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RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 7.2] Operation Payback - Fighter Launch

Alpha Bay

"And people think that we can't adapt and change," Yaeko responded jokingly to the Crew Chief's comment about airsickness bags. "And Negative on the change over. Reload any spent ordinance from their current payouts, especially with the mini-missile launchers, but other than that you have other things to worry about than the unnecessary desires of my squadron. I'll go take care of Spinner."

Jumping into the air again, she began floating over to Elisto. While she did, she began sending telepathic messages.

"Spinner, this is Hunter. One of your engines has sustained major damage and the ground crew doesn't think they can fix it in time. I'm reassigning you to the backseat of our newbie. Make sure he kill himself, and you should be able to keep the squadron monitored more easily that way. Meet him by his fighter, which is near Hibayashi-Heisho, and update him on our mission for me. Thanks.

Floating down next to Elisto's cockpit, she peered in. "What have you got for me Scrapyard?"
Elisto looked up at Hunter, then down at his ICP. "Data shows that we have a few unknown objects just at the edge of sensors, resolution isn't very clear so I can't determine whether it's our forces, NMX, or someone else. What I can say, is that some of the ships in the battle were damaged with weapons not consistant with any that we know of." He showed her the relevant data, the one that showed the odd blips at the edge of sensor resolution and another that showed the damage patterns and the results with no currently known weapons used by either Yamatai or any of their allies or enemies.

"Ma'am," Elisto leaned back in his seat. "I may be jumping the gun here a bit, but I think someone 'may' be helping us out here... other than our own forces naturally," he looked up at Hunter.
Hael reached the designated meeting area just in time to see Yaeko floating off again. He glanced around, unsure of what he was meant to do next. ~She must have something urgent,~ he thought with a frown.

With a reluctant sigh he shrugged and started on his way back to his fighter. There was nothing else to do now other than get his nerves in order. He would have to get briefed on the fly, he supposed. War time conditions were hardly ever ideal and Hael was determined to make the best out of the situation.
Kenshin leaned against his fighter, simply taking a breather. He had left briefly to get a quick drink, though refrained of using his scant minutes of respite to take a bite to eat. Instead the young minkan returned to his fighter craft and watched with mute interest as the deck crew of the Heitan checked his Kawarime for signs of battle damage and replaced the ships ordinance.

Once the crew had finished their job, Kenshin climbed back into the cockpit and bent over the controls, confirming for himself that everything was running smoothly.
Alpha Bay

Yaeko looked closer at the readings, rubbing her forehead as she did. "Is it possible that it's some sort of new weaponry? You're the black panel hear, do you think it's possible to create some sort of hyperspace or subspace weapon? You know, phase an energy blast into a separate dimension which then phases back in beyond the shields. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, you're probably right."

She paused to think again. "Unless we've planted troops, the only explanation is a rebellion, or a coup d'etat."
Alpha Bay

Elisto leaned back again and tapped his chin. "Phased based energy weapons have been theorized before, it's not impossible just very difficult to accomplish.. at least according to some scientific journals I've read in the past."

The soldier sat there in thought and stared at the data. "This is data only from our squadron, hmm.... after this mission I'd like to put in a request for the sensor data of 'all' of the squadrons to be made available to me so that I can go through all of it. For now, I think either it's a new weapon... or you're right, a coup d'etat might be going on.."
Alpha Bay

"Excuse the intrusion Hunter. We have completed reloading the secondary systems, and all fighters are carrying to Ke-Z2 bombs." Sekai said finding a pause her Yaeko and Elisto's discussion.

"We will be moving you folks into launch position in three minutes. Good Luck."
Silic frowned as he finished turning of the fighter. Stiffly he heaved himself from his seat and worked off his helmet, sighing in relief as his head was freed. He looked around from his elevated spot on the fighter before cautiously making his way down the ladder on legs that felt like jelly.

He puffed his cheeks and rubbed his eyes in fatigue, the prospect of another flight so soon into such crowded space didn't thrill him at all.

He trod up to Munkata and got left in the dust as she floated around.

"Nothing good ever comes out when she does that." he muttered to himself, resisting the urge to pull out an imaginary cigarette and light it like something out of noir.

He turned to see the ground crews already finishing up flight prep on their aircraft. "Damn, you guys work fast." he said, sounding mildly shocked.
Alpha Bay

"Yeah Tin Man, but we did not have a choice, Numa-Taii made it very clear that she would have any team that delayed the fighters launching on their sortie doing extra duty when the next shore leave comes up, as well as scullery duty.

You fighter is all rearmed. Good luck." The closest tech said before moving off.

Akemi and Kayo took advantage of the brief respite to get a drink and a quick bite to eat. They took advantage of the time to talk briefly and decompress because all too soon it would be back into the cockpit and launch time.
Alpha Bay

Yaeko frowned as she looked through the data. "Well, it looks like we're going to have to come back to this. I'll see about getting you data from some of the other squadrons to look over."

Floating back away from Elisto, Yaeko looked around at her squadron. "Alright everyone, suit back up and get ready to go! Fighters in launch positions in two minutes, be in them the moment they're in place. All armaments have been reloaded. I'll rebrief the mission once we're underway. Let's get some, Diamonds!"
Silic sighed. So this was who he was going to work with while the others had shore leave. Well, better the devil you knew. He turned to listen to Yaeko and sighed as she finished.

"Man, where can a bro get a drink when he needs it." he muttered angrily before stepping back up whence he came to the cockpit. "

Note to self: Get robot legs next time as well." he muttered darkly as he awkwardly rolled into the cockpit trying to get his tired, jelly-like legs work their way in.
Anne feel the fighter not respond very well on fly back to Heitan. Message from Yaeko explained why. The helashio herself had no idea how could the engine get damaged, but it got hectic few times out there. It was more strange that her damage control did not get it.

Roger that Hunter,

I will find the flyboy and also get technicians to put a wavefront module on his fighter so I can help out with jamming and get extra scanning power. I hope you won't mind that, since it will limit offensive power on his Kawarime a bit.

Anne typed quickly on her communicator and send the message to Yaeko, while she ate a sandwich with her other hand. She then contacted the Ship AI to lead her to the new addition to the team. She found him soon. A Young, tall and blonde cutie. Though he was not taller then Anne herself, which was good. She was not exactly happy about being tallest person in the squadron.

"Konichiwa," she greeted the pilot with smile and slight bow. The tag on his flight-suit said Halcyon. "I am Anne, the squadron's flight surgeon. I am going to fly with you on this mission in the back-seat. By machine broke."
Hael looked at Anne approvingly for a moment, noting that she was even taller than he was. The mention of her machine breaking in a previous operation frayed his already thin nerves. Another deep breath and hard swallow and he was able to keep it together.

He gave her a bow in return, low enough befitting that she had more experience in fighter operations than he did in the 21st. "Welcome aboard Anne. Make sure you hold on tight," he said jokingly as he climbed into the pilot position before offering to help her into her seat.
Yaeko began floating back towards her fighter. Looking around, she located Sekai again.

"Heisho!" She shouted, "Get a wavefront module on the newbie's fighter for Anne to use."

Looking back around, she continued shouting.

"I see a few people not headed towards their fighters!"
Alpha Deck

Hearing the call to get ready for launch Kayo turned to Akemi. "One more time. I just hope this bombing mission goes better than the training one we had."

"This time it is for real, that gives people an edge. But it also increases the risk. At least resistance should be less since other waves have gone on ahead." Akemi replied and headed to her fighter. She put a hand on the fuselage, "just another dance, you and me." she whispered to the fighter. She then scrambled up the ladder and dropped into the seat.

Kayo flew up and into her fighter. Even as she was securing herself in the seat, she was going through her pre-flight via SPINE.

Sekai looked at Yaeko. Really, is this some kind of test. she thought. "Okay, you heard the Shoi, get a wavefront over to 0172 ASAP!" she yelled as she ran over to the fighter and started work on removing one of the defensive modules.
Settling into the cockpit of her fighter Yaeko looked back at the ground crews now scrambling to complete their task.

"I'll get your crew a round when we return Sekai!" Yaeko called out as she closed her canopy and began starting up her fighter again. Laying back, she connected into SPINE and accessed the comms channel.

"60 seconds Diamonds, then we launch."
"You know I always hate it when you float like that." Silic said accusingly, looking up a Yaeko with an annoyed expression.
Anne smiled at the young pilot. She put her helmet on and started walking towards the fighter. The ground crews were already moving towards the fighter too, and she could see a wavefront module dragged behind them.

"Don't worry," Anne replied to Halcyon. "I had my share of crazy flying in past. By the way you can call my spinner out there. It is my callsign." She said as she climbed into the fighter. It was funny climbing in the back. It was the first time she flew as an EWO. It will be good, she will have time to focus on scanners and wavefront module.
Errowyn finished up her pre-flight exterior checks, taking notice of the ordinance she was carrying on the new kawarime as she listened to the ground crew chief rant and rave abuut her bringing back a barely operational fighter.

"hai" Errowyn spoke agreeing with her, knowing it was the Ground Chief's way of showing concern towards the Kawarime Pilots. "Don't want ya guys from getting too bored while we fighters have all the fun."

Which set off another stream of choice words from the Ground Chief, Errowyn nodded as she climbed into the cockpit of the new fighter, abiet used and just coming from being rebuilt.

As she was finishing up the last of the pre-flight and connecting to the SPINE interface. Getting comfortable as securing the straps for the atmosphere run.

Errowyn agreed with the Crew Chief, she did push her luck bigtime. ~~Thanks for covering my tail~~ Sending a quick mental message to Murasaki.

-= "Hellcat ready to launch" =- Errowyn spoke softly over the squadron's frequency.
Hael nodded as he sat in his seat, hooking himself into the SPINE and once again beginning his pre-flights checks as his fighter warmed up. "Call me Hael," he said to Anne as the cockpit closed around them. "At least until I earn my own call sign."

He wasn't sure how long the arrangement was going to last, but he was glad to have an EWO in the back. She would undoubtedly be a huge help to him as a rookie flyboy.
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