Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 6.2] Sword Flash in Darkness - Unsheathed


Kata'nova looked about the shuttle, and at the image that was showing her what she had to do, although she didn't any of the language presented on it the animation did enough to tell her what it was about.

Her eyes looked over toward where the pilot would be, she sat down in a free seat and looked down at her round. She holstered her pistol in it's holder, then looked down at where the sliver of wood was; there was something white and foamy over it and the foam had broken some of this wood so that Kata'nova could remove it herself.

She didn't dare try to remove the rest though, medical classes had taught her to never remove the medical foam unless in a sterile enviroment or unless the wound was serious enough to be needing treatment in the immidieate area, and right now she didn't feel it needed treatment right away nor was she in what she felt was a sterile area.

The girl rested her head back, and tapped the side of her helmet, almost most of the visor was broken - some of it was still there and thus she was able to at least some readouts on her suit. She saw that the suits oxygen supply was adequete and that the injury to her side wasn't life-threatening.

She looked over at the pilot and then at the shuttle wall. "Xibu xfsf uiptf uijoht..." she asked herself curiously. "Bmuipvhi, J xpoefs xifsf uijt uijoh jt hpjoh.."
Kyoka and her NSBs continued to fire at the Kylies, adjusting her sensors so that the pair was still visible. She refrained from firing another explosive, however, wanting to keep the place intact and not accidentally hit her own team.

Freyja looked the young pilot up and down studying her, "Well, i guess welcome to my shuttle. I doubt you understand me any better now then before but,"She shrugged, "I just wanted to say that you are safe here, and I won't hurt you." She though for a few seconds before speaking to the AI, "Will you show an animation of the Aeon and the shuttle flying towards it."

As it played Freyja pointed to the shuttle then at herself and the ship around them.

Kata'nova stared at the holographic image, she could mostly understand it although it worried her that she was possibly going to another ship.
She kept her hand close to her sidearm, although this creatuer wasn't attacking her, in the back of her mind was thinking that it would happen eventually..

She glanced back at the hatch, a bit worried, before looking back at the creature.
Alpha Team

Saki felt impact that threw her back. Her armour as not showing any read lights so shield managed to tone it down. She shook her head and quickly rolled into cover getting back on her feet again. "Daijobu!" Saki responded to Torshiro and peeked out peppering the left enemy armour with her plasma rifle and firing a SLEX grenade at her.
Alpha Team

Two of the Kylies started to advance as the Aeon team hit them with a additional volleys. It was clear that the PA had lost its shields and the weapons were tearing into the armor plating and shrapnel flew in all directions. The weakened power armors continued to advance and then was engulfed in Saki's SLEX fireball.

The fireball was just about to collapse when it was blown outward when the lead PA self destructed. The force of the blast slammed into the away team pushing them away. Yoshiro was slammed into the prison wall and bounced off the parasite tank.

Two members of Gambit kicked open the upper door. There was a sound of gun fire from within the room but the Nekos had not fire. "Room secure sir. The occupant shot himself." they called out.
Kyoka, who had been on the side of the door, barely managed to pull herself back in time to avoid getting hit by the shockwave down the hall.

"Everyone still one one piece?" She asked, peering down the hall to check that the Kylies were down for good.
The Kylie's were definitely down, between the damage the squad had done and then the explosion, not one of the was physically intact. The tank containing the parasites had not gone unscathed. The exterior was pitted from debris and at least one possible crack in the containment vessel could be seen.
The alarms blared in his ears as he hit the containment tank. He was okay but for a broken rib or two. "I got two broken ribs but I am good to go." Yoshiro said over comms. When he turned to survey the damage he was in shock. "Tsubei-heisho, we have a problem! The containment tank I hit has a big crack in it!" he shouted in a bit of panic. He could be heard taking a deep breath to calm himself.
"Tanaka-hei, stay calm. Back out of the room, down this passage. Arai-hei, load up a SLEX round and stand next to me. The moment a hole opens in the tank, activate your Barrier module and fire. And for the last time, it is Tsubei-Juni!" Kyoka quickly formed up, pulling into the passage that she mentioned.

Here's to hoping we don't need any more of these. . . She thought, loading one of her last few shots in. She readied to fire, as her orders dictated.
Crash Site

The NMX Infantry were keeping behind as much natural cover as they could. They were not prepared to be fighting something as large as the Tenba was.

Although there were more of them showing up, and the sensors were picking up several large objects approaching on the ground, still too far for identification.

Alpha Team
The tank was not leaking but the parasites were swimming into the side of the tank in the hopes of breaking free. Whether this was out of desperation since the life support had been terminated or they sensed the damaged glass was unclear.
Yoshiro backed away, nearly shouting as he saw the parasites moving toward the crack. He gulped in a breath of air and then proceeded to where he was ordered to go by Tsubei-heisho. He had heard stories about what the parasites did and decided that he wasn't going to have that happen to him. He loaded a grenade into his launcher just in case he was needed but he knew that Tsubei-heisho had this situation in hand for the moment.

The two members of Gambit who went into the office went back in to get more information. After a few minutes, one of the Nekos came out. "Kurusu-Chusa, it appears that this was the Prison Warden. My partner is securing the security system so that we will control it. There was a folder on his desk, it is for a VIP prisoner who was being brought in for interrogation. The prisoner name is Shimizu-Taisho, she's alive ma'am."
It was seconds time in matter of seconds when Saki found herslef flat on her back. As soon as she got on her feet again, Saki fired another burts of plasma fire on the Kylies to make sure they will stay down.

"We won't get all of them with grenades!" Saki responded, but stood next to Kyoka with her grenade launches ready. "Don't you have a flamer?"
"Ah, right! Thank you!" Kyoka exclaimed, swapping out her rifle for the flamer that she had strapped to her back. It was ready to fire its bounty once the Parasites broke free.

Kata'nova stared nervously at the creature; and glanced down her armored suit at a hole that had been filled by the suits medical foam. She placed her hand on the foam, it was hard right now with a rough feel to it, although she was now feeling the wounds underneath it beginning to throb with pain again and knew that the pain-killers were beginning to wear off.

With a heavy sigh, she glanced up at the ceiling, then carefully removed her helmet and set it down in her lap. With it off, it was revealed that while she may have looked human, she was anything but. Her ears didn't resemble those of a human but rather something more closely resembling the ears of a fox, her face also had a light red color to it.

She had multiple cuts on her face, some of them still bleed while the others seemed to be scabs. Her ears were up and far back, any of her people would know that this meant that she was scaed, but anyone outside of her people wouldn't really know this.

"Xifsf bsf xf hpjoh?" She asked.

Freyja heard the young pilot speak again but to no avail, the language barrier was too great. She was surprised to see what the pilot was, even though she had never seen a race like the pilot's. "Well looks like we are going to need to figure out how to talk better. Oh yha I'm Freyja Oinari," She pointed to herself and said Freyja a couple more times. Then pointed to the pup "Who are you?"

The kit blinked her eyes, and used a free hand to wipe away some blood that had trickled into one. She wasn't sure what the creature had said, and why she was pointing to herself.

She was going to say something, but it dawned on her just then that it didn't matter how many times she spoke, this creature couldn't understand a word she was saying.

Kata'nova looked around the deck, but found nothing that she could use to try and draw a picture, given that this creature was doing the same thing - perhaps it was one means of communicating.
"Alive? We're in luck today. Once we have access to their systems, reset the automatic defenses to fire on our enemies only. I want everything open. Get ready to start flushing out cell blocks, we'll direct them to the shuttles from there."

Shimizu-taisho? She was alive, and this close to homespace?

Flipping back down to the floor, the XO moved behind the members of Gambit working on the controls, and updated the shuttle and the Aeon. "We are secure in the core, working on reversing systems and opening the doors. Expect prisoners to hit the shuttles soon. A high priority PoW is here, also have sickbay standing by."
Miyako said:
"We are secure in the core, working on reversing systems and opening the doors. Expect prisoners to hit the shuttles soon. A high priority PoW is here, also have sickbay standing by."

"Roger that, on approach, heavy 1 rescued pilot from an unknown fighter craft. Be advised that there is a large force moving in from the east , I will Stay airborne and continue supplying air support, until the POWs are loaded up on the other shuttles. Once the other shuttles are clear the area, or you call for emergency pick-up, then I will make the pick-up of you guys."

Freyja spoke calmly into her comms, before she handed the young pilot a grease pencil. She asked the shuttle's AI to changed the pictures on the screen to show the pup moving, with help of Freyja into the cockpit and sitting down in one of the pilot seat. She smiled and tried to look reassuring.

She sent a quick message to the Aeon telling them that she had the rescued pilot and she was hurt, but doesn't seem to speak any of their language.