Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 6.2] Sword Flash in Darkness - Unsheathed

Eight miles from the prison

Kata'nova yelped when her scout shuddered when both of her engines finally gave out, belching thick black smoke behind her as the craft rapidly lost alttitude. She reached under her flight console with a free hand and pulled out a small blue crystal which she placed somewhere on her person, then quickly grabbed the flight stick to stabalize herself.

The pilot was glad that it was overcast, and that there was no sunlight to interfere with her sight; thus she could see the ground very clearly and watched her alttitude gauge and then noticed the forest ahead and one thing came to her mind: "Oh Srisa! TREES!" right as her scout plowed right into the top of the trees, taking them off, and continuing on through.

She could hear nothing but multiple 'thumps' as her scout crashed through more and more trees, either breaking off branches or actually going 'through' some. Parts of her scout were torn off from the impact, including her landing skids which are deployed automatically and went kareening through the air.

Finally, after what felt like several minutes but was really just a few seconds, she found her head meeting her flight control as her craft slamming bottom first into the forest ground, cracking the helmet and shattering her visor; and promptly jumped back up into the air due to momentum where the scout spun at a thirty degree angle and went back into the dirt where it slided across the ground, creating a very long gorge and finally came to a stop when it's momentum was stopped by a very large tree. Black smoke belched from several sections of the deformed craft, much of it's shiny, smooth surface was no more, replaced by both light and deep dents, or gone completely due to being torn off in the crash; the entire forward section of the craft was deformed and some of the nose was gone completely, while parts of her left 'wing' were missing completely.

The girl let out a pained groan, her head resting against her flight stick.
Few miles away from the prison

Freyja followed the craft down trying not to lose it. The impact she saw mad her body ache in sympathy. As the craft hit the sensors lost track of it,with all the debris that it threw up she wasn't surprised. She started an orbit of the main crash site looking for the hull. The sensors couldn't make any lock on the craft, 'so it is going to be a Mk 1 eye search.'

The orbit didn't turn up any answers but by the time she was halfway through her third she found the slide line for it. She dropped down and followed them in slowly. Once the main hull, or what was left of it was in sight she turned the ship around 180 and used the engines to blow the smoke away. The sensors popped up with a spout of information in the chunk of devastation, there was a person still alive. "I got to help out" she muttered to herself.

She brought the shuttle to a hover a meter above the ground and lowered the rear hatch. Leaving the AI in charge of keeping the hover, and with orders to notify her if any other craft came with in range. once she grabbed the first aid kit she hopped out the rear hatch and walked over to where the life signal was located.

It took her a few minutes to find the clear hatch that the pilot was trapped behind. She tapped on the hatch and called "Hello, you still alive in there, please allow me to help you out of there."

Kata'nova stirred at the sound someones voice, although her mind couldn't make heads or tails of 'what' was being said. She groaned, raising her head up off her scouts flight stick and feeling a sense of vertigo that caused her to lay her head back down for a few moments while she regained her senses.

She could hear ringing in her right ear and could taste blood in her mouth, when she opened her eyes she saw that she could only see out of one eye right now. She raised her hand and carefully removed her helmet, setting it on her lap and placing her hand on her head, she felt something slick and removed it to see it was blood. "Ouch..." she muttered when she felt a brief sense of pain in her head.

She looked around her smashed cockpit until her eyes fell upon something beyond the window, a person outside. At first, she pondered why they were there, before feeling another pain throb in her head. Her mind wondered with why they were there, and then she recalled that she had been fired upon after her arrival and straight away she assumed that this person was there to capture her or perhaps even kill her, she reached for her side-arm where she flipped the safety off and then hit the cockpit release. There was a loud 'bang' as several specially placed charges blew the cockpit canopy into the air.

Kata'nova bounded over the right edge of her cockpit, and stared at the armored person and aimed her pistol at them. "Xip bsf zpv?!" she shouted, although this being translator wouldn't make heads or tails of what she was saying. She grabbed her side, and used her free hand to keep the pistol up while taking small steps to back away, her face was noticably blooded.
When the hatch blew open she fell back, she nearly took it to the face. Freyja regained her feet in time to watch the hurt being fall out of the cockpit. When the person aimed the weapon at her she started worrying.
Kyle said:
"Xip bsf zpv?!" she shouted

"Pp..please calm down," She slowly held her arms out she pointed to her left hand where she was holding the first aid kit, she slowly set the kit on the ground opening it. As calm as she could speak she told the person, "I..I'm here to help you, this is a first aid kit,"She pulled out a bandage and showed the person what it was by wrapping it around her own arm. grabbing another bandage she moved very slowly toward the down pilot with hopes it would let her help her.
Kata'nova's pistol hand shook a bit as she backed off from the creature. "Tubz bxbz!!" she shouted, this time a bit more hectic and voice sounding rather scared.

She stepped on a branch, which caused her to spin around to look at where the sound came from, then she quickly pointed her pistol back at the creature. "Xiz eje zpv gjsf po nf?!"
"Re..Relax, I mean you no harm at all," she sent a message to the AI to bring up a volumetric screen near herself where downed Pilot could see it, with calming soothing and peaceful images on it.

"Look I'm here to help, please your bleeding and from how you are holding your side you are hurt worst then you look. Please come with me, I can take you can to my ship and get you some medical help." She said that in Yamataian then repeated herself in Nepleslian. She didn't move a muscle. 'please let me help!' she thought loudly in hopes the downed pilot might me a mind reader.
We're through. Managing control.

When more of Gambit filtered into the control room, Kurusu followed, when she was sure the guards left to either side of the doors would be enough cover. Rifle up, she sent her pods through, then began to fire where she knew she would not hit controls, but could tear through enemy positions. "I want those cells opened yesterday, as soon as the room is secured. Get me a patch on the prison comms and block what you can from getting out to the enemy." She told her squad leader, while loosing another brilliant discharge of energy towards the center mass of a guard.

The shape of Misaki's armor slid upwards, suddenly firing from the ceiling, covering both sides of the room, and giving Gambit more room to operate in. Her pods were ordered around the enemy's cover, to fire upon them as needed while they negotiated the break from within the core.
Control Room

The breaching team made short work of any hostiles aided by Misaki. The armed soldiers were either dead, maimed or dying. The lighting in the chamber went out plunging the team into darkness, their armors quickly switched to other light mode.

"Stay sharp Gambit, cover the doors on the sides of the room, and I want two of you to head up to that door on the upper level." Jacob called out.

Alpha Team

The Kylie clad hostiles returned fire almost at the same time as the Aeon team. A second later the overhead lighting went out, plunging everything into darkness with the exchange of weapon fire illuminating the corridor like strobe lighting. The Kylies fired their W2708 Shoulder-Fired 50mm Railguns in a spray pattern at the team members intended to wear down the SAOY shields.

Crash Site

A plasma burst struck the tree near Freyja. A quick glance showed a group of NMX Infantry and a Buggy were approaching.
Crash Site

The explosion knocked her to her knee, she recovered to her feat relatively quickly. "Wha..What was that," She saw the NMX troopers coming at them, "Come on, follow me please," she waved the pilot on to follow her but she didn't wait to see if the pilot followed.

She moved, and hopped into her shuttle, as soon as she got into her pilot seat she saw that the sensors also was picking up a buggy. "Well lets see what we can do about that." She said as she brought the weapons systems to target. Speaking to the shuttle's AI as she fired she told it to use the rear weapons to start targeting the troopers. She looked back behind her seat to see if the downed pilot followed her.
Crash Site

The pilot had not, the sound of the explosion jostled Kata'nova who quickly looked into her scout and slapped her hand against a control knob that caused the cockpit to be enveloped in a pulsating red glow.

The young girl, as she ran out from behind the fighter, would appear to quite young compared to Freyja and short as well. She fled behind a tree and dove down to avoid being hit by enemy fire.
Crash Site

With the young pilot not it the shuttle she hit the controls to have the hatch shut. She spoke to the AI informing it to mark the young hurt pilot a a friendly and to focus the use of the rear weapons in defense of her. "Foolish thing," she grunted as the kept aiming and firing at the NMX team.
Kyoka had hoped that the SLEX round would have taken them out. Wishful thinking, she noted. All of her NSBs joined the fray now as she continued to pump plasma at the Kylies.

"Tanaka-Hei, assist us whenever you're certain the parasites are done for!" She barked back.
Alpha Team

The darkened corridor was illuminated by the hellish blaze of the SLEX. The confined space of the corridor meant that the blast was channeled along its length bringing the flames perilously close to the Alpha team.

The rounds from the Railguns took out chunks of stone behind the away team, and one round slammed into Saki's shield. While another struck followed behind it slamming into her chest plate. A round hit Kyoka's shield causing a flare of energy as the shield stopped the worst of it.

The tank was well and truly offline, as Tanaka double checked as one of the rounds struck the wall near his helmet sending a shower of debris.

The fireball then consumed itself and the hallway was plunged back into darkness. The two Kylies clearly painted in IR vision from the heat, appeared to be still standing, but their combat effectiveness was unknown.
Yoshiro jumped slightly as the round impacted too close. "Whoa, that was a bit sudden." He said and fired at the Kylies after locking on with his AIES. He reloaded his plasma rifle and fired a few more bursts and then he waited for a response from the Kylies. "Arai-hei, you still with us?" Yoshiro asked, concerned for his fellow soldier.
Crash site

The tree that Kata'nova took shelter behind was suddenly being shot at by the turret on the NMX Buggy. Chunks of wood flew all around the kit, and the tree started listing dangerously.

Kata'nova let out a yelp as the tree above her burst apart and began to lean, she scurred on all fours toward another tree that was closer to the shuttle. Just then, a bright red flash illuminated the area for a few seconds as the scouts auto-destruct system, an item not common on the scout but installed by Kata'nova for safety purposes, detonated. The scout was blown apart, pieces flying in all directions.

The ground shuddered for a moment as Kata leaned out from cover and checked her power supply on her pistol. When she looked up to see where the fire was coming from, she noticed the shuttle and it firing on something else - something she assumed to be whoever had fired on them.

She cocked her head curiously to one side, then glanced in the direction where the fire was coming from. She took her helmet, which she had clipped to the side of her belt and put it back on, it may not prove much use now considering the face-plate was blown out but at the armored net inside would protect her from any projectiles.

Cautiously she began to creep up behind the shuttle, she wasn't sure what to make of this, but considering the shuttle wasn't firing on her - perhaps the occupant 'was not' an enemy, but she was still concerned, although perhaps curiousity also played a role.
Crash site

As Kata'nova made her dash for another tree the one leaning was struck again and a section of it exploded as the sap was suddenly turned to steam. Large splinters and chunks flew in all directions as the tree came crashing down.

Freyja's assault from the Transporter made short work of the buggy once she had it in her sights. The two forward mounted weapons sliced into the vehicle and detonated the ordnance it had in it. Pieces of the buggy and its occupants were blown outwards covering an area about 20 meters across. What did not explode burned. The NMX Infantry wisely made for cover behind whatever sizable objects were available.

As Kata move forward towards the large craft, she felt a burning sensation coming from her left calf.
Crash Site

Freyja smiled as the buggy exploded. "One point me!, AI please open the rear hatch and put up a volumetric screen just outside with an animation of the downed pilot entering the craft." She needed that pilot to get in so that she could get the two of them out of the fire fight. As the hatch opened she swung the rear back by the downed pilot. "Come on, please..." she pleaded in the cockpit.
Crash Site

Kata'nova grimaced as she peered down at the piece of wood that was sticking out of her side, somewhat amazed that it was able to penetrate the suit. Must've hit a sweet spot.. she grunted as the suits medical system came online and began to inject medical foam around the entry wound and the stick, the burning sensation got worse for a few short season from the disinfecting agent within the foam.

She looked up when she heard a mechnical whine and noticed the hatch on the shuttle lower, she backed off for a moment, then noticed other creatures moving ahead of this shuttle some distance away. She looked down at her pistol and decided not to draw anymore attention to herself than she had already, and ran up the hatch into the shuttle.
Crash Site

Once the AI alerted her that the downed pilot was aboard, Freyja ordered the hatch sealed. "please use the screen to put up an animation on how to strap in please AI," Freyja hoped the young pilot would sit down and relax until she could get the shuttle some where safer.

Once she boosted out of the fire fight area she told the AI to alert her if any enemy craft entered in to an approach path. she then set the shuttle into a flight path that would take it to the prison before she rotated in her seat and looked at the poor thing that was bleeding in the cabin.