Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 6.2] Sword Flash in Darkness - Unsheathed

"Shimatta!" Saki proclaimed and engaged her thrusters, moving to use enemy barricade as her own. As she moved, her mind quickly made the suits AIES target one turret with her SPING. As soone as she got lock she fired a missile and her plasma rifle at the turret.
"Damn it!" Yoshiro said not having paid attention to what was going on. He fired his plasma rifle at the turret on reflex. "Saki, are you all right?" He said after reloading his rifle. He was angry at himself for not paying attention and almost getting a squadmate killed but he didn't show it outwardly.
Above Higaflan
The battlepods were still in pursuit. The lead one took a series of shots at the unknown craft, while the other surged forward it was on a collision course. If it struck it would most likely damage the propulsion systems.

The turrets continued trying to get a clear shot at Saki the section of barricade she was using offered some protection, but they were tearing into the material The turret rotated so that the shot hit an armored panel. The panel absorbed most of the destructive force but Saki could see a hole in the turret and smoke coming out, it rotated back around at a slower speed and fired at her.
Above Higaflan

Kata'nova yelped when she saw the shots from the battlepod fly by her cockpit window, she was passing through the upper atmosphere of the planet right now and was trying to keep her craft on a course so that she could enter the planet safely without burning up.

When her collission alarm went off, she glanced over her shoulder instinctively and pulled the flight stick to the left in case whatever it was was ahead of her or even behind her.
"Back to the insertion point Gambit." Misaki called, once the sky was no longer alive with their battle. The three bogies were raining clouds of particulate matter and chunks that hit the ground much like rain. With no time to enjoy the artistry of a field of victory, the XO and her team returned to the extraction point.

"Leave two to cover the transports, the rest are going to deploy staggered at the vital points inside." Misaki replied, "Let's hurry up and meet the assault crew, these scans must pass in."

Tsubei-juni, we are coming up. Have you located any POWs or control areas? Gambit and I are coming in to secure the ground captured and reinforce.

That accomplished, the second armor team finally followed into the breached doors of the prison complex.
Freyja saw the unidentified shuttle falling toward the area of operation, the battle pods where peeling off of her and heading for the unknown shuttle. She knew that it gave her an opportunity to take it on. Powering up she chased after the Battle pods, for know she was going to treat the falling shuttle as an neutral target. meaning until it tried to attack her she wasn't going to attack it.

once she was in range she started firing at the the battle pod. the forward weapons slaved to her the others given over to the AI control. she never stayed with a single target for more then a few seconds and a few shots, the skies were becoming a mixing bowl of ships and weapons fire.
"Saki!" Kyoka cried, her array of NSBs firing fully and as rapidly as possible on the leftmost. Her own rifle trained and shot at the middle. For that moment, she panicked and didn't send any message back to Miyako. The neko activated her Barrier module, preparing to move in front of her comrade if things got worse.
Saki yelped and huddled behind the armoured panel, hoping it will giver her enough protection. Her shields still were not down and she had two capacitors, but they just reached the prison, she did not want to use that so soon. Saki activated her NSB and let them disperse a little as she swapped ammo in her grenade launcher. She would love to use HE, but would mean going against the orders. With Airburst loaded, she fired it at the turrets, with targeting data from both AIES and NSB bits. She planned for it to explode above the middle turret.
Trowa turned his weapon on one of the turrets, it was only when the energy bolts struck it that it turned away from Saki. He dispatched one of his drones and instructed it to approach the turret. Once it got within the same range of Saki a turret turned and fired at it.

"Tsubei-Juni, it looks like the turrets are controlled by proximity."


Gambit squad responded to their orders and regrouped at the entrance to the prison. Their leader positioned two of them at the door to protect their back for when the transports landed. The rest followed Jacob into the prison.

Above Higaflan

The sudden erratic maneuvers of Kata'nova were enough to keep the battlepod from hitting her craft. The surface of the planet was coming up to meet her rapidly. An alien craft closed on her position and opened fire upon the two battlepods and reduced them to falling burning debris.
Saki's grenade went off as desired. Covering all the turrets in the blast. The effects varied the ones in the middle were the least affected because of their armored top. But the outer two were more affected. The one she initially engaged went dead, and the one farthest from her was damaged and moving erratically.
Kyoka nodded to Trowa, sending her Bits to hover around the most functional turret and rotate around it in a circle, using them and their blasts to both confuse and damage it at the same time.
Kata'nova was only barely able to notice the alien craft, her mind more focused on avoiding being hit by whatever it was that was being fired at her. When she did notice that the battlepods had been destroyed, due to them disappearing from her sensors, she pondered what had taken them out.

She glanced at the fast approuching ground, noticing forests and canyons, rivers and places that she could either hide in or lose anyone else that might be pursuing her.

She did slow her craft down a bit and bank it to try and get a better look at the alien craft, she hoped to possibly identify it, although she kept her eyes out for anything else that resembled those odd pods and kept her hand on the throttle controls.
The central turret was soon reduced to smoking rubble by the combined fire power. The only sound in the hallway was the sizzle and crackle of fried or burning circuitry.
Tsubei-juni, we are coming up. Have you located any POWs or control areas? Gambit and I are coming in to secure the ground captured and reinforce.

"Oh crap, I've gotta reply. . ." Kyoka muttered off comms, then punched out a response mentally.

Sorry for the delay. Enemy surprised us with a secondary defense behind initial barricade. Tell your squad to be careful of any more traps. No sign of parasite tanks.

"Alright, keep scanning for parasites. Yamamoto-Heisho, you can go ahead now. Everybody else, double time!" She barked, leading Saki and Yoshiro forward into the depths. Her NSBs led the charge, peering around corners for enemies before Kyoka moved. better safe than sorry, after all.
Yoshiro kept an eye out as they headed in to the depths of the base. The enemy could be anywhere and he wanted to be prepared. "Tsubei-heisho, have you seen a prison complex like this before?" He asked, apprehension and a bit of fear creeping into his voice.
Through, and into the prison the XO's team went, with a careful profile with her at point to keep them from making a bigger target spread out. At two by two, they would have to spread to fire more effectively, but surprise fire would hit less units at least.

Gambit and Misaki were soon nearing the other armor team, and she looked for better readouts of her scans, now that she was inside the base itself, trying to find the best, quickest point to attack within the base, or to find a subsystem gambit could take at the same time, "The clock is ticking." The Neko called to the squad leaders, hoping to get some headway, at least to break into a control center so they could avoid getting their primary targets killed, While keeping her rifle leveled down the passage, she thought of the best places inside the structure for possible ambushes, noting the wreckage already present from the fight scarce minutes before.
Kyoka's NSB's finally found one of the Parasite containment vessels. It was a large globe filled with a green liquid. The parasites could be seen swimming around inside of the sphere. Next to it was a equipment that maintained the sphere.

A NMX Render on the surface that was on recon, now heading towards the prison spotted the alien craft. It fired its shoulder mounted cannons at the craft. Peppering its hull with aether and causing a number of system malfunctions.
Kata'nova let out a yelp when her navigation console blew from the multiple impacts to her scout. She was happy her helmet was on, as it saved her from having a face full of metallic shrapnel but now she had a new problem.

The multiple impacts on her scout had destroyed and disabled multiple systems, she lost navigation and also communications. Her flight controls were also damaged and she couldn't turn her scout to the left, worse was that she was reading a containment field failure in the main generator.

"I need to jettison the generator, or else I'll be dead..." muttered the child as she looked around for a place where she could dump the generator without potentially being caught in the explosion itself. She knew the tech well, as she maintaned her scout quite religiously.

She knew that the generator's explosive radius would be anywhere from five to nine miles wide, depending on how long the containment field would remain active before the moment of collapse. She kind of wished that her scout had the same cancellation system that a starship had, but the scout was much to small to incorporate such a complex system currently. Of course, now that she was thinking about it, she realized now why some people referred to their scouts as 'flying coffins'

With a shake of the head, she began to prepare the system to jettison the generator and noticed a mountain range off to her left that she could drop the generator in and contain the explosion, in hopes of not damaging the surrounding enviroment.
The Drone would show a cluster of technicians working on the tank containing the parasites. A lone technician was working on a turret that looked very much like the popup ones the team had already encountered.

Given its location, it was very likely that the second tank would be at a point opposite this one in the prison to provide maximum coverage.
"Heisho, there is a potential second tank near your location, as well as enemy fortifications. Be on your guard and send out probes when you can," Kyoka called over comms to her companion team, directing her own trio to the first tank she detected. She sent her NSBs to investigate said room more thoroughly in case enemy reinforcements had set up there.

To Misaki, Kyoka sent
What do we do with the tanks once we have secured them?