickly said, formulating the plan. A team of three should be able to handle any sort of NMX resistance fairly easily, and one could escort civilians to ground level while the other two covered flanks or broke open cells.

The neko didn't quite know what to expect inside, but there was no time for hesitation. With Trowa covering one side of the door and herself the other, they broke in, guns at the ready.
Eying the systems Frayja was glad that the others shuttles where coming and joining in the fray here. Though with the fact that more enemy where inbound she was thankful that she so far have kept the sky clear for the ground forces. She sent a message to Tsubei Kyoka, so keep the ground units up to date with the world outside the objective.

"Ma'am we have some enemy inbound to your location, I believe airborne threats. the other shuttles are returning from their objectives, we should be able to keep the skies clear for you."

Once she sent the message she started bring up target locks on the inbound bandits. she wanted the clearest picture she could get, she also forwarded the information she had to the other two shuttles.
The exterior doors to the prison were no match for the Away Team's weapons, once they removed the doors a barrage of weapon fire came streaming towards the away team. Shields flared on the PA's.

The entrance way was a wide corridor that was about 10 feet high, about 10 meters down the hall a dozen NMX Infantry were firing from a barricade with Impaler rifles.

Above the weapon fire the following could be heard from the prison public address system.

"The prison is in lock-down. Any prisoner not in their cell will be shot and killed on sight. Parasite contingency is being prepared. Deployment will commence if the intruders breach the core."
Kyoka cursed when she heard the alert.

"Kurusu-Chusa, how does one go about preventing them from sending in parasites? Ever encounter a beacon or something while on the Eucharis that usually triggers it?" She asked over communications, wasting no time in launching an Airburst round straight into the center of the barricade. She then simultaneously activated both her NSB launchers and the Barrier module.
In orbit

Kata'nova spun her scout around, pushing it hard to her left and right in an attempt to avoid the incoming fire from the Battlepods. She was sweating, so much so that she had to take her helmet off in order to wipe her face with a rag that she had betwen her legs. Wish these damned things had comfort controls.

She dove her scout into the planet, coming in an angle so that she wouldn't end up burning up. She couldn't check to see if the battlepods were still after her, she was too focused on making certain that she didn't hit anything 'ahead' of her, given that she was in the middle of a battlefield.
Saki replied with simple Roger and gave control over Ichigo to nearest soldier from Gambit. It was too bad, that Tasha's would not fit in, because would be handy with their heavy weaponry. Grabbing her plasma rifle, Saki charged ahead to catch up with Kyoka.

"Well it said, if we enter the core," Saki said and frowned. Parasites were nasty beasts. Too bad she did not have extra room to take the flamer. "I suggest we find where parasites are being kept and kill them all before proceeding further into the prison. Once they would be realeased there would be no way for us to stop them."
Yoshiro gave control of his TASHA to Gambit squad and proceeded to follow the others into the prison. He got behind some cover when he heard his shields flare. He didn't want to die so early in the rescue so he fired a couple of shots from his gauss rifle at the NMX soldiers.

When he heard the alert he paled. He had never heard of parasites actually being used but then again he had not been in the military very long. He heard Saki's suggestion and agreed with it. "So, what we are we going to about the parasites?" Yoshiro asked.

He was worried but not for himself. He could defend himself but the prisoners could not. He wanted to help and he was going to just that. He was going to give it his all, even his life if necessary. He had an ST backup after all and he promised to give his all.

Misaki raised her rifle to fire at the incoming bogies when they came closer, and called for Gambit to fire from the deck, where they laid in wait a short time to try and confuse them, before entering into a smoothly erratic attack pattern meant to keep tracking their power armors more difficult.

"I heard, linking scanning with the tenba." She shifted her support node towards something, "Scan for what I am sending you data on. There should be a control center inward, see if you can get the alarm. If you find a hit on one of those scans, it should be one of the parasite tanks, look for enemies near it in clumps for control rooms. We'll be there to hold the line, when you go in. Not far from you. May you liberate our heroes."

The comm silenced, and the sound of combat tore the sky open anew.
The other two members of the away team followed Kyoka's example and fired at the barricade and the soldiers manning it. Their attitude deal with the immediate threat and let the once in charge come up with a plan to deal with the parasites.

While the barricade was sturdy, the Infantry behind them was not. Grenades fired over the barricade had disastrous results for the defenders.
"Alright, Yamamoto-Heisho, you are clear to take your team forward. Everybody should be scanning for these tanks when they're not trying to shoot the Mishu. The safety of these prisoners takes precedence over everything else, so we HAVE to locate these tanks first. Heisho, disable or destroy them without releasing the parasites," Kyoka said, passing along the appropriate data so everybody could scan. Better multiple people did it so more accurate results could be obtained.

While she did this, the neko reloaded her gun and informed Saki, "I'm carrying a flamethrower, you know, in case of emergency."
"I'll check behind the barrier," Saki said and moved on. She held her plasma rifle in one hand and had her shields in front, aiming over it. Barricades. It was like on that ice-planet. Once again they fight almost defenseless nekoes.

"Kyoka?" Saki asked suddenly as she watching brutally killed nekovalkyrja's behind the barried. "Do we take prisoners?"
As Saki approached the barricade it toppled forward, about 20 meters from her a three gun turrets popped up from the floor and opened fire on her armor. Large caliber rounds slammed into her shields and armor.
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