Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 6.2] Sword Flash in Darkness - Unsheathed


This was an usual thing for Kata'nova to try; not to mention something of an embarrassment considering that she didn't know 'what' to draw right now other than just trying anything to communicate.

She took the pencil and looked at the floor, then began to draw the shape of a craft - or something that could loosely resemble one. Followed by a crudely designed arrow. Kata'nova looked up at the creature, pointed at the 'ship' drawing, and then looked around the shuttle, before pointing at the crudly drawn arrow and shrudding her shoulders. Essentially, she was asking 'where were they going', although she wondered if this creature would understand her.

The soldiers went back into the control room, and began the steps to take control of the myriad systems within the prison. It took them several about five minutes to make the changes.

"Chusa, we have unlocked the control system, and reset the controls. We have full control of all automated systems that are operational. We can release the prisoners upon your command.

We took the liberty of turning the prison defenses upon any isolated guards. They have been subdued. Except for one in the north corridor. He is close proximity to the VIP prisoner. We could not take him down without possibly hitting her.


The parasites started swimming more frenetically in the tank, and started slamming into the damaged glass panel. They would hit in groups of two or three and the cracks in the surface would spread a few more centimeters. If something was not done soon to patch the tank, the parasites would breach the chamber. If that happened it would be up to the team and their SLEX grenades to try to exterminate the swarm.
"Arai-hei, I'm going to heat up their tank. Be keep your sensors trained to detect if any of them get more than a foot away from the tank, and fire your grenades when it does," Kyoka ordered deciding on a new course of action. She nearly slapped herself in the forehead, considering she saw this idea on a cooking channel long before. "Tanaka-hei, you too."

"Turn on heat," She mumbled, aiming carefully so that she could reach as much of the tank as possible with flamey goodness. "Bring to boil."

She pressed the trigger.
Yoshiro loaded a SLEX Grenade into his launcher and watched as the others readied their weapons. "Roger that." He said after Tsubei told him what to do and he aimed his weapon a foot ahead of the tank.
Alpha Team

As Kyoka squeezed the trigger and the stream of flame surged towards the tanks, she could see the parasites move to the far side of the tank. A moment later the tank was engulfed in the flaming liquid. The metal of the containment unit started glowing red in places, and those who could see the sides of the tank would see the liquid start to boil.

The pressure in the tank built until the superheated fluid caused the damaged glass to shatter. Liquid and parasites were spewed from the chamber. Most of the parasites that hit the floor were clearly dead, their bodies ruptured. However a number of the creatures thrashed about weakly on the floor.

Freyja's sensors showed the other Transporters moving into position. Meanwhile the TASHA charged to the location of her Tenba and started firing volleys of death at the approaching enemy.

The internal video system started recording every movement and sound that the alien made to be relayed back to the Aeon when the chance permitted to help with analysis and translation.
Kyoka's flames lowered to douse the survivors of the onslaught, then flamed the tank for another few seconds before loosening her grip. With any luck, they'd all be dead. If not, she trusted her squadmates to pick up that slack.

Freyja looked at the drawing the young pilot drew, thinking. she was about to shrug and motion for her to come up to the cockpit seat when it hit her. "Ohhh" she bent down and drew a picture of a prison with bars on the windows and a sad neko behind them. She then drew a few nekos walking into the rear of the shuttle, then a cartoony version of the Aeon with arrows showing the order. "We are trying to rescue some people and take them to the Aeon." she pointed to the pictures as she told the pilot the plan.
Kata'nova's head cocked curiously to one side as she stared at the drawing, the image of the Neko was a baffling one to her as she'd never seen something like it and tapped that drawing and looked up at Freyja.
"My people" she pointed to herself then drew a few different nekos, herself, the Taisa, and a few others of the crew, then she pointed at the cartoony Freyja then to herself, then to the little shuttle drawing then to the inside of the shuttle.
She drew a line to the Aeon from the Taisa toon, "She is my leader"
Kata'nova sat back for a moment as she stared at the drawings; then at the one's with the prisoners, her head bobbed from side to side as she thought about what to draw. Then, she drew what looked like an NMX Battlepod, or rather something very crudly resembling it, and then drew a line with it pointing at the Aeon with an arrow and four dots.
Freyja looked at the new sketch and shook her head. "No no they are not with us." to show this she drew a little Aeon shooting at the battle pods then destroying it by scribbling the pod out. Of coarse this was all nerated with sounds from Freyja. Thinking for a second she asked the Shuttle's AI to show the gun camera's footage of her shooting down a few battlepods.
The young Kit watched some of the footage, it baffled her though as to why they were fighting, was the purpose or the reason? She merely looked at the pilot with a curious look, but she didn't really know 'how' to draw that question out.
Freyja knew time was tight right then, with the ground team getting close to calling for a extraction. "Well you found your self in an interesting place and an interesting time." She laughed normally she was shy around new people, but she was talking and finding it easy to be around this young pilot, "Now if only we could talk."
The kit blinked and stared at Freyja for a moment, before something startled her. She looked down at her bodysuit and over at the holster where she had her sidearm, and pulled the weapon out and pointed it toward the shuttles deck. She tapped the bottom and out came a small rectangular piece that fell into the palm of her hand, she laid the gun in her lap, and slide out a small area of the piece to reveal a crystal inside of it. The crystal pulsed slowly, but every so often it would brighten up a bit.
The young girl let out a sigh that could be assumed to either be one of frustration or perhaps even worry, as she grabbed the crystal by the tips with two fingers and held it up, turning it over in her hand and then placing it back in it's container and closed it and put that container into her pocket, only to pull out another one just like it and sliding it into the bottom of the gun. She turned it toward the back and looked at a tiny display that showed the weapon's status and current power charge. "Fopvhi bnnp gps tjyuz npsf tiput, boe fopvhi qpxfs gps npsf uibo uibu.. cvu. .innn."
Freyja was nerves as the young pilot drew her pistol, but when she set it on her lap she relaxed a hair. It was easy to forget that this person wasn't Star Army, she could very well be an enemy. But she seems too nice to be NMX,
She pondered what was the little crystals the pilot was handling, all she could think of was maybe they powered the pistol. "Your not going to use that in here are you? I hope not it might damage something we need" She drew a little pistol firing with a circle with a line through it, then Freyja drew a Shuttle around it.
Kata'nova looked at it for a moment and then at Freyja and shook her head, and then took the pencil and drew her pistol - something that looked remarkably more artistic than the other drawings she had drawn and then drew a line toward the battlepod she had drawn.
Freyja smiled and nodded, but she quickly drew the "No Shooty Pistol" symbol by the cartoon images of Freyja, the Taisa, and the prisoner neko. During all this she spoke slowly to match the pace she was drawing,"Shoot all the NMX you want, but NONE of my people."
The young kit looked at it for a moment and shook her head; and then tapped the pistol that Freyja had drawn and then drew a picture of herself and draw a line to it and worriedly looked at Freyja.
Freyja frowned for a few seconds looking at the ramification of the drawing. but with a grin on her face she drew a picture of her self and one of the young pilot holding hands, with big smiles and flowers and butterflies.
Those images baffled Kata'nova who raised an eye-brow and looked at Freyja in confusion.
"You and me are golden, I won't hurt you." She thought for a few minutes, then she drew her pistol shooting the young pilot with the "No Shooty image" over it.
"Oinari- Hei, perhaps you should try using the translation program that Gustav-San has been working on. There is a copy of it in my databanks." Came Eternity's voice. "Drawing images without establishing proper context could have mixed results."

Freyja almost jumped when Eternity spoke to her, "Good idea, lets get that running, also any other ideas you have to help communicate with her would not go amiss." She hit a few commands on a console to get the Translation Program to kick up and start analyzing the conversations so far.

"Downloading the program to the Transporter's computer. The initial part combines visual and audio. It displays objects and provides the written form, and can say it. But Josea preferred to speak so the other person would hopefully follow suit. There are several categories, The first are common things such as trees, rocks, etc. The second set is dealing with parts of the body. It also repeats the images several times to ensure the context is correct."

The Tenba's computer system took a moment or two to load and process the code and brought up the menu.
"It also has interactive, where you can say what you want it to show, and it will. For example. Pistol." and an image of a NSP appeared..

"Thank you Eternity," She thought for a moment before speaking to the program, "Shuttle flying" She hoped that the software might reinforce some of the things she belived she got across. As the image of the Shuttle appered Freyja smiled, "We are in this" She pointed to the image and the drawing of the shuttle. "Shuttle"

Kata'nova gave a slow nod of the head when she saw the shuttle, an image much more detailed than what had been drawn on the deck. Of course, now she was trying to figure out how to communicate with this new system so that it could possibly help this creature better understand her, the young girl leaned back in her chair for a moment in thought.
Freyja watched the pilot stare at the shuttle image, She spoke the word "Shuttle" a few more times pointing at her mouth as she spoke it,then to the image. She pointed to the pilot's mouth then the image again, in hopes the poor thing would get the idea to say her own version of the word.
"tivuumf?" Kata'nova blinked, and thought about the word again that was spoken to her. "Sho...tall...." the girl tried to say.
Freyja smiled and giggle a little. "Shu...Tell....," She thought for a moment then spoke carefully, "Tiv...uumm?" She knew that she probably butchered the word but the attempt was impotent.
She told the program to bring up an image or a pistol, "Pis..Tol" she said slowly pointing at herself as she spoke then the image afterwards. Smiling she pointed at the pilot.
It took Kata'nova a few minutes to think on the word, but it just didn't come to her and in turn she shook her head and sighed. This wasn't going to be easy for her to do, but then again, she wasn't exactly educated in this kind of stuff.

The parasites on the floor were well and truly cooked by the flames of Kyoka's flamethrower. They would pose no threat to anyone ever again.

From the hallway the sound of dozens of doors unlocking and opening automatically filled the air.

"Attention Prisoners. The prison is under the control of the Star Army of Yamatai. Please proceed in a orderly fashion towards the entrance. We have transports standing bay to evacuate you from this facility." came from the loud speakers. "If you have cell mates that need assistance, let the soldiers know."
Saki smiled under the helmet and turned to aim at the corridor should some last NMX neko stumble in. "You hear that Kyo- Juni?" She shouted out excitedly. "The other made their way through! The facility is ours!"
Chusa, the parasites at my end have been eliminated. We're going to secure the lower floors, now.

Kyoka's message was sent once she was certain all the nasty little beasties were dead and gone for good. "Alright, we're heading down. I get the feeling that they've got a reserve down there, and I want to see every single POW get out alive!"

The neko directed her squadmates down the nearest hallway, headed down the stairwell onto the first basement floor.

The basement was a dark void, the ceiling of which was a maze of pipes that traveled in groups of 3-6. They went in a variety of directions. There were only a few lights actually working on this level. The floor was covered in about an inch of standing water. The source of the water being drippage from a number of pipes.

About 30 meters across from the entrance there was a wall that was covered in various green growths. There was a pair of large doors. The worlds "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL" was barely visible between the corrosion and the slime.
Kyoka made sure her NSB's were floating nearby, in front of the crack of the two doors, as she and the rest of the team approached the portal to the next room. The neko made a gesture for the other two to hug the walls of the passage while she prepared to open the door.

"Be prepared for anything on the other side of this door," She told them, getting ready to bust down the doors.

[2am post]
Yoshiro nodded and hugged the wall as he was ordered. He was getting more and more nervous and he took a deep breath to relax. "Where are we right now?" he asked as helped prisoners to get to where they needed.
Saki too a deep breath and looked at the doors. When she was told to be ready, she nodded at Kyoka. "Please let's it not be Misshu." She said and stood by the door ready to move in upon its opening. "Or another Render."
The silence of the room was shattered by klaxons and yellow flashing lights. The large doors started opening, copious amounts of mold and algae falling off of it.

Behind the doors a number of lights flickered on revealing a large chamber. The lights reflected off a number of cylindrical objects, and a large object the lights cast it in shadow giving only vague outline.
"Uh. . . huh. Well, that's lucky," Kyoka mumbled, sending the NSBs in first to make sure the room was completely clear. Once she was certain, she stepped into the room, walking carefully towards one of the vats. "Cover me. I'm going to see what exactly these things are," She ordered the other two.

In the meantime, she sent screenshots to Misaki.

we found these really weird vats downstairs. Anything you come across before?

There was no physical movement in the room. As the NSB's got closer to the tanks, Kyoka could see that were some sort of cloning chamber filled with some sort of green fluid. In them were forms as the NSB got close to one it was a body, not alive. It seemed to be a fusion of Nekovalkyrja and Mishuu. The legs had a look of armor for skin, and tentacles protruded from the sides. The face was trapped in a painful silent scream.

The other cylinders showed other hybrid combinations. None of them seemed viable.
"Ensure you can document everything, I don't want to miss that. It looks like a hybridization tank." The Chusa replied tersely. "Sweep the area quickly, we are beginning to evacuate. Gambit, continue to broadcast the escape message until everyone is moving, do you have anyone spare to bring out the VIP?" Asked the XO, moving back to the command console from the door.

"Shuttles. Sitrep." Ordered the officer, waiting as more information filtered up from the lower levels. "Take as detailed scans as you can, but it looks like they were using our POWs for experimentation. That's nothing new. Stay focused down there."

Freyja was almost having fun playing with the word translation program, when the comms chimed up asking for a sitrep. So she smiled and gestered for the young pilot to keep playing with the software, and got up to move back to her seat. Once seated she kicked up the radio:

"Roger that, on approach, heavy 1 rescued pilot from an unknown fighter craft. Be advised that there is a large force moving in from the east , I will Stay airborne and continue supplying air support, until the POWs are loaded up on the other shuttles. Once the other shuttles are clear the area, then I will make the pick-up of you guys."

She knew she was repeating herself but she also knew the ground team was dealing with a lot of different things. She sent a message to Aeon with notice of her status and the status of her "friend." Freyja looked over the radar and the scans of the airspace above, She hoped things would stay clear long enough for all the shuttles to make their pick ups. After a split second a thought shot through her head she hit the comms for the ground team again:

Freyja here again, do you have need of air support? if not I'm going to do one more wide orbit around the area before swinging in for my pick up.
"Rodger that, Chusa. But what do you mean hy-"

Kyoka really observed the tanks for the first time and recoiled in shock and horror.


She recovered her composure, took a deep breath, then began taking more pictures of the various tanks.

"Arai-hei, Tanaka-hei. . . go on and scope the area out - we're moving forward with the evacuation, so be careful not to shoot any captives. I need a moment."