Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 6.2] Sword Flash in Darkness - Unsheathed

Yoshiro walked in to check the area and was horrified by what he saw. "Damn these NMX...Doing these things to these poor people." He whispered as he launched his drones to scout elsewhere. He was apalled by what he saw but he had a job to do so he concentrated on that.
Control Area

Jacob looked at the Chusa, "Ma'am, I'll take two of Gambit squad with me and we will find the Taisho and bring her back here safely. The rest of the squad will be at your disposal."

He selected two of nekos and after a quick check of the layout, they left through the doors at the other end of the chamber they were in.


At the end of chamber a series of glowing lights became visible on the dark mass. It then lurched and got to its feet. The NSB's using lowlight visuals showed that the object was a modified Flayer Tankette. Behind a transparent material a hybrid could be seen hotwired into the unit.
"Flayer!" Kyoka cried over comms, monitoring Yoshiro's feeds. She whipped about, aiming directly for the nose of the machine. "Concentrate fire on the center! Don't use explosives!"

The neko was wary about using explosives for multiple reasons. The first of which was harming the hybrids. If there was a chance they could be saved, she didn't want to waste it.
"Those bastards! I am gonna make them pay for this!" Yoshiro shouted as he fired where Tsubei had asked him to shoot. He aimed with the help of the NSBs and fired his plasma rifle at the center of the target and hope that he could disable it. Just because I am not a neko doesn't mean that I have to take this crap! For all the nekos that have been harmed by the NMX let my aim be true! He said to himself.
"Discipline!" Misaki barked over the comms to Tsubei's unit, "Is that target even functional?" Knowing it was probably too late, she jetted towards the command console and repeated the evacuation message herself, "Please evacuate as quickly as possible, members of the First XF are lining the escape route to cover your advance in the other direction. The planet is under active attack, move to evac, and help anyone that cannot under their own power. Kurus-chusa out."

Feeling somewhat better about things at that point, she looked towards Jacob, "Good. Once she is here we can confirm anything else she might know about the prison. Do not use her name and rank over open comm, I don't want to cause an incident."
Jacob gave a single nod, "Hai." in response to Misaki. He and the other two Hei's followed him through the doors. They moved quickly, and silently, as they passed the doors their active camouflage engaged making them ghosts in the mixed lighting.



The first round of shots fired at the modified Flayer struck the material but did not penetrate. the energy seemed to ripple upon the surface.

From the Flayer an ear drum shattering sound wave came. The sound caused anything loose to vibrate and rattle. A few of the overhead pipes ruptured releasing greenish fluids. It was followed by an intense beam of microwave pulses.
The sound wave stunned Kyoka harshly, due to her enhanced Neko ears, but she at least did not lose her hearing completely.

"T-Tanaka-Hei!" the partially deaf neko replied, recovering from the sound wave. "Maintain your temperament! Continue concentrating fire!"

She regained her composure as quickly as she could and resumed firing on the machine, same place as before.
"Yes... ma'am!" He shouted affected by the soundwaves. They hurt his ears and he was barely hearing any orders that were given. The microwave pulses were starting to affect him as well but he stood his ground. He aimed at the center of the Flayer and continued to fire. Maybe I should talk to someone about my anger issues. I really need to get a hold of my temper. He said to himself.
Saki was left speechless, she just stood there and looked at the hybrids. She saw bad things during her carrier, but this was just too cruel. How much must have these people suffer while being mutated into.... this. Her chain of thought was though cut off by the Flayers.

Saki usually got angry and went to punish the wicked, but right now she was just sad. What happened here was horrible and she could not not notice the hybrid wired into the Flayers. Saki raised her rifle and aimed very well at the hybrid rooted in the tankette. When her Aies lit up with green that the target was locked on, she pulled the trigger.
The transparent bubble on the flayer began to show the effects of the barrage. Parts of it were starting to glow red from heat, and other parts were starting to show stress fractures. After Saki's fire power was added the barrier finally failed. The result of which was the instant killing of the hybrid in the chamber. However, the sonic and microwave barrage continued.
"Move faster down there. We're moving the civilians to the shuttles now. Resistance has been purged, shuttles. Prepare to evac. Basement team, get records and prepare to withdraw if you find nothing else. We can have fleet glass this place." Misaki relayed simply, and moved to cover the door.

She waited to get the Taisho to the control room, moving to raise her rifle towards the door again with a sigh, helping to relay their current status ot the Aeon while requesting their own sitrep.
Outside the prison two of the Tenba-Class Transporters landed a short distance from the entrance. The crew standing by the vehicle door to help the prisoners get in. The pilot using the vessels weapons to deal with any soldiers that tried to interfere.
Kyoka saw the hybrid die, but didn't react. She had already considered the possibility of the wiring overloading the poor creature once they started firing, so she didn't dawdle now. She just kept shooting until it was dead, weaving around the returning fire where she could.

The prototype finally stopped firing as the systems failed between the death of the hybrid and the barrage from the Away team. The basement was a mess with over a foot of standing water and more coming in from the ruptured pipes.

Landing Zone

The first loaded Transporter lifted from the ground and streaked upwards. The second one started loading the rescued prisoners. Based on the numbers it was clear that they would need the third Tenba to get the Away team and the liberated home free.


Above in the reaches of space, the Aeon was heading back to the planet. The strike group had been successful with their ambush of the incoming NMX reinforcements. The NMX ships while caught did not go down without a struggle. The Aeon like the rest of the ships bore the scars of battle. The starboard pylon was gone, the port one had multiple holes. The hull of the gunship was pockmarked with weapon hits, and there were numerous hull breaches. Usaga was hard at work effecting emergency repairs to primary systems.
Saki calmed herself. Her weapon still aimed at the inactive tankette, but she was paying more attention to her surroundings. Her eyes scooped among the hybrids and she could not not notice the water.

"What are we going to do Kyoka?" Saki asked with distress in her voice. "We can't just leave these people behind like this. The bombardment might not reach down here...." Saki though the least SAoY could do... if they could not help them, they can at least put them out of their misery.

Freyja was getting concerned, that was the second status request she received without getting on confirmation of receipt. She looked back at her passenger and with a worried looked, "I think things are going to get interesting." She knew the furry pilot wouldn't understand so she asked the software to show a picture of the pilot getting into a seat and buckling up. Freyja then asked the AI to run a diagnostic of the comms. I was hoping the system was just not transmitting opposed to the fact the ground team was just ignoring her.

Once the AI told her that the comms where up to par she opened a channel with the Ground team's leader, "Ma'am, Do you need air support? I repeat, Do you need air support? I'm in a holding pattern just above the prison, weapons hot. Please respond."

She was planning to give them 5 minuets to respond before making a low pass. as she waited she opened a comm with the second shuttle, Status of your load. How far are you from lifting?
Kyoka was torn. She'd heard the rumors of how dangerous Hybrids were, and finally experienced it firsthand. And there was nothing guaranteeing that once they emerged from tanks, they wouldn't support the NMX. Or be in heinous pain. On top of it all, they might not even be safe without the support of the tanks. On the other hand, they were still POWs. She decided to do the thing any good soldier would do in this scenario.

That is, delegate the decision to a higher authority.

What do we do with the hybrids? The reasons are weighed against letting them live, but I can't make the decision soundly yet.

"Arai-hei, Tanaka-hei, secure the connected hallways. If any prisoners come through here, I don't want any potshots from a squid," She commanded, scooting away from the water flow from a burst pipe.
Outside the prison

The Tasha had taken up position at the edge of the landing zone. Firing at anything hostile that approached within range of their weapons. They both showed signs of damage more than half their weapons were offline. But they continued to perform their orders.

"This is Transporter Two, we are getting ready to lift. We are at capacity. The rest is up to you." came the reply from the second Tenba. A moment later the craft lifted slowly upwards to rejoin the task force.


Most of the tanks appeared to be inactive, with only small lamps illuminating the contents. The four cylinders closest to where the 'weapon' was still have power and the fluid was circulating.

Across the comm channel for the Away team, the following message came through
"Gambit leader to XO, we have secured the package. We should arrange transport and have medical standing by to receive. Heading back to your position."

Freyja acknowledged the reply from transport two, You two start making for orbit, get those pow to safety. I'll Make the final pick up and follow you guys up once I'm Heavy.

She quickly brought up the channel for the Aeon, Aeon, This is Tenba 1, Freyja here, Tenba's 2 and 3 are heavy and should be breaking for orbit. I'm about to enter approach for final team pick-up, we may need heavy fire support, once pick up is made.

Freyja frowned, she wasn't with her last unit long enough to get a call sign before being transferred. She wished she didn't have to use her real name over the comms in combat. As she was worrying over that she brought the shuttle into approach for the pick up. Flipping back over to the teams comm channel she clicked the transmit button, Ground Team this is Tenba 1, on final approach for team pick up. Please be ready I don't want to sit on deck long.
Saki moved to one of the exits from the room to cover it. She did not feel right in this place. All the horrible things that were done here. "Kyoka what is the command doing?" She asked with telepathy. "Are they sitting on this arse? We need to move fast, before this place gets blown up. The question is do we try to move the hybrids or put them out of their misery? Who knows if the blast will reach them down here?"